Fake or real: What's the best tree to have @ Christmass? Flashcards
Allowing yourself to have perhaps too much of sth you enjoy.
Are you feeling excited about christmass? Ofcourse, time with friends & family, eating lots, partying, presents & generally indulging.
For those of us who do celebrates, it comes @ a price. It comes @ a cost to the environment.
You’ve got the smell/look of it.
Sth that’s done regularly & has become the expected thing to do.
It’s part of the tradition, they are supposed to be symbolic. & I like it to be sustainable.
I’d agree it makes things more festive.
It represents sth important.
It’s christmass trees are supposed to be symbolic, I like it to be sustainable, it is more festive.
… which means they continue to be grown & cut down over a longer period so it’s less harmful to the environment.
The ability to do sth over a long period of time without harming the environment.
I like it to be sustainable, it is more festive & more christmassy.
All these trees are often thrown away, which is wasteful.
So a good thing when it’s chopped down it starts to release emissions back into atmosphere, if it’s recycled or composted- that’s the process of allowing it to decay & then adding it to the ground to improve soil quality.
A word to describe the joyful feeling you get when celebrating sth like christmass.
I like it to be sustainable, it is more festive & it’s symbolic. I’d agree it makes things more festive.
If it ends up in landfill, it’s carbon footprint will be higher.
It doesn’t cost a lot of money, it’s good value.An alternative to a real tree is a fake or artificial one. You can re use it every year & it’s more economical.
The festive jumper you wearing, very jolly!
It’s a dilemma, isn’t it? Real trees take about 12 years to grow & as they do, they absorb carbon from atmosphere & nitrogen from the soil- so …