Endocrine Flashcards
Glactorrhea, amenorrhea, HA, dec libido, vision loss
Prolactinoma - pituitary adenoma
Tx = DA agonist bromocriptine
KIDS, excess GH
Inc GH, IGF-1, lack GH supression by oral glucose
Acromegaly - GH secreting adenoma
- Death = cardiac failure
- Secondary DM d/t GH indices glucose production
- Tx = Octreotide (dec GHRH release)
Post-partum poor lactation & loss of pubic hair
Sheehan syndrome - infarction of pituitary
Polyuria, polydipsia, hyperNa, high serum osmolarity, low urine osmolarity…water deprivation fails to concentrate urine
Central diabetes insipidus
tx = desmopressin
Polyuria, polydipsia, hyperNa, high serum osmolarity, low urine osmolarity…no response to desmopressin
Nephrogenic DI
- lithium, demeclocyline
Tx = HTCZ, indomethacin, amiloride
Low serum Na, osmolarity, mental status change, seizures
SIADH - small cell or cyclophsophamide
HypoNa –> neuronal swelling, cerebral edema
Tx = water restriction, demeclocycline
Inc in BMR & sympathetics in hyperthyroidism
Inc Na/K ATPase
Inc B1 adrenergic
Cholesterol & blood sugar profile in hyperthyroidism
LOW cholesterol
HIGH glucose
Young woman with a diffuse goiter, pre-tibial myexedema, hyperthyroidism, diplopia, eye redness, proptosis, EOM weakness
Grave Disease
IgG Ab to TSH receptor
- in eye and tibia
- Lymphocytes–> inc fibroblasts –> GAGs & edema
Tx = BBs, thioamide, radiation
Scalloping of colloid
Grave disease
High total, free T4, low TSH
Grave disease
Arrhythmia, hyperthermia, vomiting, hypovolemic shock following surgery or childbirth
Thyroid storm
Tx = PTU, BBs, steroids
Pot bellied, puffy face, MR, short stature, enlarged tongue, umbilical hernia
- maternal hypothyroidism, agenesis, iodine deficiency
Congenital defect in TH most commonly involves what enzyme?
Thyroid peroxidase
Most common causes of hypothyroidism
1 = Hasmimoto’s
Iodine deficiency, Lithium, surgical ablation from Grave’s
Dx = Measure TSH*
Hyper –> hypothyroidism, anti-thyroglobulin, anti-microsomal Ab, atrophic follicles
Low T4, high TSH
Chronic inflammation of thyroid w/ germinal centers and Hurthle cells
Hx of Hashimotos presents w/ enlarging thyroid…Dx?
Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
Hypothyroidism following flu-like illness, tender thyroid, inc ESR
Subacute, granulomatous (De quervain) thyroiditis
#1 = echovirus Coxsackie, measles, mumps, adeno
Mixed cellular infiltrate w/ GIANT cells
Young female w/ dyspnea, hypothyroidism, and hard as wood thyroid, extensive fibrosis
Reidal fibrosing thyroiditis
- younger than anaplastic carcinoma
Method to sample thyroid
Cancerous thyroid Iodine uptake
Thyroid mass surrounded by dense fibrous capsule
Follicular adenoma
Thyroids carcinomas
- Papillary - RET
- Follicular - RAS
- Medullary - RET
- Anaplastic
Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
Hx ionizing radiation/acne
Orphan annie eye nuclei
Excellent prognosis
Most common thyroid carcinoma
Nuclear grooves and white central clearing in the nucleus, concentrically calcified structures in thyroid gland
Papillary carcinoma
- “ground glass,” Orphan Annie eyes, Psamomma bodies
Thyroid mass surrounded by dense fibrous capsule with invasion through capsule
Follicular CARCINOMA
- FNA cannot distinguish
- spread hematogenous NOT LNs like other carcinomas
- microfollicles
Low serum Ca, malignant cells in amyloid stroma
Medullary carcinoma
- parafollicular C cells –> calcitonin
- Assoc w/ MEN 2A/B
Medullary carcinoma, pheo, parathyoid adenoma
- RET mutation
Draw a square
Medullary carcinoma, pheo, mucosal/ganglionueromas, marfanoid habitus
- RET mutation
Draw a triangle
Elderly, dysphagia, resp compromise, thyroid mass
Anaplastic carcinoma
- highly malignant, poor prognosis