Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Birth to 1 month
- physical growth (weight gain)
Gains 140-200g (5/7 oz)/ week
Birth to 1 month
- fine motor ability
holds hand in fist
Birth to 1 month
- gross motor ability (alert)
alerts to high pitched voices
Birth to 1 month
- gross motor ability (touch)
comfort with touch
Birth to 1 month
- sensory (vision)
follows objects in line of vision
2-4 mo
- physical
posterior fontanelle closes
2-4 mo
- fine motor (holds)
holds rattle and other objects when placed in hand
2-4 mo
- fine motor (hands to where)
brings hand to midline
2-4 mo
- gross motor (turns)
turn side to back and then return
2-4 mo
- gross motor (weight SUPPORT)
when prone, holds he’d and supports weight on forearms
4-6 mo
- physical (weight)
doubles birth weight at 5-6 mo
4-6 mo
- physical (teeth)
may begin erupting by 6 mo
4-6 mo
- fine motor (hold)
holds bottle
4-6 mo
- fine motor (grasps)
grasp with whole hand
4-6 mo
- gross motor (head lag)
no head lag when pulled to sitting
4-6 mo
- gross motor (turns)
turns from abdomen to back by 4 months and then back to abdomen by 6 mo
4-6 mo
- gross motor (weight support)
when held standing, supports much of own weight
6-8 mo
- physical growth (rate)
growth rate is slower than first 6 mo
6-8 mo
- fine motor (grasp)
beginning pincer grasp at times
6-8 mo
- gross motor (reflexes)
inborn reflexes extinguished
6-8 mo
- gross motor (sits)
sits alone steadily without support by 8 months
6-8 mo
- sensory (recognizes)
recognizes own name and responds by looking and smiling
8-10 mo
- gross motor (crawls)
crawls or pulls whole body along floor by arms
8-10 mo
- gross motor (standing/sitting)
pulls self to standing and sitting by 10 mo
8-10 mo
- sensory (speach)
may say one word in addition to mama and dada
10-12 mo
- physical growth
birth weight triples by one year
10-12 mo
- fine motor ability (hold)
may hold crayon or pencil and make mark on paper
10-12 mo
- gross motor (stands)
stands alone
1-2 years
- physical
anterior fontanelle
1-2 years
- fine motor (builds)
end of second year can build a tower of 4 blocks
1-2 yr
- gross motor (walk)
shows ability to walk and finally walks with ease
2-3 yr
- fine motor (draw)
draws a circle and other rudimentary forms
2-3 yr
- fine (dress)
learning to dress self
- gross motor
1-3 yr
- play and toys (behavior)
facilitates imitate behavior by playing kitchen, grocery, telephone
1-3 yr
- play and toys ( gross motor activity)
riding big wheels, soft bat and ball. water and sand, tossing ball
1-3 yr
- communication (talking)
increasingly enjoys talking
1-3 yr
- communication (contact)
likes contact with other children and learns interpersonal skills
3-6 yr
- fine
brushes teeth
uses spoon and fork
eats 3 meals with snacks
3-6 yr
- gross
rides bicycle
3-6 yr
- play and toys (what type of play)
associative play is facilitated by simple games, puzzles, nursery rhymes, songs
dramatic play is fostered by dolls and chlothes, play houses and hospitals
3-6 yr
- communication
play with other children
- communication (health care provider can)
verbalize and explain procedures to children
use drawings and stories to explain care
use accurate names for bodily functions
allow the child to talk and ask questions
6-12 yr
- gross motor
rides bike
jumps rope
roller skates or ice skates
- sensory
can read
- activities (eriksons)
sense of industry is fostered by playing a musical instrument, gathering collections, starting hobbies, playing board and video games
- communication (health care professionals can)
assess the knowledge before teaching
allow the chid to select rewards following procedures
teach techniques such as counting pr visualization to manage difficult situations
include both parent and child in healthcare decisions
- gross
some lack of coordination during growth spurts is common
- communication
increasing communication and time with peer groups
applying abstract though and analysis in conversations at home and school (Piaget)
gains 5-7 oz a week
birth to 1 mo
holds hand in fist
birth to 1 mo
alerts to high pitched voices
birth to 1 mo
comforts with touch
birth to 1 mo
follows object in line of vision
birth to 1 mo
posterior fontanelle closes
2-4 mo
holds rattle and other objects when placed in hand
2-4 mo
brings hand to midline
2-4 mo
can turn from side to back and then return
2-4 mo
when prone, holds head and supports weight on forearms
2-4 mo
doubles birth weight
4-6 mo
* 6 mo
teeth may being eruption
4-6 mo
* 6 mo
holds bottle
4-6 mo
grasps with whole hand (palmar)
4-6 mo
no head lag when pulled to sitting
4-6 mot
turns from adobe to back by 4 months and then back to abdomen by 6 mo
4-6 mo
when held standing supports much of own weight
4-6 mo
growth rate is slower
6-8 mo
beginning the pincer grasp
6-8 mo
inborn reflexes extinguished
6-8 mo
sits alone steadily without support by
6-8 mo
* 8 mo
recognizes own name and responds by looking and smiling
6-8 mo
crawls or pulls whole body along floor by arms
pulls self to standing and sitting by
8-10 mo
* 10mo
may say one word in addition to “mama” and “dada”
8-10 mo
cripples birth weight
10-12 mo
* 12 mo
may hold crayon/pencil and make mark on paper
10-12 mo
stands alone
10-12 mo
anterior fontanelle closes
1-2 years
by end of ______ year builds a tower of four blocks
1-2 years
shows growing ability to walk and finally walks with ease
1-2 yrs
draws a circle and other rudiementary forms
2-3 yrs
leanring to dress self
2-3 years
2-3 years
facilitates imitative behavior by playing kitchen, grocery, shopping
learns gross motor activities by riding big wheel trike, and playing with a soft ball
increasingly enjoys talking
likes contact with other children and learns interpersonal skills
brushes teeth
uses spoon, fork, knife
eats 3 meals with snacks
rides bicycle
associative play and dramatic play
rides 2 wheeler
jumps ro[e
roller skates or ice skates
can read
sense of industry is fostered by playing a sport or instrument
some lack of coordination is common during growth spurt
increasing communication and hanging out with teens
applying abstract thought and alaysis in conversations