How to disagree better? Flashcards
Focusing too much on small details or formal rules.
I feel better for having that little disagreement. you are being pedantic.
It would be boring if we agreed about everything. However, I guess agreement, on some thingsm may have prevented a few wars.
I think we should learn about how not to disagree first.
A hierarchy is a way of organising people according to their importance.
In a battle, you position yourself in a hierarchy, & then there is arguing that comes with a contempt in which it’s not just that I don’t accept your point of view, is that, I actually really think you are a lesser human being.
If someone has contempt, which is a dislike or lack of respect for someone or sth.
Contempt in a bad disagreement can be more than just not liking somebody’s point of view- their perspective on sth- it could be thinking someone is a lesser human being. Ouch that’s not nice!
… & then there is a arguing which come with a contempt in which it’s not just that I don’t accept your perspective, is that, actually I really think you are a lesser human being.
Trade off, Resigned to sth.
Not aiming for the middle ground- another way of saying compromising.
He has listed some tips for disagreeing better, including compromising. It also suggests speaking truthfully, listen intently- that means giving all your attention to what’s being said- & aiming for empathy.
A couple of decades I spent as an elected politician convinced me that … .
polite behaviour.
A society that values civility over justice & truth would be simply a recipe for stagnation.
It’s important to question & challenge thoughts & ideas, not just be polite & accept them. It would lead to stagnation.
Stagnate ( V. )
Staying the same & not developing.
I was accused of being pedantic.
A society that values civility over justice & truth would simply be a recipe to stagnation.
It would lead to stagnation.
Speaking truthfully, listen intently , aim for empathy.