theorists Flashcards
believes nurses promote balance between nursing interventions and patient participation to assist in conserving energy needed for healing
perceives patients as a collection of subsystems that forms an overall behavioral system focusing on balance.
views a patient as being an open system that is in constant energy exchange with the environment that the nurse must help
cope with stressors.
views a patient as a unique personal system that is constantly interacting/transacting with other systems
that the nurse helps with goal attainment
are broad in scope and complex and require further specification through research; it does not
provide guidance for specific nursing interventions
Grand theories
details nursing interventions (meditation) for a specific phenomenon (migraine headaches) and the expected
outcome of the care
prescriptive theory
tends to focus on a concept found in a specific field of nursing, such as uncertainty,
incontinence, social support, quality of life, and caring, rather than reflect on a wide variety of nursing care situations
middle-range theory
do not direct specific nursing activities but help to explain patient assessment
Descriptive theories
, a nurse continually assesses a patient’s ability to perform self-care and intervenes as needed to
ensure that the patients meet physical, psychological, sociological, and developmental needs
Orem’s theory
focuses on culture diversity and provides culturally specific nursing care
Leininger’s culture care theory
, nurses help patients reduce anxiety by
converting it into constructive actions, using therapeutic communication
is a patient’s environment can
be manipulated by nurses to restore a patient to health.
Nightingale’s grand theory
human growth and development is an orderly predictive process that begins with conception and
continues through death
developmental theory
describe how humans respond to threats by adapting in order to maintain function and life.
Stress/adaptation theories
explain the teaching-learning process by examining behavioral, cognitive, and adult-learning
Educational theories
explain human responses within the physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental,
and spiritual domains.
Psychosocial theories
focuses on helping the patient with activities that the patient would perform unaided if he or she were able
s nursing as assisting the patient with 14 activities (hygiene, positioning) until patients can meet these needs for themselves—or assist patients to have a peaceful death
Henderson’s theory
model is to help the person adapt to changes in physiological needs, self-concept, role function, and interdependence domains.
CARING believes that the purpose of nursing action is to
understand the interrelationship between health, illness, and human behavior rather than focus disease
transpersonal relationship= pt healing
nurse promoting and restoring health and preventing illness
Watson’s theory
simply define a particular concept, much like what can be found in a dictionary, based on the theorist’s perspective (a mood disorder causing severe sadness and apathy)
Theoretical or conceptual definitions
is a pattern of beliefs used to describe a discipline’s domain
as ideas and mental images, like depression is a concept