Psych Chapter 4-The auditory system Flashcards
What is sound?
Sound is vibration, a kind of mechanical energy travelling through a medium usually air.
What is pitch?
The frequency of the waves. You people are more sensitive to higher pitch tones than older people.
What is loudness?
The amplitude of the sound wave measured in decibels (dB).
What is timbre?
Refers to the quality or complexity of the sound.
What are three parts of the ear?
Outer ear, inner and middle ear.
What is the outer ear?
Consists of the pinna and ear canal.
What is the pinna?
The part of the ear we see, the skin and cartilage flap.
What is the ear canal?
Funnels sound waves onto the eardrum.
What is the middle ear?
Lies on the other side of the eardrum, contains the ossicles.
What are the ossicles?
Smallest bones in the body, malleus, incus and stapes. The ossicles vibrate at the frequency of the sound wave, transmitting it from the eardrum to the inner ear.
What is the inner ear composed of?
The cochlea.
What is the cochlea?
Spiral in shape, converts vibration into neural activity, the outer part is bony and the inner cavity is filled with a thick fluid.
How does the cochlea transduce?
Vibrations from sound waves disturb the inner fluid of the cochlea and travel to the base of the cochlea, where pressure is released and transduction occurs.
What is located in the cochlea?
The organ of Corti and basilar membrane.
What is special about the organ of Corti and basilar membrane?
They have hair cells embedded in them.