Chapter 15 - Important concepts Flashcards
Psychopathologists examine breakdowns in adaptation to help them understand healthy functioning
failure-analysis approach
What are the 5 criteria for a mental disorder?
Statistical rarity Subjective distress Impairment Societal disapproval Biological dysfunction
Mental disorders share a loose set of features.
family resemblance view
Asylum was part of what model?
The use of snake pits was completed for which model?
Demonic model
Free or low cost care facilitaties in which people can obtain treatment
community health care centers/halfway houses
Specific to one or more societies
Fear that you genitals are shrinking into your abdomen
Episodes of intense sadness and brooding followed by uncontrolled behaviour and unprovoked attacks on people or animals
Psychiatric diagnoses:
1 - _______ the psychological problem a person is facing
2 - Make it _____ for mental health professionals to communicate
What are 4 misconceptions about psychiatric diagnoses?
1) Pigeonholing
2) unreliable
3) invalid
4) Stigmatize people
the extent to which different raters agree on a patient’s diagnosis
interrater reliability
Rule out medically induced psychological disorders prior to diagnosis.
Think organic
Percentage of people in a population with a disorder.
Acknowledges the interplay of biological, psychological and social influences.
biopsychosocial approach
As student’s become more familiar with pathologes, the become more aware and paranoid of bodily processes
medical student’s syndrome
What is the most common anxiety disorder?
Faking mental illness
condition marked by motor tics, and vocal tics
tourette’s disorder
Depression is less common in _____ people than in ______ people.
older, younger
Who came up with this?
People with depression often elicit hostility and rejection from others, which in turn maintains or worsens their depression.
People with depression seek excessive reassurance and tend to stir up negative feelings in others.
Proposes that depression results from a low rate of response-contingent positive reinforcement
behavioural model (Lewinson)
Theory that depression is caused by negative beliefs and expectations.
cognitive model of depression
Three components of depressed thinking:
negative view of: oneself, the world, the future
cognitive triad
skewed ways of thinking - legit think of nightmare glasses
cognitive distortions
seen in more mild cases of depression - these individuals have a more accurate view of circumstances
depressive realism
people who are not depressed tend to have less realistic expectations of their capacities
illusory control
Depressed persons tend to think their failures are general and fixed aspects of their personalities
What might be the stress gene?
Serotonin transporter gene
Depression seems to be linked to low levels of the NT ________; diminished _________ resulting in in decreased _________ volume; and decreased ________ levels.
Among the most genetically influenced of all mental disorders.
Increased sensitivity of dopamine receptors, decreased sensitivity of serotonin receptors
bipolar disorder
Those with bipolar disorder:
increased activity in the _______, and decreased activity in the _______ cortex
prefrontal cortex
What is the single best predictor for suicide?
A previous attempt
Psychopaths may be bored and seek out excitement, a phenomenon called what?
stimulus hunger
The sense that the external world is strange or unreal, often accompanies both depersonalization and panic attacks
arises from history of severe abuse during childhood; can feel the abuse happening to someone else
people’s expectancies and beliefs, rather than early traumas, account for the origin and maintenance of DID
repeat a phrase in a conversation in a parrot-like manner
A schizophrenic is most likely to relapse when the family is critical, hostile or overinvolved which is called?
expressed emotion
Schizophrenics have:
- enlarged ______
- increased in _____ size
- decrease in the size of the ______ lobe, and activation of the _______ and ________
- decrease in the ________ of the brain hemispheres
temporal, amygdala, hippocampus
Simple excess of dopamine causes schizophrenic symptoms
dopamine hypothesis
Children with persistent irritability and frequent behaviour outbursts
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder