The Feedback Sandwich (Henley & DiGennaro Reed) Flashcards
Objections to the feedback sandwich include the following:
-Employees do not attend to the first positive statement because they are waiting for the _____ statement.
-The feedback sandwich devalues the corrective feedback.
-The feedback sandwich devalues positive feedback.
The bottom portion of Table 1 shows the mean percentage change in rate for the last three sessions by feedback sequence for participants receiving postsession feedback. The _____ - ______ -positive sequence resulted in the highest aggregated mean across participants.
The overall finding(s) of this study were that effects may vary across individuals and the no feedback condition was sometimes the ______ effective.
When comparing only conditions in which the experimenter provided feedback, the condition described as being the most efficacious was the _____
-_______ -positive.
How does this study contribute to the feedback literature?
It measures hypothetical constructs such emotional reaction.
It supports the use of the feedback sandwich.
It supports ending a feedback sequence with a corrective statement
It measures the effects of the feedback sequence on measurable behavior.
It measures the effects of the feedback sequence on measurable behavior.
Regarding the sequence of positive and corrective feedback, Daniels (2009) indicated that corrective feedback should not be paired with _______ feedback.
According to the authors, future research might ask which questions?
(Select all that apply)
How do feedback sequences containing information about quality vs. rate compare?
Would this experiment have yielded the same results if feedback included information about quantity or rate of performance?
How can feedback sequences address the issue of whether feedback on rate serves as positive or corrective feedback depending on prior performance?
Is the feedback sandwich more effective than the corrective-positive-positive sequence?
How do feedback sequences containing information about quality vs. rate compare?
Would this experiment have yielded the same results if feedback included information about quantity or rate of performance?
How can feedback sequences address the issue of whether feedback on rate serves as positive or corrective feedback depending on prior performance?
Which of the following are discussed as possible limitations of the current study?
(Select all that apply)
The study was conducted by a graduate teaching assistant, so a professor might have influenced the results.
The participants’ history of performing the tasks might have influenced the study.
The study was conducted in a simulated work environment in a lab which could have reduced the generalizability of the results.
A lack supervisor/supervisee relationship might have influenced the study.
The study was conducted in a simulated work environment in a lab which could have reduced the generalizability of the results.
A lack supervisor/supervisee relationship might have influenced the study.