The making of America: what did it look like in 1789? Flashcards
what did the agreement between native americans and the british state?
indigenous lands wouldn’t be bothered if they left them alone.
what happened to the british and native american agreement after the revolutionary war?
americans didn’t have to follow the agreement any more because britain lost.
what happened as a consequence to americans winning the war in terms of expansion, who were the people who went out and explored and where did they go exploring?
massive expansion as white settlers (frontiers men) moved into land west of the 13 states and n & s of the Ohio river.
what was george washington concerned about in terms of the expansion?
native americans may look to france or england to help challenge the frontiers men.
what date and how much of the american budget did washington spend on doing what with the native americans?
war against native americans.
battle of fallen timbers: what date?
battle of fallen timbers: how many american soldiers were there?
battle of fallen timbers: who lead it?
major general Wayne.
battle of fallen timbers: how many native american soldiers?
battle of fallen timbers: what was the outcome?
native americans were destroyed.
battle of fallen timbers: what did this lead to?
end on native american resistance in the newly taken territories.
how much land did the americans gain from the british?
230 million acres of indigenous land.
why were native Americans angry when britain left?
placed under US government.
frontiers men: what were the lands north and south known as?
N- northwest territory.
S- southwest territory.
frontiers men: what did they do in the southwest territory, where specifically and when and what was this a reason for?
set up farms on N. americans lands of W.virgina and corrolians before the war. native americans supporting the british in the war.
frontiers men: once the farms were built what did they demand from the government, was it given and what was the impact?
demanded government to help defends attacks from native americans. no help given, settlers attacked the native americans leading to bloody conflicts.
reasons for expansion:
jefferson’s government and yeomen farmers, Lewis and Clark expedition.
reasons for expansion: jeff govmt: what did he believe in, what did that look like, and why did he think it was good?
ideal democratic american who was a yeoman farmer, owned his own piece of land and could provide for himself. these people could make more sensible democratic decisions than those who didn’t and had nothing to loose by voting for extreme ideas.
reasons for expansion: jeff govmt: what did he help set up and what did he do with the land and how people came to own land but what was the draw back?
NW &SW territory. divide and quickly sell land. territories divided up into a grid of six mile squares, then divided into 36 sections of 640 acres each. each acre sold for $1-2 but would only sell whole 640 acres at a time.
reasons for expansion: jeff govmt: how would struggle with paying for land and why?
most families barely made $100 a year head to scrape the $640 to buy land.
reasons for expansion: jeff govmt: who liked the idea of owning chunks of land, where and what did they, what did that lead to them being called and what did this result in?
white americans. NW territory became squatters. settled on land without paying, hoping they could raise funds by the time the bailiff came knocking. created conflict and tensons with native americans.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: once jefferson purchased the land what did he order who to do?
find trading opportunities to the west.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: what did they do, what date, what did they follow to where, who occupied these places?
may 1804. followed Missouri river into rocky mountains and made way overland through unclaimed territory to pacific coast travelled through areas occupied by white americans.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: what did they manage to do well for the most part, who did they meet, what did she do for them, what went wrong and what did it lead to?
communicated and cooperated well with those they met and a Shoshone woman ‘Sacagawea’ acted as their guide. violence and misunderstanding with Lakota Sioux chief black buffalo nearly lead to a small war.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: what did they fail to find, what did their expedition lead to.
river route to pacific.
leaf to explosion of the fur trade.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: what did fur traders use that was made by L&C to do what?
maps. hunt beaver fur to sell to Europe.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: what trade relationships with who due to the expedition and what did it encourage other traders to do?
native americans liek Lakota Sioux, bakota and Ojibwe.
traders to head to west land.
reason for expansion: lewis and clark exp: what happened to trade and what did settlements and over hunting cause?
tensions between native americans and caused ecological damage.