Unit 4- Yeasts Flashcards
Cryptococcus neoformans
Ulceration on mucous membranes, respiratory tract, meninges in CNS, and choroid in eyes
Cryptococcus neoformans Disease
Systemic in cats, mastitis in cattle, endometritis and abortion in horse, other mammals and immune compromised humans
C neoformans Characters
Spherical, monomorphic, sialic acids to degrade complement, phospholipase to disrupt host cell membranes, melanin antioxidant, thick capsule resists phagocytosis and stimulates T cells
C. neoformans Growth
Warm room, chocolate agar, melanin pigment colonies, 4 antigen types, lives in dust and dirt
C. neoformans Transmission
Respiratory, non contagious
C neoformans Pathogenesis
Meningitis, encephalitis, CNS granuloma, bilateral miliary lesions in lungs, ulcerative papules in skin, nodule, granuloma, or ulcer
C. neoformans Immunity
Antibodies to capsule, cell mediated, NK cells
C. neoformans Diagnosis
India ink from exudates, tracheobronchial wash, CSF, wright and giemsa stain, blood agar culture
Malassezia pachydermatitis
Oval budding yeast, green colonies on blood agar, aerobic or microaerophilic, 4 biotypes
M. pachydermatitis Enzymes
Proteinase, chondroitin sulfatase, hyaluronidase, phospholipase
M pachydermatitis Transmission
Ear and skin of mammals, opportunistic, associated with skin disease
M. pachydermatitis Diagnosis
Wright giemsa smear, shoe print yeast, sabourad dextrose agar, PCR
Candida albicans
Normal flora on mucous membranes of mammal and bird, immunocompromised susceptible, oval budding yeast with germ tubes that become septate mycelium, blastoconida, 2 serotypes
Thick walled sphere on C. albicans mycelium in vitro
Blastospore, asexual spore produced by budding along hyphae
C. albicans Enzymes
Adhesin, protease, neuraminidase
C. albicans Transmission
Endogenous infection, hematogenous spread can lead to systemic infection
C. albicans Pathogenesis
Adhesin, cell wall glycoprotein endotoxins, proteases, phospholipases, plaques with ulceration and inflammation in mucous surfaces, GI, mouth, stomach, genital, skin, claws, septicemia in respiratory and intestin
C. albicans Disease
GI of birds, swine, and equine, pneumonia, enteric, mastitis, and systemic in cattle, ulceration on mucosa of dog and cat
C. albicans Diagnosis
Blastoconidia, pseudohyphae, gram stain, wright giemsa stain, PAS, gomori methenamine silver