The making of America: why blood was shed on the plains. Flashcards
GSW: when was the great sioux war?
GSW: how did sitting bull encourage war with white americans?
refused to sign a peace treaty.
GSW: what happened at the battle of little bighorn?
21 june 1876- george Armstrong Custer and carvery met brigadier general john terry.
custer told to find them and move them towards the army. 25 june custer led soldiers into their camp and sent them in shooting, many Na ran out shocked. soon crazy horse set up counter attack and outnumbered them 4 to 1. whites weapons overheated or jammed. horses bucked and retreated sending shots into the air. tied to retreat but Na closed in for the kill. custer and most of army dead.
GSW: how did the amercian government punish and defeat the lakota sioux after the battle of little big horn?
could win battles but not war.
between battles government would control their food and water availability as well as shelter by keeping them on the run. winter of 1876 army tracked them and tracked down all sioux bands even the ones with no involvement in battle, stopped all rations into reservations and then they had to sell their land, crazy horse arrested and killed in 1877 on the pretext he tried to escape, soldiers bayonet stabbed in his back, sitting bull and small band of followers went to Canada by end of 1877 all sioux in america gave in, US government took black hills, and further 40 million acres of Na land.
GSW: what factors were involved in starting the war?
gold, treaty, vision, bloodshed.
GSW: what did the factor: gold have to contribute to the war?
1868 for Laramie treaty promised no white would enter their land around the black hills of Dakota without permission. 1874 rumours of gold circulated general Custer confirmed and by 1875 thousand went to find it right in their living grounds.
GSW: what did the factor: treaty have to contribute to the war?
government officials negotiated to buy black hills for $6 million, red cloud and other chiefs agreed, sitting bull and others refused, US government mad decided that all sioux and allied Indians go onto reservations forts by end of January 1876. sitting bulls Sioux hadn’t made it by the end of spring general Sheridan decided to round them up.
GSW: what did the factor: vision have to contribute to the war?
in the spring sitting bull had a vision that they would have a victory over whites. 6 june 1876 sitting bull and crazy horse wiped out army camp by rosebud river, led their people west and set up camp on the little bighorn river.
GSW: what did the factor: bloodshed contribute to the war?
6 june first blood shed. smaller camp cheyenne and sioux led by crazy horse attacked advancing army general crook. soldiers heavily defeated and rescued by Shoshone and crow scouts. crook forced to retreat and warriors moved north to join sitting bull on the little bighorn river.
SCM: when was the sand creek massacre?
SCM: why were the cheyenne forced to hunt outside of the reservations?
government failed to provide enough food for the peoples as well as refusing to give aid because they accused them of being lazy.
SCM: what did chief black kettle offer the white americans?
SCM: what happened as a result of some Na killing whites?
1864- Lincoln granted governor of Colorado permission to raise army of volunteers to fight the Indian threat for a limited period of 100 days.
SCM: what was the bloodless third?
SCM: what group of military were involved in the bloodless third and who led them?
third Colorado volunteers.
reverend john Chivington.
SCM: what sort of person was reverend john Chivington?
preacher and politician who was keen to fight Indians.
SCM: what happened as the army of volunteers were ready?
chief black kettle and his southern Cheyenne came to a nearby army fort to discuss peace.
SCM: what had happened by the third of September and how did Colorado feel?
hadn’t seen any action and clock was ticking on their 100 days.