life in nazi germany: turing germany into dictatorship- reichstag fire. Flashcards
what does lebensraum mean?
living space. would re-build their empire.
what does anti-semitism mean?
hatred of jews.
what does anti-marxsism mean?
hatred of communists.
what does aryan strength mean?
ideal that the aryan race were the master race.
what is the strong centeral government?
all workings of the country came from one person and one centeral governemnt.
what does arbeit und brot mean?
work and bread.
what does fuhrerprinzip mean?
hitler controlled everything.
what are the features of a democracy?
- regular elections, nobody knows who you voted for.
- different political parties you can vote for.
- press aren’t controlled by governemnt and press can critise them.
- government has limited control over peoples lives.
what are the features of a dictatorship?
- usually controlled by 1 person or small group of people in charge.
- government closely controls parts of peoples lives, through fear or violence.
- those in charge ban other political parties.
- government controls press and media.
when was the reichstag fire?
27 february 1933.
who did the nazis blame for the reichstag fire?
marinus van der lubbe.
why was the person the nazis claimed started the fire significant?
a communist.
it was believed they’d done it to gain power.
what was significant about when the fire happend?
1 month after hitler became chancellor.
dealing with communists: what did hitler persuade president hindenburg to use article 48 for and when?
pass the reichstag fire decree.
28 february 1933.
dealing with communists: what did the reichstag fire degree mean the governemnt could do?
arrest and imprision political opponents without specific charge, dissolve political organisations, and ended freedome of the press.
dealing with communists: how many communists did the SA and the police arrest?
dealing with communists: how many members of the reichstag were arrested with the 4000?
over 100.
dealing with communists: who was the leader of the german communist party and was he arrested?
ernst thalmann.
dealing with communists: who were banned from the reichstag?
dealing with communists: what was censored?
newspapers, letters and telephone calls.
dealing with communists: what were the german people bombarded with?
anti-communist propaganda.
nazis win march 1933 election: what did the nazis use their access to the countrys resources for?
to get their message across- propaganda.
nazis win march 1933 election: what did hitler do on the 31st january, what did he talk about and what did he say would happen?
hitler gave speech to germans.
balmed communist party for all the countrys problems.
said communists were planning a national uprising.
nazis win march 1933 election: how many extra police did goering hire, who were they and what event did they police?
all nazi supporters.
march 1933 election.
nazis win march 1933 election: in the march 1933 elections what did the brownshirts do?
used violence and intimidation against political opponents.
nazis win march 1933 election: in the march 1933 elections campaign how many people were killed?
enabling act: what did the reichstag do on the 24th march and why?
met and passed enabiling act.
fears of communisum and attacks on democracy.
enabling act: who was all the power passed to and what power did it give them?
chancellor- hitler.
pass laws without consulting the reichstag or the president.
enabling act: what did it temporarily ban and what power did it give the police?
freedom of speech, freedome of the press and freedome to protest.
arrest without trial and search property.
enabling act: how many people passed the act and how many disagreeded and what did this mean for the reichstag?
444 votes to 94.
reichstag voted itself out of existance.
enabling act: how many times did the reichstag meet and what did it act as?
12 times in 11 years.
rubber stamp.
achieving gleichschaltung: what was it?
ways nazis consollidated their power.
achieving gleichschaltung: when did it start and finish?
january 1933- july of that year.
achieving gleichschaltung: book burning- when, why and who started it by what may how had it evolved?
april- german students burnt books as a programme to elimate foreign influence to purify german culture.
34 universitys followed through with plan to burn book.
achieving gleichschaltung: civil service act- on the 7th april what did the givernemnt pass, what did it do and originally who did it exclude?
restoration of the professional civil service.
banned jews and other political opponents of the nazis from all civil service positions.
veterans of world war one or those with a farther or son killed in action during ww1.
achieving gleichschaltung: jewish boycott- on april 1st what did the nazis carry out and how did they do it?
first nationwide boycott of jewish buisnesses and professionals.
SA stood in frount of jewish shops, dr and lawyer offices. painted star of david on the doors. signs posted ‘don’t buy from jews’ ‘jews are our misfortune.’
achieving gleichschaltung: jewish boycott- what did jews expeience and what support did they recieve?
violence and damage to themselves and their property. limited police help.
achieving gleichschaltung: opening of dachau- what happend on march 22, what did it serve as?
concentration camp for political prisioners. served as model for later camps and as schoodl of violence for SS men under whose command it stood.
achieving gleichschaltung: opening of dachau- how long was it open for, how many people were killed, how many people were imprisoned, when and who was it liberated by?
12 years of existance.
200,000 imprisioned.
41 1/2 housand killed.
liberated by americans april 1945.
achieving gleichschaltung: removing trade unions- why was he german trade union movement powerful?
lots of members.
achieving gleichschaltung: removing trade unions- what happend on the 2nd march and what happend to many of their leaders?
tarde union offices taken over by SA and SS- many of their leaders arrested and sent to dachau.
achieving gleichschaltung: removing trade unions- what was banned, those working for the nazis what weren’t they allowed to negotiate?
inderpendant trade unions banend.
all workers now worked for nazis and weren’t able to negotiate wages and working conditions.
achieving gleichschaltung: banning other political parties- what didn’t nazism want and what did that mean/ look like?
democracy, only 1 party.
- communists banned since reichstag fire.
- after destruction of trade unions, social democrats banned. (political party.)
- most of the major remaining parties willingly agreed to close.