General anaesthetics Flashcards
Objective of anaesthesia?
Inducing a lack of feeling (lack of sensation and pain)
Who was the father of surgical anaesthesia?
Hua Tuo
Who was the first surgeon who used N2O as a GA?
Crawford Long
Triad of general anaesthetics?
Unconsciousness, analgesia, muscle relaxation
How many stages of anaesthesia are there?
What is stage 1 of anaesthesia?
Conditions of stage 1 of anaesthesia?
conscious, drowsy, anticonception, amnesia
What is stage 2 of anaesthesia?
Conditions of stage 2 of anaesthesia?
loss of consciousness, delirium, irregular cardiorespiration, apnea, spasticity, gagging, vomiting
What is stage 3 of anaesthesia?
Conditions of stage 3 of anaesthesia?
regular respiration, loss of reflex and muscle tone
What is stage 4 of anaesthesia?
medullary paralysis
Conditions of stage 4 of anaesthesia?
Depression of cardiorespiration, death
Why is stage 1 of GA used for childbirth?
Want some lack of sensation but still need to be awake
How do you go from one stage of GA to a higher stage?
Increase the dose or potency of the GA
Which compound is used to induce stage 1 GA?
Which stage of GA causes erratic breathing?
What is a warning sign to an anaesthetist that a patient is too deeply anaesthetised?
Action of intercostal muscles decreasing
What are the four stages of stage 3 of GA?
Planes 1,2,3, and 4
When is the pupilary light reflex visible?
S3, planes 2-end of 3
When during GA does the corneal reflex stop?
Precise aim of GA?
S3, P1 OR 2
When in GA is the respiratory response to skin inscision lost?
Midway through S3P2