Restorative Art Powerpoint Flashcards
Antemortem and/or postmortem injuries resulting from friction of the skin against a firm object resulting in the removal of the epidermis.
An irregularly torn or jagged wound, ranging from superficial scratches to deep tears in the tissues.
To make a cut into the skin.
To remove something.
A localized accumulation of pus.
A thin vesicle on the skin containing liquid matter.
A small elevation of the skin with an inflamed base, containing pus.
Projection of the jaw(s) beyond the projection of the forehead.
Oblique insertion of the teeth.
Dental Prognathism (Buck Teeth)
An abnormal protrusion of the Alveolar Process(es).
Alveolar Prognathism
A form a prognathism in which the base of the nasal cavity protrudes abnormally.
Infranasal Prognathism
The small convex prominence found lateral to the end of the line of closure of the mouth.
- Natural facial marking
Angulus Oris Eminence
The groove found at each end of the line of closure of the mouth.
- Natural facial marking
Angulus Oris Sulcus
The organ of hearing.
Ear (Pinna)
The inner rim of the ear.
The superior and anterior bifurcating branches of the antihelix of the ear.
Curura of the Antihelix
The origin of the helix which is flattened in the concha.
Crus of the Helix
The outer rim of the ear.
Elevation protecting the ear passage (external auditory meatus).
A small eminence obliquely opposite the tragus on the superior border of the lobe of the ear.
The opening or passageway of the ear.
External Auditory Meatus
A notch or opening between the tragus and the antitragus of the ear.
Intertragic Notch
Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, balanced.
One in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin protrudes more than the superior mucous membrane.
Vertical-Concave Profile
One in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin recedes less than the superior mucous membrane.
Vertical-Convex Profile
One in which the forehead, upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line.
Vertical Profile
Babyish, childlike in regard to much adipose tissue.
Having an abnormal amount of fat on the body.
Corpulence (Obesity)
Roughtly U-shaped, with the front being narrower than the sweep of the curve.
Horseshoe Curve
The visible red surfaces of the lips; the lining membrane of the body cavities which communicate with the exterior.
Mucous Membranes
The line of color change at the junction of the wet and dry protions of each mucous membrane.
Weather Line
Shaped as a bent wooden weapon with a central belly; resembling a cupid bow.
- Sometimes the shape of the lips is referred to as this.
Hunting Bow
The line that forms between two structures, such as the lips or the eyelids when in a closed position, which marks their place of contact with each other.
Line of Closure
The line of closure that results from the two eyelids are in a closed position.
- Found ine inferior one-third of the orbital cavity.
- Resembles an almond shape
Eye Closure
Curved, as the beak of an eagle; as viewed from the profile, a nose which exhibits a “hook” or convexity in its dorsum.
Aquiline (Roman)
The inferior margin of the nasal wing which forms a distinct concave arc superiorly.
Arch of the Wing
A raised support; the arched portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones; a structure or span connecting two parts of a mutilated bone.
Lateral lobes of the nose.
Wings of the Nose
The fleshy termination of the nasal septum at the base of the nose; located betwen the nostrils; the most inferior part of the mass of the nose.
Columna Nasi
Top, the anterior protruding ridge of the nose from the root to the tip of the lobe.
The lowermost scroll-shaped bones on the sidewalls of the nasal cavity.
Inferior Nasal Conchae
A nasal profile form in which the dorsum exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip.
Grecian (Straight Nasal Profile)
The aquiline profile of the nose.
A nasal index common to individuals of Western European descent having a long, narrow, and high-bridge.
A nasal classification which is medium broad and medium-low bridged; common to individuals of Asian descent.
A nasal classification which is short and broad and has the minimum or projection; common to individuals of African descent.
Exhibiting a depressed or hollow surface; a concavity.
A facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip.
A depressed profile form which may dip concavely from root to tip.
Concave Nasal Profile
A basic facial profile form in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the chin protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip.
- Least common
Concave Profile
A facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line.
Concave-Vertical Profile
Curved evenly; resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere.
A profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip.
Convex-Concave Profile
A nasal profile which exhibits a hump in its linear form.
Convex Nasal Profile
A basic profile form in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip.
- Most common
Convex Profile
A profile variation in which the forehed recedes from the eyebrows whille the chin and upper lip project equally to an imaginary vertical line.
Convex-Vertical Profile
A briuse.
An injury caused by a blow without laceration; a contusion.
Bruise (Ecchymosis)
A discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood within the tissues and generally accompanied by swelling.
Ecchymosis (Bruise)
A clear syrup-like liquid which evaporates, leaving a contractile, white film; a liquid sealer.
A suspension of pigments in a liquid vehicle bound together in such a manner that there is no separation of particles.
A composition of two or more substances that are not chemically bound to each other.
A permanent mixture of two or more immiscible substances (oil and water) which are united with the aid of a binder (gum) and emulsifier (soap).
A substance (usually liquid) capable of, or used in, dissolving something.
A substance in which particles of ground pigments are mixed with a fluid but are undissolved.
A frontal head form in which the head is broad and exhibits very little curvature; the forehead is wide and the angles of the mandible are usually low as well as wide.
Square (Strong)
A frontal head form in which the face is wider between the angles of the mandible than it is at the forehead; respresenting a triangle in shape; formed by three lines and having three angles (least common geometric head form).
A frontal head form in which the head is generally egg-shaped, with the cranium slightly wider than the jaws; most common geometric head form.
Blue, green, purple, or any intermediate pigmentary hue in which they predominate; a receding hue which creates the illusion of distane from the observer; a color of short wave lengths.
Cool Hue
A color which appears in the spectral band, characterized by long wave-lengths; a color which makes an object appear closer and larger; a color which reflects warmth; i.e. red, orange, yellow, and other colors in which they are predominate.
Warm Hue
A network of stitches which cross the borders of a cavity or excision to anchor fillers and to sustain tissues in their proper position.
Basked Weave Suture (Cross Stitch)
A temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitches employed to sustain the proper position of tissues.
Bridge Stitch (Interrupted Suture)
A type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner that the ligature remains entirely under the epidermis.
Intradermal Suture (Hidden Suture)
A suture made around the circumference of a circular opening or puncture to close it or to hold the margins in position.
Purse String Suture
A method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends it ease of concealment by waxing.
Worm Suture (Inversion Stitch, Draw Stitch)
Small bones of the cheeks; widest part of the cheek.
Zygomatic Bones
The processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face.
Zygomatic Arch
One of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch.
Zygomatic Arch Depression
The lateral rim of the eye socket formed by a process of the frontal bone and a process of the zygomatic bone.
Zygomaticofrontal Process
Muscles of the face which draw the superior lip posteriorly, superiorly, and anteriorly.
Zygomaticus Major Muscles
Muscles of the face which draw the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly.
Zygomaticus Minor Muscles
A single, noose-like suture, not pulled taut before knotting, which stands from the skin and which anchors restorative materials.
Loop Stitch
A stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips; part is passed through the muscles tangent to the inferior jaw (while the other part extends through either the nasal septum or the superior frenulum).
Musculature Suture
A stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips, one part is passed through around the inferior jaw at the median plane, while the other part extends through the nasal septum or the superior frenulum.
Mandibular Suture
To whiten by removing color; to make pale
A chemical which lightens or blanches skin discoloration.
The act of lightening a discoloration by hypodermic means or by surface compress.
Brown of copper-like in coloration.
The color of the tanned leather.
Dark brown in coloration; a term commonly employed to describe hair color.
The space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of the oral cavity.
Buccal Cavity
The orifice in the bony face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla.
Nasal Cavity
The mouth; the orifice containing the teeth and tongue.
Oral Cavity
The principle muscles of the cheek which compress the cheeks and forms the lateral wall of the mouth.
Buccinator (Trumpeters Muscle)
A pyramid-shaped muscle of facial expression which draws the eyebrows inferiorly and medially.
A muscle of facial expression which depresses the angle of the mouth.
Depressor Anguli Oris
A muscle of facial expression which draws the lower lip inferiorly and slightly lateral.
Depression Labii Inferioris
Muscle of mastication which helps to close the mandible.
- The strongest chewing muscle
Temporalis Muscles
A muscle of facial expression which elevates the angle of the mouth.
Levator Anguli Oris
A muscle of facial expression which elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostril opening.
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (The Common Elevator)
A muscle of facial expression which elevates and extends the upper lip.
Levator Labii Superioris
A muscle of facial expression which raises the upper eyelid.
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Muscles of mastication which close the mandible (chewing).
Masseter Muscles (Chewing Muscles)
Elevates and protrudes the inferior lip, wrinkles the skin over the chin.
Mentalis Muscle
Thin layer of muscle covering the anterior aspect of the neck.
Platysma Muscle
Draws the skin of the forehead inferiorly.
Procerus Muscle
The narrow superficial band of muscle which pulls the angle of the mouth laterally.
Risorius Muscle (False Smile Muscle, Laughing Muscle)
The yellow pigment of skin.
The brown to black-brown pigment in the epidermis and hair.
Red pigment; the protein coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles which serves to convey oxygen to the tissues.
Hemoglobin (Oxyhemoglobin)
Purplish-red in coloration.
Deep purplish-red in coloration.
Somewhat dark in color; when used to describe the complexion color.
Flushed with red, when describing a complexion; not as vivid as ruddy.
A red-purple or purplish-red. e.g. a product of red and blue illumination projected on the same area.
A dark, purplish-red color.
Red complexion, more vivid than florid.
Dark-colored complexion, as a face made swarthy by the tropical sun.
Having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to eliminate perception of distinct images; somewhat transparent.
Almost opaque; not transparent or translucent.
Not tansparent or translucent; not allowing light to pass through a concealing cosmetic.
A chemical capable of drying tissues by searing; caustic.
Cauterizing Agent
An example of a cauterizig agent.
This is a derivative of coal tars.
The disinfecting qualities of phenol are the standard to see how effective a disinfectant is.
Phenol Coefficient
Another use for phenol.
Bleaching Agent
Another name for phenol.
Carbolic Acid
The eyelashes.
The superficial hairs covering the superciliary arches.
Eyebrows (Supercilium)
The downy hair of fetus, children, or women.
Lanugo (Peach Fuzz)
The inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows.
Superciliary Arches
A circle in which the primary, secondary, and intermediate hues are arranged in orderly intervals.
Color Wheel
Three pigmentary hues; red, yellow, and blue, which can be combined to make all other hues.
Primary Hue
Equal mixture of two primary pigmentary hues (orange, green, and purple).
Secondary Hue
A pigmentary hue produced by mixing, in equal quantities, a primary hue with its adjacent secondary hue on the color wheel.
Intermediate Hue
The hue which results from the mixture of two secondary pigmentary hues or an unbalanced proportion of complements with the warm hue or cool hue predominating.
Tertiary Hue
A hue into which various quantities of black are mixed; the darkened hue.
A hue into which various quantities of white are mixed.
A hue mixed with either a small quantity of gray or the complement of the hue, resulting in dulling the hue.
Mathematical relationships of the facial features to one another and/or to the head and face.
Facial Proportions
Measuring width by use of the width of an eye.
Eyes Wide
Two eyes wide.
Three noses tall.
The Face
The nose is about equal to the length of this.
The vertical restraining fold of mucous membrane on the midline of the inside of each lip connecting the lip with the gum.
The vertical groove located medially on the superior lip; a natural facial marking.
A crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations.
Furrow (Wrinkle)
The vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows; acquired facial markings.
Interciliary Sulci
Eyelid furrows which are short and broken, extending horizontally on the palpebrae themselves and which may fan from both the medial and lateral corners of the eyes.
Linear Sulci
The furrow beneath the jaw line which rises vertically on the cheek; an acquired facial marking.
Mandibular Sulcus
The furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye; acquired facial markings.
Optic Facial Sulci (Crows Feet)
An injury caused by heat which produces redness of the skin.
First Degree Burn (Hyperemia)
Those resulting in acute inflammation of the skin and blisters.
Second Degree Burn
Destruction of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues; seared, charred, or roasted tissue.
Third Degree Burn
Total evacuation (absence) of tissue.
Fourth Degree Burn
The angular area between the posterior margin of the wing of the nose and the nasolabial fold; a natural facial marking.
Nasal Sulcus
The eminence of the cheek and adjacent to the mouth; extending from the superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose to the side of the mouth; a natural facial marking.
Nasolabial Fold
The furrow originating at the superior border of the wing of the nose and extending to the side of the mouth; an acquired facial marking.
Nasolabial Sulcus
Depression superior to the medial portion of the superior palpebrae.
Naso-Orbital Fossa