Psychology chapter 2 terms to know Flashcards
What is a prefrontal lobotomy?
Surgery that severed the neural fibres that connect the brain’s frontal lobes to the underlying thalamus.
Reports of its effectiveness were based purely on subjective clinical reports.
After controlled studies were performed, it was found to be virtually useless in treating severe mental disorders and instead caused other problems.
What is a heuristic?
Mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that help us to streamline our thinking and make sense of our world. Sometimes they work but often they lead us to oversimplify reality.
What is the representativeness heuristic?
We judge the probability of an event by a superficial similarity to a prototype. When applying this heuristics, we often neglect its low base rate.
What is the base rate?
Term for how common a behaviour or characteristic is.
What is the availability heuristic?
We estimate the likelihood of an occurrence based on the ease with which it comes to our minds-on how available it is in our memories.
What are cognitive biases?
Systematic errors in thinking
What is the hindsight bias?
Refers to our tendency to overestimate how well we could have forecasted known outcomes.
Hindsight is always 20/20.
What is overconfidence?
Our tendency to over-estimate our ability to make correct predictions.
What is a naturalistic observation?
Watching behaviour in real-world settings without trying to manipulate people’s behaviour.
By observing subjects in nature, we can better understand the range of behaviours displayed by individuals in the “real world”, as well as the situations in which they occur.
What is external validity?
A major advantage of naturalistic observations. This is the extent to which we can generalize our findings to real-world settings.
What is internal validity?
The extent to which we can draw cause-and-effect inferences.
What is a case study?
Researchers examine one person or a small number of people, often over an extended period of time.
There is no single recipe for a case study.
Case studies are helpful in providing existence proof.
They also provide a valuable opportunity to study rare or unusual phenomena that are difficult or impossible to re-recreate in a lab setting.
What is existence proof?
Demonstrations that a given psychological phenomenon can occur.
What is random selection?
Every person in the population has an equal chance of being chosen to participate.
Random selection is crucial is we want to generalize our results to the broader population.
What is reliability?
The consistency of measurements
What is validity?
Extent to which a measure assesses what is claims to measure.
What is a response set?
Tendencies of participants of self-report measures to distort their answers to items, often in a socially desirable direction.
What is a correlational design?
Psychologists examine the extent to which two variables are associated.
What is a scatterplot?
A grouping of points on a two-dimensional graph.
What is the illusory correlation?
The perception of statistical association between two variables when none exists.
What is an experiment?
Permits cause-and-effect inferences.
Researchers are manipulating variables to see whether these manipulations produce differences in participant’s behaviour.
An experiment consists of random assignment of participants to conditions and manipulation of an independent variable.
What is random assignment?
Experimenter randomly sorts participants into groups.
By doing so, we tend to cancel out pre-existing differences between groups, such as differences in their gender, race, or personality traits.
What is a control group?
The group that does not receive the manipulation.
What is an experimental group?
The group that receives the manipulation.
What is a between-subjects design?
Group of participants is randomly assigned to receive some level of the independent variable while another group will be assigned to the control condition.
What is a within-subjects design?
Participants act as their own control group. In this case, a researcher will take a measurement before the independent variable manipulation.