Colic and Colitis in Camelids Flashcards
which parts of the camelid stomach are for fermentation?
what are clinical signs of abdominal pain like in camelids compared to horses?
less visible and less violent
can be more obvious, not common
what are some medical colics in camelids?
C1 acidosis or dysbiosis
ulcerative gastritis
C1 distension/bloat
feed obstruction
what is the normal pH of C1?
what is the most damaging Eimeria?
E. mac
who does Cryptosporidium primarily affect?
<14 days old
what is giardia?
flagellate parasite: contaminated water
what are the genotypes of bovine viral diarrhea virus?
I and II
what are the types of infection for non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus?
transient: most common
do camelids with persistent infection of bovine viral diarrhea virus remain blood BVDV antibody negative?
yes: do not produce BVDV antibodies
how can you diagnose non-cytopathic BVDV?
serology: identifies exposure- serum neutralizing antibodies
PCR: viral DNA
what are the common causes of surgical colic in camelids?
intestinal volvulus/torsions
epiploic foramen entrapment
spiral colon impaction
C1 foreign bodies
C1/intestinal obstructions
what in the abdominocentesis would indicate a non-strangulating/medical colic?
clear colored like water
normal cells
normal to increased protein
abdominal lactate lower or same as blood
which side of the abdomen should you perform an abdominocentesis on a camelid?
right side
why is C2 infrequently seen with ultrasound?
obscured by liver