Restorative Art Vocab P-Q Flashcards
Liquids or els, usually available in spray or pack form, which are generally used in cases of skin slip, ulcerations and other surface involvements.
Pack Application (Surface Application)
Roof of the mouth.
One of the bones forming the posterior part of the hard palate and lateral nasal wall between the interior pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla.
Palatine Bone
The eyelids both superior and inferior.
Palbeprae (s. Palpebra)
A face powder cosmetic pressed into a flat cake.
In cosmetology, the graduation of tones of a color (either single or a mixture) from light to dark, obtained by varying the densities of application.
Panchromatic Scale
A white crystalline powder chemically derived from formaldehyde (a polymer) which is used as an antiseptic and preservative, usually an ingredient of hardening compound.
Two bones that form the roof and part of the sides of the skull.
Parietal Bones
The rounded peak of the external convexity of the parietal bones; determines the widest part of the cranium.
Parietal Eminence
Located near the ear.
The large salivary gland in front of the ear.
Parotid Gland
Occurs when various drainage from an area is decreased.
Passive Capillary Congestion
A soft, moist opaque cosmetic with the consistency of dough and bound together with the aid of gum, starch, and water. If oils and fats are present, water is absent.
A group of hairs of uniform length applied simultaneously as a method of hair replacement.
Patch of Hair
Any living agents capable of producing disease.
Antemortem discoloration that occurs during the course of certain diseases; gangrene and jaundice.
Pathological Discoloration
Substance able to destroy lice.
Effected through unbroken skin.
Agents destructive to adult forms of insect life.
Pesticide (Insecticide)
Located at, or pertaining to, the periphery (the outer part of surface of a body); occurring away from the center.
Portion of the nervous system consisting of nerves and ganglia that lie outside the brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
At right angles to another surface.
Antemortem, pinpoint, extravascular blood discoloration visible as purplish hemorrhages of the skin.
Diseased; due to a disease.
Pathological Condition
Wounds entering the inferior of an organ or cavity.
Penetrating Wounds
Superior portion of the bony nasal septum.
Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid Bone
A semi-solid, yellow mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum.
Petroleum Jelly
Finger or toe bones.
An antiseptic/disinfectant employed to dry moist tissues and to bleach discolored tissues.
Phenol (Carbolic Acid)
The vertical groove located medially on the superior lip; a natural facial marking.
The study of the structures and surface markings of the face and features.
Most internal and most delicate of the three membranes (meninges) covering the brain and spinal cord.
Pia Mater
A coloring matter which can be applied to an object, when combined with some type of vehicle.
A powder (usually composed of dry, pulverized pigments and talcum) employed to impart color to the skin.
Pigment Powder
The basis for mortuary cosmetology.
Pigment Theory (The Prang System)
The auricle or projected part of the exterior ear.
Pinna (Ear)
Condition in which interstitial spaces contain such excessive amounts of fluid that the skin remains depressed after palpation.
Pitting Edema
A hormone-secreting, golf-club shaped structure that hangs inferiorly from the brain and performs a variety of endocrine functions, such as regulating the gonads, thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, lactation, and water balance.
Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)
Surface having very little curvature.
A white powdery substance which forms a quick-setting paste when mixed with water.
Paster of Paris (Calcium Sulfate)
A nasal classification which is short and board and has the minimum of projection; common to individuals of African descent.
Thin layer of muscle covering the anterior aspect of the neck.
Platysma Muscle
The transverse, dipping furrow of the neck; acquired facial marking.
Platysmal Suci
A small ball, cylinder, or tuft often made of cotton.
Any device as cotton, cloth, wood, etc. used to fill or close an opening.
Preparation room equipment used to reduce neck swelling by variable air pressure.
Pneumatic Collar (Air Collar)
A place (usually invisible) at which access to inner positions may be had; a place at which a hypodermic needle may be inserted to pass into the same or another area.
Point of Entry
The part of the brain stem between the midbrain and the medulla oblongata.
Minute depressions in the surface of the skin, as in the openings of the sweat glands.
A prefix meaning “after, subsequent, later”; sometimes used incorrectly to refer to an autopsy.
Treatments of restorative natures performed after the embalming operation
Post Embalming
Preparation room equipment for properly positioning bodies prior to, during, and after vascular embalming.
Positioning Devices
Toward the rear or caudal end; toward the back.
Posterior (Dorsal)
After death.
Extravascular color change that occurs when heme, released by hemolysis of red blood cells, seeps through the vessel walls and into the body tissues.
Postmortem Stain (Laking)
Any solid substance in the state of fine, loose particles as produced by crushing or grinding.
A device containing hairs or bristles set in a handle; used to apply and/or remove powder.
Powder Brush
A soft, circular pad for applying powder.
Powder Puff
A cosmetic instrument with 3 component parts consisting of a container, bulb syringe, and a spray nozzle. The device converts powders into airborne particulates.
Powder Atomized (Powder Puff Applicator, Nebulizer, Powder Blower)
Embalming equipment used to inject a substance into the mouth, giving the deceased a more life-like appearance by filling out the mouth.
Poze Injector
A prefix denoting priority; before in time or place.
Treatments of a restorative nature performed before the embalming operation.
(1) Ability to remain intact, as the state of being prepared (usually chemicals) to resist decomposition and decay. (2) The science of treating the body chemically so as to temporarily inhibit decomposition.
Chemicals which inactivate saprophytic bacteria, render unsuitable for nutrition the media upon decompositionwhich such bacteria thrive, and which will arrest by altering enzymes and lysins of the body as well as converting the decomposable tissue to a form less susceptible to decomposition.
Chemical in powder form; typically used for surface embalming of the remains.
Preservative Powder
First in origin, time, or importance.
Three pigmentary hues: red, yellow, and blue, which can be combined to make all other hues.
Primary Hue/Color
A slender instrument for examining a wound or cavity; used in reduction of swellings by channeling through tissues beneath the skin.
Draws the skin of the forehead inferiorly.
Procerus Muscle
A systematic series of actions in the production of something; or an accessory outgrowth or prominence on the surface of bone.
A photograph or painting in which the subject has been posed and lighted flatteringly by a professional photographer or artist.
Professional Portrait
The side view of the human head.
To turn the palm downward.
Medial rotation of the forearm that causes the palm to face posteriorly.
Refers to a body lying horizontally with the face downward.
Projection of the jaw(s) beyond the projection of the forehead.
The act of throwing forward; a part extending beyond the level of its surroundings.
Conspicuous in position or importance; or a projection or eminence.
Lying face down
The relationships of the size of one feature as compared with another feature or with the width or length of the face
An artificial device used to replace a limb, appendage, or other body part.
Prosthetic Device
The rounded, anterior projection of the tip of the nose.
Protruding Lobe
The state or condition of being thrust forward or projecting
Nearest the point of attachment, center of the body, or point of reference; the opposite of distal.
A hole or slight wound resulting from piercing.
Opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye
Postmortem evacuation of any substance from an external orifice of the body as a result of pressure.
A color between blue and red; a secondary hue of pigments.
A suture made around the circumference of a circular opening or puncture to close it or to hold the margins in position.
Purse String Suture
A secretion from inflamed tissues; usually an opaque, creamy colored matter.
A small elevation of the skin with an inflamed base, containing pus.
The decomposition of organic matter largely by the agency of micro-organisms, and resulting in the production of various solid, liquid and gaseous matters, some of which have a foul odor.
An apparently solid structure having a square base and four triangular sides which meet at a central point.
Figure having four angles and four sides.
Raises the wings of the nose, deepens the nasolabial sulcus.
Quadratus Labii Superior Muscle
A figure bounded by four lines.