2013 INT Contest Questions Flashcards
What can change the genetic make-up of a population?
mutation, selection, migration
Spell Oberhasli!
Give 3 causes for mastitis.
failure to teat dip, poor housing/environment, poor milking practices, faulty milking equipment, poor sanitation, stray voltage
Name 3 symptoms of clinical mastitis.
flakes, clots, stringy milk, watery milk, hot quarter, swollen quarter, presence of blood
What is the cow’s first line of defense against mastitis?
What is the common name for traumatic gastritis?
hardware diesease
How long is the average standing heat?
2-12 hours with an average of 7 hours
What is the most concentrated dietary energy source for dairy cattle?
Give two uses for ultrasound.
pregnancy check, determine sex, monitor cystic ovaries
What are the 4 elements used to calculate DCAD value?
sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur
What is the most economically detrimental parasite?
brown stomach worms
How many alleles are on each locus?
two alleles on each locus++
Vitamin E functions much like what mineral?
What is the basic unit of inheritance?
At what temp is the water used to wash a bulk tank?
160 degree
What is a polysaccharride?
several simple sugars linked together form a polysaccharide,
How can heat damage in haylage be determined?
dark color, burnt odor
A lack of what mineral causes grass tetany?
What measure shows how well nitrogen and fermentable carbohydrates are balanced in the ration?
MUN - milk urea nitrogen
What is considered the best material for covering a bunker silo?
What is ADG and how is it used?
average daily gain, used to monitor growth rates in heifers
When does estrogen level peak?
peaks at standing estrus (heat)
Name the two first limiting amino acids.
methionine, lysine
What is a sanitary trap and how is it used?
a vessel between the milk and air sysytems to limit the movement of liquids and other contaminants between the two systems
A decrease on a milk fat test could be caused by what?
finely chpped feed, low fiber content, illness, estrus, hot weather
The corpus luteum is present during what stage of the estrous cycle?
Define RFV
relative feed value - number used to determine market quality of hay, expressed as a percent
How often is the genetic base for USDA-AIPL genetic evaluations updated?
every five years
Name a requirement for adequate, effective cleaning of milking systems.
time, temperature, concentration
Give an example of a high protein concentrate.
soybean meal **
Name 3 diseases that can cause abortions.
brucellosis, listeriosis, neospors, IBR
Name three raw milk quality tests.
acid degree value, freezing point, SCC, antibiotic test
Give three things found on a feed label.
name of feed, ingredients, directions, guaranteed analysis (this gives things like crude protein, crude fat, calcium, salt, etc.), cautions, name of company making feed
What do the letters CV mean on a Holstein pedigree?
animal carries gene for CVM - complex vertebral malformation - CV is genetic code, TVM means tested and is not a carrier
What is involution?
the process where the udder reverts to a non-milking-producing state after drying off
What is a springing heifer?
A heifer that will deliver her calf in 2-3 weeks.
Name 3 estrus synchronization programs.
Ovsynch, Pre-Synch, Heat-Synch, Co-Synch
What percent of bodyweight should a calf be fed in milk or milk replacer per day?
What percent of bodyweight should a calf be fed in milk or milk replacer per day?
What are the top 3 states for pounds of milk per cow for 2012?
1) New Mexico, 2) Arizona, 3) Colorado
In order to qualify for “Star of the Breed Award” where must a cow place in a National show?
must place in top 5
How many pounds per day must a Holstein calf gain to be the correct body size for breeding at the most beneficial time?
1-1.5 lbs/day
When browsing seed catalogs and silage plot reports, it is important to focus on what three factors?
yield (how much corn it will produce), starch content (which delivers energy to cow), fiber digestibility (how easy it will be for cow to digest)
What is a laceration?
a cut
The letters HL represent the genetic code for what?
During what season would a human being need to supplement Vitamin D?
Where in the dairy cow is the milk stored before milking?
teat cistern
Define pathogen.
any microorganism that causes disease
What temperature should milk be stored at in a bulk tank to maintain the best quality?
UNDER 40 degrees
What is a toxin?
a poison produced by microorganisms that kills cells
Milk in a bulk tank must be cooled to what temperature, and in what time frame?
must be cooled to 45 degrees or less within two hours
What is the average pounds of milk production per day per cow in the US?
73 pounds of milk/ day
What is amylase, what is its purpose, and where is it found?
enzyme that digests starches, found in saliva and small intestine
What measure shows how well nitrogen and fermentable carbohydrates are balanced in the ration?
MUN - milk urea nitrogen
What is the benefit of a highly digestinle forage?
a highly digestible forage can reduce feed costs by allowing the farmer to remove grain from the ration, and support higher feed intake and milk yeild
What is udder edema?
swelling of the udder, (due to excessive amounts of lymph accumulating between the skin and udder tissue)