Vascular Path (tumors) Flashcards
What are Vascular Ectasias?
Local blood vessel dilation
What are 2 types of Vascular Ectasias?
- Nevus Simplex
- Port Wine stain
What are 2 types of Vascular Ectasias?
- Nevus Simplex
- Port Wine Stain
Nevus Simplex
Birth mark usually on forehead/face
Outlook for Nevus Simplex?
Usually regresses
Port wine stain
Vascular ectasia of vascular plexus
Outlook for Port Wine Stain?
Persists into adulthood
Sturge Weber Syndrome
CN5 port wine stain, decreased IQ, seizures and anomalies of the skull and eye (glaucoma)
What are Vascular Telangiectasias?
Dilation of small vessels and capillaries that forms a lesion
What can cause Spider Telangiectasias?
Increased estrogen
– usually on face, neck and chest
Another name for Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia?
Osler - Weber- Rendu Disease
How does Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia arise?
Autosomal Dominant mutation in TGF-beta pathway
What is Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia and what does it result in?
Abnormal blood vessel formation
= Telangiectasias and AV malformations –> bleeds
What is Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia and what does it result in?
Abnormal blood vessel formation
= Telangiectasias and AV malformations -> bleeds
Hemangioma - benign or malignant?
Capillary Hemangiomas are usually ____
Cavernous Hemangiomas are usually ____
Deeper and can bleed
Pyogenic Granulomas are a type of Hemangiomas. Where do they usually arise?
Oral mucosa
Glomus Tumor - benign or malignant?
What is a Glomus Tumor?
Smooth muscle tumor arising from the Glomus body that is responsible for Thermoregulation
Where are Glomus tumors found and what are the symptoms?
Subungual (on fingers)
= bluish and painful even with temp. changes too
Bluish smooth muscle tumor under the fingernail is likely a?
Glomus tumor
Lymphangiomas are what type of neoplasms?
Benign lymphatic neoplasms
What are the 2 types of Lymphangiomas?
(benign lymphatic neoplasms)
- Simple type
- Cavernous type (cystic hygroma)
Lymphangiomas usually affect the neck and axilla region. Which type will be LARGE with massively dilated lymphatic spaces?
Cavernous type
Large benign lymphatic neoplasm with massively dilated lymphatic spaces?
Cavernous lymphangioma (cystic hygroma)
Bacillary Angiomatosis arises in immunocompromised patients that are infected with?
Bartonella Bacilli species (gram -)
What does gram (-) Bartonella Bacilli species cause to occur in immunocompromised patients?
(bacillary angiomatosis)
Vascular proliferation = Benign red papule
Bacillary Angiomatosis will show what on silver stain?
Bacteria – bartonella bacilli gram (-)
Kaposi Sarcoma is a vascular tumor that is due to what virus?
Kaposi Sarcoma looks like?
Red and purple plaques
What are the 4 types of Kaposi Sarcoma?
- Classic
- Endemic African
- Iatrogenic from immunosuppresion
- AIDs related
Angiosarcoma is benign or malignant?
What are the risk factors for liver angiosarcoma?
Vinyl Chloride
What are 2 other risk factors for angiosarcomas?
Lymph node dissection and radiation for carcinoma