Unit 3- Mycoplasma Flashcards
Pleuropneumonia-like organisms
Pleiomorphic shape, lack cell wall, electron dense core terminal, motile
Core Terminal
At one end of the cell, allows attachment onto host cells, gliding motility, cell division
Mycoplasma Enzymes
RNA polymerase makes them prone to mutation
Mycoplasma Cell Surface
Glycolipids, lipoglycans, lipoprotein, capsule, host derived cholesterol, adhesins
Mycoplasma Secretion
H2O2, superoxide, nuclease, immunoglobulin protease, antioxidant enzymes, sialidases, hyaluronidases
Mycoplasma Culture
Slow fastidious growth, mycoplasma selective media
Mycoplasma Agar
Beef heart, yeast autolysate, nucleic acid precursors, penicillin to prevent gram positive, thallium acetate to prevent gram negative, serum
Mycoplasma Growth on Agar
Slow growing allows for chronic disease, gliding motility gives fried egg appearance
Small Colony
Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides infecting cattle
Large Colony
Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides infecting goat
Mycoplasma Virulence Factors
Cell surface molecules for antigen variation and mimicry, secreted enzymes, manipulation of host cells, parasitism outside host cells
Incorporation of host antigens into Mycoplasma
Mycoplasma Infection
Elicits inflammation, MAKePSR syndrome, cancer, autoimmunity
Mycoplasma Cancer
Inhibits P53 tumor suppressor protein
Intracellular Mycoplasma
Change host cell morphology and genetics, cause cancers