Restorative Art Vocab R-S Flashcards
Trade name (from French) for a creamy (slightly yellowish) color; a color between beige and rose; accepted as the universal powder for women.
Energy traveling through space in the form of electromagnetic waves of various lengths.
Radiant Energy
To spread out from a common point.
The vertical portion of the mandible.
A seam in the midline.
A dark, purplish-red color.
The relationship between two numbers (measurements) usually expressed by the division of one number by the other.
A comb with a long, thin handle employed in curling hair.
Rat-tail comb.
A darkened, air-dried area on the skin resulting from removal of the epidermis while shaving.
Razor Burn
Redistribution of massage cream to insure a uniform density.
To move backward from a fixed point or surface; movement to a posterior position.
The withdrawal of a part form its normal position
A four-sided figure having four right angles.
To diminish in size, mass, or projection.
Substance that easily loses electrons and thereby causes other substances to be reduced; formaldehyde is a strong example of this.
Reducing Agent
The return of light waves from surfaces; the bending or folding back of a part upon itself.
To lay at rest.
The location of the same color at several places in an arrangement to achieve balance.
Treatment of the deceased in the attempt to recreate natural form and color.
Supplemental fluid, used with the regular arterial solution whose purpose is to retain body moisture and retard dehydration.
Restorative Fluid (Humectant)
The care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color.
Restorative Art
To bring back the outward appearance by artificial or natural means.
Neural tunic of the eyeball; contains the photoreceptor cells for vision.
An instrument with bent prongs for drawing back the edges of a wound.
A nose which is turned up superiorly at its tip..
The border, edge, or margin of a thing, usually of a circular or curving form, as the ___ of the eye socket.
The narrow superficial band of muscle which pulls the angle of the mouth laterally.
Risorius Muscle (Laughing Muscle, False Smile Muscle)
The long, rod-shaped sensory bodies of the retina of the eye responsive to light but not color.
Rods of the Eye
The aquiline profile of the nose.
The apex (top) of the pyramidal mass of the nose which lies directly inferior to the forehead; the concave dip inferior to the forehead (profile view).
Root of the Nose
A red pigment used as a cosmetic.
A frontal head form in which the head exhibits maximum curvature.
Round (Infantine)
An acronym for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
Preparation room equipment applied to the neck creating external pressure to reduce swelling of the neck.
Rubber Water Collar
Red complexion; having a healthy reddish color, said of the complexion, more vivid than florid.
Wrinkles or folds.
The median vertical line dividing the body into right and left halves.
Sagittal Line
The articulation of the Parietal Bones at the top of the skull.
Sagittal Suture
Of or pertaining to the fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth.
A yellowish, sickly color of the complexion.
As related to decomposition, the conversion of fatty tissues of the body into a soapy waxy substance called adipocere or grave wax.
Saponification (Process of Soap Formation)
A visual aspect indicating the vividness of the hue in the degree of difference from a gray of the same lightness.
A curst over a healing sore or wound.
A crusted sore or wound that is exuding moisture, serum, or pus.
Scab Oozing
Fossa between the inner and outer rims of the ear; the shallowest depression of the ear.
A bright red color inclining toward orange.
From Greek for hard.
Outer fibrous tunic of the eyeball. The white portion of the eye.
Sclera of the Eye
A quick-drying liquid which leaves a hard, transparent coat or layer through which moisture cannot pass.
To cauterize tissues by heat or chemical in order to provide a dry foundation.
Those resulting in acute inflammation of the skin and blisters.
Second Degree Burn
Equal mixture of the two primary pigmentary hues (orange, green, and purple).
Secondary Hue/Color
That injection taking place after the initial, primary, or first injection.
Secondary Injection
Injection of different regions of the body through the different arteries leading to those regions, as in autopsied cases or multipoint injections.
Sectional Injection
Almost opaque; not transparent or translucent.
Pathologic state, resulting from the presence of microorganisms or their products in the blood or other tissues.
Condition characterized by the multiplication of bacteria in the blood.
Vertical cartilage dividing the nasal cavity into two chambers, responsible for asymmetry of the nose.
Notched on the edge like a saw.
To have been cut or broken apart; disjoined.
A hue into which various quantities of black of mixed; the darkened hue.
Surfaces which do not lie at right angles to the source of illumination or are obscured by other surfaces and which reflect little or no light.
Application of a color darker than the complexion color would shadow the complexion.
Shadowing with Cosmetics
A preparation to be used for cleansing the hair, the act of cleansing hair.
OSHA required receptacle for proper disposal of sharps. Equipment.
Sharps Container
Shine; as of the reflection of natural oils of the skin.
A purified lac (resinous secretion of the lac insect) formed into thin yellow or orange flakes, often bleached white, and used in varnishes, paints, etc.; used also as a binder prepared by dissolving flake _____ in denatured alcohol.
The growth of hair located anterior to the ears.
The lateral walls of the nose between the wings and the bridge.
Sides of the Nose
An iron bearing earth material used as a yellowish-brown pigment or, after roasting in a furnace, as a reddish brown pigment.
The linear form of the head or feature.
Fractured bone that does not piece the skin.
Simple Fracture
Two hues placed side by side (Juxtaposition) or one on top of the other (Superimposed) affect the appearance of each other; if complementary they tend to enrich each other and appear more brilliant; if non-complementary they tend to lose brilliance by dulling each other; Value (lightness and darkness) is also affected by this.
Simultaneous Contrast
To burn superficially as the hair which shows partial destruction from scorching heat.
Bending in and out; a varied form.
A cavity or sponge like space within a bone; a dilated channel for venous blood; any cavity having a relatively narrow opening. Example: the frontal ____.
Separation of the epidermis from the derma; caused by decomposition.
Skin Slip (Desquamation)
Surface restorer.
Soft Wax
Drug-induced edema wherein the excess fluid is located within the cell. Upon palpation, there is no noticeable depression.
Solid Edema
The substance that is dissolved in a solution.
Liquid containing dissolved substance.
A substance (usually liquid) capable of, or used in, dissolving something.
A flat, blunt, knife-like instrument used for mixing cosmetics and modeling; a palette knife.
Visible band; the original standard of color; the progressive arrangement of colors (ROYGBIV) seen when a beam of light is broken down into its component colors.
A ball; a body of space bounded by one surface, all points of which are equally distant from a point within called its center.
Ring like muscle which closes a natural orifice, such as the mouth and eye.
An appliance as of wood, metal, etc. used to keep in place or project a displaced or movable part.
In color, one hue in combination with the two hues on either side of its complement.
Split Complement
A liquid cosmetic so compounded that it can be atomized to provide a means of application to a surface.
Spray Cosmetic
An elastic, porous mass of interlacing horny fibers which are permanently attached; remarkable for its power of absorbing water and becoming soft when wet without losing its toughness.
The vertical surface of the temporal bone.
(Strong) a frontal head form in which the head is broad and exhibits very little curvature; the forehead is wide and the angles of the mandible are usually low as well as wide.
To discolor with foreign matter, an area so discolored.
Any substances or agents which will cause an external discoloration to be removed or lessened.
Stain Removers
Used as a dusting powder and an absorbent; used to firm wax.
Starch (Cornstarch)
A muscle of the neck that is attached to the mastoid process of the temporal bone and superior nuchal line and by separate heads to the sternum and clavicle. They function together to flex the head, form the lateral boundaries of the cervical triangle, and widest part of the neck.
Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle (SCM)
The breastbone; the bone connecting the upper seven pairs of ribs in the front.
A small, rounded, stiff brush, all bristles the same length, used to stimulate pores on wax; stencil brush.
Stipple Brush
A nasal profile in which the dorsum exhibits a stright line from the root to the tip; the most common nasal profile.
Straight Nasal Profile (Grecian)
The pale yellowish color of the stalks of dried grain such as used for fodder.
Straw Color
A prefix signifying “under”,”below”,”beneath”
Situated or occurring beneath the skin.
Lowered in intensity or strength; reduced in fullness or color; muted.
A physical change of state during which a substance changes directly from a solid to gas.
Describing those portions which lie immediately inferior to the mandible.
The junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area, which may appear as a furrow; a natural facial marking.
Submental Sulcus
Method of diminishing the wave lengths of light by superimposing two or more color transparencies over the same light source; the light is gradually reduced by absorption of colors in the light.
Subtractive Method
Situated as a depression; concave.
The inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows.
Superciliary Arches
Supercilium (Superalea)
Toward the surface.
Anatomically towards the head.
The portion between the base of the nose and the superior margin of the superior mucous membrane.
Superior Integumentary Lip
The furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid; an acquired facial marking.
Superior Palpebral Sulcus
To turn the palm of the hand upward; opposite of pronate.
Lying on the back with the face up.
Fluid injected for purposes other than preservation and disinfection.
Supplemental Fluid
Region between the supercilium and the superior palpebrae.
Supraorbital Area
The superior rim of the eye sockets.
Supraorbital Margins
Cloth, wet or dry, folded and applied firmly to a body part.
Surface Compress
A discoloration due to the deposit of matter on the skin surface. These discolorations may occur antemortem, during, or after embalming the body; adhesive tape, ink, iodine, paint, tobacco stains.
Surface Discolorations
The direct contact of body tissues with embalming chemicals.
Surface Embalming
The arrest or prevention of decomposition by external treatments as immersion or application of cotton compresses of preservative solutions.
Surface Preservation
A wax used to fill shallow depressions which is softer and more pliable than wound filler.
Surface Restorer (Surface Filler)
Restoration to a normal position or level through surgical excision.
Surgical Reduction
A substance in which particles of ground pigments are mixed with a fluid but are undissolved.
To provide support for; to hold in a fixed position.
Relating to a suture (the line of union in a immovable articulation, as those between the skull bones).
Act of sewing; also the completed stitch.
A bit of cotton or cloth used for removing moisture or discharges from mucous membranes as well as for applying bleaches or liquid disinfectants.
Dark-colored complexion, as a face made ____ by the tropical sun.
Swarthy (Dusky)
In the application of color, the placement of the same hue in corresponding parts of each half of an arrangement.
Symmetrical Balance
Corresponds in size, shape, and relative position of parts that are on opposite sides of the face.
A line of fusion between two bones that are separate in early development. Greek for growing together.
Specialized cell junction between two neurons, at which the neurons communicate.