life in nazi germany: achieving total power- nigth of the long knives. Flashcards
differences between SA and SS: what were the ss known as?
strum abteilung, storm troopers, brown shirts.
differences between SA and SS: what was the SS’s role?
mitalia group used in early years of nazi party to disrupt the meetings of other parties and intimidate opponents.
differences between SA and SS: what were the SA known as?
schultz-staffel, black shirts.
differences between SA and SS: what was the SA’s role?
established originally to oversee hitlers personal protection. later had wider responsibilities overseeing concentration camps and enforcing a nazi police state.
purging the SA: what would happen if SA weren’t under control?
hitler may loose support from hindenburg and powerful conservatives.
purging the SA: what were the causing and how were they acting?
some germans to turn against the nazis and some were ebcoming lawless.
purging the SA: what meant that they became harder to control?
membership increased.
purging the SA: what were the leaders demanding and why?
rewards for their loyal service.
angry that new party members were recieving more recognition than they were.
purging the SA: what were they good at breaking up?
opponents political meetings.
purging the SA: what weren’t they?
professional army.
purging the SA: what would happen if hitler supported the army over the SA?
gain support of large buisnesses.
purging the SA: who distrusted and feared ernst rohm?
generals and leading nazis.
purging the SA: how was ernst rohm considerd to hitler?
originally a friend but then as a potential rival.
purging the SA: what was a charactersitic of rohm which contridicted hitlers practises?
he was a homosexual.
purging the SA: what did rohm want to happen to the SA and the army?
purging the SA: how was the german army?
well organised, trained and possesssed weapons necessary to wage a large scale war.
night of the long knives: how many potentital threats remained by 1984 to hitlers power?
night of the long knives: who were hitlers first of the two threats?
non- nazi conservatives.
night of the long knives: why were non-nazi conservaties 1 of hitlers 2 remaining threats?
rumours circulated that their leader vice chancellor franz von papen planned to take hitlers place.
night of the long knives: how did the non-nazi conservatives come into power?
been given places in the cabinet when hitler ebcame chancellor.
night of the long knives: who were hitlers second threat to his power?
his own stormtroopers.
night of the long knives: by 1934 how had the stats of people in the SA changed?
6 times more men as the start of 1933, which now was nearly 3 million.
night of the long knives: who was the leader of the SA and why was he a significant threat?
ernst rohm. openly declared that he wanted SA to take over the army.
night of the long knives: how was the german army better than the SA?
had 100,000 men- dwarfed SA.
better equipment and easier to control.
night of the long knives: due to hitler rejecting plans for army and SA to merge how did ernst’s demener change but what was there no evidence for?
began openly criticing hitler, refered to him as the ‘ridiculous corprol’ in front of his men.
no evidence he was actively plotting hitlers downfall.
night of the long knives: when did hitler decide to deal with the 2 threats?
june 1934.
night of the long knives: to resolve the threats what did hitler task thew SS with doing, what lists did they draw up and who did it include?
begin manufactering evidence that rohm was planning a nationwide uprising.
politically unreliable people- rohm, SA leaders, political rivals.
night of the long knives: when did SS go into action against the carefully identified enermies?
30 june.
night of the long knives: to carry out the NOTLK what were the SA leaders instructed to do?
go to a hotel outsaide munich for a meeting that was never going to happen.
night of the long knives: to carry out the NOTLK who went to arrest the participants and what were there punishments?
SS officers, hitler, goebbels and others. entered the bulding and arrested SA leaders and sent them to prision. amny of them were killed.
night of the long knives: what option was rohm given, what did he do with it and what was done in response?
option to kill himself.
2 days after arrest he was brutally murderd by 2 SS officers.
night of the long knives: who was in charge of the operation?
night of the long knives: who escaped arrest and why?
von papen. too pubicaly prominant.
night of the long knives: what was von papens punishment?
after a meeting with hitler he decided to resign.
night of the long knives: what happend to von papens secutary and leading supporters?
night of the long knives: what did hitler use this as excuse to do?
rid older enermies.
night of the long knives: what old enermies did hitler decide to get rid of?
von schieicher (previous chancellor), von kahr (thwarted attempt to take power in 1923) and erich klausener (prominernt catholic) killed.
night of the long knives: how many people were killed and what memebrs were killed?
85 people.
12 were prominent reichstag deputies murderd.
end of democracy: when did president hindenburg die?
august 2 1934.
end of democracy: what decision was made about political roles just hours after hindenburgs death?
role of president would be merged with chancellor.
end of democracy: within the same day of hindenburgs death what were the soldiers and officers of the army doing?
taking oaths of alliance to hitler as their new commander-in-chief.
end of democracy: what was hitlers new role on the 19 august and how?
fuhrer through vote.
end of democracy: how did all of these consolidate hitlers power?
final act in the consolidation of his power.
he ahd asserted his authrotiy over his own party and had become fuhrer and commander-in-chief in the armed forces.