life in nazi germany: hitlers visions for germany. Flashcards
what does ideology mean?
collection of views that forms an economic or political theory/ policy.
scrap treaty of versailles: what restricts imposed by TOV did the nazis said german should ignore?
overall ignore TOV but especially those that restricted the armed forces and take back their former land which had been given to other places such as poland.
brot und arbeit: what was promised what type of people with what aim in mind?
bread and work for all. bare necessities promised to all unemployed germans so their needs would be met and germans united and contented.
destroy marxism: what is is, who led the communist revolution in russia in 197?
destroy marxism: accourding to the nazis who were the bolsheviks led by and what was their view on them?
needed to be stopped so they couldn’t stir up similar communist revolution.
subdue jewish poeple: what were the nazis ideas fueled by , how did they view jews?
untermenschen (sub-humans.)
subdue jewish people: what were the jews balmed for?
cowards who made germany surrender in 1918 as communists who’d plotted revolutions and money grabebrs who’d benifited at the expense of those living in poverty.
ensure aryan supremacy: what did nazis believe about northern europeans?
übermenschen (super humans.)
ensure aryan supremacy: what did the nazis call the slavs of eatern euroupe?
düngervolk (dung-people.)
ensure aryan supremacy: how could the ideal aryan be described?
blong hair, blue eyes.
northern europeans without these could still be considerd aryan.
fight for lebensraum: what does this mean and what was it needed for?
livign pscae. to grow food for germans.
fight for lebensraum: why did nazis want to take parts of eastern euroupe and how did he want to do it?
by force. believing that it was wasted on the slavs who lived there.
build nationalism: what was this an extreme verison of and what was the main belief?
patriotism. germany should be run by germans for germans.
build nationalism: what did they believe should be removed from society?
foreign influence or involvment of non-aryans especailly jewish people shoudl be removed.
strengthen central governemnt: what is the german tradition and why did the nazis think it should be got rid of?
local govenment having lots of power to make decisions.
removed and replaced with streghtened power of centeral governemnt.
nationalise important industries: what did nazis believe about services and why?
such as supply of electricity, water and railway transport should be provided by the government for the good of the nation ratehr than by inderpendant companies for private profit.
improve education: how was education seen as by the nazis?
crucial to improve the economy.
improve education: what did the nazis believe should happen to the system and why?
improved. german people could work more efficiently making germany strong again and to learn and accept nazi ideology.