Video Study Guide: Measurement (Daniels) Flashcards
What does Aubrey Daniels state about the choice to measure?
(Select all that apply)
We don’t have an option.
Only measure when it is necessary.
Everyone is measured all the time.
We care about WHO and WHEN we take measurement data.
We don’t have an option.
Everyone is measured all the time.
Sampling errors
problems with validity
problems with reliability
These are examples mentioned by the authors as problems with subjective _____.
What are some of the typical associations for an individual who does not want their behavior to be measured?
(Select all that apply)
They have a history of negative reinforcement for saying “you can’t measure me.”
The measurements have been used to punish them in the past.
Their measurements have not been used to help them do better.
The measurements have been used to criticize them in the past.
all of the above
What of the following does Aubrey Daniels state as the goal of measurement?
(Select all that apply)
to help individual performance improve
getting rid of under-productive employees
to capture small changes that casual observations will miss
to allow the performer to see their improvements
to help individual performance improve
to capture small changes that casual observations will miss
to allow the performer to see their improvements
If we measure individual performance, it will be reflected in organizational improvements.
We can’t help an organization improve if employees don’t benefit
For the above reasons, Aubrey Daniels states that we must increase opportunities for ______
for employees.
(Hint: two words)
positive reinforcement