life in nazi germany: how did hilter and the nazi party rise to significance? Flashcards
when was the weimar republic created?
what structure did the weimar republic have?
what did the weimar republics democracy have?
elected parilament.
article 48.
when was the treaty of versailles?
in 1919 what were the germans forced to take the blame for and what did they loose?
blame for the first world war.
£6.6 billion.
loose areas of their land and their armed forces.
when was the spartacist uprising?
who were the spartacists and what was their goal?
overthrow the new weimar government.
who were the spartacists put down by and who were they?
ex army employed by the government.
when was the kapp putsch?
what was the kapp putsch, who were they led by and what were the consequences?
freikops led by wolfgang kapp tries to overthrow the weimar government.
governemtn in repsonse tells people to go on strike which fails.
when did gustav stresemann become the new chancellor of germany?
what did gustav stresemann end and why?
passive resistance in the ruhr to stabilise the economy.
what did gustav stresemann introduce and what was the result?
new currency to sort out hyperinflation.
german economy begins to improve.
when was the munich putsch?
who was the munich putsch a fail for what was its intended goal and what were the consequences?
tried to take control of the governemnt.
fails and sentenced to 5 years in prision but is released after 9 months.
when was the hyperinflation crisis?
what caused the hyperinflation crisis and what did the governemnt try to do which hightend it?
germany tells their workers to go on strike in the ruhr but they continue paying them.
germany prints more money menaing the value goes down and money becomes worthless.
when was the invasion of the ruhr?
what was the invasion of the ruhr caused by, who invaded it and why?
germany couldn’t afford to pay the reparations imposed by the treaty of versailles.
french and belgium invade an industrial area (ruhr) to take goods to the amount of payment.
when were the golden years?
what were the golden years?
weimar culture starts to see radical changes in the cinema,a rts and theatre in germany. culture starts to become liberated.
when was the wall street crash?
what was the wall street crash, were did it happen and where did it affect/ what was the affect?
amercias economy collapses.
america had loaned money to germany and had to recall all of their loans- germany couln’t affoard to pay them off.
when did hitler start to gain popularity due to failings of the weimar republic?
in 1932 what were the people feeling?
weimar unable to fix the economy or provide better living standards.
when did hitler come to power?
in 1933 what was the psoition hitler failed to get, why, what position did he get insead , why and what happend to hindenburg?
failed to get enoguh votes.
got enough votes for actual president hindeburg to have to make him chancellor.
define chancellor.
similar to a prime minister- runs governemtn and makes new laws.
define reichstag.
similar to house commons- people elected and vote on and debate laws.
leading nazis: who was the head of the nazi party?
adolf hitler.
leading nazis: when was hitler head of the party from?
leading nazis: what was hitlers strength in the party?
charasmatic speaker- captivated large crowds.
leading nazis: when and why was hitler jailed?
failed attempt to forcefully take power in 1923.
leading nazis: why was hitler praised at his trial by the press?
strong opinions.
leading nazis: whilst in prision what did hitler write and what iews were presented, how popular was it?
mein kampf. set racist and nationalist views. national best seller.
leading nazis: during the 1932 electrions how did hitler promote himself?
used an aeroplane to fly around germany delivering speeches as a centeral figure.
leading nazis: who co-ordinated the nazis propaganda team?
joseph geobbels.
leading nazis: what background did joseph geobbels come from?
highly educated middle class.
leading nazis: what did joseph geobbels realise the power of and how did he incorporate that into his propoganda?
modern media. utilised posters, newspapers, new technology (film and radio), used simple, bold messages to convey a point.
leading nazis: during the great depression what motto did joseph goebbels create and what did it appeal to?
‘bread and work.’
appealing to the 2 basic societal demands.
leading nazis: what were jospeh geobbels ideologies like?
deeply anti-semetic.
leading nazis: what was the propoganda used for?
emphasised hitlers strength and portrayed him as god-like, supreme being.
leading nazis: what was long standing memebers wilhelm fricks role in the party?
overall responsibility for most aspects of life in german society.
leading nazis: when was hitler made chancellor?
leading nazis: once hitler had been made chancellor who were other jobs in the cabinet given to and what was the job?
görling and frick made minister of interiror.
leading nazis: in 1930-31 what did frick experience?
high office in one of german state governments.
leading nazis: what did frick use his pwoer to do and who/ what did he help?
promote nazis into important positions and spread nazi ideas into schools.
helped shape the aprtys radical policy.
leading nazis: who was the leader of the storm department?
ernst röhm.
leading nazis: what were the strom department also known as?
brown shirts.
leading nazis: what were they originally set up as and what did they eventchually trun into?
bodyguards for hitler. SA tuned into nazis private army.
leading nazis: when did ernst röhm became leader of the department?
leading nazis: when did ernst röhm do when he became leader of the department?
increased the strength so that it had 400,000 stormtroopers by 1933.
leading nazis: what were the strom troopers used to do?
intimidate voters and political parties.
leading nazis: during elections what did the storm department do?
stood outside polling booths intimidating voters into voting for them and physically atatcked communists.
leading nazis: who was second in command to hitler and was also an ex- first world war fighter pilot?
hermann göring.
leading nazis: when and who did hermann göring joined german cabinet with?
frick and hitler. 1933.
leading nazis: what was his eventchuall role?
no role clear at first- helped the party run smoothly.
responsibilities: controlling the police in prussia, largest german region.
leading nazis: what did hermann göring form in 1933, who were they and what was their role?
gestapo. nazi secret police. spy on german people to stop opposition to their party.