Crossword Diseases CPA 11-15 Flashcards
disease in which reddening of skin appears to have distinct margins as if it “painted in the skin”
disease likely transmitted by consuming raw/undercooked chicken/turkey; caused by C. jejuni bacteria
campylobacter diarrhea
severe form of chlamydial STD; genital lesion results in bubo formation that may rupture and produce a sore
lymphogranuloma venereum
disease causes jaundice and dark urine; liver becomes inflamed and may become damaged or develop into liver cancer
viral hepatitis
disease that causes vesicles to appear on skin that looks like “teardrops on petals”; caused by a herpesvirus
chicken pox
caused by the salmonella bacterium; may last up to 4 weeks and result in death
typhoid fever
disease normally obtained by animals; endospores from this disease cause eschars
disease caused by latent virus that can spread via fomites and remain at the base of the nerve until reoccurrence; circumcision reduces chances of disease infection and proper condom use is not always preventative
disease caused by a herpesvirus; results in enlarged cells; teratogenic in fetuses
most common bacteria pneumonia
pneumococcal pneumonia
disease that is transmitted from bats; body is depleted of clotting factors
virus that infects the lower respiratory system; aka the flu
disease that results when gram positive mycoplasma bacteria increase mucus production and inhibits ciliary escalator
primary atypical pneumonia
disease that starts with hot, VERY painful, sunburn-like rash
necrotizing fasciitis
disease caused by a protozoan usually obtained via sexual intercourse; protozoan only lives in vaginas, urethras, and prostates
disease that remains latent in sensory nerves and develops into intensely painful rash in skin at the end of the nerve
disease caused by prions; aka mad cow disease in cows
common fungal disease; caused by H. capsulatum obtained from soil that contains bird feces
disease characterized by 5-10 clear, watery, foul-smelling bowel movements per day; anti-microbial associated disese
disease characterized by Kopliks spots that are described as “crystals of salt surrounded by a red halo” in mucus membrane of mouth
disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted by a tick; produces a bullseye rash
bacterial infection that is commonly observed in burn victims; bacteria produces pyocyanin (blue/green)
pseudomonas infection
disease caused by a curved rod bacteria with a flagellum that can survive in salt or fresh water; results in “rice-water stool”
disease caused by C. trachomatis bacteria
disease that results in thick, bloody sputum due to gram negative bacterial destruction of alveoli
klebsiella pneumonia
disease caused by a mycobacterium that infects the lungs
disease caused by E. coli and contraction of the disease usually indicates poor sewage treatment in the visited area
travelers diarrhea
disease that results from infection by trypanosome brueci; results in extreme drowsiness, lack of appetite, coma then death
african trypanosomiasis
disease caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito; aka break bone fever
dengue hemorrhagic fever
disease that is the most common respiratory disease in newborns and young children; results in the formation of giant, multinucleate cells where virus infected cells fuse with other cells and these can plug bronchioles
disease obtained from the inhalation of dried deer mouse urine, feces, or saliva
type of bacterial gastroenteritis; bacteria produces enterotoxins called shiva toxins
disease is a type of bacterial gastroenteritis; results in frequent loose stools, with blood and mucus
disease caused by protozoan C. parvum
causal organism of this disease is found in 1/3 of all chicken eggs
disease in which pus vesicles rupture (usually on skin between between nose and mouth) and form a “thick honey colored sticky crust”
disease that is caused by bacteria that can cause infertility in males and males; aka flow of seed
virus that infects the upper respiratory system; virus replicates best in the cooler temps of nasal cavity
common cold
disease that is leading cause of non traumatic blindness in humans; means roughness in greek, caused by Chlamydia