How can I help the environment? Flashcards
a pet peeve
something someone finds particularly annoying or frustrating.
A pet peeve is something that you find particularly annoying.
My personal, like, pet peeve is multipacks and minipacks. I buy in bulk now. I buy the biggest yoghurt I can buy. I buy big cereal boxes. I buy big shampoo bottles. We can decant stuff into lunch boxes and we can, you know, refill our pasta and our rice.
(buying) in bulk
buying many or a large quantity of something.
My personal, like, pet peeve is multipacks and minipacks. I buy in bulk now. I buy the biggest yoghurt I can buy. I buy big cereal boxes. I buy big shampoo bottles. We can decant stuff into lunch boxes and we can, you know, refill our pasta and our rice.
to transfer from an original container to a different one.
My personal, like, pet peeve is multipacks and minipacks. I buy in bulk now. I buy the biggest yoghurt I can buy. I buy big cereal boxes. I buy big shampoo bottles. We can decant stuff into lunch boxes and we can, you know, refill our pasta and our rice.
I buy huge bottles of liquid soap and decant it into smaller dispensers for the kitchen and bathrooms.
The hand-me-down, pass-thing-on culture
a hand-me-down: a possession or item of clothing that is not new but has come from someone who no longer needs it or has outgrown it.
to pass on: to give something to someone.
Pass things on. The hand-me-down, pass-thing-on culture is really, really important in the world of kids and there are lots of things that can be passed down, whether it’s toys or the equipment, or the high chair
in good nick
in good condition.
an interesting expression means ‘in good condition’.
whatever it is, all of that can be passed on and that’s really important. It’s saving someone else money. Most of these things are in good nick when we need to pass them on.
of course you’d only want to pass on things in good nick,