Neurology Problem-Based Studies Part I Flashcards
what are the top differential diagnoses for an equine with peripheral vestibular disease?
temporohyoid osteoarthropathy
otitis media-interna
extension of guttural pouch infection
what is the mentation with central vestibular disease?
what are some multifocal (central) diseases?
polyneuritis equi
equine herpesvirus
equine protozoal myeeloencephalitis
what is temporohyoid osteoarthropathy?
disorder of temporohyoid joint formed by the stylohyoid and petrous temporal bones
progressive osseous proliferation
fusion of temporohyoid joint
stress fracture
what is conservative management of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy?
steroidal/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
maybe antimicrobials
what are the surgical options for temporohyoid osteoarthropathy?
partial stylohyoidectomy
ceratohyoidectomy: standard
what is otitis media/interna?
pyogenic infection of petrous temporal bone or membranous labyrinths
how is otitis media/interna treated?
antimicrobial therapy (usually empirical)
what can cause otitis media/interna in camelids?
Arcanobacter (Actinomyces) pyogenes
Staphylococcus spp
Bacillus spp
spinous ear ticks
what are the most common causes of central vestibular disease in camelids?
P. tenuis
eastern equine encephalitis/western equine encephalitis
how is listeriosis in camelids treated?
high doses penicillin or ampicillin
tetracycline may carry higher resistance
long-term treatment
supportive care, anti-inflammatories
what does the cerebellum do?
regulator of motor activity
receives input from upper motor neurons, general proprioceptive, and special proprioception
what are the etiologies of equine cerebellar disorders?
cerebellar hypoplasia
transient cerebellar dysfunction
cerebellar abiotrophy
what cranial nerve deficits can be present in central vestibular disease?
what cranial nerve deficits can be present in peripheral vestibular disease?