Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch4_mode-english-example-to-german-example Flashcards
The mail carrier delivers the mail daily.
mail carrier
Der Briefträger bringt täglich die Post.
Tips: The word ‘Briefträger’ refers to the person who delivers mail. It is a common profession and an essential part of the postal service. When addressing a female mail carrier, you can use the term ‘Briefträgerin’.
The female mail carrier is very reliable and punctual.
mail carrier
Die Briefträgerin ist sehr zuverlässig und pünktlich.
Tips: The word ‘Briefträger’ refers to the person who delivers mail. It is a common profession and an essential part of the postal service. When addressing a female mail carrier, you can use the term ‘Briefträgerin’.
I gave the mail carrier a tip because he is always friendly.
mail carrier
Ich habe dem Briefträger ein Trinkgeld gegeben, weil er immer freundlich ist.
Tips: The word ‘Briefträger’ refers to the person who delivers mail. It is a common profession and an essential part of the postal service. When addressing a female mail carrier, you can use the term ‘Briefträgerin’.
The female chemist made an important discovery.
female chemist
Die Chemikerin hat eine wichtige Entdeckung gemacht.
Tips: The word ‘Chemikerin’ is the female form of ‘Chemiker’ (chemist). It is used to refer to a woman who works in the field of chemistry. It’s important to note the gender-specific form when addressing or referring to a female chemist.
I talked to the female chemist about the experiment.
female chemist
Ich habe mit der Chemikerin über das Experiment gesprochen.
Tips: The word ‘Chemikerin’ is the female form of ‘Chemiker’ (chemist). It is used to refer to a woman who works in the field of chemistry. It’s important to note the gender-specific form when addressing or referring to a female chemist.
The female chemists work hard in their labs.
female chemist
Die Chemikerinnen arbeiten hart in ihren Labors.
Tips: The word ‘Chemikerin’ is the female form of ‘Chemiker’ (chemist). It is used to refer to a woman who works in the field of chemistry. It’s important to note the gender-specific form when addressing or referring to a female chemist.
The electrical engineer is working on the development of new technologies.
electrical engineer
Der Elektroingenieur arbeitet an der Entwicklung neuer Technologien.
Tips: The word Elektroingenieur refers to a professional who specializes in electrical engineering. It’s important to note the gender-specific forms: Elektroingenieur for male and Elektroingenieurin for female. This profession is in high demand due to the advancements in technology and the increasing need for electrical systems in various industries.
The female electrical engineer has found an innovative solution to the energy problem.
electrical engineer
Die Elektroingenieurin hat eine innovative Lösung für das Energieproblem gefunden.
Tips: The word Elektroingenieur refers to a professional who specializes in electrical engineering. It’s important to note the gender-specific forms: Elektroingenieur for male and Elektroingenieurin for female. This profession is in high demand due to the advancements in technology and the increasing need for electrical systems in various industries.
The female mechatronics technician works on the development and maintenance of mechatronic systems.
female mechatronics technician
Die Mechatronikerin arbeitet an der Entwicklung und Wartung von mechatronischen Systemen.
Tips: The word ‘Mechatronikerin’ refers to a female professional in the field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical and electrical engineering with computer science. It’s important to note that the word ‘Mechatroniker’ is the male form of this profession.
Female mechatronics technicians need to work precisely and carefully.
female mechatronics technician
Die Mechatronikerinnen müssen präzise und sorgfältig arbeiten.
Tips: The word ‘Mechatronikerin’ refers to a female professional in the field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical and electrical engineering with computer science. It’s important to note that the word ‘Mechatroniker’ is the male form of this profession.
He is a real professional in his field.
Er ist ein echter Profi in seinem Fachgebiet.
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
The professionals completed the project on time.
Die Profis haben das Projekt termingerecht abgeschlossen.
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
She is an experienced professional in software development.
Sie ist eine erfahrene Profiin in der Softwareentwicklung.
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
Nevertheless, he is not a professional in cooking, but he enjoys trying.
Trotzdem ist er kein Profi im Kochen, aber er versucht es gerne.
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
The specialist has specialized in rare diseases.
specialist (female)
Die Spezialistin hat sich auf seltene Krankheiten spezialisiert.
Tips: The word Spezialistin refers to a female specialist, someone who has expert knowledge in a specific field. It is used to address or describe a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
The specialists work closely with the doctors to ensure the best possible treatment.
specialist (female)
Die Spezialistinnen arbeiten eng mit den Ärzten zusammen, um die bestmögliche Behandlung zu gewährleisten.
Tips: The word Spezialistin refers to a female specialist, someone who has expert knowledge in a specific field. It is used to address or describe a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
The opinion of the specialist is highly sought after when it comes to the development of new technologies.
specialist (female)
Die Meinung der Spezialistin ist sehr gefragt, wenn es um die Entwicklung neuer Technologien geht.
Tips: The word Spezialistin refers to a female specialist, someone who has expert knowledge in a specific field. It is used to address or describe a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
The entrepreneur founded his own company ten years ago.
Der Unternehmer gründete vor zehn Jahren sein eigenes Unternehmen.
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
The female entrepreneur successfully runs her own business.
Die Unternehmerin leitet erfolgreich ihr eigenes Geschäft.
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
Many entrepreneurs invest in innovative technologies.
Viele Unternehmer investieren in innovative Technologien.
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
The success of an entrepreneur often depends on his willingness to take risks.
Der Erfolg eines Unternehmers hängt oft von seiner Risikobereitschaft ab.
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
The female lawyer represents her clients in court.
female lawyer
Die Rechtsanwältin vertritt ihre Mandanten vor Gericht.
Tips: The term ‘Rechtsanwältin’ specifically refers to a female lawyer. It’s important to use the correct article and form when addressing or referring to a female lawyer in German.
Female lawyers have an important role in the justice system.
female lawyer
Die Rechtsanwältinnen haben eine wichtige Rolle in der Justiz.
Tips: The term ‘Rechtsanwältin’ specifically refers to a female lawyer. It’s important to use the correct article and form when addressing or referring to a female lawyer in German.
The female lawyer brilliantly argued in the courtroom.
female lawyer
Die Rechtsanwältin hat im Gerichtssaal brillant argumentiert.
Tips: The term ‘Rechtsanwältin’ specifically refers to a female lawyer. It’s important to use the correct article and form when addressing or referring to a female lawyer in German.
The judge announced the verdict in the courtroom.
Der Richter verkündete das Urteil im Gerichtssaal.
Tips: The word Richter refers to a person who presides over a court of law, evaluates evidence, and makes legal decisions. It is a crucial term in legal contexts and discussions about the judicial system.
Similar: Anwalt (lawyer), Gericht (court)
The female judge made an important decision.
Die Richterin hat eine wichtige Entscheidung getroffen.
Tips: The word Richter refers to a person who presides over a court of law, evaluates evidence, and makes legal decisions. It is a crucial term in legal contexts and discussions about the judicial system.
Similar: Anwalt (lawyer), Gericht (court)
The judges carefully examined the law before making their judgment.
Die Richter haben das Gesetz sorgfältig geprüft, bevor sie ihr Urteil gefällt haben.
Tips: The word Richter refers to a person who presides over a court of law, evaluates evidence, and makes legal decisions. It is a crucial term in legal contexts and discussions about the judicial system.
Similar: Anwalt (lawyer), Gericht (court)
The court has reached a verdict.
court, dish
Das Gericht hat das Urteil gefällt.
Tips: The noun Gericht has two main meanings. It can refer to a ‘court’ in the legal sense, where legal proceedings take place. It can also mean ‘dish’ in the culinary context, referring to a prepared or cooked food item. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: das Gericht (court), das Essen (food)
This dish contains many delicious spices.
court, dish
In diesem Gericht sind viele leckere Gewürze.
Tips: The noun Gericht has two main meanings. It can refer to a ‘court’ in the legal sense, where legal proceedings take place. It can also mean ‘dish’ in the culinary context, referring to a prepared or cooked food item. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: das Gericht (court), das Essen (food)
The court hearing was postponed due to new evidence.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung wurde aufgrund neuer Beweise verschoben.
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
In the court hearing, the witness statements were carefully examined.
court hearing
In der Gerichtsverhandlung wurden die Zeugenaussagen sorgfältig geprüft.
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
The court hearing took place despite the adverse circumstances.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung fand trotz der widrigen Umstände statt.
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
During the court hearing, all parties involved should be treated with respect.
court hearing
Während der Gerichtsverhandlung sollten alle Beteiligten respektvoll behandelt werden.
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
The court hearing lasted for several weeks.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung zog sich über mehrere Wochen hin.
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
The court’s judgment was in favor of the defendant.
judgment, verdict
Das Urteil des Gerichts fiel zugunsten des Angeklagten aus.
Tips: The noun Urteil refers to a judgment or verdict, especially in a legal context. It can also be used in a more general sense to indicate a personal or subjective judgment.
Similar: das Gerichtsurteil (court judgment), die Beurteilung (assessment, evaluation)
It is not our task to make hasty judgments.
judgment, verdict
Es ist nicht unsere Aufgabe, vorschnelle Urteile zu fällen.
Tips: The noun Urteil refers to a judgment or verdict, especially in a legal context. It can also be used in a more general sense to indicate a personal or subjective judgment.
Similar: das Gerichtsurteil (court judgment), die Beurteilung (assessment, evaluation)
Despite his parents’ verdict, he chose a different career path.
judgment, verdict
Trotz des Urteils seiner Eltern entschied er sich für einen anderen Berufsweg.
Tips: The noun Urteil refers to a judgment or verdict, especially in a legal context. It can also be used in a more general sense to indicate a personal or subjective judgment.
Similar: das Gerichtsurteil (court judgment), die Beurteilung (assessment, evaluation)
It is important that we find a fair solution.
Es ist wichtig, dass wir eine faire Lösung finden.
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
She acted fairly by applying the same rules to everyone.
Sie hat fair gehandelt, indem sie die gleichen Regeln für alle angewendet hat.
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
He played fairly and respected the opponent.
Er hat fair gespielt und den Gegner respektiert.
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
The referee judged the situation fairly.
Die Schiedsrichterin hat die Situation fair beurteilt.
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
He made a fair decision.
Er hat eine gerechte Entscheidung getroffen.
Tips: The adjective gerecht is used to describe something that is fair or just. It can be used to talk about decisions, actions, or judgments that are morally right and equitable. It’s an important word in discussions about justice and fairness.
Similar: fair, gerechtfertigt (justified)
The judge is known for her fair judgments.
Die Richterin ist für ihre gerechten Urteile bekannt.
Tips: The adjective gerecht is used to describe something that is fair or just. It can be used to talk about decisions, actions, or judgments that are morally right and equitable. It’s an important word in discussions about justice and fairness.
Similar: fair, gerechtfertigt (justified)
She acted fairly, even though it was difficult.
Sie hat gerecht gehandelt, obwohl es schwierig war.
Tips: The adjective gerecht is used to describe something that is fair or just. It can be used to talk about decisions, actions, or judgments that are morally right and equitable. It’s an important word in discussions about justice and fairness.
Similar: fair, gerechtfertigt (justified)
The female reporter reported live from the event.
female reporter
Die Reporterin berichtete live von der Veranstaltung.
Tips: The word ‘Reporterin’ is the female form of ‘Reporter’ and refers to a woman who works in journalism, gathering news and reporting on various events. It is used to specifically address a female journalist.
Yesterday I talked to the female reporter about the interview.
female reporter
Gestern habe ich mit der Reporterin über das Interview gesprochen.
Tips: The word ‘Reporterin’ is the female form of ‘Reporter’ and refers to a woman who works in journalism, gathering news and reporting on various events. It is used to specifically address a female journalist.
The female reporters have collected important information about the situation on site.
female reporter
Die Reporterinnen haben wichtige Informationen über die Lage vor Ort gesammelt.
Tips: The word ‘Reporterin’ is the female form of ‘Reporter’ and refers to a woman who works in journalism, gathering news and reporting on various events. It is used to specifically address a female journalist.
The reportage about urban life was very informative.
Die Reportage über das Leben in der Großstadt war sehr informativ.
Tips: A Reportage is a journalistic genre that presents a detailed and informative account of an event, situation, or topic. It often involves in-depth research and on-site reporting. The word is commonly used in the context of media and journalism.
This reportage covers the current political situation.
In dieser Reportage wird über die aktuelle politische Situation berichtet.
Tips: A Reportage is a journalistic genre that presents a detailed and informative account of an event, situation, or topic. It often involves in-depth research and on-site reporting. The word is commonly used in the context of media and journalism.
The reportages in this magazine are always well researched.
Die Reportagen in diesem Magazin sind immer gut recherchiert.
Tips: A Reportage is a journalistic genre that presents a detailed and informative account of an event, situation, or topic. It often involves in-depth research and on-site reporting. The word is commonly used in the context of media and journalism.
This area of the forest is closed to visitors.
area, field, sector
Dieser Bereich des Waldes ist für Besucher gesperrt.
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
She works in the field of information technology.
area, field, sector
Sie arbeitet im Bereich der Informationstechnologie.
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
In the sector of science, there are constantly new developments.
area, field, sector
Im Bereich der Wissenschaft gibt es ständig neue Entwicklungen.
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
The area of the airport where smoking is allowed is designated.
area, field, sector
Der Bereich des Flughafens, in dem das Rauchen erlaubt ist, ist ausgewiesen.
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
In this area of the city, there are many restaurants.
area, field, sector
In diesem Bereich der Stadt gibt es viele Restaurants.
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
The automotive industry has experienced many changes in recent years.
industry, sector
Die Automobil branche hat in den letzten Jahren viele Veränderungen erlebt.
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
In which industry do you work?
industry, sector
In welcher Branche arbeitest du?
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
Despite the pandemic, the technology sector has developed well.
industry, sector
Trotz der Pandemie hat sich die Technologie-branche gut entwickelt.
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
The renewable energy industry is growing steadily.
industry, sector
Die Branche der erneuerbaren Energien wächst stetig.
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
The German industry is known for its efficiency and quality.
Die deutsche Industrie ist für ihre Effizienz und Qualität bekannt.
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
There are many job opportunities in this industry.
In dieser Industrie gibt es viele Arbeitsplätze.
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
The automotive industry has changed significantly in recent years.
Die Automobil Industrie hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark verändert.
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
The chemical industry plays an important role in the economy.
Die chemische Industrie spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Wirtschaft.
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
Despite the crisis, the industry continues to grow.
Trotz der Krise wächst die Industrie weiter.
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
Agriculture plays an important role in the population’s nutrition.
Die Landwirtschaft spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Ernährung der Bevölkerung.
Tips: The term Landwirtschaft refers to the cultivation of land and breeding of animals for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other goods. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from crop cultivation to animal husbandry. This word is commonly used in discussions related to farming, sustainability, and food production.
Similar: die Landarbeit (farm work), die Feldwirtschaft (field agriculture)
In many rural areas, agriculture is the main source of income.
In vielen ländlichen Gebieten ist die Landwirtschaft die Haupterwerbsquelle.
Tips: The term Landwirtschaft refers to the cultivation of land and breeding of animals for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other goods. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from crop cultivation to animal husbandry. This word is commonly used in discussions related to farming, sustainability, and food production.
Similar: die Landarbeit (farm work), die Feldwirtschaft (field agriculture)
The agricultures in different countries have different methods and technologies.
Die Landwirtschaften in verschiedenen Ländern haben unterschiedliche Methoden und Technologien.
Tips: The term Landwirtschaft refers to the cultivation of land and breeding of animals for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other goods. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from crop cultivation to animal husbandry. This word is commonly used in discussions related to farming, sustainability, and food production.
Similar: die Landarbeit (farm work), die Feldwirtschaft (field agriculture)
The postal workers deliver the letters.
to deliver, to carry out
Die Postboten tragen die Briefe aus.
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
She carried the heavy box out of the house by herself.
to deliver, to carry out
Sie trug die schwere Kiste alleine aus dem Haus.
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
He has carried out the responsibility for the event.
to deliver, to carry out
Er hat die Verantwortung für die Veranstaltung ausgetragen.
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
Despite the rain, the delivery person is carrying out the packages.
to deliver, to carry out
Trotz des Regens trägt der Lieferant die Pakete aus.
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
She has successfully carried out the competition.
to deliver, to carry out
Sie hat den Wettkampf erfolgreich ausgetragen.
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
The mailman delivers the packages to the front door.
to deliver, to distribute
Der Postbote stellt die Pakete vor der Haustür zu.
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
Yesterday the company distributed the new products.
to deliver, to distribute
Gestern stellte die Firma die neuen Produkte zu.
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
The mail carrier has delivered the important documents.
to deliver, to distribute
Der Briefträger hat die wichtigen Dokumente zugestellt.
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
The pizza delivery guys quickly deliver the orders.
to deliver, to distribute
Die Pizzaboten stellen die Bestellungen schnell zu.
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
The newspaper is delivered daily.
to deliver, to distribute
Die Zeitung wird täglich zugestellt.
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
The student is copying the information from the board.
to copy, to transcribe
Die Schülerin schreibt die Informationen von der Tafel ab.
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
He transcribed the notes from the book.
to copy, to transcribe
Er schrieb die Notizen aus dem Buch ab.
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
She copied the homework from her friend.
to copy, to transcribe
Sie hat die Hausaufgaben von ihrem Freund abgeschrieben.
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
Even though he copied the answers, he didn’t pass the exam.
to copy, to transcribe
Obwohl er die Antworten abgeschrieben hat, hat er die Prüfung nicht bestanden.
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
It is not allowed to copy in school.
to copy, to transcribe
Es ist nicht erlaubt, in der Schule abzuschreiben.
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
The factory produces electronic devices.
to produce, to manufacture
Die Fabrik stellt elektronische Geräte her.
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
He produced the artwork by using different materials.
to produce, to manufacture
Er stellte das Kunstwerk her, indem er verschiedene Materialien benutzte.
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
She has already produced and sold many products.
to produce, to manufacture
Sie hat schon viele Produkte hergestellt und verkauft.
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
Despite the difficulties, the company continues to produce high-quality goods.
to produce, to manufacture
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten stellt das Unternehmen weiterhin hochwertige Waren her.
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
When she has time, she enjoys making jam.
to produce, to manufacture
Wenn sie Zeit hat, stellt sie gerne Marmelade her.
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
The prospective customer was interested in the car, but he didn’t buy it.
interested party, prospective customer
Der Interessent hat sich für das Auto interessiert, aber er hat es nicht gekauft.
Tips: The word Interessent refers to someone who is interested in something, often used in the context of business, sales, or marketing. It can be used to describe a potential customer or a person showing interest in a particular product or service.
Similar: Kunde (customer), Interessentin (female form of Interessent)
The company has many prospective customers for its new products.
interested party, prospective customer
Die Firma hat viele Interessenten für ihre neuen Produkte.
Tips: The word Interessent refers to someone who is interested in something, often used in the context of business, sales, or marketing. It can be used to describe a potential customer or a person showing interest in a particular product or service.
Similar: Kunde (customer), Interessentin (female form of Interessent)
The interested party (female) has informed herself about the different offers.
interested party, prospective customer
Die Interessentin hat sich über die verschiedenen Angebote informiert.
Tips: The word Interessent refers to someone who is interested in something, often used in the context of business, sales, or marketing. It can be used to describe a potential customer or a person showing interest in a particular product or service.
Similar: Kunde (customer), Interessentin (female form of Interessent)
This dress is suitable for festive occasions.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Dieses Kleid eignet sich gut für festliche Anlässe.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
The new employee has proven to be suitable for the position.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Der neue Mitarbeiter hat sich gut geeignet für die Position.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
The car is not suitable for off-road driving.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Das Auto eignet sich nicht für Geländefahrten.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
The room is perfect for yoga classes.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Der Raum eignet sich perfekt für Yoga-Kurse.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
The book has proven to be very informative.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Das Buch hat sich als sehr informativ geeignet.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
The hourly wage in this company is 15 euros.
hourly wage
Der Stundenlohn in diesem Unternehmen beträgt 15 Euro.
Tips: The term Stundenlohn refers to the amount of money paid for each hour of work. It is a common concept in the context of employment and labor contracts. When discussing work or negotiating a job, the Stundenlohn is an important factor to consider.
Similar: Monatslohn (monthly salary), Jahresgehalt (annual salary)
She works for an hourly wage of 12 euros.
hourly wage
Sie arbeitet für einen Stundenlohn von 12 Euro.
Tips: The term Stundenlohn refers to the amount of money paid for each hour of work. It is a common concept in the context of employment and labor contracts. When discussing work or negotiating a job, the Stundenlohn is an important factor to consider.
Similar: Monatslohn (monthly salary), Jahresgehalt (annual salary)
The hourly wage varies depending on the profession and experience.
hourly wage
Der Stundenlohn variiert je nach Beruf und Erfahrung.
Tips: The term Stundenlohn refers to the amount of money paid for each hour of work. It is a common concept in the context of employment and labor contracts. When discussing work or negotiating a job, the Stundenlohn is an important factor to consider.
Similar: Monatslohn (monthly salary), Jahresgehalt (annual salary)
Many students are looking for a part-time job to finance their studies.
part-time job
Viele Studenten suchen einen Teilzeitjob, um ihr Studium zu finanzieren.
Tips: The term Teilzeitjob refers to a job that is not full-time, typically with reduced working hours. It is a common term in the context of employment and job searches.
She has opted for a part-time job to spend more time with her family.
part-time job
Sie hat sich für einen Teilzeitjob entschieden, um mehr Zeit mit ihrer Familie zu verbringen.
Tips: The term Teilzeitjob refers to a job that is not full-time, typically with reduced working hours. It is a common term in the context of employment and job searches.
Nevertheless, a part-time job can also be stressful, especially if you have multiple jobs.
part-time job
Trotzdem kann ein Teilzeitjob auch stressig sein, besonders wenn man mehrere Jobs hat.
Tips: The term Teilzeitjob refers to a job that is not full-time, typically with reduced working hours. It is a common term in the context of employment and job searches.
Fluent English is an important requirement for the job.
requirement, prerequisite
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Job ist fließendes Englisch.
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
Without the necessary prerequisites, it is difficult to start the studies.
requirement, prerequisite
Ohne die nötigen Voraussetzungen ist es schwer, das Studium zu beginnen.
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
The prerequisite for success is hard work and determination.
requirement, prerequisite
Die Voraussetzung des Erfolgs ist harte Arbeit und Entschlossenheit.
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
Despite the lack of prerequisites, he managed to pass the exam.
requirement, prerequisite
Trotz der fehlenden Voraussetzungen hat er es geschafft, die Prüfung zu bestehen.
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
A fundamental requirement for a good relationship is trust.
requirement, prerequisite
Eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für eine gute Beziehung ist Vertrauen.
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
In future generations, hopefully we will live more sustainably.
In zukünftigen Generationen werden wir hoffentlich nachhaltiger leben.
Tips: The adjective ‘zukünftig’ is used to refer to something that is related to the future. It can be used to describe future events, plans, or developments. It’s a common word in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: künftig (future, prospective)
It is important to consider future developments.
Es ist wichtig, zukünftige Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen.
Tips: The adjective ‘zukünftig’ is used to refer to something that is related to the future. It can be used to describe future events, plans, or developments. It’s a common word in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: künftig (future, prospective)
The future planning of the project is not yet completed.
Die zukünftige Planung des Projekts ist noch nicht abgeschlossen.
Tips: The adjective ‘zukünftig’ is used to refer to something that is related to the future. It can be used to describe future events, plans, or developments. It’s a common word in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: künftig (future, prospective)
My application for the position as an engineer was accepted.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Meine Bewerbung für die Stelle als Ingenieur wurde angenommen.
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
She has sent her applications to several universities.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Sie hat ihre Bewerbungen an mehrere Universitäten geschickt.
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
The deadline for the application ends next week.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Die Frist für die Bewerbung endet nächste Woche.
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
He wrote an application for an internship at a big company.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Er hat eine Bewerbung für ein Praktikum bei einer großen Firma geschrieben.
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
Despite sending many applications, he has not received any response yet.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Trotzdem er viele Bewerbungen geschickt hat, hat er noch keine Antwort erhalten.
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
The female applicant has an impressive professional experience.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin hat eine beeindruckende Berufserfahrung.
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
The female applicant was invited for an interview.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin wurde zum Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen.
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
The female applicant has prepared well for the position.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin hat sich gut auf die Stelle vorbereitet.
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
The female applicant got the job because she is very qualified.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin hat den Job bekommen, weil sie sehr qualifiziert ist.
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
The attachment to the email contains important documents.
attachment, appendix
Der Anhang der E-Mail enthält wichtige Dokumente.
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
In the appendix of the report, you will find detailed information.
attachment, appendix
Im Anhang des Berichts finden Sie detaillierte Informationen.
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
Please add the attachment to your cover letter.
attachment, appendix
Bitte fügen Sie den Anhang zu Ihrem Bewerbungsschreiben hinzu.
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
The appendix of the book contains additional exercises.
attachment, appendix
Der Anhang des Buches enthält zusätzliche Übungen.
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
The sources are listed in the appendix of the thesis.
attachment, appendix
In dem Anhang der Diplomarbeit sind die Quellen aufgeführt.
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
The job application documents should be carefully prepared to make a good impression.
job application documents
Die Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten sorgfältig vorbereitet werden, um einen guten Eindruck zu hinterlassen.
Tips: The term Bewerbungsunterlagen refers to the set of documents that are submitted when applying for a job. This includes the cover letter, CV, certificates, and any other relevant documents. It’s important to keep these documents well-organized and up to date.
All relevant certificates and diplomas should be included in the job application documents.
job application documents
In den Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten alle relevanten Zeugnisse und Zertifikate enthalten sein.
Tips: The term Bewerbungsunterlagen refers to the set of documents that are submitted when applying for a job. This includes the cover letter, CV, certificates, and any other relevant documents. It’s important to keep these documents well-organized and up to date.
Nevertheless, he got the job even though his job application documents were incomplete.
job application documents
Trotzdem erhielt er die Stelle, obwohl seine Bewerbungsunterlagen unvollständig waren.
Tips: The term Bewerbungsunterlagen refers to the set of documents that are submitted when applying for a job. This includes the cover letter, CV, certificates, and any other relevant documents. It’s important to keep these documents well-organized and up to date.
I need a certificate of my German language skills.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Ich brauche eine Bescheinigung über meine Deutschkenntnisse.
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
The certificates must be submitted by the end of the month.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Die Bescheinigungen müssen bis zum Ende des Monats eingereicht werden.
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
The attestation of attendance is issued by the employer.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Die Bescheinigung der Anwesenheit wird vom Arbeitgeber ausgestellt.
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
He received a confirmation for the lost passport.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Er hat eine Bescheinigung für den verlorenen Reisepass erhalten.
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
The confirmations of participation are sent by email.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Die Bescheinigungen der Teilnahme werden per E-Mail verschickt.
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
My resume includes my education, work experience, and qualifications.
curriculum vitae, resume
Mein Lebenslauf umfasst meine Ausbildung, Berufserfahrung und Qualifikationen.
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
He sent his curriculum vitae to the company to apply for the position.
curriculum vitae, resume
Er hat seinen Lebenslauf an das Unternehmen geschickt, um sich für die Stelle zu bewerben.
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
My resume also lists my language skills.
curriculum vitae, resume
In meinem Lebenslauf sind auch meine Sprachkenntnisse aufgeführt.
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
A good curriculum vitae is crucial to be successful in job hunting.
curriculum vitae, resume
Ein guter Lebenslauf ist entscheidend, um bei der Jobsuche erfolgreich zu sein.
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
The resume should be clear and concise.
curriculum vitae, resume
Der Lebenslauf sollte übersichtlich und prägnant sein.
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
We will arrive in Berlin tomorrow at 10 o’clock.
to arrive
Wir kommen morgen um 10 Uhr in Berlin an.
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
The train arrived on time.
to arrive
Der Zug kam pünktlich an.
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
She arrived yesterday evening.
to arrive
Sie ist gestern Abend angekommen.
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
Despite the rain, we arrive on time.
to arrive
Trotz des Regens kommen wir rechtzeitig an.
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
If you don’t arrive at 8 o’clock, we will miss the movie.
to arrive
Wenn du um 8 Uhr nicht ankommst, verpassen wir den Film.
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
The study provides meaningful results on the impact of climate change.
meaningful, significant
Die Studie liefert aussagekräftige Ergebnisse über den Einfluss des Klimawandels.
Tips: The adjective aussagekräftig is used to describe something that is meaningful, significant, or provides valuable information or evidence. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and formal contexts.
Similar: bedeutsam (meaningful, significant), signifikant (significant)
It is important to have significant evidence for the claim.
meaningful, significant
Es ist wichtig, aussagekräftige Beweise für die Behauptung zu haben.
Tips: The adjective aussagekräftig is used to describe something that is meaningful, significant, or provides valuable information or evidence. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and formal contexts.
Similar: bedeutsam (meaningful, significant), signifikant (significant)
The witness statement was not particularly meaningful.
meaningful, significant
Die Zeugenaussage war nicht besonders aussagekräftig.
Tips: The adjective aussagekräftig is used to describe something that is meaningful, significant, or provides valuable information or evidence. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and formal contexts.
Similar: bedeutsam (meaningful, significant), signifikant (significant)
This paragraph refers to the previous information.
to refer to, to relate to
Dieser Absatz bezieht sich auf die vorherigen Informationen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
She always relates to her experiences when giving advice.
to refer to, to relate to
Sie bezieht sich immer auf ihre Erfahrungen, wenn sie Ratschläge gibt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
He referred to various studies in his presentation.
to refer to, to relate to
Er hat sich in seinem Vortrag auf verschiedene Studien bezogen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
Although she prepared for the exam, the result was not good.
to refer to, to relate to
Obwohl sie sich auf die Prüfung bezogen hat, war das Ergebnis nicht gut.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
The discussion is about the future of technology.
to refer to, to relate to
Die Diskussion bezieht sich auf die Zukunft der Technologie.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
The box contains chocolate and candies.
to contain, to include
Die Schachtel enthält Schokolade und Bonbons.
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
The package contained a surprise.
to contain, to include
Das Paket enthielt eine Überraschung.
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
The report has contained a lot of important information.
to contain, to include
Der Bericht hat viele wichtige Informationen enthalten.
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
The ingredient list does not contain any nuts.
to contain, to include
Die Zutatenliste enthält keine Nüsse.
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
The book contained many exciting stories.
to contain, to include
Das Buch enthielt viele spannende Geschichten.
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
She has the ability to adapt quickly to new situations.
ability, skill
Sie hat die Fähigkeit, sich schnell an neue Situationen anzupassen.
Tips: The noun Fähigkeit refers to the capacity or skill to do something. It is used to describe someone’s ability in a particular area, such as language skills, physical abilities, or mental capacities. It is a common term in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Kompetenz (competence), Talent (talent)
His skills in using computers are impressive.
ability, skill
Seine Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Computern sind beeindruckend.
Tips: The noun Fähigkeit refers to the capacity or skill to do something. It is used to describe someone’s ability in a particular area, such as language skills, physical abilities, or mental capacities. It is a common term in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Kompetenz (competence), Talent (talent)
Despite his physical abilities, he was unable to climb the mountain.
ability, skill
Trotz seiner körperlichen Fähigkeiten war er nicht in der Lage, den Berg zu besteigen.
Tips: The noun Fähigkeit refers to the capacity or skill to do something. It is used to describe someone’s ability in a particular area, such as language skills, physical abilities, or mental capacities. It is a common term in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Kompetenz (competence), Talent (talent)
I am counting the apples in the basket.
to count
Ich zähle die Äpfel im Korb.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
Yesterday she counted her pocket money and was surprised how much she had saved.
to count
Gestern zählte sie ihr Taschengeld und war überrascht, wie viel sie gespart hatte.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
He counted the stars in the sky.
to count
Er hat die Sterne am Himmel gezählt.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
Even though she counts slowly, she makes no mistakes.
to count
Obwohl sie langsam zählt, macht sie keine Fehler.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
If you count the sheep before falling asleep, you will fall asleep faster.
to count
Wenn du die Schafe vor dem Einschlafen zählst, schläfst du schneller ein.
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
His appearance on stage was impressive.
appearance, performance
Sein Auftritt auf der Bühne war beeindruckend.
Tips: The noun Auftritt refers to an appearance or performance, especially in the context of stage performances, concerts, or public appearances. It can also be used in the context of a person’s demeanor or presence in a specific situation.
Similar: die Vorstellung (the performance, the show), der Auftritt (the appearance, the entrance)
The band’s performance thrilled the audience.
appearance, performance
Der Auftritt der Band begeisterte das Publikum.
Tips: The noun Auftritt refers to an appearance or performance, especially in the context of stage performances, concerts, or public appearances. It can also be used in the context of a person’s demeanor or presence in a specific situation.
Similar: die Vorstellung (the performance, the show), der Auftritt (the appearance, the entrance)
Despite her first appearance in front of a large audience, she remained calm.
appearance, performance
Trotz ihres ersten Auftritts vor großem Publikum blieb sie ruhig.
Tips: The noun Auftritt refers to an appearance or performance, especially in the context of stage performances, concerts, or public appearances. It can also be used in the context of a person’s demeanor or presence in a specific situation.
Similar: die Vorstellung (the performance, the show), der Auftritt (the appearance, the entrance)
The actor’s performance was marked by great intensity.
appearance, performance
Der Auftritt des Schauspielers war von großer Intensität geprägt.
Tips: The noun Auftritt refers to an appearance or performance, especially in the context of stage performances, concerts, or public appearances. It can also be used in the context of a person’s demeanor or presence in a specific situation.
Similar: die Vorstellung (the performance, the show), der Auftritt (the appearance, the entrance)
Her appearance at the fashion show was a great success.
appearance, performance
Ihr Auftritt auf der Modenschau war ein voller Erfolg.
Tips: The noun Auftritt refers to an appearance or performance, especially in the context of stage performances, concerts, or public appearances. It can also be used in the context of a person’s demeanor or presence in a specific situation.
Similar: die Vorstellung (the performance, the show), der Auftritt (the appearance, the entrance)
One needs a lot of patience to learn a new language.
Man braucht viel Geduld, um eine neue Sprache zu lernen.
Tips: The noun Geduld refers to the ability to remain calm and tolerant in challenging situations. It is an important quality in various aspects of life, such as learning, teaching, and dealing with difficult circumstances.
Similar: Ausdauer (endurance), Beharrlichkeit (perseverance)
Nevertheless, she showed a lot of patience with her students.
Trotzdem zeigte sie viel Geduld mit ihren Schülern.
Tips: The noun Geduld refers to the ability to remain calm and tolerant in challenging situations. It is an important quality in various aspects of life, such as learning, teaching, and dealing with difficult circumstances.
Similar: Ausdauer (endurance), Beharrlichkeit (perseverance)
After waiting for a long time, he slowly lost his patience.
Nachdem er lange gewartet hatte, verlor er langsam die Geduld.
Tips: The noun Geduld refers to the ability to remain calm and tolerant in challenging situations. It is an important quality in various aspects of life, such as learning, teaching, and dealing with difficult circumstances.
Similar: Ausdauer (endurance), Beharrlichkeit (perseverance)
She remained calm, although she had little patience left inside.
Sie blieb ruhig, obwohl sie innerlich kaum noch Geduld hatte.
Tips: The noun Geduld refers to the ability to remain calm and tolerant in challenging situations. It is an important quality in various aspects of life, such as learning, teaching, and dealing with difficult circumstances.
Similar: Ausdauer (endurance), Beharrlichkeit (perseverance)
His positive impression of the city has been confirmed.
Sein positiver Eindruck von der Stadt hat sich bestätigt.
Tips: The noun Eindruck refers to the impression or impact that something or someone makes on a person. It can be used in various contexts, such as first impressions, general impressions, or specific impressions of a situation, place, or person.
Similar: der Einfluss (the influence), die Wirkung (the effect)
Despite the initial negative impression, she decided to take the job.
Trotz des ersten negativen Eindrucks hat sie sich entschieden, die Arbeit anzunehmen.
Tips: The noun Eindruck refers to the impression or impact that something or someone makes on a person. It can be used in various contexts, such as first impressions, general impressions, or specific impressions of a situation, place, or person.
Similar: der Einfluss (the influence), die Wirkung (the effect)
The first impression is often crucial.
Der erste Eindruck ist oft entscheidend.
Tips: The noun Eindruck refers to the impression or impact that something or someone makes on a person. It can be used in various contexts, such as first impressions, general impressions, or specific impressions of a situation, place, or person.
Similar: der Einfluss (the influence), die Wirkung (the effect)
Her impression of the movie was very positive.
Ihr Eindruck von dem Film war sehr positiv.
Tips: The noun Eindruck refers to the impression or impact that something or someone makes on a person. It can be used in various contexts, such as first impressions, general impressions, or specific impressions of a situation, place, or person.
Similar: der Einfluss (the influence), die Wirkung (the effect)
His impression of the situation was that it needed urgent help.
Sein Eindruck von der Situation war, dass es dringend Hilfe brauchte.
Tips: The noun Eindruck refers to the impression or impact that something or someone makes on a person. It can be used in various contexts, such as first impressions, general impressions, or specific impressions of a situation, place, or person.
Similar: der Einfluss (the influence), die Wirkung (the effect)
I inquire about the opening hours of the museum.
to inquire, to ask about
Ich erkundige mich nach den Öffnungszeiten des Museums.
Tips: The verb erkundigen is used when someone is seeking information or asking about something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as asking for directions, inquiring about availability, or seeking general information.
Similar: fragen (to ask), nachfragen (to inquire, to follow up)
She asked about the way to the train station.
to inquire, to ask about
Sie erkundigte sich nach dem Weg zum Bahnhof.
Tips: The verb erkundigen is used when someone is seeking information or asking about something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as asking for directions, inquiring about availability, or seeking general information.
Similar: fragen (to ask), nachfragen (to inquire, to follow up)
He inquired if there are still available spots in the course.
to inquire, to ask about
Er hat sich erkundigt, ob es noch freie Plätze im Kurs gibt.
Tips: The verb erkundigen is used when someone is seeking information or asking about something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as asking for directions, inquiring about availability, or seeking general information.
Similar: fragen (to ask), nachfragen (to inquire, to follow up)
We regularly inquire about new developments in our field.
to inquire, to ask about
Wir erkundigen uns regelmäßig nach neuen Entwicklungen in unserem Fachgebiet.
Tips: The verb erkundigen is used when someone is seeking information or asking about something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as asking for directions, inquiring about availability, or seeking general information.
Similar: fragen (to ask), nachfragen (to inquire, to follow up)
Nevertheless, she does not inquire about the price.
to inquire, to ask about
Trotzdem erkundigt sie sich nicht nach dem Preis.
Tips: The verb erkundigen is used when someone is seeking information or asking about something. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as asking for directions, inquiring about availability, or seeking general information.
Similar: fragen (to ask), nachfragen (to inquire, to follow up)
The quiet atmosphere helped him to relax.
quiet, calm
Die ruhige Atmosphäre half ihm, sich zu entspannen.
Tips: The adjective ‘ruhig’ is used to describe a state of tranquility or calmness. It can be used to refer to a quiet environment, a calm person, or a peaceful atmosphere. It’s a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.
Similar: still (quiet, still), friedlich (peaceful)
She is a calm and composed person.
quiet, calm
Sie ist eine ruhige und gelassene Person.
Tips: The adjective ‘ruhig’ is used to describe a state of tranquility or calmness. It can be used to refer to a quiet environment, a calm person, or a peaceful atmosphere. It’s a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.
Similar: still (quiet, still), friedlich (peaceful)
The calm colors in this room create a pleasant atmosphere.
quiet, calm
Die ruhigen Farben in diesem Raum schaffen eine angenehme Stimmung.
Tips: The adjective ‘ruhig’ is used to describe a state of tranquility or calmness. It can be used to refer to a quiet environment, a calm person, or a peaceful atmosphere. It’s a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.
Similar: still (quiet, still), friedlich (peaceful)
He spoke calmly and thoughtfully.
quiet, calm
Er sprach ruhig und bedacht.
Tips: The adjective ‘ruhig’ is used to describe a state of tranquility or calmness. It can be used to refer to a quiet environment, a calm person, or a peaceful atmosphere. It’s a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.
Similar: still (quiet, still), friedlich (peaceful)
The children are playing quietly in the garden.
quiet, calm
Die Kinder spielen ruhig im Garten.
Tips: The adjective ‘ruhig’ is used to describe a state of tranquility or calmness. It can be used to refer to a quiet environment, a calm person, or a peaceful atmosphere. It’s a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.
Similar: still (quiet, still), friedlich (peaceful)
She convinces her friends to go to the cinema with her.
to convince
Sie überzeugt ihre Freunde, mit ihr ins Kino zu gehen.
Tips: The verb überzeugen is used to express the action of convincing someone of something. It implies a successful persuasion, where the person is genuinely convinced of the argument or idea. It is commonly used in persuasive contexts, such as in debates, discussions, or when trying to influence someone’s opinion.
Similar: überreden (to persuade, to talk into), bewegen (to move, to persuade)
He convinced his boss of the necessity of the change.
to convince
Er überzeugte seinen Chef von der Notwendigkeit der Veränderung.
Tips: The verb überzeugen is used to express the action of convincing someone of something. It implies a successful persuasion, where the person is genuinely convinced of the argument or idea. It is commonly used in persuasive contexts, such as in debates, discussions, or when trying to influence someone’s opinion.
Similar: überreden (to persuade, to talk into), bewegen (to move, to persuade)
She has convinced me that it is important to learn German.
to convince
Sie hat mich überzeugt, dass es wichtig ist, Deutsch zu lernen.
Tips: The verb überzeugen is used to express the action of convincing someone of something. It implies a successful persuasion, where the person is genuinely convinced of the argument or idea. It is commonly used in persuasive contexts, such as in debates, discussions, or when trying to influence someone’s opinion.
Similar: überreden (to persuade, to talk into), bewegen (to move, to persuade)
Nevertheless, he does not convince me of his argumentation.
to convince
Trotzdem überzeugt er mich nicht von seiner Argumentation.
Tips: The verb überzeugen is used to express the action of convincing someone of something. It implies a successful persuasion, where the person is genuinely convinced of the argument or idea. It is commonly used in persuasive contexts, such as in debates, discussions, or when trying to influence someone’s opinion.
Similar: überreden (to persuade, to talk into), bewegen (to move, to persuade)
If you can convince him, he will join in.
to convince
Wenn du ihn überzeugen kannst, wird er mitmachen.
Tips: The verb überzeugen is used to express the action of convincing someone of something. It implies a successful persuasion, where the person is genuinely convinced of the argument or idea. It is commonly used in persuasive contexts, such as in debates, discussions, or when trying to influence someone’s opinion.
Similar: überreden (to persuade, to talk into), bewegen (to move, to persuade)
The employee has the right to paid vacation.
employee, worker
Der Arbeitnehmer hat das Recht auf bezahlten Urlaub.
Tips: The term Arbeitnehmer refers to an individual who is employed by a company or organization. It is used to describe both male and female employees. This word is commonly used in legal and labor-related contexts.
Similar: Angestellter (employee, staff member), Mitarbeiter (employee, staff)
The female and male workers are dissatisfied with the working conditions.
employee, worker
Die Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer sind mit den Arbeitsbedingungen unzufrieden.
Tips: The term Arbeitnehmer refers to an individual who is employed by a company or organization. It is used to describe both male and female employees. This word is commonly used in legal and labor-related contexts.
Similar: Angestellter (employee, staff member), Mitarbeiter (employee, staff)
The rights of the employee are legally protected.
employee, worker
Die Rechte des Arbeitnehmers sind gesetzlich geschützt.
Tips: The term Arbeitnehmer refers to an individual who is employed by a company or organization. It is used to describe both male and female employees. This word is commonly used in legal and labor-related contexts.
Similar: Angestellter (employee, staff member), Mitarbeiter (employee, staff)
The female employee works full-time.
employee, worker
Die Arbeitnehmerin arbeitet in Vollzeit.
Tips: The term Arbeitnehmer refers to an individual who is employed by a company or organization. It is used to describe both male and female employees. This word is commonly used in legal and labor-related contexts.
Similar: Angestellter (employee, staff member), Mitarbeiter (employee, staff)
His income is just enough to pay the rent.
Sein Einkommen reicht gerade so aus, um die Miete zu bezahlen.
Tips: The noun Einkommen refers to the money or earnings that a person or household receives, typically on a regular basis. It can include wages, salaries, profits, or any other financial gains. This word is commonly used in discussions about personal finances, economics, and social welfare.
Similar: Gehalt (salary), Verdienst (earnings)
The family’s income has increased in the last year.
Das Einkommen der Familie ist im letzten Jahr gestiegen.
Tips: The noun Einkommen refers to the money or earnings that a person or household receives, typically on a regular basis. It can include wages, salaries, profits, or any other financial gains. This word is commonly used in discussions about personal finances, economics, and social welfare.
Similar: Gehalt (salary), Verdienst (earnings)
Despite the low income, she lives happily.
Trotz des niedrigen Einkommens lebt sie glücklich.
Tips: The noun Einkommen refers to the money or earnings that a person or household receives, typically on a regular basis. It can include wages, salaries, profits, or any other financial gains. This word is commonly used in discussions about personal finances, economics, and social welfare.
Similar: Gehalt (salary), Verdienst (earnings)
The monthly income depends on the number of hours worked.
Das monatliche Einkommen hängt von der Anzahl der gearbeiteten Stunden ab.
Tips: The noun Einkommen refers to the money or earnings that a person or household receives, typically on a regular basis. It can include wages, salaries, profits, or any other financial gains. This word is commonly used in discussions about personal finances, economics, and social welfare.
Similar: Gehalt (salary), Verdienst (earnings)
A stable income is important for the quality of life.
Ein stabiles Einkommen ist wichtig für die Lebensqualität.
Tips: The noun Einkommen refers to the money or earnings that a person or household receives, typically on a regular basis. It can include wages, salaries, profits, or any other financial gains. This word is commonly used in discussions about personal finances, economics, and social welfare.
Similar: Gehalt (salary), Verdienst (earnings)
Investing money in stocks can be risky.
investment, system, facility
Die Anlage des Geldes in Aktien kann riskant sein.
Tips: The word Anlage has multiple meanings, including ‘investment’, ‘system’, and ‘facility’. It is important to pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning. This word is commonly used in financial and technical contexts.
Similar: Investition (investment), Einrichtung (facility, establishment)
The heating system in our house works well.
investment, system, facility
Die Heizungs-anlage in unserem Haus funktioniert gut.
Tips: The word Anlage has multiple meanings, including ‘investment’, ‘system’, and ‘facility’. It is important to pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning. This word is commonly used in financial and technical contexts.
Similar: Investition (investment), Einrichtung (facility, establishment)
The facilities of the park are very well-maintained.
investment, system, facility
Die Anlagen des Parks sind sehr gepflegt.
Tips: The word Anlage has multiple meanings, including ‘investment’, ‘system’, and ‘facility’. It is important to pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning. This word is commonly used in financial and technical contexts.
Similar: Investition (investment), Einrichtung (facility, establishment)
However, the structure of the building is not very modern.
investment, system, facility
Trotzdem ist die Anlage des Gebäudes nicht sehr modern.
Tips: The word Anlage has multiple meanings, including ‘investment’, ‘system’, and ‘facility’. It is important to pay attention to the context in which it is used to understand its specific meaning. This word is commonly used in financial and technical contexts.
Similar: Investition (investment), Einrichtung (facility, establishment)
She enjoys occupying herself with art and music.
to occupy oneself, to be engaged in
Sie beschäftigt sich gerne mit Kunst und Musik.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beschäftigen is used to express the action of occupying oneself with something, being engaged in a particular activity or topic. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
He occupied himself the whole day yesterday.
to occupy oneself, to be engaged in
Er hat sich gestern den ganzen Tag beschäftigt.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beschäftigen is used to express the action of occupying oneself with something, being engaged in a particular activity or topic. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
I often engage myself with new technologies.
to occupy oneself, to be engaged in
Ich beschäftige mich oft mit neuen Technologien.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beschäftigen is used to express the action of occupying oneself with something, being engaged in a particular activity or topic. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Nevertheless, she engages herself with difficult topics.
to occupy oneself, to be engaged in
Trotzdem beschäftigt sie sich mit schwierigen Themen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beschäftigen is used to express the action of occupying oneself with something, being engaged in a particular activity or topic. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
After he finished the work, he engaged himself with a book.
to occupy oneself, to be engaged in
Nachdem er die Arbeit erledigt hatte, beschäftigte er sich mit einem Buch.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beschäftigen is used to express the action of occupying oneself with something, being engaged in a particular activity or topic. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
The development of technology has greatly changed our lives.
Die Entwicklung der Technologie hat unser Leben stark verändert.
Tips: The noun Entwicklung is used to refer to the process of growth, progress, or advancement in various contexts, such as technology, medicine, economy, and personal development. It is a common term in discussions about societal, scientific, and personal advancements.
Similar: Wachstum (growth), Fortschritt (progress)
In recent years, there has been rapid development in the field of medicine.
In den letzten Jahren gab es eine schnelle Entwicklung in der Medizin.
Tips: The noun Entwicklung is used to refer to the process of growth, progress, or advancement in various contexts, such as technology, medicine, economy, and personal development. It is a common term in discussions about societal, scientific, and personal advancements.
Similar: Wachstum (growth), Fortschritt (progress)
The development of new products requires a lot of time and resources.
Die Entwicklung neuer Produkte erfordert viel Zeit und Ressourcen.
Tips: The noun Entwicklung is used to refer to the process of growth, progress, or advancement in various contexts, such as technology, medicine, economy, and personal development. It is a common term in discussions about societal, scientific, and personal advancements.
Similar: Wachstum (growth), Fortschritt (progress)
Despite the economic development, there are still social problems.
Trotz der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gibt es immer noch soziale Probleme.
Tips: The noun Entwicklung is used to refer to the process of growth, progress, or advancement in various contexts, such as technology, medicine, economy, and personal development. It is a common term in discussions about societal, scientific, and personal advancements.
Similar: Wachstum (growth), Fortschritt (progress)
The development of children is a fascinating process.
Die Entwicklung von Kindern ist ein faszinierender Prozess.
Tips: The noun Entwicklung is used to refer to the process of growth, progress, or advancement in various contexts, such as technology, medicine, economy, and personal development. It is a common term in discussions about societal, scientific, and personal advancements.
Similar: Wachstum (growth), Fortschritt (progress)
The company regularly offers further education for its employees.
further education / advanced training
Die Firma bietet regelmäßig Fortbildungen für ihre Mitarbeiter an.
Tips: The term Fortbildung refers to further education or advanced training, often related to professional development. It is commonly used in the context of workplace learning and improvement of skills. The plural form is die Fortbildungen.
After the advanced training, she felt more motivated and better prepared.
further education / advanced training
Nach der Fortbildung fühlte sie sich motivierter und besser vorbereitet.
Tips: The term Fortbildung refers to further education or advanced training, often related to professional development. It is commonly used in the context of workplace learning and improvement of skills. The plural form is die Fortbildungen.
Participation in the advanced training is voluntary but highly recommended.
further education / advanced training
Die Teilnahme an der Fortbildung ist freiwillig, aber sehr empfehlenswert.
Tips: The term Fortbildung refers to further education or advanced training, often related to professional development. It is commonly used in the context of workplace learning and improvement of skills. The plural form is die Fortbildungen.
The planning of the project took several weeks.
Die Planung des Projekts dauerte mehrere Wochen.
Tips: The noun Planung refers to the process of making plans or the result of this process. It is commonly used in the context of project management, events, construction, and various other organizational activities. Good Planung is essential for the success of any endeavor.
Good planning is the key to success.
Eine gute Planung ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.
Tips: The noun Planung refers to the process of making plans or the result of this process. It is commonly used in the context of project management, events, construction, and various other organizational activities. Good Planung is essential for the success of any endeavor.
Despite careful planning, unexpected problems arose.
Trotz sorgfältiger Planung traten unerwartete Probleme auf.
Tips: The noun Planung refers to the process of making plans or the result of this process. It is commonly used in the context of project management, events, construction, and various other organizational activities. Good Planung is essential for the success of any endeavor.
The plans for the new building are already underway.
Die Planungen für das neue Gebäude sind bereits im Gange.
Tips: The noun Planung refers to the process of making plans or the result of this process. It is commonly used in the context of project management, events, construction, and various other organizational activities. Good Planung is essential for the success of any endeavor.
The planning and implementation of measures require a lot of time and attention.
Die Planung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen erfordert viel Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit.
Tips: The noun Planung refers to the process of making plans or the result of this process. It is commonly used in the context of project management, events, construction, and various other organizational activities. Good Planung is essential for the success of any endeavor.
The regulated working hours allow me to plan my day better.
regulated, orderly
Die geregelte Arbeitszeit ermöglicht es mir, meinen Tag besser zu planen.
Tips: The adjective ‘geregelt’ is used to describe something that is regulated, orderly, or well-organized. It is commonly used in the context of rules, schedules, and structures.
Similar: geordnet (ordered), regulär (regular)
In an orderly society, there are clear rules and structures.
regulated, orderly
In einer geregelten Gesellschaft gibt es klare Regeln und Strukturen.
Tips: The adjective ‘geregelt’ is used to describe something that is regulated, orderly, or well-organized. It is commonly used in the context of rules, schedules, and structures.
Similar: geordnet (ordered), regulär (regular)
It is important that everything is regulated before we start the project.
regulated, orderly
Es ist wichtig, dass alles geregeltt ist, bevor wir mit dem Projekt beginnen.
Tips: The adjective ‘geregelt’ is used to describe something that is regulated, orderly, or well-organized. It is commonly used in the context of rules, schedules, and structures.
Similar: geordnet (ordered), regulär (regular)
I need a new calculator for my math homework.
Ich brauche einen neuen Rechner für meine Matheaufgaben.
Tips: The word Rechner refers to a device used for mathematical calculations. It is commonly used in academic and everyday contexts. The plural form is die Rechner.
The calculator displays the result of the calculation.
Der Rechner zeigt das Ergebnis der Berechnung an.
Tips: The word Rechner refers to a device used for mathematical calculations. It is commonly used in academic and everyday contexts. The plural form is die Rechner.
She is a talented calculator and can solve complex problems quickly.
Sie ist eine talentierte Rechnerin und kann komplexe Probleme schnell lösen.
Tips: The word Rechner refers to a device used for mathematical calculations. It is commonly used in academic and everyday contexts. The plural form is die Rechner.
He reacted very aggressively to the criticism.
Er reagierte sehr aggressiv auf die Kritik.
Tips: The adjective aggressiv is used to describe behavior or actions that are hostile, confrontational, or violent. It can be used to characterize a person’s demeanor or a response to a situation.
Similar: feindselig (hostile), kämpferisch (combative)
The aggressive reaction was inappropriate.
Die aggressive Reaktion war unangemessen.
Tips: The adjective aggressiv is used to describe behavior or actions that are hostile, confrontational, or violent. It can be used to characterize a person’s demeanor or a response to a situation.
Similar: feindselig (hostile), kämpferisch (combative)
She displayed aggressive behavior when she was angry.
Sie zeigte ein aggressives Verhalten, als sie wütend war.
Tips: The adjective aggressiv is used to describe behavior or actions that are hostile, confrontational, or violent. It can be used to characterize a person’s demeanor or a response to a situation.
Similar: feindselig (hostile), kämpferisch (combative)
His performance at school was satisfactory.
satisfactory, fulfilling
Seine Leistungen in der Schule waren befriedigend.
Tips: The adjective befriedigend is used to describe something that is satisfactory or fulfilling. It is commonly used to express a moderate level of satisfaction or adequacy.
Similar: zufriedenstellend (satisfactory), ausreichend (sufficient)
She was satisfied with the fulfilling result of her work.
satisfactory, fulfilling
Sie war mit dem befriedigenden Ergebnis ihrer Arbeit zufrieden.
Tips: The adjective befriedigend is used to describe something that is satisfactory or fulfilling. It is commonly used to express a moderate level of satisfaction or adequacy.
Similar: zufriedenstellend (satisfactory), ausreichend (sufficient)
The quality of the food was only satisfactory.
satisfactory, fulfilling
Die Qualität des Essens war nur befriedigend.
Tips: The adjective befriedigend is used to describe something that is satisfactory or fulfilling. It is commonly used to express a moderate level of satisfaction or adequacy.
Similar: zufriedenstellend (satisfactory), ausreichend (sufficient)
She marked the exact position of the treasure on the map.
Sie hat die exakte Position des Schatzes auf der Karte markiert.
Tips: The adjective ‘exakt’ is used to describe something that is precise, accurate, or without error. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as measurements, answers, positions, and actions.
Similar: genau (exact, precise), präzise (precise)
That is the exact answer to the question asked.
Das ist die exakte Antwort auf die gestellte Frage.
Tips: The adjective ‘exakt’ is used to describe something that is precise, accurate, or without error. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as measurements, answers, positions, and actions.
Similar: genau (exact, precise), präzise (precise)
He took the exact measurements for the table.
Er hat die exakten Maße für den Tisch genommen.
Tips: The adjective ‘exakt’ is used to describe something that is precise, accurate, or without error. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as measurements, answers, positions, and actions.
Similar: genau (exact, precise), präzise (precise)
Exact science requires precise experiments.
Die exakte Wissenschaft erfordert präzise Experimente.
Tips: The adjective ‘exakt’ is used to describe something that is precise, accurate, or without error. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as measurements, answers, positions, and actions.
Similar: genau (exact, precise), präzise (precise)
She did exactly what was expected of her.
Sie hat exakt das getan, was von ihr erwartet wurde.
Tips: The adjective ‘exakt’ is used to describe something that is precise, accurate, or without error. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as measurements, answers, positions, and actions.
Similar: genau (exact, precise), präzise (precise)
She is very communicative and has no problems meeting new people.
Sie ist sehr kommunikativ und hat keine Probleme, neue Leute kennenzulernen.
Tips: The adjective kommunikativ is used to describe someone who is good at communicating, expressing themselves, and interacting with others. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to highlight the ability of an individual to engage in effective communication.
Similar: gesprächig (talkative), kontaktfreudig (sociable)
He is a communicative person and always finds the right words.
Er ist ein kommunikativer Mensch und findet immer die richtigen Worte.
Tips: The adjective kommunikativ is used to describe someone who is good at communicating, expressing themselves, and interacting with others. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to highlight the ability of an individual to engage in effective communication.
Similar: gesprächig (talkative), kontaktfreudig (sociable)
Communicative skills are very important in many professions.
Die kommunikativen Fähigkeiten sind in vielen Berufen sehr wichtig.
Tips: The adjective kommunikativ is used to describe someone who is good at communicating, expressing themselves, and interacting with others. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to highlight the ability of an individual to engage in effective communication.
Similar: gesprächig (talkative), kontaktfreudig (sociable)
She has a conservative attitude towards social changes.
Sie hat eine konservative Einstellung zu gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen.
Tips: The adjective konservativ is used to describe a person, attitude, or approach that is resistant to change and holds traditional values. It can be used in various contexts, such as politics, fashion, or social attitudes.
Similar: traditionell (traditional), behutsam (cautious)
He dresses very conservatively.
Er kleidet sich sehr konservativ.
Tips: The adjective konservativ is used to describe a person, attitude, or approach that is resistant to change and holds traditional values. It can be used in various contexts, such as politics, fashion, or social attitudes.
Similar: traditionell (traditional), behutsam (cautious)
The party represents conservative values.
Die Partei vertritt konservative Werte.
Tips: The adjective konservativ is used to describe a person, attitude, or approach that is resistant to change and holds traditional values. It can be used in various contexts, such as politics, fashion, or social attitudes.
Similar: traditionell (traditional), behutsam (cautious)
She is wearing a loose blouse.
loose, relaxed
Sie trägt eine lockere Bluse.
Tips: The adjective locker is used to describe something that is loose or relaxed. It can refer to physical looseness, such as loose clothing or screws, as well as a relaxed and easy-going attitude.
Similar: entspannt (relaxed), lässig (casual)
He is a very relaxed guy.
loose, relaxed
Er ist ein sehr lockerer Typ.
Tips: The adjective locker is used to describe something that is loose or relaxed. It can refer to physical looseness, such as loose clothing or screws, as well as a relaxed and easy-going attitude.
Similar: entspannt (relaxed), lässig (casual)
The screws are too loose.
loose, relaxed
Die Schrauben sind zu locker.
Tips: The adjective locker is used to describe something that is loose or relaxed. It can refer to physical looseness, such as loose clothing or screws, as well as a relaxed and easy-going attitude.
Similar: entspannt (relaxed), lässig (casual)
She has loose hair and a relaxed look.
loose, relaxed
Sie hat lockere Haare und einen entspannten Blick.
Tips: The adjective locker is used to describe something that is loose or relaxed. It can refer to physical looseness, such as loose clothing or screws, as well as a relaxed and easy-going attitude.
Similar: entspannt (relaxed), lässig (casual)
It is important that we behave humanely in difficult situations.
Es ist wichtig, dass wir uns in schwierigen Situationen menschlich verhalten.
Tips: The adjective ‘menschlich’ is used to describe something related to or characteristic of humans. It can refer to human behavior, nature, or characteristics. It is commonly used in various contexts, from ethical discussions to everyday descriptions of human attributes.
Similar: human, humankind
Human nature is often complex and difficult to understand.
Die menschliche Natur ist oft komplex und schwer zu verstehen.
Tips: The adjective ‘menschlich’ is used to describe something related to or characteristic of humans. It can refer to human behavior, nature, or characteristics. It is commonly used in various contexts, from ethical discussions to everyday descriptions of human attributes.
Similar: human, humankind
She has a very humane way of dealing with others.
Sie hat eine sehr menschliche Art, mit anderen umzugehen.
Tips: The adjective ‘menschlich’ is used to describe something related to or characteristic of humans. It can refer to human behavior, nature, or characteristics. It is commonly used in various contexts, from ethical discussions to everyday descriptions of human attributes.
Similar: human, humankind
The door is open, please come in.
Die Tür steht offen, komm bitte herein.
Tips: The adjective offen is used to describe something that is not closed or sealed. It can refer to physical objects like doors, windows, or books, as well as abstract concepts like being open-minded or receptive to new ideas.
Similar: geöffnet (open, in the sense of being unlocked or unfastened), aufgeschlossen (open-minded, receptive)
She is an open and friendly person.
Sie ist eine offene und freundliche Person.
Tips: The adjective offen is used to describe something that is not closed or sealed. It can refer to physical objects like doors, windows, or books, as well as abstract concepts like being open-minded or receptive to new ideas.
Similar: geöffnet (open, in the sense of being unlocked or unfastened), aufgeschlossen (open-minded, receptive)
The book has an open ending, there is no clear resolution.
Das Buch hat ein offenes Ende, es gibt keine klare Lösung.
Tips: The adjective offen is used to describe something that is not closed or sealed. It can refer to physical objects like doors, windows, or books, as well as abstract concepts like being open-minded or receptive to new ideas.
Similar: geöffnet (open, in the sense of being unlocked or unfastened), aufgeschlossen (open-minded, receptive)
The windows are open to let in fresh air.
Die Fenster sind offen, um frische Luft hereinzulassen.
Tips: The adjective offen is used to describe something that is not closed or sealed. It can refer to physical objects like doors, windows, or books, as well as abstract concepts like being open-minded or receptive to new ideas.
Similar: geöffnet (open, in the sense of being unlocked or unfastened), aufgeschlossen (open-minded, receptive)
He is open to new ideas and suggestions.
Er ist offen für neue Ideen und Vorschläge.
Tips: The adjective offen is used to describe something that is not closed or sealed. It can refer to physical objects like doors, windows, or books, as well as abstract concepts like being open-minded or receptive to new ideas.
Similar: geöffnet (open, in the sense of being unlocked or unfastened), aufgeschlossen (open-minded, receptive)
She is always optimistic and sees the good in everything.
Sie ist immer optimistisch und sieht das Gute in allem.
Tips: The adjective optimistisch is used to describe a positive and hopeful attitude towards life and future events. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to express a positive outlook.
Similar: positiv (positive), hoffnungsvoll (hopeful)
Despite the rain, he was optimistic that the picnic would take place.
Trotz des Regens war er optimistisch, dass das Picknick stattfinden würde.
Tips: The adjective optimistisch is used to describe a positive and hopeful attitude towards life and future events. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to express a positive outlook.
Similar: positiv (positive), hoffnungsvoll (hopeful)
The optimistic attitude can help to cope with difficult situations.
Die optimistische Einstellung kann helfen, schwierige Situationen zu bewältigen.
Tips: The adjective optimistisch is used to describe a positive and hopeful attitude towards life and future events. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to express a positive outlook.
Similar: positiv (positive), hoffnungsvoll (hopeful)
She is a qualified engineer and works in a large company.
Sie ist eine qualifizierte Ingenieurin und arbeitet in einem großen Unternehmen.
Tips: The adjective qualifiziert is used to describe someone or something that has the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience for a particular job or task. It is commonly used in professional contexts, such as job descriptions, resumes, and discussions about qualifications.
Similar: kompetent (competent), fähig (capable)
The qualified employee completed the task with great care.
Der qualifizierte Mitarbeiter erledigte die Aufgabe mit großer Sorgfalt.
Tips: The adjective qualifiziert is used to describe someone or something that has the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience for a particular job or task. It is commonly used in professional contexts, such as job descriptions, resumes, and discussions about qualifications.
Similar: kompetent (competent), fähig (capable)
The company is looking for qualified candidates with experience in software development.
Die Firma sucht nach qualifizierten Bewerbern mit Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung.
Tips: The adjective qualifiziert is used to describe someone or something that has the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience for a particular job or task. It is commonly used in professional contexts, such as job descriptions, resumes, and discussions about qualifications.
Similar: kompetent (competent), fähig (capable)
This book has been written for a specific purpose.
special, specific
Dieses Buch ist für einen speziellen Zweck geschrieben worden.
Tips: The adjective ‘speziell’ is used to describe something as special or specific. It emphasizes the distinctiveness or particularity of the noun it modifies. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: besonders (especially), spezifisch (specific)
She has specific knowledge in this field.
special, specific
Sie hat spezielle Kenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet.
Tips: The adjective ‘speziell’ is used to describe something as special or specific. It emphasizes the distinctiveness or particularity of the noun it modifies. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: besonders (especially), spezifisch (specific)
He has specific requirements for the car.
special, specific
Er hat spezielle Anforderungen an das Auto.
Tips: The adjective ‘speziell’ is used to describe something as special or specific. It emphasizes the distinctiveness or particularity of the noun it modifies. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: besonders (especially), spezifisch (specific)
This specific rule only applies to this case.
special, specific
Diese spezielle Regel gilt nur für diesen Fall.
Tips: The adjective ‘speziell’ is used to describe something as special or specific. It emphasizes the distinctiveness or particularity of the noun it modifies. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: besonders (especially), spezifisch (specific)
The specific needs of the customers must be taken into account.
special, specific
Die speziellen Bedürfnisse der Kunden müssen berücksichtigt werden.
Tips: The adjective ‘speziell’ is used to describe something as special or specific. It emphasizes the distinctiveness or particularity of the noun it modifies. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: besonders (especially), spezifisch (specific)
The unfriendly saleswoman didn’t greet me.
Die unfreundliche Verkäuferin hat mich nicht grüßt.
Tips: The adjective unfreundlich is used to describe someone or something that is not friendly or welcoming. It can be used to characterize a person’s behavior, attitude, or remarks. It’s important to note that this adjective carries a negative connotation.
Similar: unhöflich (rude), abstoßend (offensive)
He was unfriendly to me, even though I helped him.
Er war unfreundlich zu mir, obwohl ich ihm geholfen habe.
Tips: The adjective unfreundlich is used to describe someone or something that is not friendly or welcoming. It can be used to characterize a person’s behavior, attitude, or remarks. It’s important to note that this adjective carries a negative connotation.
Similar: unhöflich (rude), abstoßend (offensive)
The unfriendly remarks hurt her.
Die unfreundlichen Bemerkungen haben sie verletzt.
Tips: The adjective unfreundlich is used to describe someone or something that is not friendly or welcoming. It can be used to characterize a person’s behavior, attitude, or remarks. It’s important to note that this adjective carries a negative connotation.
Similar: unhöflich (rude), abstoßend (offensive)
Despite her unfriendly behavior, I responded politely.
Trotz ihres unfreundlichen Verhaltens habe ich höflich geantwortet.
Tips: The adjective unfreundlich is used to describe someone or something that is not friendly or welcoming. It can be used to characterize a person’s behavior, attitude, or remarks. It’s important to note that this adjective carries a negative connotation.
Similar: unhöflich (rude), abstoßend (offensive)
She was angry because he had forgotten his birthday.
Sie war zornig, weil er seinen Geburtstag vergessen hatte.
Tips: The adjective zornig is used to describe someone who is feeling angry or furious. It can be used to express a person’s emotional state or reaction to a situation.
Similar: wütend (angry, furious), verärgert (annoyed, upset)
The angry look of the boss made all the employees nervous.
Der zornige Blick des Chefs machte alle Mitarbeiter nervös.
Tips: The adjective zornig is used to describe someone who is feeling angry or furious. It can be used to express a person’s emotional state or reaction to a situation.
Similar: wütend (angry, furious), verärgert (annoyed, upset)
He reacted angrily to the criticism and left the room.
Er reagierte zornig auf die Kritik und verließ den Raum.
Tips: The adjective zornig is used to describe someone who is feeling angry or furious. It can be used to express a person’s emotional state or reaction to a situation.
Similar: wütend (angry, furious), verärgert (annoyed, upset)
My intention is to improve my German.
intention, purpose
Meine Absicht ist es, mein Deutsch zu verbessern.
Tips: The noun Absicht refers to the intention or purpose behind an action. It is often used in the context of planning, decision-making, and goal-setting. It can also be used to express someone’s motives or aims.
Similar: Ziel (goal), Vorsatz (intent)
He acted with the intention of providing a better life for his family.
intention, purpose
Er handelte mit der Absicht, seiner Familie ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen.
Tips: The noun Absicht refers to the intention or purpose behind an action. It is often used in the context of planning, decision-making, and goal-setting. It can also be used to express someone’s motives or aims.
Similar: Ziel (goal), Vorsatz (intent)
Despite his good intentions, his plan was not implemented.
intention, purpose
Trotz seiner guten Absichten wurde sein Plan nicht umgesetzt.
Tips: The noun Absicht refers to the intention or purpose behind an action. It is often used in the context of planning, decision-making, and goal-setting. It can also be used to express someone’s motives or aims.
Similar: Ziel (goal), Vorsatz (intent)
She acted without the intention of hurting anyone.
intention, purpose
Sie handelte ohne Absicht, jemanden zu verletzen.
Tips: The noun Absicht refers to the intention or purpose behind an action. It is often used in the context of planning, decision-making, and goal-setting. It can also be used to express someone’s motives or aims.
Similar: Ziel (goal), Vorsatz (intent)
I’m sorry, that was a mistake.
mistake, oversight
Es tut mir leid, das war ein Versehen.
Tips: The noun ‘Versehen’ refers to a mistake or an oversight. It is commonly used in everyday language to acknowledge an error or to describe an unintentional action. It’s important to note that ‘Versehen’ is a neutral noun.
Similar: Fehler (mistake), Irrtum (error)
The wrong file was deleted by mistake.
mistake, oversight
Durch ein Versehen wurde die falsche Datei gelöscht.
Tips: The noun ‘Versehen’ refers to a mistake or an oversight. It is commonly used in everyday language to acknowledge an error or to describe an unintentional action. It’s important to note that ‘Versehen’ is a neutral noun.
Similar: Fehler (mistake), Irrtum (error)
I am often mistaken when I think I have lost my key.
to be mistaken
Ich irre mich oft, wenn ich denke, dass ich meinen Schlüssel verloren habe.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich irren is used to express the action of being mistaken or making an error in judgment. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. The verb is conjugated with the reflexive pronoun according to the subject and is often used with the conjunction ‘wenn’ (if) to express a conditional statement.
He was mistaken in assuming that she had already left.
to be mistaken
Er irrte sich in der Annahme, dass sie bereits gegangen sei.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich irren is used to express the action of being mistaken or making an error in judgment. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. The verb is conjugated with the reflexive pronoun according to the subject and is often used with the conjunction ‘wenn’ (if) to express a conditional statement.
She made a mistake with the address and therefore went in the wrong direction.
to be mistaken
Sie hat sich bei der Adresse geirrt und ist deshalb in die falsche Richtung gegangen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich irren is used to express the action of being mistaken or making an error in judgment. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. The verb is conjugated with the reflexive pronoun according to the subject and is often used with the conjunction ‘wenn’ (if) to express a conditional statement.
Nevertheless, he never made mistakes in his decisions.
to be mistaken
Trotzdem irrte er sich nie in seinen Entscheidungen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich irren is used to express the action of being mistaken or making an error in judgment. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. The verb is conjugated with the reflexive pronoun according to the subject and is often used with the conjunction ‘wenn’ (if) to express a conditional statement.
If you are mistaken on this point, let me know.
to be mistaken
Wenn du dich in diesem Punkt irrst, lass es mich wissen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich irren is used to express the action of being mistaken or making an error in judgment. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. The verb is conjugated with the reflexive pronoun according to the subject and is often used with the conjunction ‘wenn’ (if) to express a conditional statement.
Sorry, I confused you with someone else.
to confuse
Entschuldigung, ich habe Sie mit jemand anderem verwechselt.
Tips: The verb verwechseln is used to express the action of mixing up or confusing things, people, or concepts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when describing situations where confusion occurs.
Similar: verwirren (to perplex, to bewilder), täuschen (to deceive, to mislead)
She always confuses the twins because they look so similar.
to confuse
Sie verwechselt immer die Zwillinge, weil sie sich so ähnlich sehen.
Tips: The verb verwechseln is used to express the action of mixing up or confusing things, people, or concepts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when describing situations where confusion occurs.
Similar: verwirren (to perplex, to bewilder), täuschen (to deceive, to mislead)
I confused which train I should take and almost got on the wrong one.
to confuse
Ich habe verwechselt, welchen Zug ich nehmen sollte, und bin fast in den falschen gestiegen.
Tips: The verb verwechseln is used to express the action of mixing up or confusing things, people, or concepts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when describing situations where confusion occurs.
Similar: verwirren (to perplex, to bewilder), täuschen (to deceive, to mislead)
He confused whether today is Monday or Tuesday.
to confuse
Er hat verwechselt, ob heute Montag oder Dienstag ist.
Tips: The verb verwechseln is used to express the action of mixing up or confusing things, people, or concepts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when describing situations where confusion occurs.
Similar: verwirren (to perplex, to bewilder), täuschen (to deceive, to mislead)
Nevertheless, she never confuses the names of her children.
to confuse
Trotzdem verwechselt sie nie die Namen ihrer Kinder.
Tips: The verb verwechseln is used to express the action of mixing up or confusing things, people, or concepts. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when describing situations where confusion occurs.
Similar: verwirren (to perplex, to bewilder), täuschen (to deceive, to mislead)
I forgive you for your mistake.
to forgive
Ich verzeihe dir für deinen Fehler.
Tips: The verb verzeihen is used to express the act of forgiving someone for their actions. It is a compassionate and understanding gesture. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the sincerity and the impact of the forgiveness.
Similar: entschuldigen (to apologize), vergeben (to pardon, to excuse)
She forgave him, even though he had hurt her.
to forgive
Sie verzieh ihm, obwohl er sie verletzt hatte.
Tips: The verb verzeihen is used to express the act of forgiving someone for their actions. It is a compassionate and understanding gesture. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the sincerity and the impact of the forgiveness.
Similar: entschuldigen (to apologize), vergeben (to pardon, to excuse)
He has forgiven, but the trust is not yet restored.
to forgive
Er hat verziehen, aber das Vertrauen ist noch nicht wiederhergestellt.
Tips: The verb verzeihen is used to express the act of forgiving someone for their actions. It is a compassionate and understanding gesture. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the sincerity and the impact of the forgiveness.
Similar: entschuldigen (to apologize), vergeben (to pardon, to excuse)
Nevertheless, she forgives him and tries to save the relationship.
to forgive
Trotzdem verzeiht sie ihm und versucht, die Beziehung zu retten.
Tips: The verb verzeihen is used to express the act of forgiving someone for their actions. It is a compassionate and understanding gesture. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the sincerity and the impact of the forgiveness.
Similar: entschuldigen (to apologize), vergeben (to pardon, to excuse)
When you ask for forgiveness, you show remorse for your actions.
to forgive
Wenn du um Verzeihung bittest, zeigst du Reue für deine Taten.
Tips: The verb verzeihen is used to express the act of forgiving someone for their actions. It is a compassionate and understanding gesture. When using this verb, it’s important to consider the sincerity and the impact of the forgiveness.
Similar: entschuldigen (to apologize), vergeben (to pardon, to excuse)
That was a terrible piece of news.
terrible, dreadful, awful
Das war eine schreckliche Nachricht.
Tips: The adjective schrecklich is used to describe something that is terrible, dreadful, or awful. It can be used to express strong negative feelings about a situation, event, or experience.
Similar: furchtbar (terrible), grausam (cruel)
She had a dreadful nightmare.
terrible, dreadful, awful
Sie hatte einen schrecklichen Albtraum.
Tips: The adjective schrecklich is used to describe something that is terrible, dreadful, or awful. It can be used to express strong negative feelings about a situation, event, or experience.
Similar: furchtbar (terrible), grausam (cruel)
It was awful to be stuck in traffic.
terrible, dreadful, awful
Es war schrecklich, im Stau festzustecken.
Tips: The adjective schrecklich is used to describe something that is terrible, dreadful, or awful. It can be used to express strong negative feelings about a situation, event, or experience.
Similar: furchtbar (terrible), grausam (cruel)
The children were terribly afraid of the thunderstorm.
terrible, dreadful, awful
Die Kinder hatten schreckliche Angst vor dem Gewitter.
Tips: The adjective schrecklich is used to describe something that is terrible, dreadful, or awful. It can be used to express strong negative feelings about a situation, event, or experience.
Similar: furchtbar (terrible), grausam (cruel)
The movie was dreadfully boring.
terrible, dreadful, awful
Der Film war schrecklich langweilig.
Tips: The adjective schrecklich is used to describe something that is terrible, dreadful, or awful. It can be used to express strong negative feelings about a situation, event, or experience.
Similar: furchtbar (terrible), grausam (cruel)
The highway was closed due to a breakdown.
mishaps, breakdowns
Die Autobahn war wegen einer Panne gesperrt.
Tips: The noun ‘Panne’ refers to mishaps or breakdowns, often related to vehicles or technical malfunctions. It can also be used in a broader sense to describe general mishaps or unfortunate incidents in life.
Despite some mishaps, they enjoyed the trip.
mishaps, breakdowns
Trotz einiger Pannen haben sie die Reise genossen.
Tips: The noun ‘Panne’ refers to mishaps or breakdowns, often related to vehicles or technical malfunctions. It can also be used in a broader sense to describe general mishaps or unfortunate incidents in life.
The mishaps of life make us stronger.
mishaps, breakdowns
Die Pannen des Lebens machen uns stärker.
Tips: The noun ‘Panne’ refers to mishaps or breakdowns, often related to vehicles or technical malfunctions. It can also be used in a broader sense to describe general mishaps or unfortunate incidents in life.
The carpenter uses a hammer to drive nails into the wood.
Der Zimmermann benutzt einen Hammer, um Nägel in das Holz zu schlagen.
Tips: The noun Hammer refers to the tool used for pounding or driving objects, such as nails. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a powerful or forceful action.
She used the hammer to renovate the wall.
Sie hat den Hammer benutzt, um die Wand zu renovieren.
Tips: The noun Hammer refers to the tool used for pounding or driving objects, such as nails. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a powerful or forceful action.
The loud hammer disturbed the neighbors.
Der laute Hammer störte die Nachbarn.
Tips: The noun Hammer refers to the tool used for pounding or driving objects, such as nails. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a powerful or forceful action.
Metal is used in a variety of ways in the industry.
Das Metall wird in der Industrie vielfältig verwendet.
Tips: The noun Metall refers to the solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. It is a fundamental term in the field of materials and is used in various contexts, from industrial to artistic.
The artist shaped the metal into a sculpture.
Der Künstler formte das Metall zu einer Skulptur.
Tips: The noun Metall refers to the solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. It is a fundamental term in the field of materials and is used in various contexts, from industrial to artistic.
Metal is an important component of many machines.
Das Metall ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil vieler Maschinen.
Tips: The noun Metall refers to the solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. It is a fundamental term in the field of materials and is used in various contexts, from industrial to artistic.
The car has a metallic surface.
Das Auto hat eine metallene Oberfläche.
Tips: The noun Metall refers to the solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. It is a fundamental term in the field of materials and is used in various contexts, from industrial to artistic.
The company recycles old metals.
Die Firma recycelt alte Metalle.
Tips: The noun Metall refers to the solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity. It is a fundamental term in the field of materials and is used in various contexts, from industrial to artistic.
I use the brush to comb my hair.
Ich benutze die Bürste, um meine Haare zu kämmen.
Tips: The word Bürste refers to a brush, such as a hairbrush, a toothbrush, or a cleaning brush. It is used in everyday situations and is a common household item. When using this word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender (die) and the plural form (die Bürsten).
Similar: Kamm (comb), Pinsel (paintbrush)
The brushes are on the bathroom shelf.
Die Bürsten stehen im Badezimmerregal.
Tips: The word Bürste refers to a brush, such as a hairbrush, a toothbrush, or a cleaning brush. It is used in everyday situations and is a common household item. When using this word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender (die) and the plural form (die Bürsten).
Similar: Kamm (comb), Pinsel (paintbrush)
Can you please give me the brush?
Kannst du mir bitte die Bürste geben?
Tips: The word Bürste refers to a brush, such as a hairbrush, a toothbrush, or a cleaning brush. It is used in everyday situations and is a common household item. When using this word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender (die) and the plural form (die Bürsten).
Similar: Kamm (comb), Pinsel (paintbrush)
The scissors are on the table.
Die Schere liegt auf dem Tisch.
Tips: The word Schere is a feminine noun used in singular and plural form. It is a common tool used for cutting various materials. When using the word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and the plural form in different contexts.
Can you please pass me the scissors?
Kannst du mir bitte die Schere reichen?
Tips: The word Schere is a feminine noun used in singular and plural form. It is a common tool used for cutting various materials. When using the word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and the plural form in different contexts.
I need a new pair of scissors for crafting.
Ich brauche eine neue Schere zum Basteln.
Tips: The word Schere is a feminine noun used in singular and plural form. It is a common tool used for cutting various materials. When using the word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and the plural form in different contexts.
The scissors are sharp, so be careful.
Die Schere ist scharf, also sei vorsichtig.
Tips: The word Schere is a feminine noun used in singular and plural form. It is a common tool used for cutting various materials. When using the word, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and the plural form in different contexts.
The cutlery on the table consists of knives, forks, and spoons.
cutlery, silverware
Das Besteck auf dem Tisch besteht aus Messern, Gabeln und Löffeln.
Tips: The word Besteck refers to the set of utensils used for eating, such as knives, forks, and spoons. It is a common word used in everyday situations, especially when setting the table or discussing dining arrangements.
Can you please bring the silverware for the party?
cutlery, silverware
Kannst du bitte das Besteck für die Party mitbringen?
Tips: The word Besteck refers to the set of utensils used for eating, such as knives, forks, and spoons. It is a common word used in everyday situations, especially when setting the table or discussing dining arrangements.
The cutlery should be thoroughly cleaned after the meal.
cutlery, silverware
Das Besteck sollte nach dem Essen gründlich gereinigt werden.
Tips: The word Besteck refers to the set of utensils used for eating, such as knives, forks, and spoons. It is a common word used in everyday situations, especially when setting the table or discussing dining arrangements.
The materials for the project have already been ordered.
Die Materialien für das Projekt sind bereits bestellt.
Tips: The noun Materialien refers to materials in a general sense, such as raw substances or components used for a specific purpose. It is commonly used in the context of construction, manufacturing, or crafting.
The quality of the material is very important for the end result.
Die Qualität des Materials ist sehr wichtig für das Endergebnis.
Tips: The noun Materialien refers to materials in a general sense, such as raw substances or components used for a specific purpose. It is commonly used in the context of construction, manufacturing, or crafting.
There are different types of building materials, such as wood, concrete, and metal.
Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Baumaterialien, wie Holz, Beton und Metall.
Tips: The noun Materialien refers to materials in a general sense, such as raw substances or components used for a specific purpose. It is commonly used in the context of construction, manufacturing, or crafting.
The materials must be carefully chosen to achieve the desired effect.
Die Materialien müssen sorgfältig ausgewählt werden, um die gewünschte Wirkung zu erzielen.
Tips: The noun Materialien refers to materials in a general sense, such as raw substances or components used for a specific purpose. It is commonly used in the context of construction, manufacturing, or crafting.
The materials have already arrived at the warehouse.
Die Materialien sind bereits im Lager angekommen.
Tips: The noun Materialien refers to materials in a general sense, such as raw substances or components used for a specific purpose. It is commonly used in the context of construction, manufacturing, or crafting.
A good tool is indispensable in every workshop.
Ein gutes Werkzeug ist in jeder Werkstatt unverzichtbar.
Tips: The word Werkzeug refers to any kind of tool used for a specific purpose, such as in construction, crafting, or repair. It’s a common term in technical and practical contexts.
The craftsmen use their tools to work precisely.
Die Handwerker benutzen ihre Werkzeuge, um präzise zu arbeiten.
Tips: The word Werkzeug refers to any kind of tool used for a specific purpose, such as in construction, crafting, or repair. It’s a common term in technical and practical contexts.
He used his father’s tool, although he shouldn’t have.
Er hat das Werkzeug seines Vaters benutzt, obwohl er es nicht sollte.
Tips: The word Werkzeug refers to any kind of tool used for a specific purpose, such as in construction, crafting, or repair. It’s a common term in technical and practical contexts.
Nevertheless, he carefully put the tool back.
Trotzdem hat er das Werkzeug sorgfältig zurückgelegt.
Tips: The word Werkzeug refers to any kind of tool used for a specific purpose, such as in construction, crafting, or repair. It’s a common term in technical and practical contexts.
In the German language, there are many idiomatic expressions.
phrases, expressions, turns
In der deutschen Sprache gibt es viele idiomatische Wendungen.
Tips: The noun Wendungen refers to phrases, expressions, or turns in language. It is commonly used when discussing idiomatic expressions or particular ways of expressing ideas. Understanding various Wendungen is crucial for language learners to grasp the nuances of a language.
He used an unusual turn of phrase in his speech.
phrases, expressions, turns
Er benutzte eine ungewöhnliche Wendung in seiner Rede.
Tips: The noun Wendungen refers to phrases, expressions, or turns in language. It is commonly used when discussing idiomatic expressions or particular ways of expressing ideas. Understanding various Wendungen is crucial for language learners to grasp the nuances of a language.
The expressions in this book are very poetic.
phrases, expressions, turns
Die Wendungen in diesem Buch sind sehr poetisch.
Tips: The noun Wendungen refers to phrases, expressions, or turns in language. It is commonly used when discussing idiomatic expressions or particular ways of expressing ideas. Understanding various Wendungen is crucial for language learners to grasp the nuances of a language.
Nevertheless, it is important to understand the phrases in context.
phrases, expressions, turns
Trotzdem ist es wichtig, die Wendungen im Kontext zu verstehen.
Tips: The noun Wendungen refers to phrases, expressions, or turns in language. It is commonly used when discussing idiomatic expressions or particular ways of expressing ideas. Understanding various Wendungen is crucial for language learners to grasp the nuances of a language.
That is absolutely correct.
Das ist absolut richtig.
Tips: The adjective absolut is used to emphasize the completeness or certainty of something. It is commonly used to express a strong degree of certainty or necessity.
Similar: vollkommen (perfect, complete), völlig (completely, entirely)
She has absolute authority in this area.
Sie hat eine absolute Autorität in diesem Bereich.
Tips: The adjective absolut is used to emphasize the completeness or certainty of something. It is commonly used to express a strong degree of certainty or necessity.
Similar: vollkommen (perfect, complete), völlig (completely, entirely)
It is absolutely necessary that we are on time.
Es ist absolut notwendig, dass wir pünktlich sind.
Tips: The adjective absolut is used to emphasize the completeness or certainty of something. It is commonly used to express a strong degree of certainty or necessity.
Similar: vollkommen (perfect, complete), völlig (completely, entirely)
Please wait a moment, I’ll be right back.
moment, instant
Warte bitte einen Augenblick, ich bin gleich wieder da.
Tips: The noun Augenblick refers to a brief period of time, an instant, or a moment. It is commonly used in everyday speech and writing to denote a specific point in time or a short duration. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts.
At that instant, she knew her life would change.
moment, instant
In diesem Augenblick wusste sie, dass sich ihr Leben verändern würde.
Tips: The noun Augenblick refers to a brief period of time, an instant, or a moment. It is commonly used in everyday speech and writing to denote a specific point in time or a short duration. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts.
The moment of farewell had arrived.
moment, instant
Der Augenblick des Abschieds war gekommen.
Tips: The noun Augenblick refers to a brief period of time, an instant, or a moment. It is commonly used in everyday speech and writing to denote a specific point in time or a short duration. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts.
Everything can change in an instant.
moment, instant
In einem Augenblick kann sich alles ändern.
Tips: The noun Augenblick refers to a brief period of time, an instant, or a moment. It is commonly used in everyday speech and writing to denote a specific point in time or a short duration. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts.
She was very calm at the moment of decision.
moment, instant
Sie war im Augenblick der Entscheidung sehr ruhig.
Tips: The noun Augenblick refers to a brief period of time, an instant, or a moment. It is commonly used in everyday speech and writing to denote a specific point in time or a short duration. It’s a versatile word that can be used in various contexts.
The entire family was present at the celebration.
total, entire, overall
Die gesamte Familie war bei der Feier anwesend.
Tips: The adjective gesamt is used to describe the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to refer to the whole or total amount of something. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes.
Similar: komplett (complete), vollständig (complete, full)
The entire project needs to be reconsidered.
total, entire, overall
Das gesamte Projekt muss noch einmal überdacht werden.
Tips: The adjective gesamt is used to describe the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to refer to the whole or total amount of something. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes.
Similar: komplett (complete), vollständig (complete, full)
The total costs were carefully calculated.
total, entire, overall
Die gesamten Kosten wurden sorgfältig kalkuliert.
Tips: The adjective gesamt is used to describe the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to refer to the whole or total amount of something. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes.
Similar: komplett (complete), vollständig (complete, full)
He has read a total of five books on the subject.
total, entire, overall
Er hat gesamt fünf Bücher über das Thema gelesen.
Tips: The adjective gesamt is used to describe the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to refer to the whole or total amount of something. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes.
Similar: komplett (complete), vollständig (complete, full)
Please come home as quickly as possible.
as possible, as far as possible
Bitte komm möglichst schnell nach Hause.
Tips: The adverb ‘möglichst’ is used to express the idea of doing something to the highest degree or as far as it is achievable. It is commonly used in various contexts to convey the notion of maximizing or optimizing a certain action or outcome.
Similar: so viel wie möglich (as much as possible), so gut wie möglich (as good as possible)
Try to get up as early as possible to see the sunrise.
as possible, as far as possible
Versuche, möglichst früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
Tips: The adverb ‘möglichst’ is used to express the idea of doing something to the highest degree or as far as it is achievable. It is commonly used in various contexts to convey the notion of maximizing or optimizing a certain action or outcome.
Similar: so viel wie möglich (as much as possible), so gut wie möglich (as good as possible)
I would like to gather as much information as possible about the topic.
as possible, as far as possible
Ich möchte möglichst viele Informationen über das Thema sammeln.
Tips: The adverb ‘möglichst’ is used to express the idea of doing something to the highest degree or as far as it is achievable. It is commonly used in various contexts to convey the notion of maximizing or optimizing a certain action or outcome.
Similar: so viel wie möglich (as much as possible), so gut wie möglich (as good as possible)
I met him recently.
recently, lately
Ich habe ihn kürzlich getroffen.
Tips: The adverb kürzlich is used to indicate that something has happened or been done not long ago. It is often used in the past tense to refer to recent events or actions.
Similar: neulich (recently, lately)
She recently moved.
recently, lately
Sie ist kürzlich umgezogen.
Tips: The adverb kürzlich is used to indicate that something has happened or been done not long ago. It is often used in the past tense to refer to recent events or actions.
Similar: neulich (recently, lately)
He recently bought a new car.
recently, lately
Er hat kürzlich ein neues Auto gekauft.
Tips: The adverb kürzlich is used to indicate that something has happened or been done not long ago. It is often used in the past tense to refer to recent events or actions.
Similar: neulich (recently, lately)
All the windows of the house were renewed.
all, entire, complete
Die sämtlichen Fenster des Hauses wurden erneuert.
Tips: The adjective ‘sämtlich’ is used to indicate the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to express that every single item or person within a group is included. It is important to match the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: alle, jeder, gesamte
He has read all the books on his shelf.
all, entire, complete
Er hat sämtliche Bücher in seinem Regal gelesen.
Tips: The adjective ‘sämtlich’ is used to indicate the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to express that every single item or person within a group is included. It is important to match the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: alle, jeder, gesamte
All the participants were satisfied with the result.
all, entire, complete
Sämtliche Teilnehmer waren mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden.
Tips: The adjective ‘sämtlich’ is used to indicate the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to express that every single item or person within a group is included. It is important to match the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: alle, jeder, gesamte
All the work has paid off.
all, entire, complete
Die sämtliche Arbeit hat sich gelohnt.
Tips: The adjective ‘sämtlich’ is used to indicate the entirety or completeness of something. It is commonly used to express that every single item or person within a group is included. It is important to match the gender and number of the noun it refers to.
Similar: alle, jeder, gesamte
He wanted to go to the cinema, however, he had no time.
Er wollte ins Kino gehen, jedoch hatte er keine Zeit.
Tips: The adverb ‘jedoch’ is used to express a contrast or contradiction in a sentence. It is similar to ‘aber’ (but), but ‘jedoch’ is slightly more formal and emphasizes the contradiction.
Similar: aber, dennoch
The food was expensive, however, very tasty.
Das Essen war teuer, jedoch sehr lecker.
Tips: The adverb ‘jedoch’ is used to express a contrast or contradiction in a sentence. It is similar to ‘aber’ (but), but ‘jedoch’ is slightly more formal and emphasizes the contradiction.
Similar: aber, dennoch
She has worked a lot, however, she is not satisfied with the results.
Sie hat viel gearbeitet, jedoch ist sie nicht zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen.
Tips: The adverb ‘jedoch’ is used to express a contrast or contradiction in a sentence. It is similar to ‘aber’ (but), but ‘jedoch’ is slightly more formal and emphasizes the contradiction.
Similar: aber, dennoch
The original plan was changed.
original, initial, primal
Der ursprüngliche Plan wurde geändert.
Tips: The adjective ‘ursprünglich’ is used to describe something that is original, initial, or primal. It is often used to refer to the first or earliest state of something. It can be applied to various contexts, such as plans, ideas, concepts, or historical events.
Similar: anfänglich (initial), ursprünglich (original)
The initial idea was very creative.
original, initial, primal
Die ursprüngliche Idee war sehr kreativ.
Tips: The adjective ‘ursprünglich’ is used to describe something that is original, initial, or primal. It is often used to refer to the first or earliest state of something. It can be applied to various contexts, such as plans, ideas, concepts, or historical events.
Similar: anfänglich (initial), ursprünglich (original)
The primal inhabitants of the country lived in simple huts.
original, initial, primal
Die ursprünglichen Bewohner des Landes lebten in einfachen Hütten.
Tips: The adjective ‘ursprünglich’ is used to describe something that is original, initial, or primal. It is often used to refer to the first or earliest state of something. It can be applied to various contexts, such as plans, ideas, concepts, or historical events.
Similar: anfänglich (initial), ursprünglich (original)
It is self-evident that we adhere to the rules.
self-evident, obvious
Es ist selbstverständlich, dass wir uns an die Regeln halten.
Tips: The adverb selbstverständlich is used to express something that is self-evident, obvious, or goes without saying. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to emphasize the naturalness of a situation or expectation.
Similar: offensichtlich (obvious), klar (clear)
The safety of the passengers is obviously the top priority.
self-evident, obvious
Die Sicherheit der Passagiere ist selbstverständlich die oberste Priorität.
Tips: The adverb selbstverständlich is used to express something that is self-evident, obvious, or goes without saying. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to emphasize the naturalness of a situation or expectation.
Similar: offensichtlich (obvious), klar (clear)
It is self-evident that we respect each other.
self-evident, obvious
Es ist selbstverständlich, dass wir uns gegenseitig respektieren.
Tips: The adverb selbstverständlich is used to express something that is self-evident, obvious, or goes without saying. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts to emphasize the naturalness of a situation or expectation.
Similar: offensichtlich (obvious), klar (clear)
Can you please put the books on the table?
to place, to put
Kannst du bitte die Bücher auf den Tisch stellen?
Tips: The verb stellen is used to indicate the action of placing or putting something in a specific position. It is commonly used in everyday situations when referring to arranging objects or posing questions. It can also be used reflexively when someone poses a question to themselves.
Similar: legen (to lay, to place), setzen (to set, to put)
She put the flowers in the vase.
to place, to put
Sie stellte die Blumen in die Vase.
Tips: The verb stellen is used to indicate the action of placing or putting something in a specific position. It is commonly used in everyday situations when referring to arranging objects or posing questions. It can also be used reflexively when someone poses a question to themselves.
Similar: legen (to lay, to place), setzen (to set, to put)
He has put the suitcases in the hallway.
to place, to put
Er hat die Koffer im Flur gestellt.
Tips: The verb stellen is used to indicate the action of placing or putting something in a specific position. It is commonly used in everyday situations when referring to arranging objects or posing questions. It can also be used reflexively when someone poses a question to themselves.
Similar: legen (to lay, to place), setzen (to set, to put)
I always put my bag in the same place.
to place, to put
Ich stelle meine Tasche immer an denselben Platz.
Tips: The verb stellen is used to indicate the action of placing or putting something in a specific position. It is commonly used in everyday situations when referring to arranging objects or posing questions. It can also be used reflexively when someone poses a question to themselves.
Similar: legen (to lay, to place), setzen (to set, to put)
She asked herself whether she should change jobs.
to place, to put
Sie stellte sich die Frage, ob sie den Job wechseln sollte.
Tips: The verb stellen is used to indicate the action of placing or putting something in a specific position. It is commonly used in everyday situations when referring to arranging objects or posing questions. It can also be used reflexively when someone poses a question to themselves.
Similar: legen (to lay, to place), setzen (to set, to put)
We had dinner in a cozy restaurant.
restaurant, inn
Wir haben in einer gemütlichen Gaststätte zu Abend gegessen.
Tips: The term Gaststätte is used to refer to a restaurant or inn, typically offering a variety of food and beverages. It is a common word in German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Restaurant, Wirtshaus
The inns in this area are known for their traditional cuisine.
restaurant, inn
Die Gaststätten in dieser Gegend sind für ihre traditionelle Küche bekannt.
Tips: The term Gaststätte is used to refer to a restaurant or inn, typically offering a variety of food and beverages. It is a common word in German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Restaurant, Wirtshaus
In this restaurant, there is also a selection of vegetarian dishes.
restaurant, inn
In dieser Gaststätte gibt es auch eine Auswahl an vegetarischen Gerichten.
Tips: The term Gaststätte is used to refer to a restaurant or inn, typically offering a variety of food and beverages. It is a common word in German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Restaurant, Wirtshaus
The restaurant is open late into the night.
restaurant, inn
Die Gaststätte hat bis spät in die Nacht geöffnet.
Tips: The term Gaststätte is used to refer to a restaurant or inn, typically offering a variety of food and beverages. It is a common word in German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Restaurant, Wirtshaus
There is a pleasant atmosphere in this restaurant.
restaurant, inn
In dieser Gaststätte herrscht eine angenehme Atmosphäre.
Tips: The term Gaststätte is used to refer to a restaurant or inn, typically offering a variety of food and beverages. It is a common word in German and is used in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Restaurant, Wirtshaus
I bought a snack because I was hungry.
snack, fast food
Ich habe mir einen Imbiss gekauft, weil ich hungrig war.
Tips: The word ‘Imbiss’ refers to a small meal or snack, often in the context of fast food or street food. It can be used to describe a quick bite to eat, such as a sandwich, a hot dog, or other similar items. It’s a common word in informal conversations and when talking about casual dining options.
Similar: Snack, Mahlzeit (meal)
In Germany, there are many snack bars that offer delicious currywurst.
snack, fast food
In Deutschland gibt es viele Imbisse, die leckere Currywurst anbieten.
Tips: The word ‘Imbiss’ refers to a small meal or snack, often in the context of fast food or street food. It can be used to describe a quick bite to eat, such as a sandwich, a hot dog, or other similar items. It’s a common word in informal conversations and when talking about casual dining options.
Similar: Snack, Mahlzeit (meal)
The connection between the two cities is very good.
connection, link
Die Verbindung zwischen den beiden Städten ist sehr gut.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbindung’ is used to refer to a connection or link between different entities, such as places, ideas, or people. It can also refer to a means of communication or transportation. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: Beziehung (relationship), Kontakt (contact)
Can you establish a connection to the internet?
connection, link
Kannst du eine Verbindung zum Internet herstellen?
Tips: The noun ‘Verbindung’ is used to refer to a connection or link between different entities, such as places, ideas, or people. It can also refer to a means of communication or transportation. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: Beziehung (relationship), Kontakt (contact)
The connections between the subjects are important for understanding the topic.
connection, link
Die Verbindungen zwischen den Fächern sind wichtig für das Verständnis des Themas.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbindung’ is used to refer to a connection or link between different entities, such as places, ideas, or people. It can also refer to a means of communication or transportation. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: Beziehung (relationship), Kontakt (contact)
Nevertheless, he was able to maintain a connection with his old friend.
connection, link
Trotzdem konnte er eine Verbindung zu seinem alten Freund aufrechterhalten.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbindung’ is used to refer to a connection or link between different entities, such as places, ideas, or people. It can also refer to a means of communication or transportation. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: Beziehung (relationship), Kontakt (contact)
The connection of tradition and modernity is particularly visible in this city.
connection, link
Die Verbindung von Tradition und Moderne ist in dieser Stadt besonders sichtbar.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbindung’ is used to refer to a connection or link between different entities, such as places, ideas, or people. It can also refer to a means of communication or transportation. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts.
Similar: Beziehung (relationship), Kontakt (contact)
It gives me great pleasure to spend time with my family.
pleasure, enjoyment
Es bereitet mir großes Vergnügen, Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen.
Tips: The noun Vergnügen refers to the feeling of pleasure or enjoyment. It is often used in the context of leisure activities, entertainment, or anything that brings joy. It can also be used to express the delight derived from an experience or situation.
Similar: Spaß (fun), Freude (joy)
The concert was a true delight, full of pleasure and joy.
pleasure, enjoyment
Das Konzert war ein wahrer Genuss, voller Vergnügen und Freude.
Tips: The noun Vergnügen refers to the feeling of pleasure or enjoyment. It is often used in the context of leisure activities, entertainment, or anything that brings joy. It can also be used to express the delight derived from an experience or situation.
Similar: Spaß (fun), Freude (joy)
Despite the rain, we had a lot of fun on our trip.
pleasure, enjoyment
Trotz des Regens hatten wir viel Vergnügen bei unserem Ausflug.
Tips: The noun Vergnügen refers to the feeling of pleasure or enjoyment. It is often used in the context of leisure activities, entertainment, or anything that brings joy. It can also be used to express the delight derived from an experience or situation.
Similar: Spaß (fun), Freude (joy)
The party has won many votes in the elections.
party (political)
Die Partei hat bei den Wahlen viele Stimmen gewonnen.
Tips: The noun Partei primarily refers to a political party in the context of politics and elections. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a group or faction with shared interests or goals. When discussing political matters or affiliations, this word is commonly used.
Similar: die Feier (celebration, party), die Gruppe (group)
He is a member of a political party.
party (political)
Er ist Mitglied einer politischen Partei.
Tips: The noun Partei primarily refers to a political party in the context of politics and elections. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a group or faction with shared interests or goals. When discussing political matters or affiliations, this word is commonly used.
Similar: die Feier (celebration, party), die Gruppe (group)
The parties are discussing various political topics.
party (political)
Die Parteien diskutieren über verschiedene politische Themen.
Tips: The noun Partei primarily refers to a political party in the context of politics and elections. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a group or faction with shared interests or goals. When discussing political matters or affiliations, this word is commonly used.
Similar: die Feier (celebration, party), die Gruppe (group)
Nevertheless, the political parties do not always agree.
party (political)
Trotzdem sind die politischen Parteien nicht immer einer Meinung.
Tips: The noun Partei primarily refers to a political party in the context of politics and elections. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a group or faction with shared interests or goals. When discussing political matters or affiliations, this word is commonly used.
Similar: die Feier (celebration, party), die Gruppe (group)
The public was shocked by the scandal.
public, the public
Die Öffentlichkeit war von dem Skandal schockiert.
Tips: The noun Öffentlichkeit refers to the general public or the state of being public. It is often used in the context of public opinion, public awareness, or public space. It can also refer to the collective audience or spectators in a specific context.
Similar: die Allgemeinheit (the general public), die Gesellschaft (the society)
In today’s public, privacy is often hard to maintain.
public, the public
In der heutigen Öffentlichkeit ist Privatsphäre oft schwer zu wahren.
Tips: The noun Öffentlichkeit refers to the general public or the state of being public. It is often used in the context of public opinion, public awareness, or public space. It can also refer to the collective audience or spectators in a specific context.
Similar: die Allgemeinheit (the general public), die Gesellschaft (the society)
Nevertheless, he decided to express his opinion in public.
public, the public
Trotzdem entschied er sich, seine Meinung in der Öffentlichkeit zu äußern.
Tips: The noun Öffentlichkeit refers to the general public or the state of being public. It is often used in the context of public opinion, public awareness, or public space. It can also refer to the collective audience or spectators in a specific context.
Similar: die Allgemeinheit (the general public), die Gesellschaft (the society)
The public has a right to information.
public, the public
Die Öffentlichkeit hat ein Recht auf Information.
Tips: The noun Öffentlichkeit refers to the general public or the state of being public. It is often used in the context of public opinion, public awareness, or public space. It can also refer to the collective audience or spectators in a specific context.
Similar: die Allgemeinheit (the general public), die Gesellschaft (the society)
Politicians must consider the interests of the public.
public, the public
Die Politiker müssen die Interessen der Öffentlichkeit berücksichtigen.
Tips: The noun Öffentlichkeit refers to the general public or the state of being public. It is often used in the context of public opinion, public awareness, or public space. It can also refer to the collective audience or spectators in a specific context.
Similar: die Allgemeinheit (the general public), die Gesellschaft (the society)
I prefer to ride my bike to work.
to prefer, to favor, to pull forward
Ich ziehe es vor, mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit zu fahren.
Tips: The verb vorziehen is used to express a preference or favoring of one thing over another. It can be used in various contexts, from personal preferences to scheduling. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘vor-‘ indicates the idea of pulling something forward or favoring it over something else.
Similar: bevorzugen (to prefer, to favor), vorziehen (to pull forward)
He preferred to stay at home instead of going out.
to prefer, to favor, to pull forward
Er zog es vor, zu Hause zu bleiben, anstatt auszugehen.
Tips: The verb vorziehen is used to express a preference or favoring of one thing over another. It can be used in various contexts, from personal preferences to scheduling. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘vor-‘ indicates the idea of pulling something forward or favoring it over something else.
Similar: bevorzugen (to prefer, to favor), vorziehen (to pull forward)
She favored the movie because she likes the actress.
to prefer, to favor, to pull forward
Sie hat den Film vorgezogen, weil sie die Schauspielerin mag.
Tips: The verb vorziehen is used to express a preference or favoring of one thing over another. It can be used in various contexts, from personal preferences to scheduling. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘vor-‘ indicates the idea of pulling something forward or favoring it over something else.
Similar: bevorzugen (to prefer, to favor), vorziehen (to pull forward)
We pull forward the start of the meeting to save time.
to prefer, to favor, to pull forward
Wir ziehen den Beginn des Meetings vor, um Zeit zu sparen.
Tips: The verb vorziehen is used to express a preference or favoring of one thing over another. It can be used in various contexts, from personal preferences to scheduling. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘vor-‘ indicates the idea of pulling something forward or favoring it over something else.
Similar: bevorzugen (to prefer, to favor), vorziehen (to pull forward)
Although he was tired, he preferred swimming.
to prefer, to favor, to pull forward
Obwohl er müde war, zog er das Schwimmen vor.
Tips: The verb vorziehen is used to express a preference or favoring of one thing over another. It can be used in various contexts, from personal preferences to scheduling. It’s important to note that the prefix ‘vor-‘ indicates the idea of pulling something forward or favoring it over something else.
Similar: bevorzugen (to prefer, to favor), vorziehen (to pull forward)
In the forest, there are numerous species of birds.
numerous, plentiful
In dem Wald gibt es zahlreiche Vogelarten.
Tips: The adjective zahlreich is used to describe a large quantity or number of something. It is commonly used to emphasize the abundance or multitude of a particular thing. It can be applied to various contexts, such as nature, cities, reasons, or events.
Similar: viel (much, many), reichlich (plentiful, abundant)
The city is known for its numerous historical buildings.
numerous, plentiful
Die Stadt ist für ihre zahlreichen historischen Gebäude bekannt.
Tips: The adjective zahlreich is used to describe a large quantity or number of something. It is commonly used to emphasize the abundance or multitude of a particular thing. It can be applied to various contexts, such as nature, cities, reasons, or events.
Similar: viel (much, many), reichlich (plentiful, abundant)
There are numerous reasons why we should support this project.
numerous, plentiful
Es gibt zahlreiche Gründe, warum wir dieses Projekt unterstützen sollten.
Tips: The adjective zahlreich is used to describe a large quantity or number of something. It is commonly used to emphasize the abundance or multitude of a particular thing. It can be applied to various contexts, such as nature, cities, reasons, or events.
Similar: viel (much, many), reichlich (plentiful, abundant)
Despite the rain, numerous visitors came to the event.
numerous, plentiful
Trotz des Regens kamen zahlreiche Besucher zur Veranstaltung.
Tips: The adjective zahlreich is used to describe a large quantity or number of something. It is commonly used to emphasize the abundance or multitude of a particular thing. It can be applied to various contexts, such as nature, cities, reasons, or events.
Similar: viel (much, many), reichlich (plentiful, abundant)
The purpose of this meeting is to plan the project.
purpose, aim, objective
Der Zweck dieses Treffens ist die Planung des Projekts.
Tips: The noun Zweck is used to refer to the purpose, aim, or objective of something. It is a common word used in various contexts, from formal settings to everyday conversations. It’s important to remember that Zweck is a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Zwecke.
Similar: Ziel (goal, target), Absicht (intention, purpose)
She bought the book for the purpose of learning more about history.
purpose, aim, objective
Sie hat das Buch zu dem Zweck gekauft, mehr über die Geschichte zu lernen.
Tips: The noun Zweck is used to refer to the purpose, aim, or objective of something. It is a common word used in various contexts, from formal settings to everyday conversations. It’s important to remember that Zweck is a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Zwecke.
Similar: Ziel (goal, target), Absicht (intention, purpose)
He bought the car for practical purposes, to drive to work.
purpose, aim, objective
Er hat das Auto aus praktischem Zweck gekauft, um zur Arbeit zu fahren.
Tips: The noun Zweck is used to refer to the purpose, aim, or objective of something. It is a common word used in various contexts, from formal settings to everyday conversations. It’s important to remember that Zweck is a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Zwecke.
Similar: Ziel (goal, target), Absicht (intention, purpose)
Nevertheless, he did not explain the purpose of his visit.
purpose, aim, objective
Trotzdem hat er den Zweck seines Besuchs nicht erklärt.
Tips: The noun Zweck is used to refer to the purpose, aim, or objective of something. It is a common word used in various contexts, from formal settings to everyday conversations. It’s important to remember that Zweck is a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Zwecke.
Similar: Ziel (goal, target), Absicht (intention, purpose)
The aim of the experiment was to test the hypothesis.
purpose, aim, objective
Der Zweck des Experiments war, die Hypothese zu überprüfen.
Tips: The noun Zweck is used to refer to the purpose, aim, or objective of something. It is a common word used in various contexts, from formal settings to everyday conversations. It’s important to remember that Zweck is a masculine noun, and its plural form is die Zwecke.
Similar: Ziel (goal, target), Absicht (intention, purpose)
I doubt that he is telling the truth.
to doubt
Ich zweifle, dass er die Wahrheit sagt.
Tips: The verb zweifeln is used to express doubt or skepticism about something. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When using zweifeln, it’s important to pay attention to the word order in the sentence, especially when forming subordinate clauses.
Similar: zögern (to hesitate), misstrauen (to mistrust)
She doubted her abilities, but she still tried.
to doubt
Sie zweifelte an ihren Fähigkeiten, aber sie hat es trotzdem versucht.
Tips: The verb zweifeln is used to express doubt or skepticism about something. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When using zweifeln, it’s important to pay attention to the word order in the sentence, especially when forming subordinate clauses.
Similar: zögern (to hesitate), misstrauen (to mistrust)
He has doubted whether he made the right decision.
to doubt
Er hat gezweifelt, ob er die richtige Entscheidung getroffen hat.
Tips: The verb zweifeln is used to express doubt or skepticism about something. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When using zweifeln, it’s important to pay attention to the word order in the sentence, especially when forming subordinate clauses.
Similar: zögern (to hesitate), misstrauen (to mistrust)
Nevertheless, he still doubts himself.
to doubt
Trotzdem zweifelt er immer noch an sich selbst.
Tips: The verb zweifeln is used to express doubt or skepticism about something. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When using zweifeln, it’s important to pay attention to the word order in the sentence, especially when forming subordinate clauses.
Similar: zögern (to hesitate), misstrauen (to mistrust)
If you doubt yourself, think of your successes.
to doubt
Wenn du an dir selbst zweifelst, denke an deine Erfolge.
Tips: The verb zweifeln is used to express doubt or skepticism about something. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. When using zweifeln, it’s important to pay attention to the word order in the sentence, especially when forming subordinate clauses.
Similar: zögern (to hesitate), misstrauen (to mistrust)