What chickens can teach us about hierarchies? Flashcards
A hierarchy is a way of organizing people e.g., in a company, where there are people working @ different levels. You’ve got bosses, managers & workers.
The workers do the work & the managers have meetings that stop the workers doing the work!
What’s the connection between hierarchies & chickens?
A noun for group of chickens is a flock.
I think most chickens lay an egg once a day.
He compares the two flocks over six generations.
The average flock just gets better & better & better.
The super flock of super chickens, @ the end of six generations, all but three ae dead.
Productivity, this noun refers to the amount of work that’s done.
They achieved their individual productivity by suppressing the productivity of the rest. & that’s what we do @ work.
Suppressed here means stopping sth or someone.
When everyone is equal, productivity is high, but as soon as there’s a hierarchy, things can go wrong because not all managers see their role as making life easier for the workers. They demonstrate their productivity by interfering with the productivity of workers.
Pecking Order
Chickens have an inherited(Inbuilt) hierarchy- that’s where we get the term pecking order. It’s a great phrase, we use it to describe levels of importance in an organization. The more important you are, the higher in the pecking order you are.
Pecking describes what chickens do with their beaks. They hit or bite other chickens with them. & the most important or dominant chickens, peck all the others.
The top chicken does all the pecking, the middle level … & some … .
If you impose sth, you force it on people.
Also check: coercion- Clampdown/crackdown
… it’s one that they create among themselves, rather than imposed upon them.