Tutor Review Flashcards
weight doubles by
5-6 mo
weight triples by
1 year
what is the sequence for younger kids
foot to head and out to in
what if we feel an enlarged kidney or mass
do not continue to palpate because pressure on the mass may release cancerous cells (wilms tumor)
Know VS
auscultate the apical for
full minute
what increases HR
fever, stress anxiety
do we chart the state the child is in when the measurement was obtained
where do we look to watch the respirations for under 6
what do we see in an infant if they have resp distress
retractions and head bobbing
hypotension neonate
<60 SBP
hypotension infant
<70 SBP
1-10 years old
<90 + (2 x age in years) SBP
over 10 years
too large of cuff
too small of cuff
cuff should be what percent length of extremity
cuff badder should be what percent of circumference of extremity
posterior fontanelle closes by
2-4 months
anterior fontanelle closes by
1-2 years (around 10 mons)
tense fontanelle
- Increase ICP
sunken fontanelle
voluntary agreement to accept treatment or participate in
To give assent, a child must have
basic understanding of
what will be done and what is required for participation.
Parents make the final decision on treatment for a child, but allow
children the opportunity to assent or dissent helps keep them
engaged in
their own healthcare
0-2 Piaget
Infant has basic reflexes and begins to construct an understanding of the
world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions
2-7 Piaget
The child begins to represent the world with words and images – an increase
in symbolic thinking from just sensory and physical actions
7-11 Piaget
Concrete operational
Concrete operational
The child can now reason logically about concrete events
11-15 Piaget
formal operational
The teen now can reason more with logical and abstract thought
Associative play
facilitated by simple games, puzzles, nursery rhymes, songs (preschool)
Dramatic play
fostered by dolls and doll clothes, play houses and hospitals, dress-up clothes,
puppets (preschool)
Solitary play
Playing with blocks enhances cognitive development as the manipulation of blocks produces new and different sounds that are of interest to the infant. (infant)
parallel play
when two toddlers or children play with similar objects side by side (toddler)
Cooperative play-
includes the cooperation of others and also the ability to play a part of a unified whole (i.e. team sports) (school age)
have parents retain children
prioritize what over everything
preform treatment in
treatment room not the room or play room
check IV
vastus laterals amount
deltoid amount
prevent seepage
Z track
pinna up
over 3 years
pinna down
under 3 years
procedure interventions
- infant
procedure interventions
- toddler
Give explanation just before procedure. Explain that child did nothing wrong; the procedure is simply necessary.
procedure interventions
- pre school
Give simple explanations of procedure. Basic drawings may be useful. While providing supervision, allow
the child to touch and play with equipment to be used, if possible. Since any entry into the body is viewed as a threat, state
that the child’s body will remain the same. Give short explanations and directions in a positive manner. Encourage control by
having the child count to 10 or spell name.
procedure interventions
- school age and adol
clear, thorough explanation. Teach stress reduction techniques like deep breathing or visualization.