Chapter 9 - Key Words Flashcards
Diagnostic tool designed to measure overall thinking ability.
Intelligence test
Capacity to undrestand hypothetical concepts
Abstract thinking
Hypothetical factor that accounts for overall differences in intellect among people
g (general intelligence)
Particular ability level in a narrow domain
s (specific abilities)
Capacity to learn new ways of solving problems
fluid intelligence
Accumulated knowledge of the world acquired over time.
crystallized intelligence
Idea that people vary in their ability levels across different domains of intellectual skill
Multiple intelligences
Model of intelligence proposed by Robert Sternberg positing three distinct types of intelligenece: analytical, practical and creative.
Triarchic model
Intelligence test based on the measure developed by Binet and Simon, adapted by Lewis Terman of Stanford University.
Stanford-Binet IQ test
Systematic means of quantifying differences among people in their intelligence.
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
Age corresponding to the average individual’s performance on an intelligence test
mental age
Expression of a person’s IQ relative to his or her same-aged peers
Deviation IQ
Movement in the early twentieth century to improve a population’s genetic stock by encouraging those with good genes to reproduce, discouraging those with bad genes from reproducing, or both
Most widely used intelligence test for adults today, consisting of 15 subtests to assess different types of mental abilities.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
Abstract reasoning measure that doesn’t depend on language and is often believed to be less influenced by cultural factors than other IQ tests
culture-fair IQ test
Distribution of scores in which the bulk of the scores falls toward the middle, with progressively fewer scores toward the “tails” or extremes
bell curve
Condition characterized by an onset prior to adulthood, an IQ below about 70, and an inability to engage in adequate daily functioning
intellectural disability
Finding that average IQ scores have been rising at a rate of approximately three points per decade
Flynn effect
Extent to which the variability of a trait within a group is genetically influenced
within-group heritability
Extent to which the difference in a trait between groups is genetically influenced
Between-group heritability
Tendency of a test to predict outcomes in one group better than in another
test bias
Fear that we may confirm a negative group stereotype
stereotype threat
Capacity to generate many different solutions to a problem
Divergent thinking
Capacity to generate the single best solution to a problem
Convergent thinking
Ability to understand our own emotions and those of others, and to apply this information to our daily lives
emotional intelligence