2014 JR Exam Questions Flashcards
The CMT is used to detect what type of infection?
Which of the stomach compartments is closest to the stomach?
Red, red & white, or roan are the colors used to describe which breed?
Milking Shorthorn
In days, how long is the pregnancy period for a dairy cow?
280 days
What is another name for a displaced abomasum?
twisted stomach
What vitamin is necessary because it helps clot the blood?
Vitamin K
If a sperm bearing the Y chromosome fertilizes an egg what sex will the offspring be?
male (XY)
What disease is known as acetonemia?
Which breed of dairy cow has the longest gestation period?
Brown Swiss
Which hormone blocks milk let-down?
What do the initials A.I. stand for when talking about breeding cows?
artificial insemination
What type of milking parlor is the most common in use today?
For a calf to be called a spring heifer calf, what months does she have to be born?
March, April, May
What is another name for the corpus luteum?
yellow body
What is the main function of the omasum?
dehydration of feed (squeezing all water out of feed0
What substance should a newborn animal’s navel be dipped in?
What is the name for a substance that has a pH below 7?
below 7 - acid (above 7 - base)
In the rumen carbohydrates are converted into VFA’s. VFA stands for what?
volatile fatty acids
What is the only part of the milking system that touches the cow?
teat cup liner
Who is the current US Secretary of Agriculture?
Tom Vilsack
What magazine is known as the “national dairy farm magazine”?
Hoard’s Dairyman
What is the normal respiratory rate for a cow?
30 breaths per minute
How often should a bulk tank be washed and sanitized?
every time it is emptied
The main type of mastitis that is characterized by visible abnormalities in the udder or milk is called?
clinical mastitis
What do the letters USDA stand for?
United States Department of Agriculture
Why would a farmer use copper sulfate on a dairy farm?
as a foot bath additive
When posing your COW for the judge, her rear leg closest to the judge should be where?
slightly forward of the other leg
What is a record of ancestry?
What is the primary protein found in milk?
Which breeds can be identified by a photo or sketch?
Holstein, Guernsey, Ayrshire
What breed is the smallest dairy cattle breed?
What is the name for the clusters of milk secreting cells in the udder of a dairy cow?
What is the period when a cow is not producing milk?
The process that turns cream into butter is called what?
On average, how many days are there between heat periods in a dairy cow?
21 days
What part of the back lies between the withers and the middle of the back on both dairy cows and dairy goats?
Why do farmers put a K-MAR patch on the rump of their cows?
to detect heat
What is the term for an animal that never grows horns because of its genetic make-up?
Approximately how much blood must be pumped thru the udder to produce one pound of milk?
400 LBS
How may teeth does a mature dairy cow have?
Which of the cow’s stomach compartments is the largest?
The correct place to give an intramuscular injection is where?
Milk is usually fortified with what two vitamins?
Vitamin A and D
Classification is the term used for comparing a cow or doe to what?
the ideal for her breed
What is the animal’s safety zone?
flight zone
Name three sources of genetic change in a population?
migration, mutation, selection
What three colors are found in registered Holsteins?
black, white, red
What is the normal body temperature of a healthy calf?
102.5 ºF
Perennials have a life cycle of how long?
more than two years