Diseases CPA #4 Flashcards
pathogen name: Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Garderella vaginalis.
Pathogen Type: bacteria
Key s/s: bdominal pain and inflammation of the uterus, uterine tubes, or ovaries. If left untreated, it can result in ectopic pregnancies, sterility, miscarriages, and possibly cause the development of cervical cancer.
transmitted: sexually transmitted
Pathogen Name: Candida albicans
pathogen type: fungi
key s/s: white plaque on affected tissue and curd-like vaginal discharge
transmission: ocal pH becomes more basic than normal and is common with broad spectrum antibiotics that effect the normal microbiota. this can be spread human to human and to babies during birth.
key point: it is common in women (75% of females get it at least once).
Pathogen Name: Gardenella Vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis
Pathogen Type: bacteria
key s/s: foul/fishy odor and occassion itchiness or irritation. However, it is common that there are no signs and symptoms exhibited by infected people.
contracted: naturally occurring G. vaginalis living in the vagina if it over grows due to a drop in PH or a drop in other naturally occurring microorganisms, mainly lactobaccili. It can also be contracted due to multiple sex partners and douching, or the use of antibiotics.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Key Pathogen: Staphylococcal aureus
Pathogen Type: bacteria
key s/s: Sudden onset high fever, vomiting, rash, extremely low blood pressure and sore throat. You can go into shock from low blood pressure.
contracted: Menstruating women who use highly absorbent tampons for extended periods, newly delivered mothers, and surgery patients are at higher risk
Staphylococcal TSS
Key Pathogen: Treponema pallidum
Pathogen Type: Bacteria
Key s/s: primary - small painless lesions (chancres); secondary - rash; Latent period - can last several years; tertiary - dementia, blindness, paralysis, heart failure, syphalytic gummas
transmission: sexually; during birth
Key Pathogen: Escherichia coli
Pathogen type: bacteria
key s/s: painful urination, your urine may be cloudy, bloody and have a foul odor.
transmission: improper wiping
bacterial UTI