Restorative Art Vocab I-L Flashcards
Giving or casting of light.
The illumination resulting from the glowing of a heated filament.
Incandescent Light
Light rays which fall upon an object.
Incident Light
A clean cut into tissue or skin.
The depression between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth.
Incisive Fossa
The four teeth located anteriorly from the midline on each jaw, used for cutting.
Incisor Teeth
Slope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical; oblique.
A blue dye obtained from certain plants or made synthetically, usually from aniline dyes; a deep violet blue designated by Newton as one of the seven prismatic colors.
Babyish, childlike in regard to much adipose tissue.
The state or condition in which the body or part of it is invaded by a pathogenic agent that, under favorable conditions, multiplies and produces injurious effects.
Disease caused by the growth of a pathogenic microorganism in the body.
Infectious Disease
Beneath; lower in plane or position; the undersurface of an organ or indicating a structure below another structure; toward the feet.
The part between the inferior margin of the inferior mucous membrane and the mental eminence.
Inferior Integumentary Lip
The lowermost scroll-shaped bones on the sidewalls of the nasal cavity.
Inferior Nasal Conchae
The furrow of the lower attached border of the inferior palpebra; an acquired facial marking.
Inferior Palpebral Sulcus
The reaction of the tissues to injurious agents, usually characterized by heat, redness, swelling, and pain.
The process of seepage or diffusion into tissue of substances that are not ordinarily present.
A form of prognathism in which the base of the nasal cavity protrudes abnormally.
Infranasal Prognathism
The part of the invisible spectrum adjacent to the red end of the visible spectrum.
To restrain, hinder, or retard.
To introduce forcibly into the circulatory system, tissues, etc. with a hypodermic syringe or the like.
A preparation aid used in mouth closure. It is inserted into a needle injector and forced into the mandible and maxilla.
Injector Needle
Eminence at the inner corner of the closed eyelids.
Inner Canthus
Condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but not he veins are obstructed.
Ischemic Necrosis (Dry Gangrene)
Injection of very strong arterial fluid under relatively high pressure into the head and face through both common carotid arteries to effect preservation and disinfection while minimizing swelling.
Instant Tissue Fixation (Head Freeze)
An essential part of a whole necessary to completeness; intrinsic.
Superiorly, the skin portion of the upper lip from the attached margin of the upper mucous membrane to the base of the nose; and inferiorly, the skin portion of the lower lip from the attached margin of the lower mucous membrane to the labiomental sulcus.
Integumentary Lips
Existing in a high degree of brilliance; vivid.
To become more brilliant or more vivid in color.
The strength of a color, due especially to its degree of freedom from mixture with its complementary color or gray; equivalent to its brightness or dullness.
Between the cells of a structure.
The vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows; acquired facial markings.
Interciiiary Sulci
Being in a middle place or degree.
Intermediate Form
A pigmentary hue produced by mixing, in equal quantities, a primary hue with its adjacent secondary hue on the color wheel.
Intermediate Hue
Within the body; within or on the inside; the opposite of external.
To divide by passing through or lying across as in lines.
A notch or opening between the tragus and the antitragus of the ear.
Intertragic Notch
Within a cell or cells.
A type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner that the ligature remains entirely under the eipdermis.
Intradermal Suture (Hidden Suture)
Within the blood vascular system.
From within the body.
Tissues turned in an opposite direction or folded inward.
A three sided figure whose base is superior to its apex; when used to describe a frontal-view geometric head shape; a head which is wide at the forehead and narrow at the jaw.
Inverted Triangle
Conditions characterized by excessive concentrations of bilirubinin. The skin and tissues and deposition of excessive bile pigment in the skin, cornea, body fluids, and mucous membranes with the resulting yellow appearance of the patient.
Jaundice (Icterus)
A special vascular fluid with special bleaching and coloring qualities of use on bodies with jaundice; usually low formaldehyde content.
Jaundice Fluid
The inferior border of the mandible.
The point of junctures between two bones. Usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage.
Any two hues seen together which modify each other in the direction of their complements.
Juxtaposition (Simultaneous Contrast)
To work into a uniform mixture by pushing, rolling, stretching, and folding.
The vertical furrows of each lip extending from within the mucous membranes into the integumentary lips; acquired facial marking.
Labial Sulci (Furrows of Age)
The junction of the lower integumentary lip and the superior border of the chin, which may appear as a furrow; a natural facial marking.
Labiomental Sulcus
To cut or often tear into irregular segments.
An irregularly torn or jagged wound, ranging from superficial scratches to deep tears in the tissues.
Pertaining to tears.
Any of various soluble pigments prepared from animal, vegetable, or coal-tar coloring matter by union (chemical or other) with metallic compound. The colors range from vivid red, orange-red, red-orange to purple-red.
Oil from sheep wool.
The downy hair of fetus, children, or women.
Lanugo (Peach Fuzz)
The organ of voice production; the upper part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea.
Toward the side.
A guide for the use of dull colors for expansive areas and intense colors for small areas.
Law of Areas
Escape of blood or fluid.
A vertical dimension.
A nasal index common to individuals of Western Europe descent having a long, narrow, and high-bridge.
Any change in structure produced during the course of a disease or injury.
Defective pigmentation of the skin; absence of pigment melanin in patches.
A muscle of facial expression which elevates the angle of the mouth.
Levator Anguli Oris Muscle
The small muscle which raises the upper lip; part of the Quadratus Labii Superioris.
Levator Labii Superioris
A muscle of facial expression which elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostril opening.
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi Muscle (The Common Elevator)
A muscle of facial expression which elevates and extends the lower lip.
Levator Labii Inferioris Muscle
A muscle of facial expression which raises the upper eyelid.
Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle
To tie or bind using a cord, wire, or thread.
Thread, cord, or wire used for typing vessels, tissues, or bones.
To shine; a form of electromagnetic radiation that acts upon the retina of the eye to make sight possible.
Any stripe, streak, margin, or narrow ridge; extension of a dimension having length but not width of depth.
The line that forms between two structures, such as the lips or the eyelids when in a closed position, which marks their place of contact with each other.
Line of Closure
The natural crevices in the superficial surfaces of the red lips of the mouth.
Lines of the Mucous Membranes
A slightly curving ridge on the surface of the frontal bone which rises above the outer rim of the eyesocket; it marks the sudden change of plane from the forehead (and orbital cavity) to the Temporal Region.
Line of the Temple
A line drawn or visualized on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper-lying structure.
Linear Guide
Eyelid furrows which are short and broken, extending horizontally on the palpebrae themselves and which may fan from both the medial and lateral corners of the eyes.
Linear Sulci
The more brilliant theatrical colors used for shadows, eye-makeup, rouge (and lip rouge) and wrinkles; available in small the external mucous membrane of the mouth.
Lining Colors
One of the two fleshy folds at the orifice of the mouth; the edge of an incision, laceration, or excision.
A small, flat brush having soft hairs of uniform length.
Lip Brush
A soft restorative wax, usually tinted, used to surface the mucous membranes or to correct lip separations.
Lip Wax
A fluid, facial colorant in which pigments are dissolved or suspended.
Liquid Cosmetic
A quick-drying fluid adhesive.
Liquid Sealer
An aqueous mixture or powder with a suspending agent.
Liquid Suspension
Postmortem, intravascular, red-blue discoloration resulting from hypostasis of blood.
Livor Mortis (Cadaveric Lividity)
The fatty inferior one-third of the ear.
A single, noose-like suture, not pulled taut before knotting, which stands from the skin and which anchors restorative materials.
Loop Stitch
Tuberculosis of the skin; patches ulcerate and leave scars on healing.
Lupus Vulgaris