The making of America: native american removal from east between 1830-38. Flashcards
how did n. americans respond to expansion?
n.w: keep moving west.
s.w: fought back against planters trying to set up and this lead to war.
s.e: stuck and tried to adapt and become more ‘white.’
who were the 5 civilised tribes?
Cherokee, creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole.
explain 3 ways in which the cherokee changed their habits to suit w. americans?
modelled their economy, government on US system, capital city echots, news paper.
explain why the cherokee felt like they had to adapt?
‘rising form the ashes and taking their seat with the nations of the earth.’ gain respect and equality from w. americans.
how did w. americans respond to dashes over land with n.americans?
Indian removal act 1830, cherokees and the supreme court 1831-32, creek treaty 1832 and creek revenge 1835-1838, the second seminole war 1835-1842.
when was the Indian removal act (IRA, abbreviation i use not recognised by others.)
IRA: what did they want, how did they get this to become a thing, what happened to land where n.americans lived, what would happen if there were arguments over pieces of land?
white and cotton planters to take over the land.
persuade congress to pass it.
put away land (became Oklahoma) for NA to move from the east if they volunteered.
whenever there was an argument over land between w and NA the government supported W.
when did the cherokees go to the supreme court? (C&SC abbreviation i use not recognised by others.)
C&SC: what were they determined to do, when and who took who to where and why, what was the judge’s name and who did he rule in favour of, what standard did this set and who was the president and what did he think about the decision?
determined not to lose homelands.
1831-1832 C took state of georgia to supreme court. accused of ignoring their rights as an independent nation.
judge marshall rule in favour of C - recognise they were ‘distinct political society’ but also ruled that C were dependant on US government for protection and therefore US government has a right to act in their best interests. new standard with how indigenous nations should be delt with. president jackson furious at judges decision. told georgia to continue settlement of C land and to ignore SC.
when was the creek treaty? (CT abbreviation i use not recognised by others.)
CT: when did the C sign a treaty and what did they give over and what was it all for?
march 1832.
gave over a large portion of their land in alabama to white settlements. each C promised an individual piece of land in remaining C area.
CT: what did land speculators do?
gained large chunks of of C land.
offered tiny sums of money to buy individual C lands then took surrounding areas without permission.
CT: what problems did they face and what did C complain about and what was the outcome?
citizens were squatting on land.
complained but alabama government refused to stop colonists.
CT: when did the creeks let situations worsen until and then what did they do?
- stole livestock and crops from white settlers. some committed arson and murder in revenge for their brutal treatment.
CT: what did the state of alabama do after creeks stole live stock and crops?
called for assistance from US government. 1836 secretary of war ordered removal of all remaining creeks.
CT: by 1837 how many creeks moved west?
approximately 15,000.
2SW: what led to the second seminole war?
rejection of the first treaty.
2SW: how long did the war last for, how much did it cost?
7 years- lasted from 1835-42.
cost USA $40-60 million, x10 estimated cost for removal.