Exam 2 – Cardio Ch 18 Flashcards
What roles does the nervous system have in regulation of the circulation?
Redistribution of blood flow
increasing or decreasing pumping activity of heart
rapid control of arterial pressure
regulates via autonomic nervous system
What is the sympathetic nervous system important in?
Control of circulation
What is the parasympathetic nervous system important in?
Regulating heart function
What do sympathetic nerve fibers innervate?
All vessels except capillaries and precapillary sphincters and some metarterioles
Large veins and the heart
What do innervation of small arteries and arterioles allow sympathetic nerves to do?
Increase vascular resistance
What is the parasympathetic nervous system mainly important in control of?
Heart rate via the vagus nerve
Where are vasocontrictor fibers distributed?
Throughout all segments of circulation
What are the areas of greater distribution of vasoconstrictor fibers?
What are the areas of less potent vasoconstrictor fibers?
Coronary circulation
What is arterial pressure?
Cardiac output X total peripheral resistance
What can arterial pressure be increased by?
Constricting almost all arterioles of body = increased total peripheral resistance
Constricting large vessels (veins) of circulation = increasing venous return and cardiac output
Directly increasing cardiac output by increasing heart rate and contractility
What is VMC?
Vasomotor center
Where does VMC transmit impulses?
Downward through cord to almost all blood vessels
Where is VMC located?
Bilaterally in the reticular substance of the medullar and the lower third of pons
What is the VMC composed of?
Vasoconstrictor area
Vasodilator area
Sensory area
What does the VMC have input to?
Both sympathetic and parasympathetic
How do many higher centers of the brain influence VMC?
Many higher centers of brain such as the hypothalamus can exert powerful excitatory or inhibitory effects of VMC
Define sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone
Vasoconstrictor area of VMS transmits signals continuously to sympathetic nerve fibers
Define vasomotor tone
Maintain partial state of contraction in blood vessels
What do large portions of VMC do?
Increase heart rate and contractility
What do medial portion of VMC do?
Transmit via vagus nerve to heart to decrease heart rate
How does VMC increase arterial pressure within seconds by?
Constricting almost all arterioles of the body which increases total peripheral resistance
Constricting large vessels of the circulation thereby increasing venous return and cardiac output
Directly increases cardiac output by increasing heart rate and contractility
When can rapid increases of arterial pressure occur?
During exercise or with fright
Look at arterial pressure chart
Look at arterial pressure chart
What is the neurotransmitter for vasoconstrictor nerves?