2015 SR Exam Questions Flashcards
What breed of dairy cattle comes in colors of red, white and roan?
milking shorthorn
Name a factor that that might be considered when establishing milking groups.
body condition, lactation number, stage of lactation, production, reproductive status
Which volatile fatty acid is the primary source of energy and milkfat?
acetic acid
What are the basic building blocks of carbohydrates?
monosaccharides or simple sugars
Which is more expensive: whole milk, reduced fat milk, or fat-free milk
whole milk
WHich parent determines the sex of the off spring?
What class of milk is used to make butter and milk in dried form?
Class IV
COws that are not cycling properly from a reproductive standpoint are called what?
Name the season of the year when retained placenta incidence is highest?
WHat term describes a calf that is born where the tail and the butt come first?
As the temperature humidity index rises above what degree, do cows become heat stressed?
64º - 70º
According to Dairy Herd Management, what substance can be used in place of concrete in the floors of bunker silos? Is it typically cheaper than concrete and lasts many years longer.
What hormone produced by the corpus luteum is necessary for maintenance of pregnancy?
What are the 3 places where pathogenic organisms may gain entry into a newborn calf’s body?
mouth, nose, navel
What is the enzyme that breaks down butterfat?
What is the hormone released by the pineal gland in response to longer daylight?
What does the acronym BTSCC stand for?
bulk tank somatic cell count
What term is given to the percent of services that result in a pregnancy?
conception rate
The Hoard’s Dairy Judging Contest consists of how many classes?
5 classes
How many upper front teeth does a cow have?
Yogurt must contain a minimum of how much fat?
Which mineral is most likely to cause toxicity in dairy cattle?
You purchased 100 pounds of 8-12-10 fertilizer. How many pounds of nitrogen are in the fertilizer?
8 pounds
As a plant ages, what happens to the digestibility?
In udder anatomy, what is strutting?
condition where the teats point out too much
Frozen colostrum can be safely stored for how long?
1 year
What is the most popular milk sold in the U.S.?
2% Milk
What term describes the cyclic opening and closing of the teat cup liner in a milking system?
What nutrient comprises approximately 75% of a cow by weight?
During the final stages of fermentation, silage should be at what temperature?
Name the two classifications of amino acids.
essential and non-essential
The Department of Public Works in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is using what cheesy new enemy for icy roads?
cheese brine
What are two heat detection aids that can be used on a dairy farm?
heat expectancy charts, tail chalk, pedometers, accelerometers, pressure sensors, electronic heat detection systems, detector animals
Most milks are fortified with Vitamin D. Why is Vitamin D important in the diet?
builds strong bones and teeth; helps with calcium absorption
What part of the animal is used as a reference point to determine the height of the udder floor?
What mineral is deficient if you see white muscle disease, low fertility, or retained placenta?
How many pounds of milk does it take to make one pound of authentic Greek yogurt?
4 pounds
At what age does a calf begin to chew its cud?
2-3 weeks
What is the name of the new facility that replaced the old dairy barns at the site of the World Dairy Expo?
New Holland Pavilion
What is one reason brown midrib corn varieties are desirable in a lactating cow’s ration?
decreased lignin content, increased fiber digestibility
What is another term for mastication?
chewing cud
What does PTI stand for in terms of genetics?
Production-Type Index
What is the proper name for Mad Cow Disease?
Bovine SPongiform Encephalopathy
Which acid found in milk had been shown to prevent cancer?
conjugated linoleic acid CLA
Assuming a 100% heat detection rate, how many cows would be pregnant after the third breeding in a 200 cow breeding herd, with a 50% conception rate?
What is often added to fat free milk to whiten it?
titanium dioxide
A deficiency in this vitamin causes loss of hair and excess salivation?
riboflavin (Vitamin B)
How many pounds of silage at 50% moisture must be fed to have 1000 pounds of dry matter?
2000 pounds
On average, what percent of cows experience clinical milk fever, characterized by a blood calcium level less than 5 mg/dL?
What cells in a cow’s body contain no nucleus?
erythrocytes, red blood cells