2013 INT Exam Questions Flashcards
When does the metabolic disorder, Milk Fever, typically occur?
72 hours after calving *Note: answer was 48 hours
What document establishes the standards for Grade A milk?
PMO - Pasteurized Milk Ordinance
What are the building blocks of fats and lipids?
fatty acids
What is the reference point used to determine udder height?
How long is the average estrous cycle in a cow?
average is 21 (varies from 18-24)
The esophagus connects what two organs together?
mouth and rumen
What are leukocytes?
white blood cells
What is a pathogen?
microorganism that carries disease
Cows that do not cycle properly from a reproductive standpoint are called what?
Give two reasons to add molasses to a dry ration.
improves taste (palatability) and reduces dustiness
What is another term for “laceration”?
What is the process that heats milk in order to kill bacteria?
What prevalent dairy cattle disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP)?
Johne’s disease
What nutrient comprises approximately 75 percent of a cow by weight?
If you see #X in a dairy animal’s production record, what does it mean?
cow was milked 3 times a day
What is the common name for Parturient Paresis?
Milk Fever
Antibodies are also known as what?
Exposing milk to sunlight or copper will result in what off-flavor?
oxidized flavor
What state ranked highest in milk production in 2011?
What vitamin is responsible for the clotting of blood?
vitamin K
Why would a dairyman include sodium bentonite in a dairy ration?
as a binder for mycotoxins
What are proteins that are not broken down in the rumen, but are digested in the abomasum or intestines called?
RUP - rumen undegradable protein OR by-pass protein
A dairy cow’s weight can be evaluated using a body condition scoring system, what are the highest and lowest numbers a cow can receive, and what would each number mean?
lowest score 1 - emaciated, severe under conditioning AND highest score 5 - severe overconditioning, excessively FAT!
What is the name for mineral deposits on milk handling equipment?
milk stone
What are the two main gases produced in the rumen?
What compound is used to freeze semen?
liquid nitrogen
How many pairs of chromosomes does a dairy cow have?
30 pair
What is the name of the 18-carbon fatty acid present in milk, particularly from cows grazing pasture, which has been found to have cancer prevention effects?
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
When looking at DHIA papers, what do the letters SCC stanf for?
somatic cell count
How many amino acids are considered essential for dairy cows?
Skim milk contains how many grams of fat?
0 grams
How much saliva does a cow produce each day?
50-80 quarts (12-20 gallons)
What is the process in which vitamins are added to milk?
How many calories are in a 8 oz. cup of low fat milk?
100 calories
What is the term for an animal that never grows horns, because of its genetic make-up?
Blackleg is found in which two species?
cattle and sheep
The rumen makes up what percentage of a newborn calf’s somach capacity?
Bloat is a dangerous condition that occurs in dairy animals, making them unable to do what?
belch, burp
What is a protein that acts as a catalyst in starting or speeding up specific chemical reactions called?
What major udder support divides the udder in half when viewed from the rear?
median suspensory ligament
What hormone causes follicles to grow?
FSH - follicle stimulating hormone
What state made the most milk per cow in 2011?
New Mexico
Where does fertilization of the egg occur?
Name two ways a cow loses water?
breathing, urine, feces, sweat, milk
Where is a dairy cow’s point of balance?
Name two external parasites or insects that affect cattle.
biting and sucking lice, ticks, mites, heel flies, horn flies, black flies, mosquitoes, horse flies, deer flies
What milk test is used to detect rancidity?
acid degree value
What are the two most popular varieties of cheese in the U.S.?
cheddar and mozzarella
What calving ease score would be recoded for a Holstein cow if the calving was extremely difficult?
What is given to a cow to prevent hardware disease?