Restorative Art Vocab T-Z Flashcards
A synonym for “needle injector”; a spring powered instrument used to install special metal pins in bone which in turn serve as anchors for threads or wires to hold parts together.
Touching at a single point.
A form which receded away from a given point; a form which becomes gradually smaller toward one end; to reduce gradually from the center.
Pertaining to the ankle.
Of a dull yellowish-brown color, like things tanned, or persons who are tanned by the sun; of a color ranging from darker to lighter shades of brown touched with yellow.
The flattened, slightly depressed area by the side of the forehead of man.
Inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone.
Temporal Bones
The concave surface of the head overlying the temporal bone.
Temporal Cavity
Muscle of mastication which helps to close the mandible (the strongest chewing muscles).
Temporalis Muscles
Property of holding fast; adhesiveness.
The white, glistening, non-elastic fibrous cord of connective tissue in which the fibers of a muscle end and by which a muscle is attached to a bone or other structure.
Institution of disinfection and decontamination measures after the preparation of the remains.
Terminal Disinfection
Limit; end; the part which terminates.
Termination (Terminal)
The hue which results from the mixture of two secondary pigmentary hues or an unbalanced proportion of complements with the warm hue or cool hue predominating.
Tertiary Hue
A group of four; in color, two separated hues and their complements.
A brush with a relatively large tuft of good quality, fine bristles, such as black sable or finch; used to blend and stipple cosmetics or powder into the applied (cream) cosmetic, and clean out deposits impacted in pores.
Texturizing Brush
Destruction of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues; seared, charred, or roasted tissue.
Third Degree Burn
In reference to a photograph, a view which reveals the fullness of the cheeks.
Three Quarter View
A hue into which various quantities of white are mixed.
A powder which is lightly colored with non-moisture absorbing pigments.
Tinted Powders
The extremity of anything which tapers (e.g. the ___ of the nose; the termination of the forward projection of the nose).
Any substance used to elevate sunken (emaciated) tissues to a normal level by hypodermic injection.
Tissue Builder
Postmortem accumulation of gas in tissues or cavities brought about by an Anaerobic gas forming bacillus, ex. clostridium perfringens.
Tissue Gas
White, water-insoluble powder used chiefly in white pigments, paints, and cosmetics; noted for its brilliant white color, covering power and permanence.
Titanium Dioxide
The yellowing/browning of the fingernails and fingers from excessive use of cigarettes; a surface discoloration. Can be removed with a 10% lemon juice solution.
Tobacco Tars
A hue mixed with either a small quantity of gray or the complement of the hue, resulting in dulling the hue.
Like the precious stone its characteristic color is yellow, varying from canary yellow to deep orange; hair of a golden-red.
Topaz (Blonde)
(French) a floor lamp which directs most of the illumination upward.
Disinfection of the surface of the body or an object.
Topical Disinfection
A small wig or patch of false hair covering a bald spot; a hairpiece.
A tube about 11cm long that extends from the larynx in the neck to the bronchi in the thoracic cavity.
Trachea (Windpipe)
A natural gum obtained from various Asiatic or East European herbs which swells up in water and is used in the arts, embalming chemicals, and pharmacy.
Elevation protecting the ear passage (external auditory meatus).
(1) Crosswise, lying across the long axis of the body or of a part. (2) Lying or being across; horizontal.
Furrows which cross the forehead; acquired facial markings.
Transverse Frontal Sulci
Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to eliminate perfection of distinct images; somewhat transparent.
A wig; a false hairpiece employed to enlarge the mass of hair or to permit variation in hair-styling.
Passage from one place or condition to another.
Having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
A physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence.
A group of three; in color; three separated hues.
A frontal head form in which the face is wider between the angles of the mandible than it is at the forehead; representing a triangle in shape; formed by three lines and having three angles (least common geometric head form).
Depression between the crura of the ear; the second deepest depression of the ear.
Triangular Fossa
A colorless liquid used in dry-cleaning; a solvent for fats, oil, and waxes.
Homogeneous mixture of two or more substances able to pass through a semi-permeable membrane. The size of the solute particles is less than one nanometer.
True Solution
A small, rounded projection; example: rib ________.
A large, rounded projection; example, ischial _______.
Consisting of tubes and alveoli, as in a _________salivary gland.
A spontaneous new growth of tissue forming an abnormal mass.
A covering or layer.
The outer, fibroelastic coat of a blood vessel or other tubular structure comprised of connective tissue.
Tunica Adventita (Tunica Externa)
The inner, serous coat of an artery comprised of smooth muscle.
Tunica Intima (Tunica Interna)
The middle, usually muscular, coat of an artery or other tubular structure comprised of smooth muscle.
Tunica Media
One of the outer layers of a part, especially of a hollow organ or blood.
In liquids, muddy with particles or extraneous matter, not clear or transparent.
An open sore or lesion of skin or mucous membrane accompanied by sloughing of inflamed necrotic tissue.
Invisible rays of the spectrum lying outside the violet end of the visible spectrum.
An earth substance consisting chiefly of a hydrated oxide of iron and some oxide of manganese: used in its natural state (raw) as a brown pigment or, after heating (burnt) as a reddish-brown pigment; dark reddish-brown.
A coloring (opaque) applied to an area which, when dry, will be covered with wax or another colorant.
The angled cut of the borders of an excision, made so that the skin surface will overhang the deeper tissues.
A less intense rouge (more on the pink side) than moist rouge; used for cheek rouging and shadowing and sometimes as a colorant applied before application of the complexion colorant.
Of or pertaining to a group of pigments (as of the four basic pigments) to form a complexion compound.
An approach to infection control. According to the concept of this, all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to be infectious.
Universal Precautions
A part which is, or will be, hidden from view.
Unexposed Area
Latin for a little grape; projection hanging rom the soft palate.
The lightness or darkness of a hue.
Changes in form, extent, etc.: Things somewhat different from another of the same kind.
Changing in color, diversified with different colors.
A material combined with pigments so they may be applied more easily.
Located toward the front of the body.
Ventral (Anterior)
A word picture; an oral description of the face or features.
Verbal Portrait
Brilliant, scarlet red.
The spine or spinal column; formed by a number of bones called vertebrae, the discs between these vertebrae, and two composite bones (sacrum and coccyx).
Vertebral Column
The top of the head.
Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, balanced.
One in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin protrudes more than the superior mucous membrane.
Vertical-Concave Profile
One in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin recedes less than the superior mucous membrane.
Vertical-Convex Profile
One in which the forehead, upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line.
Vertical Profile
The vertical furrow(s) on the forehead between the eyebrows.
Vertical Interciliary Sulcus (pl. Sulci)
Blister-like elevation of the skin containing serous fluid.
The semi-fluid, transparent substance which lies between the retina and lens of the eyeball.
Vitreous Humor
Brilliance, intensely bright color(s).
The degree of brilliance.
Bone of the nasal cavity situated between the nasal passages on the median plane; it forms the inferior and posterior portion of the septum of the nose.
Vomer Bone
Areas on the skin surface which, during life, are naturally reddened; places where cosmetics will be applied to restore the warmth that red will give.
Warm Color Areas
A color which appears in the spectral band, characterized by long wave-lengths; a color which makes an object appear closer and larger; a color which reflects warmth; i.e. red, orange, yellow,and other colors in which they are predominate.
Warm Hue
A restorative modeling or surfacing material composed of beeswax, spermaceti, paraffin, starch, etc, and a coloring pigment which will soften at body temperature and will reflect light n a manner similar to normal skin.
The line of color change at the junction of the wet and dry portions of each mucous membrane.
Weather Line
The aspect of physical heaviness associated with different colors;i.e. warm, light, or grayed hues do not appear as heavy as cold, dark, or pure hues respectively; the size of the colored object will also create the illusion of greater or lesser of this heaviness.
The color of pure snow; the color reflecting to the eye all of the rays of the spectrum combined; the opposite of black; an achromatic color; a neutral color.
A ray of light which contains all the hues of the visible spectrum, in such proportion that the light appears colorless or natural; as daylight or sunlight.
White Light
White substance of the central nervous system; contains tracts of myelinated nerve fibers.
White Matter
The dimension of an object measured across from side to side.
Lateral lobes of the nose.
Wings of the Nose
The length of wire employed to connect two structures which are undamaged such as remaining parts of a bone; a wire mesh placed within an aperture to hold other restorative fillers.
Wire Bridging
Impure acetic acid from the distillation of wood.
Wood Vinegar
Controls that reduce the likelihood of exposure by altering the manner in which a task is performed; prohibiting recapping of needles, and not allowing blood splatter or aerosolization of blood while draining during the embalming process.
Work Practice Controls
The firmest type of restorative wax; a putty-like material used to fill large cavities or model features.
Wound Filler
A method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends it easy of concealment by waxing.
Worm Suture (Inversion, Draw Stitch)
A non-crystaline white powder used as a pigment.
Zinc Oxide
The processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face.
Zygomatic Arch
One of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch.
Zygomatic Arch Depression
Small bones on the cheeks; widest part of the cheek.
Zygomatic Bones (Malar Bone)
The lateral rim of the eye socket formed by a process of the frontal bone and a process of the zygomatic bone.
Zygomaticofrontal Process
A thin projection from the temporal bone bounding its squamous portion; a part of the malar bone helping to form the zygoma.
Zygomatic Process
Muscles of the face which draw the superior lip posteriorly, superiorly, and anteriorly.
Zygomaticus Major Muscles
Muscles of the face which draw the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly.
Zygomaticus Minor Muscles