Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch8_mode-german-example-to-english-example Flashcards
In meinem alltäglichen Leben versuche ich, positiv zu bleiben.
everyday, ordinary
(In my everyday life, I try to stay positive.)
Tips: The adjective ‘alltäglich’ is used to describe something that is part of everyday life or is ordinary. It can refer to daily routine, common tasks, or regular occurrences. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express the idea of ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary.’
Similar: täglich (daily), gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary)
Die alltäglichen Aufgaben können manchmal monoton sein.
everyday, ordinary
In meinem alltäglichen Leben versuche ich, positiv zu bleiben.
(The everyday tasks can sometimes be monotonous.)
Tips: The adjective ‘alltäglich’ is used to describe something that is part of everyday life or is ordinary. It can refer to daily routine, common tasks, or regular occurrences. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express the idea of ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary.’
Similar: täglich (daily), gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary)
Trotz des alltäglichen Stresses ist es wichtig, Zeit für sich selbst zu finden.
everyday, ordinary
In meinem alltäglichen Leben versuche ich, positiv zu bleiben.
(Despite the everyday stress, it’s important to find time for oneself.)
Tips: The adjective ‘alltäglich’ is used to describe something that is part of everyday life or is ordinary. It can refer to daily routine, common tasks, or regular occurrences. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express the idea of ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary.’
Similar: täglich (daily), gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary)
Die alltäglichen Herausforderungen können uns stärker machen.
everyday, ordinary
In meinem alltäglichen Leben versuche ich, positiv zu bleiben.
(The everyday challenges can make us stronger.)
Tips: The adjective ‘alltäglich’ is used to describe something that is part of everyday life or is ordinary. It can refer to daily routine, common tasks, or regular occurrences. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express the idea of ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary.’
Similar: täglich (daily), gewöhnlich (usual, ordinary)
Der medizinische Apparat im Krankenhaus ist sehr modern.
apparatus, device
(The medical apparatus in the hospital is very modern.)
Tips: The word Apparat refers to a technical device or apparatus, often in the context of technology, science, or machinery. It is commonly used in formal or technical language.
In der Küche findet man viele nützliche Apparate wie den Ofen und den Kühlschrank.
apparatus, device
Der medizinische Apparat im Krankenhaus ist sehr modern.
(In the kitchen, you can find many useful devices such as the oven and the refrigerator.)
Tips: The word Apparat refers to a technical device or apparatus, often in the context of technology, science, or machinery. It is commonly used in formal or technical language.
Sie atmet tief ein und aus, um sich zu beruhigen.
to breathe
(She breathes deeply in and out to calm herself down.)
Tips: The verb atmen is used to express the action of breathing. It’s a fundamental verb for describing the simple act of inhaling and exhaling. It’s often used in contexts related to relaxation, physical activity, or health.
Er atmete die frische Luft tief ein, als er an den Waldrand kam.
to breathe
Sie atmet tief ein und aus, um sich zu beruhigen.
(He breathed in the fresh air deeply as he reached the edge of the forest.)
Tips: The verb atmen is used to express the action of breathing. It’s a fundamental verb for describing the simple act of inhaling and exhaling. It’s often used in contexts related to relaxation, physical activity, or health.
Nachdem sie eine Weile geschwommen hatte, hat sie tief geatmet.
to breathe
Sie atmet tief ein und aus, um sich zu beruhigen.
(After swimming for a while, she took a deep breath.)
Tips: The verb atmen is used to express the action of breathing. It’s a fundamental verb for describing the simple act of inhaling and exhaling. It’s often used in contexts related to relaxation, physical activity, or health.
Obwohl er erkältet war, atmete er ruhig und gleichmäßig.
to breathe
Sie atmet tief ein und aus, um sich zu beruhigen.
(Even though he had a cold, he breathed calmly and evenly.)
Tips: The verb atmen is used to express the action of breathing. It’s a fundamental verb for describing the simple act of inhaling and exhaling. It’s often used in contexts related to relaxation, physical activity, or health.
Die Meditation lehrt uns, bewusst zu atmen.
to breathe
Sie atmet tief ein und aus, um sich zu beruhigen.
(Meditation teaches us to breathe consciously.)
Tips: The verb atmen is used to express the action of breathing. It’s a fundamental verb for describing the simple act of inhaling and exhaling. It’s often used in contexts related to relaxation, physical activity, or health.
Ich bewahre meine Bücher im Regal auf.
to keep, to store
(I keep my books on the shelf.)
Tips: The verb aufbewahren is used when referring to the action of keeping or storing something for future use. It implies a sense of care and preservation. It is commonly used in contexts related to organizing, tidying, and safekeeping.
Similar: speichern (to save, to store), lagern (to store, to stock)
Sie hat die Erinnerungsstücke ihrer Reisen gut aufbewahrt.
to keep, to store
Ich bewahre meine Bücher im Regal auf.
(She has kept the mementos of her travels well.)
Tips: The verb aufbewahren is used when referring to the action of keeping or storing something for future use. It implies a sense of care and preservation. It is commonly used in contexts related to organizing, tidying, and safekeeping.
Similar: speichern (to save, to store), lagern (to store, to stock)
Er bewahrte die alten Briefe seiner Großeltern sorgfältig auf.
to keep, to store
Ich bewahre meine Bücher im Regal auf.
(He carefully stored the old letters from his grandparents.)
Tips: The verb aufbewahren is used when referring to the action of keeping or storing something for future use. It implies a sense of care and preservation. It is commonly used in contexts related to organizing, tidying, and safekeeping.
Similar: speichern (to save, to store), lagern (to store, to stock)
Ich habe die wichtigen Dokumente sicher aufbewahrt.
to keep, to store
Ich bewahre meine Bücher im Regal auf.
(I have safely stored the important documents.)
Tips: The verb aufbewahren is used when referring to the action of keeping or storing something for future use. It implies a sense of care and preservation. It is commonly used in contexts related to organizing, tidying, and safekeeping.
Similar: speichern (to save, to store), lagern (to store, to stock)
Es ist wichtig, Lebensmittel richtig aufzubewahren, um ihre Frische zu erhalten.
to keep, to store
Ich bewahre meine Bücher im Regal auf.
(It is important to store food properly to maintain its freshness.)
Tips: The verb aufbewahren is used when referring to the action of keeping or storing something for future use. It implies a sense of care and preservation. It is commonly used in contexts related to organizing, tidying, and safekeeping.
Similar: speichern (to save, to store), lagern (to store, to stock)
Der Zucker löst sich im Wasser auf.
to dissolve, to resolve, to disband
(The sugar dissolves in the water.)
Tips: The verb auflösen can be used in different contexts. It can refer to the physical dissolution of substances, as well as to the resolution of problems, the disbanding of groups, or the dissolving of organizations. It’s a versatile verb that is widely used in formal and informal language.
Similar: auflösen (to dissolve, disband), auflösen (to resolve, solve)
Die Regierung hat beschlossen, das Parlament aufzulösen.
to dissolve, to resolve, to disband
Der Zucker löst sich im Wasser auf.
(The government has decided to dissolve the parliament.)
Tips: The verb auflösen can be used in different contexts. It can refer to the physical dissolution of substances, as well as to the resolution of problems, the disbanding of groups, or the dissolving of organizations. It’s a versatile verb that is widely used in formal and informal language.
Similar: auflösen (to dissolve, disband), auflösen (to resolve, solve)
Sie löste das Rätsel auf und fand den Schatz.
to dissolve, to resolve, to disband
Der Zucker löst sich im Wasser auf.
(She solved the puzzle and found the treasure.)
Tips: The verb auflösen can be used in different contexts. It can refer to the physical dissolution of substances, as well as to the resolution of problems, the disbanding of groups, or the dissolving of organizations. It’s a versatile verb that is widely used in formal and informal language.
Similar: auflösen (to dissolve, disband), auflösen (to resolve, solve)
Nach dem Streit hat sich die Gruppe aufgelöst.
to dissolve, to resolve, to disband
Der Zucker löst sich im Wasser auf.
(After the argument, the group disbanded.)
Tips: The verb auflösen can be used in different contexts. It can refer to the physical dissolution of substances, as well as to the resolution of problems, the disbanding of groups, or the dissolving of organizations. It’s a versatile verb that is widely used in formal and informal language.
Similar: auflösen (to dissolve, disband), auflösen (to resolve, solve)
Er hat die Firma aufgelöst, um in den Ruhestand zu gehen.
to dissolve, to resolve, to disband
Der Zucker löst sich im Wasser auf.
(He dissolved the company to retire.)
Tips: The verb auflösen can be used in different contexts. It can refer to the physical dissolution of substances, as well as to the resolution of problems, the disbanding of groups, or the dissolving of organizations. It’s a versatile verb that is widely used in formal and informal language.
Similar: auflösen (to dissolve, disband), auflösen (to resolve, solve)
Die Menge an Essen war ausreichend für alle Gäste.
sufficient, adequate
(The amount of food was sufficient for all the guests.)
Tips: The adjective ausreichend is used to describe something that is enough or adequate for a particular purpose. It can refer to quantity, quality, or any other measure of sufficiency.
Similar: genügend (enough), angemessen (appropriate)
Das ist ausreichend, um die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
sufficient, adequate
Die Menge an Essen war ausreichend für alle Gäste.
(That is adequate to meet the basic needs.)
Tips: The adjective ausreichend is used to describe something that is enough or adequate for a particular purpose. It can refer to quantity, quality, or any other measure of sufficiency.
Similar: genügend (enough), angemessen (appropriate)
Die Klausur war schwer, aber ich habe ausreichend punktiert, um zu bestehen.
sufficient, adequate
Die Menge an Essen war ausreichend für alle Gäste.
(The exam was difficult, but I scored enough points to pass.)
Tips: The adjective ausreichend is used to describe something that is enough or adequate for a particular purpose. It can refer to quantity, quality, or any other measure of sufficiency.
Similar: genügend (enough), angemessen (appropriate)
Der Lehrer war der Meinung, dass die Antworten nicht ausreichend waren.
sufficient, adequate
Die Menge an Essen war ausreichend für alle Gäste.
(The teacher thought that the answers were not sufficient.)
Tips: The adjective ausreichend is used to describe something that is enough or adequate for a particular purpose. It can refer to quantity, quality, or any other measure of sufficiency.
Similar: genügend (enough), angemessen (appropriate)
Nach dem Duschen ziehe ich meinen Bademantel an, um mich zu wärmen.
(After showering, I put on my bathrobe to keep warm.)
Tips: The word Bademantel refers to the garment worn after bathing, typically for warmth and comfort. It is a compound noun, combining ‘Bade’ (bath) and ‘Mantel’ (coat). This word is used both in everyday conversation and in formal language, and it’s essential in describing personal routines and clothing.
Mein Bademantel ist aus kuscheligem Frottee.
Nach dem Duschen ziehe ich meinen Bademantel an, um mich zu wärmen.
(My bathrobe is made of cuddly terry cloth.)
Tips: The word Bademantel refers to the garment worn after bathing, typically for warmth and comfort. It is a compound noun, combining ‘Bade’ (bath) and ‘Mantel’ (coat). This word is used both in everyday conversation and in formal language, and it’s essential in describing personal routines and clothing.
Das Band der Freundschaft zwischen ihnen ist sehr stark.
(The bond of friendship between them is very strong.)
Tips: The word Band has different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a ribbon, a tie, a bond, or a band in the musical sense. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: das Band (ribbon), der Verband (bandage)
Sie hat sich ein rotes Band um das Handgelenk gebunden.
Das Band der Freundschaft zwischen ihnen ist sehr stark.
(She tied a red ribbon around her wrist.)
Tips: The word Band has different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a ribbon, a tie, a bond, or a band in the musical sense. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: das Band (ribbon), der Verband (bandage)
Die Bänder an dem Buch sind schon abgenutzt.
Das Band der Freundschaft zwischen ihnen ist sehr stark.
(The bands on the book are already worn out.)
Tips: The word Band has different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a ribbon, a tie, a bond, or a band in the musical sense. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: das Band (ribbon), der Verband (bandage)
Der Genesung des Patienten hat des Bandes Geduld bedurft.
Das Band der Freundschaft zwischen ihnen ist sehr stark.
(The patient’s recovery required patience.)
Tips: The word Band has different meanings depending on the context. It can refer to a ribbon, a tie, a bond, or a band in the musical sense. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: das Band (ribbon), der Verband (bandage)
Das neue Gebäude ist barrierearm gestaltet, damit Menschen mit Behinderungen es leicht betreten können.
accessible, barrier-free
(The new building is designed to be accessible, so that people with disabilities can enter it easily.)
Tips: The term ‘barrierearm’ is often used in the context of accessibility and inclusivity, particularly in relation to infrastructure, buildings, and public spaces. It emphasizes the importance of creating environments that are easily accessible to everyone, regardless of physical limitations.
Eine barrierearme Umgebung ist wichtig, um die Inklusion von Menschen mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen zu fördern.
accessible, barrier-free
Das neue Gebäude ist barrierearm gestaltet, damit Menschen mit Behinderungen es leicht betreten können.
(A barrier-free environment is important to promote the inclusion of people with mobility limitations.)
Tips: The term ‘barrierearm’ is often used in the context of accessibility and inclusivity, particularly in relation to infrastructure, buildings, and public spaces. It emphasizes the importance of creating environments that are easily accessible to everyone, regardless of physical limitations.
In der Bedienungsanleitung steht, wie man das Gerät richtig benutzt.
user manual
(The user manual explains how to use the device properly.)
Tips: The term Bedienungsanleitung refers to the instructions or manual for operating a device, equipment, or machinery. It’s a crucial resource for understanding how to use a product effectively. When dealing with technical equipment, it’s common to encounter and refer to Bedienungsanleitungen.
Es ist wichtig, die Bedienungsanleitungen sorgfältig zu lesen, bevor man das Gerät in Betrieb nimmt.
user manual
In der Bedienungsanleitung steht, wie man das Gerät richtig benutzt.
(It’s important to carefully read the user manuals before operating the device.)
Tips: The term Bedienungsanleitung refers to the instructions or manual for operating a device, equipment, or machinery. It’s a crucial resource for understanding how to use a product effectively. When dealing with technical equipment, it’s common to encounter and refer to Bedienungsanleitungen.
Die Beerdigung ihres Großvaters fand gestern statt.
(The funeral of her grandfather took place yesterday.)
Tips: The noun Beerdigung refers to the ceremony or act of burying a deceased person. It’s an important event for mourning and honoring the departed. When discussing or attending a funeral, it’s essential to be respectful and empathetic.
Similar: die Trauerfeier (the funeral service), das Begräbnis (the burial)
Es war eine sehr emotionale Beerdigung.
Die Beerdigung ihres Großvaters fand gestern statt.
(It was a very emotional funeral.)
Tips: The noun Beerdigung refers to the ceremony or act of burying a deceased person. It’s an important event for mourning and honoring the departed. When discussing or attending a funeral, it’s essential to be respectful and empathetic.
Similar: die Trauerfeier (the funeral service), das Begräbnis (the burial)
Nach der Beerdigung trafen sich alle zu Kaffee und Kuchen.
Die Beerdigung ihres Großvaters fand gestern statt.
(After the funeral, everyone gathered for coffee and cake.)
Tips: The noun Beerdigung refers to the ceremony or act of burying a deceased person. It’s an important event for mourning and honoring the departed. When discussing or attending a funeral, it’s essential to be respectful and empathetic.
Similar: die Trauerfeier (the funeral service), das Begräbnis (the burial)
Die Beerdigungen in verschiedenen Kulturen können sehr unterschiedlich sein.
Die Beerdigung ihres Großvaters fand gestern statt.
(Funerals in different cultures can be very different.)
Tips: The noun Beerdigung refers to the ceremony or act of burying a deceased person. It’s an important event for mourning and honoring the departed. When discussing or attending a funeral, it’s essential to be respectful and empathetic.
Similar: die Trauerfeier (the funeral service), das Begräbnis (the burial)
In diesem Bereich sind viele neue Entwicklungen zu erwarten.
area, field, sector
(Many new developments are expected in this area.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, science, or technology. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area, region), Feld (field, domain)
Sie ist Expertin auf dem Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien.
area, field, sector
In diesem Bereich sind viele neue Entwicklungen zu erwarten.
(She is an expert in the field of renewable energy.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, science, or technology. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area, region), Feld (field, domain)
Sein Bereich umfasst Vertrieb und Marketing.
area, field, sector
In diesem Bereich sind viele neue Entwicklungen zu erwarten.
(His area includes sales and marketing.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, science, or technology. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area, region), Feld (field, domain)
Der Bereich des Gesundheitswesens benötigt dringend neue Investitionen.
area, field, sector
In diesem Bereich sind viele neue Entwicklungen zu erwarten.
(The healthcare sector urgently needs new investments.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, science, or technology. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area, region), Feld (field, domain)
Im Bereich der Wissenschaft gibt es ständig neue Erkenntnisse.
area, field, sector
In diesem Bereich sind viele neue Entwicklungen zu erwarten.
(In the field of science, there are constantly new findings.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It can be used in various contexts, such as business, science, or technology. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area, region), Feld (field, domain)
Die Musik hat eine beruhigende Wirkung auf mich.
soothing, calming
(The music has a soothing effect on me.)
Tips: The adjective beruhigend is used to describe something that has a soothing or calming effect. It can refer to various sensory experiences, such as music, sights, or even a person’s demeanor. It’s a valuable word for expressing comfort and tranquility.
Similar: entspannend (relaxing), tröstlich (consoling)
Die ruhige Stimme des Arztes war beruhigend für den Patienten.
soothing, calming
Die Musik hat eine beruhigende Wirkung auf mich.
(The doctor’s calm voice was calming for the patient.)
Tips: The adjective beruhigend is used to describe something that has a soothing or calming effect. It can refer to various sensory experiences, such as music, sights, or even a person’s demeanor. It’s a valuable word for expressing comfort and tranquility.
Similar: entspannend (relaxing), tröstlich (consoling)
Die Aussicht auf den Sonnenuntergang war beruhigend.
soothing, calming
Die Musik hat eine beruhigende Wirkung auf mich.
(The view of the sunset was soothing.)
Tips: The adjective beruhigend is used to describe something that has a soothing or calming effect. It can refer to various sensory experiences, such as music, sights, or even a person’s demeanor. It’s a valuable word for expressing comfort and tranquility.
Similar: entspannend (relaxing), tröstlich (consoling)
Obwohl sie gestresst war, strahlte sie eine beruhigende Ruhe aus.
soothing, calming
Die Musik hat eine beruhigende Wirkung auf mich.
(Although she was stressed, she exuded a calming tranquility.)
Tips: The adjective beruhigend is used to describe something that has a soothing or calming effect. It can refer to various sensory experiences, such as music, sights, or even a person’s demeanor. It’s a valuable word for expressing comfort and tranquility.
Similar: entspannend (relaxing), tröstlich (consoling)
Die Besuchszeit im Krankenhaus ist von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr.
visiting hours
(The visiting hours at the hospital are from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.)
Tips: The term Besuchszeit is commonly used to refer to the designated hours during which visitors are allowed, for example in hospitals, care facilities, or institutions. It is important to be aware of and adhere to the Besuchszeit to ensure a smooth visit.
Während der Besuchszeit können Sie Ihre Lieben besuchen.
visiting hours
Die Besuchszeit im Krankenhaus ist von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr.
(During the visiting hours, you can visit your loved ones.)
Tips: The term Besuchszeit is commonly used to refer to the designated hours during which visitors are allowed, for example in hospitals, care facilities, or institutions. It is important to be aware of and adhere to the Besuchszeit to ensure a smooth visit.
Der Preis beträgt 20 Euro.
to amount to, to be, to behave
(The price amounts to 20 euros.)
Tips: The verb betragen has multiple meanings. It can be used to express the amount of something, as well as someone’s behavior. It is important to pay attention to the context in order to determine the precise meaning of the verb.
Similar: ausmachen (to amount to), sich verhalten (to behave)
Sie betrug sich sehr höflich.
to amount to, to be, to behave
Der Preis beträgt 20 Euro.
(She behaved very politely.)
Tips: The verb betragen has multiple meanings. It can be used to express the amount of something, as well as someone’s behavior. It is important to pay attention to the context in order to determine the precise meaning of the verb.
Similar: ausmachen (to amount to), sich verhalten (to behave)
Die Entfernung beträgt 10 Kilometer.
to amount to, to be, to behave
Der Preis beträgt 20 Euro.
(The distance is 10 kilometers.)
Tips: The verb betragen has multiple meanings. It can be used to express the amount of something, as well as someone’s behavior. It is important to pay attention to the context in order to determine the precise meaning of the verb.
Similar: ausmachen (to amount to), sich verhalten (to behave)
Er betrug sein Vermögen, deswegen wurde er verhaftet.
to amount to, to be, to behave
Der Preis beträgt 20 Euro.
(He defrauded his fortune, therefore he was arrested.)
Tips: The verb betragen has multiple meanings. It can be used to express the amount of something, as well as someone’s behavior. It is important to pay attention to the context in order to determine the precise meaning of the verb.
Similar: ausmachen (to amount to), sich verhalten (to behave)
Der Betrag beträgt mehr als erwartet.
to amount to, to be, to behave
Der Preis beträgt 20 Euro.
(The amount is more than expected.)
Tips: The verb betragen has multiple meanings. It can be used to express the amount of something, as well as someone’s behavior. It is important to pay attention to the context in order to determine the precise meaning of the verb.
Similar: ausmachen (to amount to), sich verhalten (to behave)
Bisher hat er noch nicht geantwortet.
so far, until now, previously
(So far, he has not responded yet.)
Tips: The adverb ‘bisher’ is used to refer to a point in time that extends up to the present moment. It indicates that something has occurred or not occurred up to now. It is often used in combination with the present perfect tense to express the continuity of an action or a state up to the present.
Similar: bis jetzt, bislang
Sie war bisher immer sehr zuverlässig.
so far, until now, previously
Bisher hat er noch nicht geantwortet.
(She has always been very reliable until now.)
Tips: The adverb ‘bisher’ is used to refer to a point in time that extends up to the present moment. It indicates that something has occurred or not occurred up to now. It is often used in combination with the present perfect tense to express the continuity of an action or a state up to the present.
Similar: bis jetzt, bislang
Bisher haben wir das noch nie gemacht.
so far, until now, previously
Bisher hat er noch nicht geantwortet.
(We have never done that previously.)
Tips: The adverb ‘bisher’ is used to refer to a point in time that extends up to the present moment. It indicates that something has occurred or not occurred up to now. It is often used in combination with the present perfect tense to express the continuity of an action or a state up to the present.
Similar: bis jetzt, bislang
Sie sah blass aus, als ob sie krank wäre.
(She looked pale, as if she were sick.)
Tips: The adjective ‘blass’ is used to describe a pale or blanched appearance or color. It can be used to describe the complexion of a person, the color of an object, or even the sky. It’s a common adjective in describing physical attributes and emotions.
Similar: bleich (pale, pallid), farblos (colorless)
Der blassblaue Himmel wirkte kalt und unwirklich.
Sie sah blass aus, als ob sie krank wäre.
(The pale blue sky seemed cold and unreal.)
Tips: The adjective ‘blass’ is used to describe a pale or blanched appearance or color. It can be used to describe the complexion of a person, the color of an object, or even the sky. It’s a common adjective in describing physical attributes and emotions.
Similar: bleich (pale, pallid), farblos (colorless)
Er wurde blass vor Schreck, als er den Unfall sah.
Sie sah blass aus, als ob sie krank wäre.
(He turned pale with fright when he saw the accident.)
Tips: The adjective ‘blass’ is used to describe a pale or blanched appearance or color. It can be used to describe the complexion of a person, the color of an object, or even the sky. It’s a common adjective in describing physical attributes and emotions.
Similar: bleich (pale, pallid), farblos (colorless)
Das Messer war blutig.
(The knife was bloody.)
Tips: The adjective blutig is used to describe something that is covered in blood or has the presence of blood. It can refer to a variety of situations such as injuries, accidents, or any object stained with blood.
Similar: blutrünstig (bloodthirsty), blutbefleckt (bloodstained)
Sie hatte sich geschnitten und ihr Verband war blutig.
Das Messer war blutig.
(She had cut herself and her bandage was bloody.)
Tips: The adjective blutig is used to describe something that is covered in blood or has the presence of blood. It can refer to a variety of situations such as injuries, accidents, or any object stained with blood.
Similar: blutrünstig (bloodthirsty), blutbefleckt (bloodstained)
Nach dem Unfall war ihr Hemd blutig.
Das Messer war blutig.
(After the accident, her shirt was bloody.)
Tips: The adjective blutig is used to describe something that is covered in blood or has the presence of blood. It can refer to a variety of situations such as injuries, accidents, or any object stained with blood.
Similar: blutrünstig (bloodthirsty), blutbefleckt (bloodstained)
Ich brauche, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
to need to (infinitive auxiliary construction)
(I need to get up early tomorrow morning to see the sunrise.)
Tips: The construction brauchen…zu is used to express the necessity of performing an action. It is similar to the English structure ‘need to’ + infinitive. When using brauchen…zu, the main verb in the sentence appears in its infinitive form, and zu is placed before the infinitive verb that indicates the action needed.
Similar: müssen + infinitive (to have to, must), sollen + infinitive (should)
Er brauchte, das Auto zu reparieren, weil es kaputt war.
to need to (infinitive auxiliary construction)
Ich brauche, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(He needed to repair the car because it was broken.)
Tips: The construction brauchen…zu is used to express the necessity of performing an action. It is similar to the English structure ‘need to’ + infinitive. When using brauchen…zu, the main verb in the sentence appears in its infinitive form, and zu is placed before the infinitive verb that indicates the action needed.
Similar: müssen + infinitive (to have to, must), sollen + infinitive (should)
Wir brauchen, die Hausaufgaben zu machen, bevor wir ins Kino gehen.
to need to (infinitive auxiliary construction)
Ich brauche, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(We need to do the homework before we go to the cinema.)
Tips: The construction brauchen…zu is used to express the necessity of performing an action. It is similar to the English structure ‘need to’ + infinitive. When using brauchen…zu, the main verb in the sentence appears in its infinitive form, and zu is placed before the infinitive verb that indicates the action needed.
Similar: müssen + infinitive (to have to, must), sollen + infinitive (should)
Sie hat gebraucht, den Zug zu erreichen, aber sie hat es geschafft.
to need to (infinitive auxiliary construction)
Ich brauche, morgen früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
(She needed to catch the train, but she made it.)
Tips: The construction brauchen…zu is used to express the necessity of performing an action. It is similar to the English structure ‘need to’ + infinitive. When using brauchen…zu, the main verb in the sentence appears in its infinitive form, and zu is placed before the infinitive verb that indicates the action needed.
Similar: müssen + infinitive (to have to, must), sollen + infinitive (should)
Sie hat ein Tattoo auf ihrer Brust.
chest, breast
(She has a tattoo on her chest.)
Tips: The word Brust can refer to both the chest (as in the torso) and the breast (in the context of human anatomy). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: der Busen (breast, bosom)
Der Sportler präsentierte stolz seine muskulöse Brust.
chest, breast
Sie hat ein Tattoo auf ihrer Brust.
(The athlete proudly presented his muscular chest.)
Tips: The word Brust can refer to both the chest (as in the torso) and the breast (in the context of human anatomy). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: der Busen (breast, bosom)
Das Baby sucht Schutz bei der Mutter und kuschelt sich an ihre warme Brust.
chest, breast
Sie hat ein Tattoo auf ihrer Brust.
(The baby seeks protection from the mother and snuggles up to her warm chest.)
Tips: The word Brust can refer to both the chest (as in the torso) and the breast (in the context of human anatomy). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: der Busen (breast, bosom)
Die Frauenklinik bietet Beratung zu Themen rund um die weibliche Brust an.
chest, breast
Sie hat ein Tattoo auf ihrer Brust.
(The women’s clinic offers advice on topics related to the female breast.)
Tips: The word Brust can refer to both the chest (as in the torso) and the breast (in the context of human anatomy). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: der Busen (breast, bosom)
Er atmete tief ein und füllte seine Brust mit frischer Luft.
chest, breast
Sie hat ein Tattoo auf ihrer Brust.
(He took a deep breath and filled his chest with fresh air.)
Tips: The word Brust can refer to both the chest (as in the torso) and the breast (in the context of human anatomy). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: der Busen (breast, bosom)
Die Information auf der Chipkarte ist verschlüsselt.
smart card
(The information on the smart card is encrypted.)
Tips: The term ‘Chipkarte’ refers to a smart card, which is a plastic card embedded with a microchip. These cards are used for various purposes, such as electronic payment, access control, and public transportation. The usage of ‘Chipkarte’ has become widespread in modern society, and it is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Für die Nutzung des öffentlichen Verkehrs benötigen Sie eine Chipkarte.
smart card
Die Information auf der Chipkarte ist verschlüsselt.
(You need a smart card for using public transportation.)
Tips: The term ‘Chipkarte’ refers to a smart card, which is a plastic card embedded with a microchip. These cards are used for various purposes, such as electronic payment, access control, and public transportation. The usage of ‘Chipkarte’ has become widespread in modern society, and it is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Ich habe meine Chipkarte verloren und musste eine neue beantragen.
smart card
Die Information auf der Chipkarte ist verschlüsselt.
(I lost my smart card and had to apply for a new one.)
Tips: The term ‘Chipkarte’ refers to a smart card, which is a plastic card embedded with a microchip. These cards are used for various purposes, such as electronic payment, access control, and public transportation. The usage of ‘Chipkarte’ has become widespread in modern society, and it is a common term in German-speaking countries.
Ich kaufe meine Kosmetikprodukte in der Drogerie um die Ecke.
drugstore, chemist’s
(I buy my cosmetic products at the drugstore around the corner.)
Tips: The word Drogerie refers to a store where one can purchase pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and personal care products. It is a common term in German and is used in everyday conversation.
In der Drogerie kann man verschiedene Medikamente und Pflegeprodukte finden.
drugstore, chemist’s
Ich kaufe meine Kosmetikprodukte in der Drogerie um die Ecke.
(At the chemist’s, you can find various medicines and care products.)
Tips: The word Drogerie refers to a store where one can purchase pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and personal care products. It is a common term in German and is used in everyday conversation.
Mir geht gerade ein interessanter Gedanke durch den Kopf.
to cross one’s mind/to occur to someone
Tips: The phrase ‘durch den Kopf gehen’ is used to express thoughts or ideas that come to one’s mind or occur to someone. It indicates the process of something passing through the mind. It is often used to convey the sudden occurrence of a thought or idea.
Es geht mir ständig durch den Kopf, wie ich die Situation verbessern könnte.
to cross one’s mind/to occur to someone
Mir geht gerade ein interessanter Gedanke durch den Kopf.
Tips: The phrase ‘durch den Kopf gehen’ is used to express thoughts or ideas that come to one’s mind or occur to someone. It indicates the process of something passing through the mind. It is often used to convey the sudden occurrence of a thought or idea.
Nach dem Sonnenbaden muss man sich gut eincremen, um die Haut zu pflegen.
to apply lotion
(After sunbathing, it’s important to apply lotion to take care of the skin.)
Tips: The verb eincremen is used when talking about applying lotion or cream to the skin. It’s a reflexive verb, so the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used with it. This verb is commonly used in the context of skincare routines and sun protection.
Sie cremt sich jeden Morgen mit einer feuchtigkeitsspendenden Lotion ein.
to apply lotion
Nach dem Sonnenbaden muss man sich gut eincremen, um die Haut zu pflegen.
(She applies a moisturizing lotion every morning.)
Tips: The verb eincremen is used when talking about applying lotion or cream to the skin. It’s a reflexive verb, so the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used with it. This verb is commonly used in the context of skincare routines and sun protection.
Ich habe mich gestern nach dem Schwimmen eingecremt, um einen Sonnenbrand zu vermeiden.
to apply lotion
Nach dem Sonnenbaden muss man sich gut eincremen, um die Haut zu pflegen.
(I applied lotion after swimming yesterday to avoid sunburn.)
Tips: The verb eincremen is used when talking about applying lotion or cream to the skin. It’s a reflexive verb, so the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used with it. This verb is commonly used in the context of skincare routines and sun protection.
Trotzdem cremt er sich nie ein, und dann wundert er sich über trockene Haut.
to apply lotion
Nach dem Sonnenbaden muss man sich gut eincremen, um die Haut zu pflegen.
(Nevertheless, he never applies lotion, and then wonders about dry skin.)
Tips: The verb eincremen is used when talking about applying lotion or cream to the skin. It’s a reflexive verb, so the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used with it. This verb is commonly used in the context of skincare routines and sun protection.
Einerseits möchte ich reisen, andererseits habe ich viel Arbeit zu erledigen.
on the one hand…on the other hand
(On the one hand, I want to travel, on the other hand, I have a lot of work to do.)
Tips: The phrase ‘einerseits…andererseits’ is used to present two contrasting ideas or viewpoints. It’s a useful way to express different sides of a situation or decision.
Einerseits freue ich mich auf die Party, andererseits bin ich auch müde.
on the one hand…on the other hand
Einerseits möchte ich reisen, andererseits habe ich viel Arbeit zu erledigen.
(On the one hand, I’m looking forward to the party, on the other hand, I’m also tired.)
Tips: The phrase ‘einerseits…andererseits’ is used to present two contrasting ideas or viewpoints. It’s a useful way to express different sides of a situation or decision.
Ich fühle mich einigermaßen gut nach einer Tasse Tee.
reasonably, somewhat
(I feel reasonably good after a cup of tea.)
Tips: The adverb einigermaßen is used to express a moderate level of something, indicating that it is satisfactory or acceptable, but not perfect. It often implies a sense of compromise or adequacy.
Similar: ziemlich (quite), halbswegs (halfway)
Sie hat einigermaßen verstanden, worum es geht.
reasonably, somewhat
Ich fühle mich einigermaßen gut nach einer Tasse Tee.
(She somewhat understood what it’s about.)
Tips: The adverb einigermaßen is used to express a moderate level of something, indicating that it is satisfactory or acceptable, but not perfect. It often implies a sense of compromise or adequacy.
Similar: ziemlich (quite), halbswegs (halfway)
Sie nimmt jeden Morgen eine Tablette ein.
to take (medicine), to occupy (a position or place)
(She takes a pill every morning.)
Tips: The verb einnehmen has two main meanings: to take (as in taking medicine) and to occupy (as in taking a position or place). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended. The perfect form is formed with “hat” and the past participle “eingenommen”.
Die Armee hat das Land eingenommen und die Hauptstadt besetzt.
to take (medicine), to occupy (a position or place)
Sie nimmt jeden Morgen eine Tablette ein.
(The army has occupied the country and taken the capital.)
Tips: The verb einnehmen has two main meanings: to take (as in taking medicine) and to occupy (as in taking a position or place). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended. The perfect form is formed with “hat” and the past participle “eingenommen”.
Er hat gestern Abend das gesamte Theater eingenommen.
to take (medicine), to occupy (a position or place)
Sie nimmt jeden Morgen eine Tablette ein.
(He occupied the entire theater last night.)
Tips: The verb einnehmen has two main meanings: to take (as in taking medicine) and to occupy (as in taking a position or place). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended. The perfect form is formed with “hat” and the past participle “eingenommen”.
Trotzdem hat er die Aufgabe mit Begeisterung eingenommen.
to take (medicine), to occupy (a position or place)
Sie nimmt jeden Morgen eine Tablette ein.
(Nevertheless, he took on the task with enthusiasm.)
Tips: The verb einnehmen has two main meanings: to take (as in taking medicine) and to occupy (as in taking a position or place). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended. The perfect form is formed with “hat” and the past participle “eingenommen”.
Nachdem sie die Medizin eingenommen hatte, fühlte sie sich besser.
to take (medicine), to occupy (a position or place)
Sie nimmt jeden Morgen eine Tablette ein.
(After she had taken the medicine, she felt better.)
Tips: The verb einnehmen has two main meanings: to take (as in taking medicine) and to occupy (as in taking a position or place). It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand which meaning is intended. The perfect form is formed with “hat” and the past participle “eingenommen”.
Alle Mitarbeiter, einschließlich des Managers, müssen an dem Meeting teilnehmen.
including, inclusive of
(All employees, including the manager, must attend the meeting.)
Tips: The preposition einschließlich is used to indicate that something or someone is included, encompassed, or counted. It is often used when specifying a range or a group of items, people, or concepts. It is similar to the English term ‘including’ or ‘inclusive of’.
Similar: inklusive
Der Eintrittspreis beinhaltet den Zugang zur Ausstellung und einschließlich einer Führung.
including, inclusive of
Alle Mitarbeiter, einschließlich des Managers, müssen an dem Meeting teilnehmen.
(The entrance fee includes access to the exhibition and a guided tour.)
Tips: The preposition einschließlich is used to indicate that something or someone is included, encompassed, or counted. It is often used when specifying a range or a group of items, people, or concepts. It is similar to the English term ‘including’ or ‘inclusive of’.
Similar: inklusive
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation gibt es einige Einschränkungen im öffentlichen Leben.
restrictions, limitations
(Due to the current situation, there are some restrictions in public life.)
Tips: The term Einschränkungen refers to restrictions or limitations in various contexts such as rules, regulations, or capabilities. It is frequently used in formal and informal settings to describe situations where certain actions or possibilities are limited.
Similar: Beschränkungen (restrictions, constraints)
Die neuen Einschränkungen betreffen vor allem die Gastronomie und den Veranstaltungsbereich.
restrictions, limitations
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation gibt es einige Einschränkungen im öffentlichen Leben.
(The new limitations mainly affect the gastronomy and event sector.)
Tips: The term Einschränkungen refers to restrictions or limitations in various contexts such as rules, regulations, or capabilities. It is frequently used in formal and informal settings to describe situations where certain actions or possibilities are limited.
Similar: Beschränkungen (restrictions, constraints)
Trotz der Einschränkungen haben wir Wege gefunden, um effizient zu arbeiten.
restrictions, limitations
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation gibt es einige Einschränkungen im öffentlichen Leben.
(Despite the restrictions, we have found ways to work efficiently.)
Tips: The term Einschränkungen refers to restrictions or limitations in various contexts such as rules, regulations, or capabilities. It is frequently used in formal and informal settings to describe situations where certain actions or possibilities are limited.
Similar: Beschränkungen (restrictions, constraints)
Die Einschränkungen in der Arbeitszeit haben zu Unzufriedenheit unter den Mitarbeitern geführt.
restrictions, limitations
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation gibt es einige Einschränkungen im öffentlichen Leben.
(The limitations in working hours have led to dissatisfaction among the employees.)
Tips: The term Einschränkungen refers to restrictions or limitations in various contexts such as rules, regulations, or capabilities. It is frequently used in formal and informal settings to describe situations where certain actions or possibilities are limited.
Similar: Beschränkungen (restrictions, constraints)
Er reichte mir ein eiskaltes Getränk.
(He handed me an ice-cold drink.)
Tips: The adjective eiskalt is used to describe something that is extremely cold, like ice or freezing water. It can be used to describe both objects and the weather. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the sensation of intense cold.
Similar: sehr kalt (very cold), frostig (frosty)
Das Wasser im Fluss ist eiskalt.
Er reichte mir ein eiskaltes Getränk.
(The water in the river is ice-cold.)
Tips: The adjective eiskalt is used to describe something that is extremely cold, like ice or freezing water. It can be used to describe both objects and the weather. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the sensation of intense cold.
Similar: sehr kalt (very cold), frostig (frosty)
An diesem eiskalten Tag blieb ich lieber drinnen.
Er reichte mir ein eiskaltes Getränk.
(On this ice-cold day, I preferred to stay indoors.)
Tips: The adjective eiskalt is used to describe something that is extremely cold, like ice or freezing water. It can be used to describe both objects and the weather. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the sensation of intense cold.
Similar: sehr kalt (very cold), frostig (frosty)
Ich empfinde große Freude, wenn ich Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringe.
to feel, to sense, to perceive
(I feel great joy when I spend time with my family.)
Tips: The verb empfinden is used to express the action of feeling, sensing, or perceiving. It conveys emotional or sensory experiences. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from personal emotions to sensory perceptions.
Similar: fühlen (to feel), wahrnehmen (to perceive)
Sie empfand Trauer, als sie die traurige Nachricht erhielt.
to feel, to sense, to perceive
Ich empfinde große Freude, wenn ich Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringe.
(She felt sadness when she received the sad news.)
Tips: The verb empfinden is used to express the action of feeling, sensing, or perceiving. It conveys emotional or sensory experiences. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from personal emotions to sensory perceptions.
Similar: fühlen (to feel), wahrnehmen (to perceive)
Er hat empfunden, dass die Atmosphäre entspannend war.
to feel, to sense, to perceive
Ich empfinde große Freude, wenn ich Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringe.
(He sensed that the atmosphere was relaxing.)
Tips: The verb empfinden is used to express the action of feeling, sensing, or perceiving. It conveys emotional or sensory experiences. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from personal emotions to sensory perceptions.
Similar: fühlen (to feel), wahrnehmen (to perceive)
Trotz des Regens empfinden wir eine gewisse Wärme in unserem Herzen.
to feel, to sense, to perceive
Ich empfinde große Freude, wenn ich Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringe.
(Despite the rain, we feel a certain warmth in our hearts.)
Tips: The verb empfinden is used to express the action of feeling, sensing, or perceiving. It conveys emotional or sensory experiences. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from personal emotions to sensory perceptions.
Similar: fühlen (to feel), wahrnehmen (to perceive)
Wenn ich an die Natur empfinde, spüre ich eine tiefe Verbundenheit.
to feel, to sense, to perceive
Ich empfinde große Freude, wenn ich Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringe.
(When I sense nature, I feel a deep connection.)
Tips: The verb empfinden is used to express the action of feeling, sensing, or perceiving. It conveys emotional or sensory experiences. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts, from personal emotions to sensory perceptions.
Similar: fühlen (to feel), wahrnehmen (to perceive)
Die Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus war ein Grund zum Feiern.
dismissal, release
(The discharge from the hospital was a reason to celebrate.)
Tips: The noun Entlassung refers to the act of being dismissed from a job or released from an institution such as a hospital or prison. It can also be used in the context of mass layoffs or redundancies.
Seine Entlassung aus dem Unternehmen kam überraschend.
dismissal, release
Die Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus war ein Grund zum Feiern.
(His dismissal from the company was surprising.)
Tips: The noun Entlassung refers to the act of being dismissed from a job or released from an institution such as a hospital or prison. It can also be used in the context of mass layoffs or redundancies.
Die Entlassungen in der Firma führten zu Unruhe unter den Mitarbeitern.
dismissal, release
Die Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus war ein Grund zum Feiern.
(The layoffs in the company led to unrest among the employees.)
Tips: The noun Entlassung refers to the act of being dismissed from a job or released from an institution such as a hospital or prison. It can also be used in the context of mass layoffs or redundancies.
Entweder gehen wir ins Kino oder wir bleiben zu Hause und sehen einen Film.
(Either we go to the cinema or we stay at home and watch a movie.)
Tips: The expression ‘entweder…oder…’ is used to present two options, emphasizing that one of the options must be chosen. It’s a common structure to express alternatives and to make a choice between two possibilities.
Du kannst entweder den blauen Pullover oder den grünen Pullover tragen.
Entweder gehen wir ins Kino oder wir bleiben zu Hause und sehen einen Film.
(You can wear either the blue sweater or the green sweater.)
Tips: The expression ‘entweder…oder…’ is used to present two options, emphasizing that one of the options must be chosen. It’s a common structure to express alternatives and to make a choice between two possibilities.
Entweder fährst du mit dem Auto oder wir nehmen die Bahn.
Entweder gehen wir ins Kino oder wir bleiben zu Hause und sehen einen Film.
(Either you drive by car or we take the train.)
Tips: The expression ‘entweder…oder…’ is used to present two options, emphasizing that one of the options must be chosen. It’s a common structure to express alternatives and to make a choice between two possibilities.
Wir können entweder heute Abend essen gehen oder morgen Mittag, wie es dir lieber ist.
Entweder gehen wir ins Kino oder wir bleiben zu Hause und sehen einen Film.
(We can either go out for dinner tonight or tomorrow noon, whichever you prefer.)
Tips: The expression ‘entweder…oder…’ is used to present two options, emphasizing that one of the options must be chosen. It’s a common structure to express alternatives and to make a choice between two possibilities.
Die Pilze sind essbar und können gekocht werden.
(The mushrooms are edible and can be cooked.)
Tips: The adjective essbar is used to describe food or substances that can be eaten without harm. It’s a crucial word when discussing food safety, cooking, or foraging. Be mindful of the difference between essbar (edible) and giftig (poisonous) to ensure safe consumption.
Similar: genießbar (palatable, enjoyable to eat), ungenießbar (inedible, not enjoyable to eat)
Es ist wichtig zu wissen, welche Pflanzen essbar sind, wenn man draußen wandert.
Die Pilze sind essbar und können gekocht werden.
(It’s important to know which plants are edible when hiking outdoors.)
Tips: The adjective essbar is used to describe food or substances that can be eaten without harm. It’s a crucial word when discussing food safety, cooking, or foraging. Be mindful of the difference between essbar (edible) and giftig (poisonous) to ensure safe consumption.
Similar: genießbar (palatable, enjoyable to eat), ungenießbar (inedible, not enjoyable to eat)
Diese Beeren sind nicht essbar, also esse sie nicht.
Die Pilze sind essbar und können gekocht werden.
(These berries are not edible, so do not eat them.)
Tips: The adjective essbar is used to describe food or substances that can be eaten without harm. It’s a crucial word when discussing food safety, cooking, or foraging. Be mindful of the difference between essbar (edible) and giftig (poisonous) to ensure safe consumption.
Similar: genießbar (palatable, enjoyable to eat), ungenießbar (inedible, not enjoyable to eat)
Das Restaurant ist sehr familienfreundlich, es gibt eine Spielecke für Kinder.
Tips: The adjective familienfreundlich is used to describe places, activities, or services that are suitable and pleasant for families with children. It’s commonly used to refer to places like restaurants, hotels, parks, and entertainment venues that cater to the needs of families.
Similar: kinderfreundlich (child-friendly), kindgerecht (age-appropriate)
Der Ferienpark bietet viele familienfreundliche Aktivitäten an.
Das Restaurant ist sehr familienfreundlich, es gibt eine Spielecke für Kinder.
Tips: The adjective familienfreundlich is used to describe places, activities, or services that are suitable and pleasant for families with children. It’s commonly used to refer to places like restaurants, hotels, parks, and entertainment venues that cater to the needs of families.
Similar: kinderfreundlich (child-friendly), kindgerecht (age-appropriate)
Diese Stadt ist sehr familienfreundlich und bietet viele Schulen und Kindergärten.
Das Restaurant ist sehr familienfreundlich, es gibt eine Spielecke für Kinder.
Tips: The adjective familienfreundlich is used to describe places, activities, or services that are suitable and pleasant for families with children. It’s commonly used to refer to places like restaurants, hotels, parks, and entertainment venues that cater to the needs of families.
Similar: kinderfreundlich (child-friendly), kindgerecht (age-appropriate)
Sie ist eine fantasievolle Schriftstellerin und hat bereits mehrere Romane veröffentlicht.
imaginative, creative
(She is an imaginative writer and has already published several novels.)
Tips: The adjective fantasievoll is used to describe someone or something as imaginative or creative. It’s commonly used to refer to artists, writers, or individuals with a rich imagination.
Similar: kreativ (creative), phantasievoll (imaginative)
Der Künstler hat fantasievolle Gemälde gemalt, die die Aufmerksamkeit vieler Kunstliebhaber auf sich ziehen.
imaginative, creative
Sie ist eine fantasievolle Schriftstellerin und hat bereits mehrere Romane veröffentlicht.
(The artist has painted imaginative paintings that capture the attention of many art enthusiasts.)
Tips: The adjective fantasievoll is used to describe someone or something as imaginative or creative. It’s commonly used to refer to artists, writers, or individuals with a rich imagination.
Similar: kreativ (creative), phantasievoll (imaginative)
Kinder sind oft besonders fantasievolle Wesen, die in ihrer eigenen Welt spielen.
imaginative, creative
Sie ist eine fantasievolle Schriftstellerin und hat bereits mehrere Romane veröffentlicht.
(Children are often particularly imaginative beings who play in their own world.)
Tips: The adjective fantasievoll is used to describe someone or something as imaginative or creative. It’s commonly used to refer to artists, writers, or individuals with a rich imagination.
Similar: kreativ (creative), phantasievoll (imaginative)
Die feierliche Zeremonie fand in der Kirche statt.
solemn; ceremonious
(The solemn ceremony took place in the church.)
Tips: The adjective “feierlich” is used to describe something solemn, serious, or ceremonious. It is often used in the context of formal events, ceremonies, or special occasions.
Similar: ernsthaft (serious), festlich (festive)
Sie trug ein feierliches Kleid für den besonderen Anlass.
solemn; ceremonious
Die feierliche Zeremonie fand in der Kirche statt.
(She wore a ceremonious dress for the special occasion.)
Tips: The adjective “feierlich” is used to describe something solemn, serious, or ceremonious. It is often used in the context of formal events, ceremonies, or special occasions.
Similar: ernsthaft (serious), festlich (festive)
Die Musik hatte eine feierliche Atmosphäre.
solemn; ceremonious
Die feierliche Zeremonie fand in der Kirche statt.
(The music had a solemn atmosphere.)
Tips: The adjective “feierlich” is used to describe something solemn, serious, or ceremonious. It is often used in the context of formal events, ceremonies, or special occasions.
Similar: ernsthaft (serious), festlich (festive)
Die Fernbedienung liegt auf dem Tisch neben dem Fernseher.
remote control
(The remote control is on the table next to the TV.)
Tips: The word Fernbedienung is used to refer to a remote control, typically for electronic devices such as televisions, stereos, or air conditioners. It is a common word used in everyday situations, and it’s important to know when dealing with modern technology.
Kannst du mir bitte die Fernbedienung geben? Ich möchte den Kanal wechseln.
remote control
Die Fernbedienung liegt auf dem Tisch neben dem Fernseher.
(Can you please give me the remote control? I want to change the channel.)
Tips: The word Fernbedienung is used to refer to a remote control, typically for electronic devices such as televisions, stereos, or air conditioners. It is a common word used in everyday situations, and it’s important to know when dealing with modern technology.
Die Batterien in der Fernbedienung sind leer, ich muss neue besorgen.
remote control
Die Fernbedienung liegt auf dem Tisch neben dem Fernseher.
(The batteries in the remote control are empty, I need to get new ones.)
Tips: The word Fernbedienung is used to refer to a remote control, typically for electronic devices such as televisions, stereos, or air conditioners. It is a common word used in everyday situations, and it’s important to know when dealing with modern technology.
Viele Leute benutzen ihr Festnetz nicht mehr, sondern nur noch ihr Mobiltelefon.
landline (telephone)
Tips: The word Festnetz refers to the traditional landline telephone system. It is becoming less common in the era of mobile phones and internet-based communication. In formal or business contexts, the term ‘Festnetz’ may still be used to distinguish between landline and mobile communication.
Ich habe dich versucht auf deinem Festnetz anzurufen, aber es war niemand zuhause.
landline (telephone)
Viele Leute benutzen ihr Festnetz nicht mehr, sondern nur noch ihr Mobiltelefon.
Tips: The word Festnetz refers to the traditional landline telephone system. It is becoming less common in the era of mobile phones and internet-based communication. In formal or business contexts, the term ‘Festnetz’ may still be used to distinguish between landline and mobile communication.
Im Zeitalter der Smartphones wird das Festnetz immer seltener genutzt.
landline (telephone)
Viele Leute benutzen ihr Festnetz nicht mehr, sondern nur noch ihr Mobiltelefon.
Tips: The word Festnetz refers to the traditional landline telephone system. It is becoming less common in the era of mobile phones and internet-based communication. In formal or business contexts, the term ‘Festnetz’ may still be used to distinguish between landline and mobile communication.
Die Flüssigkeit in diesem Behälter ist giftig.
(The liquid in this container is toxic.)
Tips: The noun Flüssigkeit refers to any substance that flows and can adapt its shape according to the container it’s in. It is a fundamental term in science and everyday life, used to describe a wide range of substances from water to oils and solvents.
Similar: die Flut (the tide), der Fluss (the river)
Wasser und Milch sind zwei Beispiele für Flüssigkeiten.
Die Flüssigkeit in diesem Behälter ist giftig.
(Water and milk are two examples of liquids.)
Tips: The noun Flüssigkeit refers to any substance that flows and can adapt its shape according to the container it’s in. It is a fundamental term in science and everyday life, used to describe a wide range of substances from water to oils and solvents.
Similar: die Flut (the tide), der Fluss (the river)
Die Flüssigkeiten müssen in einem gut verschlossenen Behälter aufbewahrt werden.
Die Flüssigkeit in diesem Behälter ist giftig.
(The liquids must be stored in a tightly closed container.)
Tips: The noun Flüssigkeit refers to any substance that flows and can adapt its shape according to the container it’s in. It is a fundamental term in science and everyday life, used to describe a wide range of substances from water to oils and solvents.
Similar: die Flut (the tide), der Fluss (the river)
Die Forscherin hat eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung gemacht.
female researcher
(The female researcher has made a groundbreaking discovery.)
Tips: The word Forscherin refers specifically to a female researcher. It’s used to emphasize the gender of the person in the role of a researcher. When discussing the profession of research in a feminine context, this term is the appropriate choice.
Similar: Wissenschaftlerin
Als Forscherin ist sie auf dem Gebiet der Biologie tätig.
female researcher
Die Forscherin hat eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung gemacht.
(As a female researcher, she works in the field of biology.)
Tips: The word Forscherin refers specifically to a female researcher. It’s used to emphasize the gender of the person in the role of a researcher. When discussing the profession of research in a feminine context, this term is the appropriate choice.
Similar: Wissenschaftlerin
Die Forscherinnen haben jahrelang an diesem Projekt gearbeitet.
female researcher
Die Forscherin hat eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung gemacht.
(The female researchers have worked on this project for years.)
Tips: The word Forscherin refers specifically to a female researcher. It’s used to emphasize the gender of the person in the role of a researcher. When discussing the profession of research in a feminine context, this term is the appropriate choice.
Similar: Wissenschaftlerin
Die Forscherin ist sehr engagiert in ihrer Arbeit.
female researcher
Die Forscherin hat eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung gemacht.
(The female researcher is very dedicated in her work.)
Tips: The word Forscherin refers specifically to a female researcher. It’s used to emphasize the gender of the person in the role of a researcher. When discussing the profession of research in a feminine context, this term is the appropriate choice.
Similar: Wissenschaftlerin
Trotz der Herausforderungen in ihrem Beruf liebt die Forscherin ihre Arbeit.
female researcher
Die Forscherin hat eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung gemacht.
(Despite the challenges in her profession, the female researcher loves her work.)
Tips: The word Forscherin refers specifically to a female researcher. It’s used to emphasize the gender of the person in the role of a researcher. When discussing the profession of research in a feminine context, this term is the appropriate choice.
Similar: Wissenschaftlerin
Die Gebühr für das Parken beträgt 5 Euro.
fee, charge
(The fee for parking is 5 euros.)
Tips: The noun ‘Gebühr’ refers to a fee or charge that is typically required for a service or permission. It is used in various contexts, such as administrative fees, service charges, or license fees. When discussing payments or costs, ‘Gebühr’ is commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Die Gebühren für den Internetanschluss müssen monatlich bezahlt werden.
fee, charge
Die Gebühr für das Parken beträgt 5 Euro.
(The charges for the internet connection must be paid monthly.)
Tips: The noun ‘Gebühr’ refers to a fee or charge that is typically required for a service or permission. It is used in various contexts, such as administrative fees, service charges, or license fees. When discussing payments or costs, ‘Gebühr’ is commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Wegen der hohen Gebühr habe ich mich entschieden, nicht zu fliegen.
fee, charge
Die Gebühr für das Parken beträgt 5 Euro.
(Because of the high fee, I decided not to fly.)
Tips: The noun ‘Gebühr’ refers to a fee or charge that is typically required for a service or permission. It is used in various contexts, such as administrative fees, service charges, or license fees. When discussing payments or costs, ‘Gebühr’ is commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Sie musste eine Gebühr zahlen, um ihre Dokumente beglaubigen zu lassen.
fee, charge
Die Gebühr für das Parken beträgt 5 Euro.
(She had to pay a fee to have her documents certified.)
Tips: The noun ‘Gebühr’ refers to a fee or charge that is typically required for a service or permission. It is used in various contexts, such as administrative fees, service charges, or license fees. When discussing payments or costs, ‘Gebühr’ is commonly used in formal and informal settings.
Dieser Raum ist nicht geeignet für große Veranstaltungen.
suitable, appropriate
(This room is not suitable for large events.)
Tips: The adjective geeignet is used to describe something as suitable or appropriate for a specific purpose. It can be used in various contexts, such as for places, people, objects, or situations.
Similar: passend (suitable, fitting), angemessen (appropriate, adequate)
Sie ist die geeignete Person für diesen Job.
suitable, appropriate
Dieser Raum ist nicht geeignet für große Veranstaltungen.
(She is the suitable person for this job.)
Tips: The adjective geeignet is used to describe something as suitable or appropriate for a specific purpose. It can be used in various contexts, such as for places, people, objects, or situations.
Similar: passend (suitable, fitting), angemessen (appropriate, adequate)
Das ist nicht geeignet für Kinder.
suitable, appropriate
Dieser Raum ist nicht geeignet für große Veranstaltungen.
(That is not appropriate for children.)
Tips: The adjective geeignet is used to describe something as suitable or appropriate for a specific purpose. It can be used in various contexts, such as for places, people, objects, or situations.
Similar: passend (suitable, fitting), angemessen (appropriate, adequate)
Wir haben ein geeignetes Geschenk für ihn gefunden.
suitable, appropriate
Dieser Raum ist nicht geeignet für große Veranstaltungen.
(We found a suitable gift for him.)
Tips: The adjective geeignet is used to describe something as suitable or appropriate for a specific purpose. It can be used in various contexts, such as for places, people, objects, or situations.
Similar: passend (suitable, fitting), angemessen (appropriate, adequate)
Er strengt sich an, um seine Ziele zu erreichen.
to make an effort
(He makes an effort to achieve his goals.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anstrengen is used to express the action of making an effort or striving towards a goal. It conveys the idea of putting in physical or mental exertion to achieve something. It’s commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: bemühen sich (to endeavor, to strive), anstrengen (to strain, to exert oneself)
Sie hat sich letzte Woche sehr angestrengt, um die Prüfung zu bestehen.
to make an effort
Er strengt sich an, um seine Ziele zu erreichen.
(She made a great effort last week to pass the exam.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anstrengen is used to express the action of making an effort or striving towards a goal. It conveys the idea of putting in physical or mental exertion to achieve something. It’s commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: bemühen sich (to endeavor, to strive), anstrengen (to strain, to exert oneself)
Obwohl er sich angestrengt hat, hat er die Deadline nicht erreicht.
to make an effort
Er strengt sich an, um seine Ziele zu erreichen.
(Although he made an effort, he didn’t meet the deadline.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anstrengen is used to express the action of making an effort or striving towards a goal. It conveys the idea of putting in physical or mental exertion to achieve something. It’s commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: bemühen sich (to endeavor, to strive), anstrengen (to strain, to exert oneself)
Sie haben sich beim Training sehr angestrengt, deshalb sind sie erschöpft.
to make an effort
Er strengt sich an, um seine Ziele zu erreichen.
(They made a great effort during the training, that’s why they are exhausted.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anstrengen is used to express the action of making an effort or striving towards a goal. It conveys the idea of putting in physical or mental exertion to achieve something. It’s commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: bemühen sich (to endeavor, to strive), anstrengen (to strain, to exert oneself)
Wenn man sich nicht anstrengt, erreicht man selten große Ziele.
to make an effort
Er strengt sich an, um seine Ziele zu erreichen.
(If you don’t make an effort, you rarely achieve big goals.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich anstrengen is used to express the action of making an effort or striving towards a goal. It conveys the idea of putting in physical or mental exertion to achieve something. It’s commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: bemühen sich (to endeavor, to strive), anstrengen (to strain, to exert oneself)
Das menschliche Gehirn ist ein faszinierendes Organ.
(The human brain is a fascinating organ.)
Tips: The word Gehirn is a neutral noun, often used in scientific, medical, and everyday contexts. It’s an essential word when discussing human anatomy, psychology, or neurology.
Sie hatte eine Verletzung am Gehirn und musste operiert werden.
Das menschliche Gehirn ist ein faszinierendes Organ.
(She had a brain injury and had to undergo surgery.)
Tips: The word Gehirn is a neutral noun, often used in scientific, medical, and everyday contexts. It’s an essential word when discussing human anatomy, psychology, or neurology.
Die Wissenschaft erforscht noch immer die Funktionsweise des Gehirns.
Das menschliche Gehirn ist ein faszinierendes Organ.
(Science is still exploring the functioning of the brain.)
Tips: The word Gehirn is a neutral noun, often used in scientific, medical, and everyday contexts. It’s an essential word when discussing human anatomy, psychology, or neurology.
Wir gelangen endlich zum Gipfel des Berges.
to reach, to arrive
(We finally reach the summit of the mountain.)
Tips: The verb gelangen expresses the idea of reaching or arriving at a certain place or achieving a goal. It is often used in the context of physical locations, but it can also refer to the successful accomplishment of an objective.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve, to reach), ankommen (to arrive)
Er gelangte pünktlich zum Meeting, trotz des Verkehrs.
to reach, to arrive
Wir gelangen endlich zum Gipfel des Berges.
(He arrived at the meeting on time, despite the traffic.)
Tips: The verb gelangen expresses the idea of reaching or arriving at a certain place or achieving a goal. It is often used in the context of physical locations, but it can also refer to the successful accomplishment of an objective.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve, to reach), ankommen (to arrive)
Es ist ihr gelungen, den ersten Platz im Wettbewerb zu erreichen.
to reach, to arrive
Wir gelangen endlich zum Gipfel des Berges.
(She has succeeded in achieving the first place in the competition.)
Tips: The verb gelangen expresses the idea of reaching or arriving at a certain place or achieving a goal. It is often used in the context of physical locations, but it can also refer to the successful accomplishment of an objective.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve, to reach), ankommen (to arrive)
Obwohl er müde war, gelang es ihm, das Ziel zu erreichen.
to reach, to arrive
Wir gelangen endlich zum Gipfel des Berges.
(Although he was tired, he managed to reach the goal.)
Tips: The verb gelangen expresses the idea of reaching or arriving at a certain place or achieving a goal. It is often used in the context of physical locations, but it can also refer to the successful accomplishment of an objective.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve, to reach), ankommen (to arrive)
Ich hoffe, dass es uns gelingt, eine Lösung zu finden.
to reach, to arrive
Wir gelangen endlich zum Gipfel des Berges.
(I hope that we succeed in finding a solution.)
Tips: The verb gelangen expresses the idea of reaching or arriving at a certain place or achieving a goal. It is often used in the context of physical locations, but it can also refer to the successful accomplishment of an objective.
Similar: erreichen (to achieve, to reach), ankommen (to arrive)
Die Straße war glatt nach dem Regen.
smooth, slippery
(The road was slippery after the rain.)
Tips: The adjective glatt is used to describe surfaces that are smooth or slippery, such as roads, floors, or hair. It can also be used in a figurative sense to describe situations that are straightforward or uncomplicated.
Similar: rutschig (slippery), eben (smooth, even)
Seine Haare sind immer so schön glatt.
smooth, slippery
Die Straße war glatt nach dem Regen.
(His hair is always so nicely smooth.)
Tips: The adjective glatt is used to describe surfaces that are smooth or slippery, such as roads, floors, or hair. It can also be used in a figurative sense to describe situations that are straightforward or uncomplicated.
Similar: rutschig (slippery), eben (smooth, even)
Pass auf, die Treppe ist glatt!
smooth, slippery
Die Straße war glatt nach dem Regen.
(Careful, the stairs are slippery!)
Tips: The adjective glatt is used to describe surfaces that are smooth or slippery, such as roads, floors, or hair. It can also be used in a figurative sense to describe situations that are straightforward or uncomplicated.
Similar: rutschig (slippery), eben (smooth, even)
Die Oberfläche des Sees war glatt wie ein Spiegel.
(The surface of the lake was as smooth as a mirror.)
Tips: The adjective glatt is used to describe something that is smooth or sleek in texture. It can refer to surfaces, objects, or even hair and clothing. It’s important to note that glatt can also mean ‘slippery’ in certain contexts, so pay attention to the overall context of the sentence.
Similar: weich (soft), schlüpfrig (slippery)
Sie trägt glatte Kleidung, die perfekt zu ihrem Stil passt.
Die Oberfläche des Sees war glatt wie ein Spiegel.
(She wears sleek clothing that perfectly matches her style.)
Tips: The adjective glatt is used to describe something that is smooth or sleek in texture. It can refer to surfaces, objects, or even hair and clothing. It’s important to note that glatt can also mean ‘slippery’ in certain contexts, so pay attention to the overall context of the sentence.
Similar: weich (soft), schlüpfrig (slippery)
Vorsicht, der Boden ist glatt. Bitte nicht rennen!
Die Oberfläche des Sees war glatt wie ein Spiegel.
(Caution, the floor is slippery. Please do not run!)
Tips: The adjective glatt is used to describe something that is smooth or sleek in texture. It can refer to surfaces, objects, or even hair and clothing. It’s important to note that glatt can also mean ‘slippery’ in certain contexts, so pay attention to the overall context of the sentence.
Similar: weich (soft), schlüpfrig (slippery)
Es ist grundsätzlich wichtig, aktiv zu bleiben, um gesund zu bleiben.
fundamental, basic, fundamental
(It is fundamentally important to stay active to stay healthy.)
Tips: The adverb grundsätzlich is used to describe something as fundamental or basic. It implies a strong and essential quality of a concept or decision. It is a word often used in formal or professional contexts, as well as in philosophical discussions.
Similar: fundamental, essentiell, elementar
Diese Entscheidung hat grundsätzliche Auswirkungen auf unsere Zukunft.
fundamental, basic, fundamental
Es ist grundsätzlich wichtig, aktiv zu bleiben, um gesund zu bleiben.
(This decision has fundamental implications for our future.)
Tips: The adverb grundsätzlich is used to describe something as fundamental or basic. It implies a strong and essential quality of a concept or decision. It is a word often used in formal or professional contexts, as well as in philosophical discussions.
Similar: fundamental, essentiell, elementar
Er vertritt grundsätzliche Prinzipien, die er nicht ändern wird.
fundamental, basic, fundamental
Es ist grundsätzlich wichtig, aktiv zu bleiben, um gesund zu bleiben.
(He stands for fundamental principles that he will not change.)
Tips: The adverb grundsätzlich is used to describe something as fundamental or basic. It implies a strong and essential quality of a concept or decision. It is a word often used in formal or professional contexts, as well as in philosophical discussions.
Similar: fundamental, essentiell, elementar
Sie macht regelmäßig Gymnastik, um fit zu bleiben.
(She regularly does gymnastics to stay in shape.)
Tips: The noun Gymnastik refers to the practice of exercises designed to develop physical strength, flexibility, and coordination. It is commonly used in the context of sports and physical education.
Similar: Sport, Turnen
Die Kinder haben Gymnastik in der Schule.
Sie macht regelmäßig Gymnastik, um fit zu bleiben.
(The children have gymnastics at school.)
Tips: The noun Gymnastik refers to the practice of exercises designed to develop physical strength, flexibility, and coordination. It is commonly used in the context of sports and physical education.
Similar: Sport, Turnen
Die Gymnastiken der Turnerinnen sind sehr beeindruckend.
Sie macht regelmäßig Gymnastik, um fit zu bleiben.
(The gymnastic routines of the gymnasts are very impressive.)
Tips: The noun Gymnastik refers to the practice of exercises designed to develop physical strength, flexibility, and coordination. It is commonly used in the context of sports and physical education.
Similar: Sport, Turnen
Der Haupteingang des Museums ist sehr imposant.
main entrance
(The main entrance of the museum is very impressive.)
Tips: The term Haupteingang refers to the primary entrance of a building or facility. It is commonly used in the context of public buildings, such as museums, theaters, and administrative offices. When giving directions or describing a location, this term is essential to know.
Bitte benutzen Sie den Haupteingang, um zum Konzertsaal zu gelangen.
main entrance
Der Haupteingang des Museums ist sehr imposant.
(Please use the main entrance to access the concert hall.)
Tips: The term Haupteingang refers to the primary entrance of a building or facility. It is commonly used in the context of public buildings, such as museums, theaters, and administrative offices. When giving directions or describing a location, this term is essential to know.
Die Hauptmahlzeit in vielen Ländern ist das Abendessen.
main meal
Tips: The term Hauptmahlzeit refers to the main meal of the day, which is usually lunch or dinner. It is a common term used in the context of meal planning, nutrition, and culinary discussions.
Bei uns ist das Mittagessen die wichtigste Hauptmahlzeit des Tages.
main meal
Die Hauptmahlzeit in vielen Ländern ist das Abendessen.
Tips: The term Hauptmahlzeit refers to the main meal of the day, which is usually lunch or dinner. It is a common term used in the context of meal planning, nutrition, and culinary discussions.
Ich koche gerne verschiedene Gerichte für die Hauptmahlzeit.
main meal
Die Hauptmahlzeit in vielen Ländern ist das Abendessen.
Tips: The term Hauptmahlzeit refers to the main meal of the day, which is usually lunch or dinner. It is a common term used in the context of meal planning, nutrition, and culinary discussions.