Disorders of the Newborn Foal Part II Flashcards
what is a patent urachus?
urachal remnant remains open and urine drains out
what is conservative management of patent urachus?
topical cleansing and monitoring for infection
chemical cautery- silver nitrate, procaine penicillin
where is the most common site of bladder rupture?
dorsal bladder wall
what is seen on bloodwork with bladder rupture?
metabolic acidosis
how can you diagnose bladder rupture with abdominocentesis?
creatinine in peritoneal fluid twice that of serum
what happens in neonatal isoerythrolysis?
foal red blood cells are destroyed by preformed maternal anti-red blood cell antibodies in colostrum
when do signs of neonatal isoerythrolysis develop?
2-5 days of age
what can you use for a transfusion of a foal with neonatal isoerythrolysis?
universal donor: Aa/Qa negative
mare washed RBC
what leads to meconium aspiration?
hypoxia lead to fetal stress which leads to meconium passage and gasping which leads to meconium aspiration
what are the most common causes of bacterial pneumonia in older foals?
Strep equi zooepidemicus
Rhodococcus equi
how can you treat a meconium impaction?
supportive care
what is the likely cause of foal heat diarrhea?
changes in fecal microbiota
what is the drug of choice for contracted tendons?
what are some neurological congenital abnormalities of foals?
cerebellar abiotrophy
where does the umbilical vein come from in the foal?