Diseases CPA 1-5 Flashcards
disease caused by bacteria that grows especially well. in blood-soaked material
staphylococcus TSS
disease can be obtained from poor canning technique; can result from giving honey to an infant (floppy baby); death results from paralysis of the diaphragm
disease caused by the fungus C. neoformans; common in immunocompromised individuals
cryptococcal meningitis
disease commonly caused by the norovirus; aka stomach flu
viral gastroenteritis
disease caused by a protozoan that is transmitted by sand flies from infected dogs or rodents
general term that refers to bacteria in the blood
aka trench mouth; severe peridontal disease
ANUG (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis)
disease usually caused by propionibacterium; disease is not aggravated by the consumption of certain foods
disease caused by yersinia pestis
disease caused by the protozoa E. histolytica that can be spread via mechanical vectors
symptom found in several diseases; smooth, enlarged, reddened, and painfully inflamed lymph nodes
disease caused by helicobacter pylori; may be obtained from cat feces
peptic ulcer disease
disease caused by a helminth; aka swimmers itch
severe form of toxemia with septic shock; sudden blood pressure drop and may result in liver and kidney failure
streptococcal TSS
aka lockjaw; disease causes death due to unrelenting contraction of the diaphragm
disease caused by treponema pallidum; begins as chancre and can eventually result in insanity if left untreated
zoonosis caused by a bacterium so small that it can pass through unbroken skin; aka rabbit fever, tick fever, etc.
disease from a bacterial infection that inflames and damages kidneys; reduces urine output and urine contains blood
disease caused by a bacterium that can form vegetations that can cause blood clots, strokes, or heart valve failure
symptom found in several diseases; inflamed lymphatic vessels become visible as red streaks under the skin
disease usually caused by S. aureus and results in hair follicle infection
disease mostly transferred to humans from bats; results from hydrophobia in patients
general term that refers to damaging microbe produced chemicals in the blood
disease that results in a fishy odor and white discharge due to a disruption in normal lactobacilli
bacterial vaginosis
disease also known as aseptic meningitis because no bacteria are found in a CSF tap; caused by picornaviridae (ss RNA virus)
viral meningitis
aka papillomas; disease can be transferred via direct contact or fomites
disease characterized by a milky CSF and inflammation of the pia and arachnoid maters
bacterial meningitis
disease that causes black vomit; use a mosquito vector to transmit an ssRNA virus
yellow fever
symptom found in several diseases; small, dark purple hemorrhages of blood vessels in the skin
more common in women than men due to shorter urethra
bacterial uti
beef tapeworm
taenia saginata
disease caused by a protozoan; stool has a rotten egg smell
disease caused by fungal infection; may occur due to local pH becoming more basic than normal; curdlike discharge
vaginal candidiasis
disease caused by a microbe that is not very virulent and prefers cooler areas of the body; (nose, fingers, toes, etc)
disease caused by an arachnid that usually bites at night and may be found in bedding
disease caused by the fungus malassez furfur that interferes with melanin production and feeds on secreted sebum on the skin
petyriasis versicolor
pork tapeworm
taenia solium
general term for microbial infection of the blood
disease characterized by inflammation and pain in the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries; may cause ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, sterility, and development of cervical cancer
flat, segmented tapeworm