Chapter 12 - Important Concepts - Part 2 Flashcards
Ability to suppress and express emotions.
Emotional control
Writing in a diary facilitates this type of control.
emotional control
Disclosing painful feelings.
When is catharsis a good thing?
When is it bad?
Catharsis is good when it encourages problem solving.
Catharsis is bad when it reinforces a sense of hopleness
Single-sesion procedure, typically conducted in groups, lasting 3-4 hours which attempts to reduce PTSD symtpoms
crisis debriefing
What is wrong with crisis debriefing?
May interfere with our normal coping response and increase the risk of PTSD.
______ people view change as a challenge, rather than a threat, are commited to their life and work, and believe that they can control events.
Is it better to be an optimist?
What are potential reasons why spirituality and religious involvement may reduce stress and increase health?
1 - Religions promote self control and scorn risky behaviour
2 - Religious involvement boosts social support
3 - Provides a sesnse of meaning and a coping strategy (prayer)
Recycling of negative events in our minds which can lead us to become depressed.
Women may have more cases of depression because of this process.
Why may men experience less depression.
Early on, encouraged to suck it up and engage in problem focused coping
Are smokers more likely to suffer from depression?
How do stop-smoking approaches help smokers?
- educate people on health consequences
- help smokers pinpoint high-risk situations for relapse
What are 4 healthy behaviours that will increase health?
Stop smoking, curb alcohol consumption, achieve a healthy weight, exercise
Who are more likely to be drinkers, men or women?
Drinking five or more drinks on one occasion for men and four or more drinks on one occasion for women.
Heavy episodic drinking
Restricting dietary calories to about 1000 calories and aren’t liekly to result in long-term weight loss and are also unhealthy.
Crash diets
As much as half of the differences in people’s tendency to become overweight is __________ influenced.
This type of exerice o can lower blood pressure and risk for CHD, improve lung function, relieve the symptoms of arthritis, decrease diabetes risk, and cut the risk of breast and colon cancer
aerobic exercise
Execise is more beneficial for which age demographic?
The difficulty in trying something new means we have difficulty overcoming _________ _________.
personal inertia
What are some reasons why patients have low compliance?
Personal inertia
Misestimating risks
Feeling powerless
Wjhat is the rationale for prevention programs coming into effect in adolescence?
The earlier in life we develop unhealthy habits, the more likely they are to create problems later in life.
What is an issue with the DARE program?
Doesnt produce long term effects on susbtance abuse or boost self-esteem and may occasionally backfire to produce increases in substance abuse.
What is a better alternative to DARE?
Programs focusing on coping skills and stress management.
Medicine for which there is solid evidence of safety and effectiveness.
conventional medicine
False belief that because something is natural, it must be safe and healthy for us.
Natural commonplace
Health professionals who manipualte the spine to treat a wide range of pain-related conditions and injuries and often provide nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Chirporactors based their practice on _________ - irregularities in the alignment of the spine preventing the nervous and immune systems from functioning properly
Goal is to focus attenion on a single thing, a mantra, or one’s breath
concetrative meditation
Attention flows freely and examines whatever comes to mind
awareness meditation
internal sound
Based on the idea that disruptions in our body’s energy field can be mapped and treated
energy medicine
In acupuncture, needles are placed on _______ - special points which they believe channel a subtle energy or life force called ___.
CAM treatments may be no more effective than _______.
There are five reasons why CAM treatments may seem effective:
1 - Produce a _______ by instilling hope
2 - People may asusme that ______ products improve their heath when they encounter no AE
3 - the symptoms of physical disorders may be ______ and getting better may be associated to the CAM treatment
4 - When CAM treatments accompay ______ treatments, they may attribute getting better to CAM
5 - __________
placebo natural transient normal misdiagnosis