CH 25 jarvis Male genitourinary sys Flashcards
is determined by blood tests, urinalysis, and imaging studies that show decreased kidney function or kidney damage lasting 3 months or longer.
-survives only by kidney transplant or dialysis.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
, hypertension and diabetes
2 main causes of Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
fourth most common cause of cancer in men
- smoking most common risk
- aniline dyes & other chemicals
bladder cancer
—Excessive quantity
—Diminished, <400 mL/24 hours
. Burning is common with acute cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis.
in urinary tract infection.
cloudy urine
glomerulonephritis or cancers of prostate or bladder.
hematuria may signal
—Involuntary urine loss from overactive detrusor muscle in bladder.
Urge incontinence
—Involuntary urine loss with physical strain, sneezing, or coughing caused by weakness of pelvic floor.
Stress incontinence
such as gonorrhea, herpes, HIV, chlamydia, human papilloma virus (HPV), venereal warts, syphilis
STI (different conditions)
can hurt and tear adhesions normal at birth
Forced retractions (foreskin)
—Involuntarily urinating at night after age 5 to 6 years.
Nocturnal enuresis
HPV vaccine
-genital warts in men and for reducing HPV-related cervical cancer in women.
vaccine Gardasil
hematuria, urinary tract infection
enlarging prostate
diuretic medication, habit, or fluid ingestion 3 hours before bedtime; coffee and alcohol especially have a diuretic effect.
Nocturia may be caused by
from mild heart failure or varicose veins produces nocturia because recumbency at night mobilizes fluid.
Fluid retention
and function include antihypertensives, sedatives, tranquilizers, estrogens, and alcohol.
Depressants to sexual desire
even more dramatically in the older person.
Alcohol decreases the sexual response
Collect a urine screen
screen for gonorrhea and chlamydia by
Some cheesy smegma may have collected under the foreskin.
stuff normally seen under the foreskin
—Narrowed opening of prepuce so cannot retract the foreskin.
—Painful constriction of glans by retracted foreskin.
—Ventral location of meatus
—Dorsal location of meatus
Edges that are red, everted, edematous, along with purulent discharge, suggest
-occurs with gonorrhea and/or chlamydia infection.
. Normally it feels smooth, semifirm, and nontender.
shaft of penis feels like
Asymmetry is normal, with the left scrotal half usually lower than the right.
scrotal difference bw left and right
commonly found sebaceous cysts. These are yellowish, 1-cm nodules and are firm, nontender, and often multiple.
sac of penis (sebaceous cysts normally found)
oval, firm and rubbery, smooth, and equal bilaterally and are freely movable and slightly tender to moderate pressure.
Testes normally feel
discrete, softer than the testis, smooth, and nontender.
Each epididymis normally feels
—May be a temporary migration or true cryptorchidism (1 or both
Absent testis
—Small and soft.
Atrophied testes
scrotum- enlargment of veins within scrotum
hernia, tumor, orchitis, epididymitis, hydrocele, spermatocele, varicocele
Abnormalities in the scrotum:
and shows as a red glow (e.g., hydrocele or spermatocele)
Serous fluid does transilluminate
(e.g., hernia, epididymitis, or tumor)
Solid tissue and blood do not transilluminate
palpating for hernia
acronym NAVEL (Nerve, Artery, Vein, Empty space, Lymphatics)
check for testicular cancer
-often bw 15&35 yrs
Self-Care—Testicular Self-Examination (TSE)
isolated node on occasion; it then feels small (<1 cm), soft, discrete, and movable
normal node description
a color of pale yellow to amber caused by the presence of urochrome pigments.
urinalysis shows
ph range of 4.5 to 8.0
Normal urine is clear and slightly acidic with a pH range
from very dilute at 1.003 to concentrated at 1.030.
-There is little or no protein, no glucose, and fewer than 5 red blood cells (RBCs) or white blood cells (WBCs) per high-powered field in the microscope.
Specific gravity measures the concentration of urine,
presence of WBCs, bacteria, casts. Certain drugs or foods can change urine color
cloudiness suggests presence
glomerular disease in the nephron.
Proteinuria indicates
hyperglycemia occurring with diabetes.
Glycosuria suggests
occur with UTI; increased RBCs occur with UTI, glomerulonephritis, renal calculi, trauma, and cancer.
Increased WBCs , RBC
glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Creatinine measures
is the product of filtration pressure in the glomeruli, normally 125 mL/min
- When the GFR decreases by half, the serum creatinine level doubles, indicating decreased kidney function.
- BUN rises with decreased kidney function but is less specific.
may indicate a stricture or neurogenic bladder.
Poor stream is significant because it may indicate
—The foreskin cannot be slipped forward once it is retracted.
Size varies with ambient temperature, but overall the infant’s scrotum looks large in relation to the penis.
infant’s scrotum looks large in relation to the penis.
-temp affects
is strong in the infant, pulling the testes up into the inguinal canal and abdomen from exposure to cold, touch, exercise, or emotion.
cremasteric reflex in infant
—Undescended testes (those that have never descended).
- Undescended testes are common in premature infants.
- descended by 3 months of age.
are common because of the strength of the cremasteric reflex and the small mass of the prepubertal testes.
Migratory testes (physiologic cryptorchidism)
is atrophic) and that the testis can be milked down.
(with true cryptorchidism, the scrotum is? (infants)
is a cystic collection of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis, surrounding the testis.
-common scrotal finding in the boy younger than 2 years is a hydrocele, or fluid in the scrotum. It appears as a large scrotum and transilluminates as a faint pink glow. It usually disappears spontaneously.
hydrocele (common in boys under 2 yrs)// fluid in the scrotum
, note: (1) enlargement of the testes and scrotum, (2) pubic hair growth, (3) darkening of scrotal color, (4) roughening of scrotal skin, (5) increase in penis length and width, and (6) axillary hair growth.
Using the SMR charts (adolescents development genitals)
(testosterone deficiency) occurs in 40% of men after age 45 years and may present as depression, fatigue, loss of muscle mass or strength, or decreased libido, although these symptoms occur also with obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome.11
Male hypogonadism
you may note thinner, graying pubic hair and the decreased size of the penis. The size of the testes may be decreased and may feel less firm. The scrotal sac is pendulous with less rugae. The scrotal skin may become excoriated if the man continually sits on it.
older adult male (genital alterations)
caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are one of the most common STIs.
- vaccine Gardasil
Genital Warts