Psych Chapter 4- The visual system Flashcards
What is the human visible spectrum?
Narrow range of wavelengths of light that we respond to.
What is the experience of colour dependent on?
Brightness, Hue, Saturation
What is our perception of an object’s brightness influenced by?
The intensity of the reflected light that reaches our eyes.
What do black objects do vs. white objects in terms of absorbance?
White objects reflect all light and black objects absorb all the light and reflect none.
What is saturation?
Refers to the perceived purity of a colour. Colours that are highly saturated appear more vivid to us.
What is the sclera?
The white of the eye.
What is the iris?
The coloured part of the eye.
What are the pigments responsible for iris colour?
Melanin (brown) and lipochrome (yellowish-brown)
What does the iris do?
controls how much light enters our eyes.
What is the pupil?
Circular hole through which light enters the eye.
What is the pupillary reflex?
Response of our eyes to decreased the amount of light allowed into them when walking out into a bright stimulus.
When do the pupils dilate?
When we’re trying to process complex information or when we view someone physically attractive (or when you take drugs).
What is the cornea?
Curved, transparent layer covering the iris and pupil. Its shape bends incoming light to focus the incoming visual image at the back of the eye.
What is the lens?
Also bends light but, unlike the cornea, the lens changes in curvature, allowing us to fine tune the visual image.
What is the lens composed of?
Some of the most unusual cells in the body: they’re completely transparent, allowing light to pass through them.
What is accomodation?
In this process, the lenses change shape to focus light on the back of the eyes; in this way, they adapt to different perceived distances of objects.
What is myopia?
Nearsightedness. Results when images are focused in front of the rear of the eye, due to our cornea being too steep or our eyes being too long. It is the inability to see far objects well with an intact ability to see close objects clearly.
What is hyperonia?
Farsightedness. results when the cornea is too flat or our eyes are too short. It is the inability to see near objects well, with an intact ability to see far objects clearly.
What is presbyopia?
The loss of flexibility in the lens due to aging.
What is the retina.
Technically part of the brain. Thin membrane at the back of the eye.
What is the fovea?
central part of the retina and is responsible for acuity, or sharpness of vision.
What two types of receptor cells does the retina contain?
Rods: - long and narrow - enables us to see basic shapes and form - we rely on rods to see in low levels of light - there are no rods in the fovea Cones: - shaped like small cones - gives us colour vision - require more light, used when reading
What is dark adaptation?
our eyes adjustment to when we enter a dimly lit room, from a bright environment.
What are photopigments?
Chemical that change following exposure to light.
What is the optic nerve?
contains the axons of ganglion cells, travels from the retina to the rest of the brain.
What is the blind spot?
The place where the optic nerve connects to the retina. It is a region of the retina containing no rods and totally devoid of sense receptors.
Describe the optic nerve pathway.
The optic nerve travels from the retina to the rest of the brain. After toptic nerves leave both eyes, they come to a fork in the road called the optic chaism.
Half of the axons cross in the optic chiasm and the other half stay on the same side.
Within a short distance, the optic nerves enter the brain, turning into optic tracts.
The optic tracts send most of their axons to the visual part of the thalamus and then to the primary visual cortex.
The remaining axons go to structures in the midbrain, particularly the superior colliculus.
What is feature detection?
Ability to use minimal patterns to identify objects.
What are feature detector cells?
Simple and complex cells. They detect lines and edges.
Where does visual information travel from after V1?
To higher visual areas like V2, along two major routes, one of which travels to the upper parts of the parietal lobe and the other of which travels to the lower part of the temporal lobe.
What are Gestalt principles?
Rules governing how we perceive objects as wholes within their overall context.
What are the main gestalt principles?
Proximity: objects physically close to each other tend to be perceived as unified wholes.
Similarity: All things being equal, we see objects as compromising a whole much more so than dissimilar objects.
Continuity: We still perceive objects as wholes, even if other objects block part of them.
Closure: when partial visual information is present, our brains fill in what’s missing. (contours)
Symmetry: we perceive objects that are symmetrically arranged as wholes more often than those that aren’t.
Figure-Ground: perceptually, we make an instantaneous decision to focus attention on what we believe to be the central figure, and largely ignore what we believe to be the background.
What is a bistable image?
one we can perceive in two ways.
Describe face recognition characteristics.
We don’t need an exact picture of a face to recognize it.
The lower part of the temporal lobe responds to faces.
What is the region associated with motion perception?
V5, region located along the pathway that leads to the parietal lobe. Neurons in this region will respond to both the direction and the speed of motion.
What is the phi phenomenon?
Illusory perception of movement produced by the successive flashing of images.
What is trichromatic theory?
Proposes that we base our colour vision on three primary colours. Based on us having three different cones.
What is the cause of colour blindness?
Most often due to genetic mutations or brain damage leading to the inability to see all colours.
What are monochromats?
have only one type of cone.
What are dichromats?
Most colour blind people. Have two types of cones.
What is the opponent process theory?
Holds that we perceive colours in terms of three pairs of opponent cells. Red or green, blue or yellow, black or white. Our nervous system uses both trichromatic and opponent processing principles during colour vision but, different neurons rely on one principle more than the other.
What are afterimages?
Occur when we’ve stared at one colour for a long time, look away, and often see replica of the same image. Arise from visual cortex’s processing of information from our rods and cones.
What is depth perception?
Ability to see spatial relations in three dimensions.
What two cues to we use to gauge depth?
Monocular depth cues and binocular depth cues. Mono is one eye, bino is both eyes.
What pictorial cues (monocular) help us perceive depth?
relative size: more distant objects look smaller
texture gradient: texture less apparent with greater distance.
interposition: the close object blocks our view of the further one.
linear perspective: the outlines of rooms or buildings converge as distance increases.
height in plane: distant objects seem to appear higher.
light and shadow: objects cast shadows that give us a sense of their 3D form.
What are pictorial cues?
give us a sense of what’s located where in stationary scenes.
What is motion parallax?
Ability to judge the distance of moving objects from their speed.
Nearby objects seem to move faster than those far away travelling at the same speed. Also works when we are moving.
What is binocular disparity?
Our left and right eyes transmit different information for near objects but see distant objects similarly.
What is binocular convergence?
When we look at nearby objects, we focus on the relexively by using our eye muscles to turn our eyes inward.
What is blindness?
Dramatic reduction in the ability to see.
What is motion blindness?
Patients can’t seamlessly string still images processed by their brains into the perception of ongoing motion.
What is visual agnosia?
Deficit in perceiving objects. A person with this condition can tell us the shape of an object but can’t recognize or name it.
What is blindsight?
Remarkable phenomenon in which blind people who’ve experienced damage to a specific area of their cortex can still make correct guesses about the visual appearance of things around them. Coarser visual information still reaches the visual information cortex through an alternative pathway and bypasses V1.