Social Influences and Current Topics in Pediatrics (PowerPoint) Flashcards
many causes of death are ________
physical impact
childhood abuse leads to life long increased incidence of medical disorders
spiritual impact
wounding that sometimes hinder faith and belief
emotional impact
relationship difficulties, depression, PTSD, anxiety, substance abuse, bipolar and eating disorcers
make child more susceptive to adult experiences like stress and mental illness
children living where will experience more child abuse and neglect
red flags
histories that are inconsistence
injuries that don’t match developmental stage
injuries that are rare
healing inconsistent with play
- brushing on bones is normal in children
- not normal in soft skin
shaken baby sydrome
preventable and severe form of physical child abuse that results in an injury to the brain of the child
PURPLE crying
peak of crying
resists soothing
pain like face
long lasting
are perportators known by affected child
s/s if sexual abuse
pregnancy or STI under 12
explicit drawings
t/f don’t promise to not tell
who are most vulnerable to trafficking
troubled teens
when abuse and neglect are suspsected you are required to report to
biggest sign of abuse