Chapter 15 - Key Words Flashcards
view of mental illness in which odd behaviour, hearing voices, or talking to oneself was attributed to evil spirits infesting the body.
demonic model
view of mental illness as due to a physical disorder requiring medical treatment
medical model
institution for people with mental illness created in the fifteenth century
approach to mental illness calling for dignity, kindness, and respect for those with mental illness
moral treatment
governmental policy in the 1960s and 1970s that focused on releasing hospitalized psychiatric patients into the community and closing mental hospitals
scholars who argue that psychiatric diagnoses exert powerful negative effects on people’s perceptions and behaviours
labelling theorists
diagnostic system containing the American Psychiatric Association (APA) criteria for mental disorders
DSM - diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Percentage of people within a population who have a specific mental disorder
co-occurence of two or more diagnoses within the same person
model in which a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in kind rather than degree
categorical model
model in wihch a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in degree rather than kind
dimensional model
legal defence proposing that people shouldn’t be held legally accountable for their actions if they weren’t of sound mind when committing them
insanity defence
procedure of placing some people with mental illness in a psychiatric hospital or other facility based on their potential danger to themselves or others, or their inability to care for themselves
involuntary commitment
Condition marked by physical symptoms that suggest an underlying medical illness, but that are actually psychological in origin
somatic symptom disorder
an individual’s continual preoccupation with the notion that he or she has a serious physical disease
illness anxiety disorder
continual feelings of worry, anxiety, physical tension, and irritability across many areas of life functioning
brief, intense episode of extreme fear, characterized by sweating, dizziness, light-headedness, racing heartbeat, and feelings or impending death or going crazy
panic attack
repeated and unexpected panic attacks, along with either persistent concerns about future attacks or a change in personal behaviour in an attempt to avoid them
panic disorder
Intense fear of an object or situation that’s greatly out of proportion to its actual threat
fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or embarassing, or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack
intense fear of objects, places, or situations that is greatly out of proportion to their actual threat
specific phobia
intense fear of negative evaluation in social situations
social anxiety disorder
marked emotional disturbance after experiencing or witnessing a severely stressful event
condition marked by repeated and lengthy (at least one hour per day) immersion in obsessions, compulsions, or both
persistent idea, thought, or impulse that is unwanted and inappropriate, causing marked distress
repetitive behaviour or mental act performed to reduce or prevent stress
fear of anxiety-related situations
state in which a person experiences a lingering depressed mood or diminished interest in pleasurable activities, along with symptoms that include weight loss and sleep difficulties
major depressive episode
Theory that depression is caused by negative beliefs and expectations
Cognitive model of depression
tendency to feel helpless in the face of events we cannot control
learned helplessness
Experience marked by dramatically elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, increased energy, inflated self-esteem, increased talkativeness, and irresponsible behaviour
manic episode
condition marked by a history of at least one manic episode
bipolar disorder
condition in which personality traits, appearing first in adolescence, are inflexible, stable, expressed in a wide variety of situations, and lead to distress or impairment
personality disorder
condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, and impulse control
borderline personality disorder
condition marked by superficial charm, dishonesty, manipulativeness, self-centredness, and risk taking
psychopathic personality
Condition marked by a lengthy history of irresponsible and/or illegal actions
antisocial personality disorder
condition involving disruptions in consciousness, memory, identity, or perception
dissociative disorder
condition marked by multiple episodes of depersonalization
depersonalizatoin/derealization disorder
inability to recall important personal information - most often related to a stressful experience - that can’t be explained by ordinary forgetfulness
dissociative amnesia
sudden, unexpected travel away from home or the workplace, accompanied by amnesia for significant life events
dissociative fugue
condition characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states that recurrently take control of the person’s behaviour
severe disorder of thought and emotion associated with a loss of contact with reality
strongly held, fixed belief that has no basis in reality
psychological problem reflecting serious distortions in reality
psychotic symptoms
sensory perception that occurs in the absence of an external stimulus
motor problem, including extreme resistance to complying with simple suggestions, holding the body in bizarre or rigid postures, or curling up in a fetal position
catatonic symptom
perspective proposing that mental disorders area a joint product of a genetic vulnerability, called a diathesis, and stressors that trigger this vulnerability
diathesis-stress model
DSM-5 category that includes autistic disorder and Asperger’s syndrome.
autism spectrum disorder
childhood condition marked by excessive inattention, impulsivity, and activity