Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch2_mode-english-example-to-german-example Flashcards
She can afford an expensive vacation in the Caribbean.
to afford
Sie leistet sich einen teuren Urlaub in der Karibik.
Tips: The verb sich leisten is used to express the ability to afford something. It is often used in the context of purchasing or experiencing something that requires a certain financial capacity. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action is being done for oneself.
He has afforded himself a new car.
to afford
Er hat sich ein neues Auto geleistet.
Tips: The verb sich leisten is used to express the ability to afford something. It is often used in the context of purchasing or experiencing something that requires a certain financial capacity. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action is being done for oneself.
Although she could afford the expensive dress, she didn’t buy it.
to afford
Obwohl sie sich das teure Kleid leisten konnte, hat sie es nicht gekauft.
Tips: The verb sich leisten is used to express the ability to afford something. It is often used in the context of purchasing or experiencing something that requires a certain financial capacity. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action is being done for oneself.
He often affords expensive restaurants, although he doesn’t earn much.
to afford
Er leistet sich oft teure Restaurants, obwohl er nicht viel verdient.
Tips: The verb sich leisten is used to express the ability to afford something. It is often used in the context of purchasing or experiencing something that requires a certain financial capacity. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is used to indicate that the action is being done for oneself.
I lost my wallet and have to block all my cards.
Ich habe mein Portemonnaie verloren und muss alle meine Karten sperren lassen.
Tips: The word Portemonnaie is used to refer to a wallet, usually used to carry money, cards, and other small personal items. It’s a common word in everyday German and is essential for daily conversations.
Similar: Geldbörse (wallet/purse), Brieftasche (wallet)
I always have a photo of my family in my wallet.
In meinem Portemonnaie habe ich immer ein Foto meiner Familie.
Tips: The word Portemonnaie is used to refer to a wallet, usually used to carry money, cards, and other small personal items. It’s a common word in everyday German and is essential for daily conversations.
Similar: Geldbörse (wallet/purse), Brieftasche (wallet)
She bought a new wallet that perfectly matches her handbag.
Sie hat ein neues Portemonnaie gekauft, das perfekt zu ihrer Handtasche passt.
Tips: The word Portemonnaie is used to refer to a wallet, usually used to carry money, cards, and other small personal items. It’s a common word in everyday German and is essential for daily conversations.
Similar: Geldbörse (wallet/purse), Brieftasche (wallet)
She is wearing a beautiful dress.
to wear (clothing)
Sie hat ein wunderschönes Kleid an.
Tips: The verb anhaben is used to express the action of wearing clothing. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when talking about what someone is wearing. It is important to note that anhaben is used for the present tense and angehabt for the perfect tense.
Yesterday, he wore a red tie.
to wear (clothing)
Gestern hatte er eine rote Krawatte an.
Tips: The verb anhaben is used to express the action of wearing clothing. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when talking about what someone is wearing. It is important to note that anhaben is used for the present tense and angehabt for the perfect tense.
She wore her favorite jeans all weekend.
to wear (clothing)
Sie hat das ganze Wochenende ihre Lieblingsjeans angehabt.
Tips: The verb anhaben is used to express the action of wearing clothing. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when talking about what someone is wearing. It is important to note that anhaben is used for the present tense and angehabt for the perfect tense.
I am wearing my new coat this morning.
to wear (clothing)
Ich habe heute Morgen meinen neuen Mantel an.
Tips: The verb anhaben is used to express the action of wearing clothing. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when talking about what someone is wearing. It is important to note that anhaben is used for the present tense and angehabt for the perfect tense.
Although it’s warm, he is wearing a sweater.
to wear (clothing)
Obwohl es warm ist, hat er einen Pullover an.
Tips: The verb anhaben is used to express the action of wearing clothing. It is commonly used in everyday conversations when talking about what someone is wearing. It is important to note that anhaben is used for the present tense and angehabt for the perfect tense.
I have already done my homework.
Ich habe bereits meine Hausaufgaben gemacht.
Tips: The adverb bereits is used to indicate that something has happened or been done before a certain time or at an earlier time than expected. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.
Similar: schon (also means already), noch (also means still, yet)
Have you already arrived?
Bist du bereits angekommen?
Tips: The adverb bereits is used to indicate that something has happened or been done before a certain time or at an earlier time than expected. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.
Similar: schon (also means already), noch (also means still, yet)
She already has a lot of experience in this field.
Sie hat bereits viel Erfahrung in diesem Bereich.
Tips: The adverb bereits is used to indicate that something has happened or been done before a certain time or at an earlier time than expected. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.
Similar: schon (also means already), noch (also means still, yet)
He already talked about it yesterday.
Er hat bereits gestern davon gesprochen.
Tips: The adverb bereits is used to indicate that something has happened or been done before a certain time or at an earlier time than expected. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.
Similar: schon (also means already), noch (also means still, yet)
I am already on the way to the train station.
Ich bin bereits auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof.
Tips: The adverb bereits is used to indicate that something has happened or been done before a certain time or at an earlier time than expected. It is commonly used in both spoken and written German.
Similar: schon (also means already), noch (also means still, yet)
He only drank one beer, that’s why he’s not drunk.
just, only, merely
Er hat bloß ein Bier getrunken, deshalb ist er nicht betrunken.
Tips: The adverb ‘bloß’ is used to express the idea of ‘just’, ‘only’, or ‘merely’. It is often used to emphasize the smallness or insignificance of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as quantity, time, or intention.
Similar: nur (only), lediglich (merely)
She just wanted to come by quickly to say hello.
just, only, merely
Sie wollte bloß kurz vorbeikommen, um Hallo zu sagen.
Tips: The adverb ‘bloß’ is used to express the idea of ‘just’, ‘only’, or ‘merely’. It is often used to emphasize the smallness or insignificance of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as quantity, time, or intention.
Similar: nur (only), lediglich (merely)
This time, I have more time to get everything done.
this time
Ich habe diesmal mehr Zeit, um alles zu erledigen.
Tips: The adverb ‘diesmal’ is used to refer to the current or specific time in contrast to previous occasions. It is commonly used in spoken and written German to indicate a change or decision made for the present moment.
This time, I have decided to get up earlier.
this time
Diesmal habe ich mich entschieden, früher aufzustehen.
Tips: The adverb ‘diesmal’ is used to refer to the current or specific time in contrast to previous occasions. It is commonly used in spoken and written German to indicate a change or decision made for the present moment.
He studied a lot, therefore he passed the exam.
therefore, hence, that’s why
Er hat viel gelernt, daher hat er die Prüfung bestanden.
Tips: The adverb daher is used to express a consequence or reason. It is often used to explain the cause of a certain situation or action. It is a formal and precise way to indicate the reason for something.
Similar: deswegen, darum
She was sick, hence she couldn’t go to work.
therefore, hence, that’s why
Sie war krank, daher konnte sie nicht zur Arbeit gehen.
Tips: The adverb daher is used to express a consequence or reason. It is often used to explain the cause of a certain situation or action. It is a formal and precise way to indicate the reason for something.
Similar: deswegen, darum
He has trained a lot, that’s why he is in good shape now.
therefore, hence, that’s why
Er hat viel trainiert, daher ist er jetzt in guter Form.
Tips: The adverb daher is used to express a consequence or reason. It is often used to explain the cause of a certain situation or action. It is a formal and precise way to indicate the reason for something.
Similar: deswegen, darum
He studied a lot, therefore he passed the exam.
therefore, that’s why, for that reason
Er hat viel gelernt, darum hat er die Prüfung bestanden.
Tips: The adverb darum is used to express the reason or cause for something. It is often used to connect a cause with a consequence, providing an explanation for a particular situation or action.
Similar: deswegen, deshalb
That’s why we should be careful and pay attention.
therefore, that’s why, for that reason
Darum sollten wir vorsichtig sein und aufpassen.
Tips: The adverb darum is used to express the reason or cause for something. It is often used to connect a cause with a consequence, providing an explanation for a particular situation or action.
Similar: deswegen, deshalb
She caught a cold, that’s why she didn’t come to work today.
therefore, that’s why, for that reason
Sie hat sich erkältet, darum ist sie heute nicht zur Arbeit gekommen.
Tips: The adverb darum is used to express the reason or cause for something. It is often used to connect a cause with a consequence, providing an explanation for a particular situation or action.
Similar: deswegen, deshalb
He missed the train, therefore he arrived late.
therefore, for that reason
Er hat den Zug verpasst, deswegen ist er zu spät gekommen.
Tips: The adverb deswegen is used to express the consequence or reason for a particular action or situation. It is often used to connect two clauses, indicating the cause and effect relationship.
Similar: darum, daher
She studied a lot, for that reason she passed the exam.
therefore, for that reason
Sie hat viel gelernt, deswegen hat sie die Prüfung bestanden.
Tips: The adverb deswegen is used to express the consequence or reason for a particular action or situation. It is often used to connect two clauses, indicating the cause and effect relationship.
Similar: darum, daher
I have read the book, and you have read it likewise.
likewise, also, as well
Ich habe das Buch gelesen, und du hast es ebenfalls gelesen.
Tips: The adverb ebenfalls is used to express a similarity or addition to a previous statement. It is commonly used to indicate that something applies to another person or situation as well. It is a polite and versatile word often used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: auch (also, too), gleichermaßen (likewise)
She is also very intelligent.
likewise, also, as well
Sie ist ebenfalls sehr intelligent.
Tips: The adverb ebenfalls is used to express a similarity or addition to a previous statement. It is commonly used to indicate that something applies to another person or situation as well. It is a polite and versatile word often used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: auch (also, too), gleichermaßen (likewise)
I wish you much success, and likewise to your brother.
likewise, also, as well
Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg, und ebenfalls deinem Bruder.
Tips: The adverb ebenfalls is used to express a similarity or addition to a previous statement. It is commonly used to indicate that something applies to another person or situation as well. It is a polite and versatile word often used in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: auch (also, too), gleichermaßen (likewise)
We are facing an important decision.
to stand
Wir stehen vor einer wichtigen Entscheidung.
Tips: The verb stehen is used to express the action of standing physically or metaphorically. In the phrase ‘vor einer Frage stehen’, it means ‘to be faced with a question’ or ‘to be confronted with a question’. This phrase is commonly used to describe being in a situation where a decision or answer is needed.
He stood in front of the door, waiting for an answer.
to stand
Er stand vor der Tür und wartete auf eine Antwort.
Tips: The verb stehen is used to express the action of standing physically or metaphorically. In the phrase ‘vor einer Frage stehen’, it means ‘to be faced with a question’ or ‘to be confronted with a question’. This phrase is commonly used to describe being in a situation where a decision or answer is needed.
She stood in line for a long time.
to stand
Sie hat lange in der Schlange gestanden.
Tips: The verb stehen is used to express the action of standing physically or metaphorically. In the phrase ‘vor einer Frage stehen’, it means ‘to be faced with a question’ or ‘to be confronted with a question’. This phrase is commonly used to describe being in a situation where a decision or answer is needed.
We are facing a big problem that needs to be solved.
to stand
Wir stehen vor einem großen Problem, das gelöst werden muss.
Tips: The verb stehen is used to express the action of standing physically or metaphorically. In the phrase ‘vor einer Frage stehen’, it means ‘to be faced with a question’ or ‘to be confronted with a question’. This phrase is commonly used to describe being in a situation where a decision or answer is needed.
After he heard the bad news, he was in shock.
to stand
Nachdem er die schlechten Nachrichten gehört hatte, stand er unter Schock.
Tips: The verb stehen is used to express the action of standing physically or metaphorically. In the phrase ‘vor einer Frage stehen’, it means ‘to be faced with a question’ or ‘to be confronted with a question’. This phrase is commonly used to describe being in a situation where a decision or answer is needed.
The disaster happens unexpectedly.
to happen, to occur
Das Unglück geschieht unerwartet.
Tips: The verb geschehen is used to express events or incidents that have occurred. It is often used in formal or written language to describe past events. It can also be used in combination with adverbs such as ‘plötzlich’ (suddenly) or ‘unerwartet’ (unexpectedly) to provide more context to the occurrence.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), stattfinden (to take place, to occur)
The incident occurred last night.
to happen, to occur
Der Vorfall geschah gestern Abend.
Tips: The verb geschehen is used to express events or incidents that have occurred. It is often used in formal or written language to describe past events. It can also be used in combination with adverbs such as ‘plötzlich’ (suddenly) or ‘unerwartet’ (unexpectedly) to provide more context to the occurrence.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), stattfinden (to take place, to occur)
A miracle has happened.
to happen, to occur
Es ist ein Wunder geschehen.
Tips: The verb geschehen is used to express events or incidents that have occurred. It is often used in formal or written language to describe past events. It can also be used in combination with adverbs such as ‘plötzlich’ (suddenly) or ‘unerwartet’ (unexpectedly) to provide more context to the occurrence.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), stattfinden (to take place, to occur)
Nevertheless, the disaster has occurred.
to happen, to occur
Trotzdem ist das Unglück geschehen.
Tips: The verb geschehen is used to express events or incidents that have occurred. It is often used in formal or written language to describe past events. It can also be used in combination with adverbs such as ‘plötzlich’ (suddenly) or ‘unerwartet’ (unexpectedly) to provide more context to the occurrence.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), stattfinden (to take place, to occur)
Things that have happened cannot be changed.
to happen, to occur
Geschehene Dinge kann man nicht mehr ändern.
Tips: The verb geschehen is used to express events or incidents that have occurred. It is often used in formal or written language to describe past events. It can also be used in combination with adverbs such as ‘plötzlich’ (suddenly) or ‘unerwartet’ (unexpectedly) to provide more context to the occurrence.
Similar: passieren (to happen, to occur), stattfinden (to take place, to occur)
It’s strange that he suddenly disappeared.
strange, peculiar, odd
Es ist merkwürdig, dass er plötzlich verschwunden ist.
Tips: The adjective merkwürdig is used to describe something as strange, peculiar, or odd. It can be used in various contexts to express surprise or disbelief. It’s a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal settings.
Similar: seltsam (strange, peculiar), komisch (funny, odd)
She has a peculiar way of expressing herself.
strange, peculiar, odd
Sie hat eine merkwürdige Art, sich auszudrücken.
Tips: The adjective merkwürdig is used to describe something as strange, peculiar, or odd. It can be used in various contexts to express surprise or disbelief. It’s a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal settings.
Similar: seltsam (strange, peculiar), komisch (funny, odd)
That is really odd.
strange, peculiar, odd
Das ist wirklich merkwürdig.
Tips: The adjective merkwürdig is used to describe something as strange, peculiar, or odd. It can be used in various contexts to express surprise or disbelief. It’s a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal settings.
Similar: seltsam (strange, peculiar), komisch (funny, odd)
Nevertheless, it’s strange that he didn’t reply.
strange, peculiar, odd
Trotzdem ist es merkwürdig, dass er nicht geantwortet hat.
Tips: The adjective merkwürdig is used to describe something as strange, peculiar, or odd. It can be used in various contexts to express surprise or disbelief. It’s a versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal settings.
Similar: seltsam (strange, peculiar), komisch (funny, odd)
It’s strange that he suddenly disappeared.
strange, odd, peculiar
Es ist seltsam, dass er plötzlich verschwunden ist.
Tips: The adjective seltsam is used to describe something as strange, odd, or peculiar. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations to express a sense of peculiarity or unusualness.
Similar: merkwürdig (peculiar, odd), komisch (weird, funny)
She heard a strange noise when she was home alone.
strange, odd, peculiar
Sie hat ein seltsames Geräusch gehört, als sie alleine zu Hause war.
Tips: The adjective seltsam is used to describe something as strange, odd, or peculiar. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations to express a sense of peculiarity or unusualness.
Similar: merkwürdig (peculiar, odd), komisch (weird, funny)
That’s a strange story I heard.
strange, odd, peculiar
Das ist eine seltsame Geschichte, die ich gehört habe.
Tips: The adjective seltsam is used to describe something as strange, odd, or peculiar. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations to express a sense of peculiarity or unusualness.
Similar: merkwürdig (peculiar, odd), komisch (weird, funny)
He behaved strangely, as if he had something to hide.
strange, odd, peculiar
Er hat sich seltsam verhalten, als ob er etwas zu verbergen hätte.
Tips: The adjective seltsam is used to describe something as strange, odd, or peculiar. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations to express a sense of peculiarity or unusualness.
Similar: merkwürdig (peculiar, odd), komisch (weird, funny)
Nevertheless, it was strange that he didn’t come to the party.
strange, odd, peculiar
Trotzdem war es seltsam, dass er nicht zur Party gekommen ist.
Tips: The adjective seltsam is used to describe something as strange, odd, or peculiar. It’s commonly used in everyday conversations to express a sense of peculiarity or unusualness.
Similar: merkwürdig (peculiar, odd), komisch (weird, funny)
She is sewing a beautiful dress for the wedding.
to sew
Sie näht ein wunderschönes Kleid für die Hochzeit.
Tips: The verb nähen is used to express the action of sewing. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in -en. It is a useful skill and a common hobby, and the word can be used in various contexts related to sewing and tailoring.
Yesterday she sewed a bag from old jeans.
to sew
Gestern nähte sie eine Tasche aus alten Jeans.
Tips: The verb nähen is used to express the action of sewing. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in -en. It is a useful skill and a common hobby, and the word can be used in various contexts related to sewing and tailoring.
She has been sewing since she was a little girl.
to sew
Sie hat genäht, seit sie ein kleines Mädchen war.
Tips: The verb nähen is used to express the action of sewing. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in -en. It is a useful skill and a common hobby, and the word can be used in various contexts related to sewing and tailoring.
Although she has a lot to do, she enjoys sewing in her free time.
to sew
Obwohl sie viel zu tun hat, näht sie gerne in ihrer Freizeit.
Tips: The verb nähen is used to express the action of sewing. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in -en. It is a useful skill and a common hobby, and the word can be used in various contexts related to sewing and tailoring.
She sews carefully to ensure that the seams are sturdy.
to sew
Sie näht sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass die Nähte stabil sind.
Tips: The verb nähen is used to express the action of sewing. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs ending in -en. It is a useful skill and a common hobby, and the word can be used in various contexts related to sewing and tailoring.
The water is pure and clear.
pure, clean
Das Wasser ist rein und klar.
Tips: The adjective rein is used to describe something that is pure or clean. It can refer to physical cleanliness, purity of thoughts, or moral integrity. It is commonly used in everyday language to describe the quality of something.
Similar: sauber (clean), klar (clear)
She is wearing a pure white dress.
pure, clean
Sie trägt ein reines weißes Kleid.
Tips: The adjective rein is used to describe something that is pure or clean. It can refer to physical cleanliness, purity of thoughts, or moral integrity. It is commonly used in everyday language to describe the quality of something.
Similar: sauber (clean), klar (clear)
He has pure thoughts and always acts sincerely.
pure, clean
Er hat reine Gedanken und handelt immer aufrichtig.
Tips: The adjective rein is used to describe something that is pure or clean. It can refer to physical cleanliness, purity of thoughts, or moral integrity. It is commonly used in everyday language to describe the quality of something.
Similar: sauber (clean), klar (clear)
She is worrying about her exam results.
to worry
Sie macht sich Sorgen um ihre Prüfungsergebnisse.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich Sorgen machen is used to express the action of worrying about something. It is commonly used in everyday language and is important for expressing concerns or anxieties.
Similar: besorgt sein (to be concerned), ängstlich sein (to be anxious)
Yesterday he was worried because he had lost his keys.
to worry
Er hat sich gestern Sorgen gemacht, weil er seine Schlüssel verloren hatte.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich Sorgen machen is used to express the action of worrying about something. It is commonly used in everyday language and is important for expressing concerns or anxieties.
Similar: besorgt sein (to be concerned), ängstlich sein (to be anxious)
She has always worried when her children didn’t come home on time.
to worry
Sie hat sich immer Sorgen gemacht, wenn ihre Kinder nicht pünktlich nach Hause gekommen sind.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich Sorgen machen is used to express the action of worrying about something. It is commonly used in everyday language and is important for expressing concerns or anxieties.
Similar: besorgt sein (to be concerned), ängstlich sein (to be anxious)
Despite worrying, he tries to stay calm.
to worry
Trotzdem, dass er sich Sorgen macht, versucht er ruhig zu bleiben.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich Sorgen machen is used to express the action of worrying about something. It is commonly used in everyday language and is important for expressing concerns or anxieties.
Similar: besorgt sein (to be concerned), ängstlich sein (to be anxious)
If you are worried, talk to someone about it.
to worry
Wenn du dich Sorgen machst, sprich mit jemandem darüber.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich Sorgen machen is used to express the action of worrying about something. It is commonly used in everyday language and is important for expressing concerns or anxieties.
Similar: besorgt sein (to be concerned), ängstlich sein (to be anxious)
Can you please give me a tissue? I have a cold.
tissue (paper)
Kannst du mir bitte ein Taschentuch geben? Ich habe eine Erkältung.
Tips: The word ‘Taschentuch’ refers to a tissue, usually a small piece of paper used for hygiene purposes. It is a common item and an essential word to know for everyday situations.
I always have tissues in my bag, they are very practical.
tissue (paper)
In meiner Tasche habe ich immer Taschentücher, sie sind sehr praktisch.
Tips: The word ‘Taschentuch’ refers to a tissue, usually a small piece of paper used for hygiene purposes. It is a common item and an essential word to know for everyday situations.
The transport of goods is done by truck.
Der Transport der Waren erfolgt per LKW.
Tips: The noun Transport refers to the movement of people, animals, or goods from one place to another. It encompasses various modes of transportation such as by land, sea, or air. It is a crucial term in logistics and everyday conversations.
Similar: die Beförderung (conveyance, transportation), der Verkehr (traffic, transportation)
The transport of animals must take place under certain conditions.
Der Transport von Tieren muss unter bestimmten Bedingungen erfolgen.
Tips: The noun Transport refers to the movement of people, animals, or goods from one place to another. It encompasses various modes of transportation such as by land, sea, or air. It is a crucial term in logistics and everyday conversations.
Similar: die Beförderung (conveyance, transportation), der Verkehr (traffic, transportation)
The transport of the injured was quickly organized.
Der Transport der Verletzten wurde schnell organisiert.
Tips: The noun Transport refers to the movement of people, animals, or goods from one place to another. It encompasses various modes of transportation such as by land, sea, or air. It is a crucial term in logistics and everyday conversations.
Similar: die Beförderung (conveyance, transportation), der Verkehr (traffic, transportation)
The transport of the furniture was complicated because it was very bulky.
Der Transport der Möbel war kompliziert, da sie sehr sperrig waren.
Tips: The noun Transport refers to the movement of people, animals, or goods from one place to another. It encompasses various modes of transportation such as by land, sea, or air. It is a crucial term in logistics and everyday conversations.
Similar: die Beförderung (conveyance, transportation), der Verkehr (traffic, transportation)
Transport by ship takes longer than by airplane.
Der Transport per Schiff dauert länger als per Flugzeug.
Tips: The noun Transport refers to the movement of people, animals, or goods from one place to another. It encompasses various modes of transportation such as by land, sea, or air. It is a crucial term in logistics and everyday conversations.
Similar: die Beförderung (conveyance, transportation), der Verkehr (traffic, transportation)
He never betrays a secret.
to betray
Er verrät nie ein Geheimnis.
Tips: The verb verraten specifically refers to the act of betraying someone’s trust or loyalty. It is a strong and negative action, often associated with breaking promises or revealing confidential information. It is important to use this verb carefully due to its serious connotations.
Similar: betrügen (to deceive, to cheat), enttäuschen (to disappoint)
She betrayed her friends when she spoke to the police.
to betray
Sie verriet ihre Freunde, als sie mit der Polizei sprach.
Tips: The verb verraten specifically refers to the act of betraying someone’s trust or loyalty. It is a strong and negative action, often associated with breaking promises or revealing confidential information. It is important to use this verb carefully due to its serious connotations.
Similar: betrügen (to deceive, to cheat), enttäuschen (to disappoint)
He has betrayed that he will leave the company.
to betray
Er hat verraten, dass er die Firma verlassen wird.
Tips: The verb verraten specifically refers to the act of betraying someone’s trust or loyalty. It is a strong and negative action, often associated with breaking promises or revealing confidential information. It is important to use this verb carefully due to its serious connotations.
Similar: betrügen (to deceive, to cheat), enttäuschen (to disappoint)
Although he promised not to do it, he still betrayed her.
to betray
Obwohl er versprochen hat, es nicht zu tun, hat er sie trotzdem verraten.
Tips: The verb verraten specifically refers to the act of betraying someone’s trust or loyalty. It is a strong and negative action, often associated with breaking promises or revealing confidential information. It is important to use this verb carefully due to its serious connotations.
Similar: betrügen (to deceive, to cheat), enttäuschen (to disappoint)
She betrayed him by passing on his plans to the competition.
to betray
Sie hat ihn verraten, indem sie seine Pläne an die Konkurrenz weitergab.
Tips: The verb verraten specifically refers to the act of betraying someone’s trust or loyalty. It is a strong and negative action, often associated with breaking promises or revealing confidential information. It is important to use this verb carefully due to its serious connotations.
Similar: betrügen (to deceive, to cheat), enttäuschen (to disappoint)
The picture is hanging on the wall.
Das Bild hängt an der Wand.
Tips: The word Wand refers to a vertical structure that divides or encloses an area. It is commonly used to describe the walls of buildings, rooms, or any other enclosed space. The plural form is Wände.
The walls of the old castle were adorned with paintings.
Die Wände des alten Schlosses waren mit Gemälden verziert.
Tips: The word Wand refers to a vertical structure that divides or encloses an area. It is commonly used to describe the walls of buildings, rooms, or any other enclosed space. The plural form is Wände.
He ran into the wall and got injured.
Er lief gegen die Wand und verletzte sich.
Tips: The word Wand refers to a vertical structure that divides or encloses an area. It is commonly used to describe the walls of buildings, rooms, or any other enclosed space. The plural form is Wände.
Nevertheless, the wall was not stable enough to bear the weight.
Trotzdem war die Wand nicht stabil genug, um das Gewicht zu tragen.
Tips: The word Wand refers to a vertical structure that divides or encloses an area. It is commonly used to describe the walls of buildings, rooms, or any other enclosed space. The plural form is Wände.
If you want to paint the wall, you have to cover everything first.
Wenn du die Wand streichen möchtest, musst du zuerst alles abdecken.
Tips: The word Wand refers to a vertical structure that divides or encloses an area. It is commonly used to describe the walls of buildings, rooms, or any other enclosed space. The plural form is Wände.
I paint the wall in my room yellow.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Ich streiche die Wand in meinem Zimmer gelb.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings. It can refer to painting or coating a surface, as well as to canceling or striking through something. The context will determine the specific meaning. Pay attention to the prefix ‘ge-‘ in the perfect form.
Similar: malen (to paint, to draw), lackieren (to varnish, to lacquer)
The artist stroked broad brushstrokes across the canvas.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Der Künstler strich mit breiten Pinselstrichen über die Leinwand.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings. It can refer to painting or coating a surface, as well as to canceling or striking through something. The context will determine the specific meaning. Pay attention to the prefix ‘ge-‘ in the perfect form.
Similar: malen (to paint, to draw), lackieren (to varnish, to lacquer)
The event was canceled because of the rain.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Die Veranstaltung wurde wegen des Regens gestrichen.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings. It can refer to painting or coating a surface, as well as to canceling or striking through something. The context will determine the specific meaning. Pay attention to the prefix ‘ge-‘ in the perfect form.
Similar: malen (to paint, to draw), lackieren (to varnish, to lacquer)
He painted over because the color didn’t look good.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Er hat gestrichen, weil die Farbe nicht gut aussah.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings. It can refer to painting or coating a surface, as well as to canceling or striking through something. The context will determine the specific meaning. Pay attention to the prefix ‘ge-‘ in the perfect form.
Similar: malen (to paint, to draw), lackieren (to varnish, to lacquer)
She is stripping the old wallpaper from the walls.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Sie streicht die alten Tapeten von den Wänden.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings. It can refer to painting or coating a surface, as well as to canceling or striking through something. The context will determine the specific meaning. Pay attention to the prefix ‘ge-‘ in the perfect form.
Similar: malen (to paint, to draw), lackieren (to varnish, to lacquer)
She is painting the wall in a beautiful shade of blue.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Sie streicht die Wand in einem schönen Blauton.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings, including ‘to paint’ in the context of walls or surfaces, ‘to stroke’ in a gentle manner, and ‘to cancel’ in the sense of abandoning a plan or activity. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: malen (to paint), löschen (to delete, to erase)
The artist stroked the canvas with bold brushstrokes.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Der Künstler strich mit kräftigen Pinselstrichen über die Leinwand.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings, including ‘to paint’ in the context of walls or surfaces, ‘to stroke’ in a gentle manner, and ‘to cancel’ in the sense of abandoning a plan or activity. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: malen (to paint), löschen (to delete, to erase)
He canceled the trip because he got sick.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Er hat die Reise gestrichen, weil er krank geworden ist.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings, including ‘to paint’ in the context of walls or surfaces, ‘to stroke’ in a gentle manner, and ‘to cancel’ in the sense of abandoning a plan or activity. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: malen (to paint), löschen (to delete, to erase)
She strokes her hair gently.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Sie streicht sich sanft über das Haar.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings, including ‘to paint’ in the context of walls or surfaces, ‘to stroke’ in a gentle manner, and ‘to cancel’ in the sense of abandoning a plan or activity. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: malen (to paint), löschen (to delete, to erase)
He crossed out the wrong answer and chose the right one.
to paint, to stroke, to cancel
Er hat die falsche Antwort gestrichen und die richtige gewählt.
Tips: The verb streichen has multiple meanings, including ‘to paint’ in the context of walls or surfaces, ‘to stroke’ in a gentle manner, and ‘to cancel’ in the sense of abandoning a plan or activity. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: malen (to paint), löschen (to delete, to erase)
Despite the rain, we went for a walk.
despite, in spite of
Trotz des Regens sind wir spazieren gegangen.
Tips: The preposition ‘trotz’ is used to express a contrast or contradiction. It is followed by the genitive case, and it indicates that something happens despite a particular circumstance.
Similar: obwohl (although), trotzdem (nevertheless)
In spite of the difficulties, he achieved his goal.
despite, in spite of
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten hat er sein Ziel erreicht.
Tips: The preposition ‘trotz’ is used to express a contrast or contradiction. It is followed by the genitive case, and it indicates that something happens despite a particular circumstance.
Similar: obwohl (although), trotzdem (nevertheless)
The colorful house stands out in the gray street.
to stand out, to catch one’s eye
Das bunte Haus fällt auf in der grauen Straße.
Tips: The verb auffallen is used to describe something or someone that stands out or catches attention. It can refer to physical appearance, behavior, or any noticeable characteristic. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the idea of being conspicuous or remarkable.
Similar: hervorstechen (to protrude, to be prominent), herausragen (to stand out, to excel)
Her conspicuous behavior caught everyone’s attention.
to stand out, to catch one’s eye
Ihr auffälliges Verhalten ist aufgefallen und hat die Aufmerksamkeit aller erregt.
Tips: The verb auffallen is used to describe something or someone that stands out or catches attention. It can refer to physical appearance, behavior, or any noticeable characteristic. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the idea of being conspicuous or remarkable.
Similar: hervorstechen (to protrude, to be prominent), herausragen (to stand out, to excel)
I noticed that he was nervous all day.
to stand out, to catch one’s eye
Mir fiel auf, dass er den ganzen Tag nervös war.
Tips: The verb auffallen is used to describe something or someone that stands out or catches attention. It can refer to physical appearance, behavior, or any noticeable characteristic. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the idea of being conspicuous or remarkable.
Similar: hervorstechen (to protrude, to be prominent), herausragen (to stand out, to excel)
Nevertheless, he doesn’t stand out because he behaves inconspicuously.
to stand out, to catch one’s eye
Trotzdem fällt er nicht auf, weil er sich unauffällig verhält.
Tips: The verb auffallen is used to describe something or someone that stands out or catches attention. It can refer to physical appearance, behavior, or any noticeable characteristic. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the idea of being conspicuous or remarkable.
Similar: hervorstechen (to protrude, to be prominent), herausragen (to stand out, to excel)
It has been noticed that you have changed a lot recently.
to stand out, to catch one’s eye
Es ist aufgefallen, dass du dich in letzter Zeit sehr verändert hast.
Tips: The verb auffallen is used to describe something or someone that stands out or catches attention. It can refer to physical appearance, behavior, or any noticeable characteristic. It’s commonly used in everyday language to express the idea of being conspicuous or remarkable.
Similar: hervorstechen (to protrude, to be prominent), herausragen (to stand out, to excel)
His words have a calming effect on me.
to affect, to influence
Seine Worte wirken auf mich beruhigend.
Tips: The verb wirken auf is used to express the influence or effect that something has on someone or something else. It is commonly used to describe how words, actions, or other stimuli affect people’s emotions, behaviors, or perceptions.
The music affected her and made her dance.
to affect, to influence
Die Musik hat auf sie gewirkt und sie zum Tanzen gebracht.
Tips: The verb wirken auf is used to express the influence or effect that something has on someone or something else. It is commonly used to describe how words, actions, or other stimuli affect people’s emotions, behaviors, or perceptions.
The advertisement had a convincing effect on many people.
to affect, to influence
Die Werbung wirkte auf viele Menschen überzeugend.
Tips: The verb wirken auf is used to express the influence or effect that something has on someone or something else. It is commonly used to describe how words, actions, or other stimuli affect people’s emotions, behaviors, or perceptions.
The colors have a very calming effect on me.
to affect, to influence
Die Farben wirken auf mich sehr beruhigend.
Tips: The verb wirken auf is used to express the influence or effect that something has on someone or something else. It is commonly used to describe how words, actions, or other stimuli affect people’s emotions, behaviors, or perceptions.
His behavior made a good impression on her.
to affect, to influence
Sein Verhalten hat auf sie einen guten Eindruck gewirkt.
Tips: The verb wirken auf is used to express the influence or effect that something has on someone or something else. It is commonly used to describe how words, actions, or other stimuli affect people’s emotions, behaviors, or perceptions.
I wake up my brother every morning at 7 o’clock.
to wake (someone) up
Ich wecke meinen Bruder jeden Morgen um 7 Uhr.
Tips: The verb wecken specifically refers to the action of waking someone up. It is commonly used in the context of morning routines or being woken up by a specific stimulus. It is important to note that this verb is transitive, meaning it requires a direct object (the person being woken up).
Similar: aufwecken (to wake up), erwachen (to awaken)
Yesterday the loud noise outside woke me up.
to wake (someone) up
Gestern weckte mich der laute Lärm draußen.
Tips: The verb wecken specifically refers to the action of waking someone up. It is commonly used in the context of morning routines or being woken up by a specific stimulus. It is important to note that this verb is transitive, meaning it requires a direct object (the person being woken up).
Similar: aufwecken (to wake up), erwachen (to awaken)
She woke me up way too early this morning.
to wake (someone) up
Sie hat mich heute Morgen viel zu früh geweckt.
Tips: The verb wecken specifically refers to the action of waking someone up. It is commonly used in the context of morning routines or being woken up by a specific stimulus. It is important to note that this verb is transitive, meaning it requires a direct object (the person being woken up).
Similar: aufwecken (to wake up), erwachen (to awaken)
He wakes up his girlfriend with a coffee and a smile.
to wake (someone) up
Er weckt seine Freundin mit einem Kaffee und einem Lächeln.
Tips: The verb wecken specifically refers to the action of waking someone up. It is commonly used in the context of morning routines or being woken up by a specific stimulus. It is important to note that this verb is transitive, meaning it requires a direct object (the person being woken up).
Similar: aufwecken (to wake up), erwachen (to awaken)
If you wake me up tomorrow morning, that would be great.
to wake (someone) up
Wenn du mich morgen früh weckst, wäre das toll.
Tips: The verb wecken specifically refers to the action of waking someone up. It is commonly used in the context of morning routines or being woken up by a specific stimulus. It is important to note that this verb is transitive, meaning it requires a direct object (the person being woken up).
Similar: aufwecken (to wake up), erwachen (to awaken)
Advertising often influences our purchasing decisions.
to influence
Die Werbung beeinflusst oft unsere Kaufentscheidungen.
Tips: The verb beeinflussen is used to express the action of influencing or affecting something or someone. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in discussions about the impact of advertising, peer influence, or personal decision-making. It’s important to note that the verb is regular and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: auswirken (to affect, to impact), prägen (to shape, to mold)
The opinion of our friends can influence our decisions.
to influence
Die Meinung unserer Freunde kann unsere Entscheidungen beeinflussen.
Tips: The verb beeinflussen is used to express the action of influencing or affecting something or someone. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in discussions about the impact of advertising, peer influence, or personal decision-making. It’s important to note that the verb is regular and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: auswirken (to affect, to impact), prägen (to shape, to mold)
She has influenced which university he will attend.
to influence
Sie hat beeinflusst, welche Universität er besuchen wird.
Tips: The verb beeinflussen is used to express the action of influencing or affecting something or someone. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in discussions about the impact of advertising, peer influence, or personal decision-making. It’s important to note that the verb is regular and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: auswirken (to affect, to impact), prägen (to shape, to mold)
Nevertheless, he does not make his decisions lightly influenced.
to influence
Trotzdem beeinflusst er seine Entscheidungen nicht leichtfertig.
Tips: The verb beeinflussen is used to express the action of influencing or affecting something or someone. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in discussions about the impact of advertising, peer influence, or personal decision-making. It’s important to note that the verb is regular and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: auswirken (to affect, to impact), prägen (to shape, to mold)
As we get older, we are less influenced by others.
to influence
Wenn wir älter werden, lassen wir uns weniger von anderen beeinflussen.
Tips: The verb beeinflussen is used to express the action of influencing or affecting something or someone. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in discussions about the impact of advertising, peer influence, or personal decision-making. It’s important to note that the verb is regular and follows the standard conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: auswirken (to affect, to impact), prägen (to shape, to mold)
I received a 20% discount on my purchases.
Ich habe einen Rabatt von 20% auf meine Einkäufe erhalten.
Tips: The noun ‘Rabatt’ refers to a reduction in the original price of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of shopping, sales promotions, and business transactions. When discussing discounts in German, ‘Rabatt’ is the go-to term.
Similar: Nachlass (discount, reduction), Ermäßigung (reduction, concession)
The store often offers discounts for regular customers.
Der Laden bietet oft Rabatte für Stammkunden an.
Tips: The noun ‘Rabatt’ refers to a reduction in the original price of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of shopping, sales promotions, and business transactions. When discussing discounts in German, ‘Rabatt’ is the go-to term.
Similar: Nachlass (discount, reduction), Ermäßigung (reduction, concession)
Despite the discount, the price was still too high.
Trotz des Rabatts war der Preis immer noch zu hoch.
Tips: The noun ‘Rabatt’ refers to a reduction in the original price of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of shopping, sales promotions, and business transactions. When discussing discounts in German, ‘Rabatt’ is the go-to term.
Similar: Nachlass (discount, reduction), Ermäßigung (reduction, concession)
She used the discount to buy herself a new dress.
Sie hat den Rabatt genutzt, um sich ein neues Kleid zu kaufen.
Tips: The noun ‘Rabatt’ refers to a reduction in the original price of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of shopping, sales promotions, and business transactions. When discussing discounts in German, ‘Rabatt’ is the go-to term.
Similar: Nachlass (discount, reduction), Ermäßigung (reduction, concession)
The store has a great special offer on electronic devices.
special offer
Das Geschäft hat ein tolles Sonderangebot für Elektronikgeräte.
Tips: The term Sonderangebot is used to refer to a special promotion or offer, often used in the context of retail, sales, or marketing. It’s a common term in advertising and can be found in stores, online shops, and promotional materials.
I heard about the special offer in the advertisement.
special offer
Ich habe von dem Sonderangebot in der Werbung gehört.
Tips: The term Sonderangebot is used to refer to a special promotion or offer, often used in the context of retail, sales, or marketing. It’s a common term in advertising and can be found in stores, online shops, and promotional materials.
The special offer is only valid until the end of the month.
special offer
Das Sonderangebot gilt nur noch bis zum Ende des Monats.
Tips: The term Sonderangebot is used to refer to a special promotion or offer, often used in the context of retail, sales, or marketing. It’s a common term in advertising and can be found in stores, online shops, and promotional materials.
An important feature of this product is its durability.
feature, characteristic
Ein wichtiges Merkmal dieses Produkts ist seine Langlebigkeit.
Tips: The word Merkmal is used to describe a distinctive feature or characteristic of something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as product descriptions, scientific analysis, and cultural discussions.
Similar: Eigenschaft (property, attribute), Charakteristikum (characteristic)
These are typical characteristics of Renaissance architecture.
feature, characteristic
Das sind typische Merkmale der Renaissance-Architektur.
Tips: The word Merkmal is used to describe a distinctive feature or characteristic of something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as product descriptions, scientific analysis, and cultural discussions.
Similar: Eigenschaft (property, attribute), Charakteristikum (characteristic)
A characteristic of German culture is the love for beer.
feature, characteristic
Ein Merkmal der deutschen Kultur ist die Liebe zum Bier.
Tips: The word Merkmal is used to describe a distinctive feature or characteristic of something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as product descriptions, scientific analysis, and cultural discussions.
Similar: Eigenschaft (property, attribute), Charakteristikum (characteristic)
She made a cheeky comment.
cheeky, sassy, impudent
Sie hat einen frechen Kommentar abgegeben.
Tips: The adjective ‘frech’ is used to describe someone who is impudent, sassy, or cheeky. It’s commonly used to characterize behavior that is disrespectful or boldly disobedient. It’s important to use this word carefully, as it can be perceived as impolite or rude in certain contexts.
Similar: unverschämt (impudent), dreist (bold)
The cheeky boy contradicted the teacher.
cheeky, sassy, impudent
Der freche Junge hat dem Lehrer widersprochen.
Tips: The adjective ‘frech’ is used to describe someone who is impudent, sassy, or cheeky. It’s commonly used to characterize behavior that is disrespectful or boldly disobedient. It’s important to use this word carefully, as it can be perceived as impolite or rude in certain contexts.
Similar: unverschämt (impudent), dreist (bold)
He cheekily lied when he was caught.
cheeky, sassy, impudent
Er hat frech gelogen, als er erwischt wurde.
Tips: The adjective ‘frech’ is used to describe someone who is impudent, sassy, or cheeky. It’s commonly used to characterize behavior that is disrespectful or boldly disobedient. It’s important to use this word carefully, as it can be perceived as impolite or rude in certain contexts.
Similar: unverschämt (impudent), dreist (bold)
The cheeky children annoyed the neighbor.
cheeky, sassy, impudent
Die frechen Kinder haben den Nachbarn geärgert.
Tips: The adjective ‘frech’ is used to describe someone who is impudent, sassy, or cheeky. It’s commonly used to characterize behavior that is disrespectful or boldly disobedient. It’s important to use this word carefully, as it can be perceived as impolite or rude in certain contexts.
Similar: unverschämt (impudent), dreist (bold)
The food was excellent. I really enjoyed it.
excellent, outstanding
Das Essen war ausgezeichnet. Ich habe es wirklich genossen.
Tips: The adjective ausgezeichnet is used to describe something of exceptional quality or performance. It is a positive and strong expression of approval or admiration. It can be used to praise various things, such as food, work, results, etc.
Similar: hervorragend (outstanding), exzellent (excellent)
She did an outstanding job and received praise from the boss.
excellent, outstanding
Sie hat eine ausgezeichnete Arbeit geleistet und ein Lob vom Chef bekommen.
Tips: The adjective ausgezeichnet is used to describe something of exceptional quality or performance. It is a positive and strong expression of approval or admiration. It can be used to praise various things, such as food, work, results, etc.
Similar: hervorragend (outstanding), exzellent (excellent)
The students achieved excellent results in the exam.
excellent, outstanding
Die Schüler haben in der Prüfung ausgezeichnete Ergebnisse erzielt.
Tips: The adjective ausgezeichnet is used to describe something of exceptional quality or performance. It is a positive and strong expression of approval or admiration. It can be used to praise various things, such as food, work, results, etc.
Similar: hervorragend (outstanding), exzellent (excellent)
I notice that you are very cheerful today.
to notice, to observe
Ich bemerke, dass du heute sehr fröhlich bist.
Tips: The verb bemerken is used to express the action of noticing or observing something. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate the act of perceiving something. It can be used in various contexts, from simple observations to more detailed perceptions.
Similar: feststellen (to ascertain, to determine), erkennen (to recognize, to identify)
She noticed the mistake in the report immediately.
to notice, to observe
Sie bemerkte den Fehler in dem Bericht sofort.
Tips: The verb bemerken is used to express the action of noticing or observing something. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate the act of perceiving something. It can be used in various contexts, from simple observations to more detailed perceptions.
Similar: feststellen (to ascertain, to determine), erkennen (to recognize, to identify)
He has noticed that the situation has changed.
to notice, to observe
Er hat bemerkt, dass sich die Situation geändert hat.
Tips: The verb bemerken is used to express the action of noticing or observing something. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate the act of perceiving something. It can be used in various contexts, from simple observations to more detailed perceptions.
Similar: feststellen (to ascertain, to determine), erkennen (to recognize, to identify)
Nevertheless, many people do not notice the beauty of nature.
to notice, to observe
Trotzdem bemerken viele Menschen die Schönheit der Natur nicht.
Tips: The verb bemerken is used to express the action of noticing or observing something. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate the act of perceiving something. It can be used in various contexts, from simple observations to more detailed perceptions.
Similar: feststellen (to ascertain, to determine), erkennen (to recognize, to identify)
If you are quiet, you can notice the birds singing.
to notice, to observe
Wenn du leise bist, kannst du die Vögel bemerken, die singen.
Tips: The verb bemerken is used to express the action of noticing or observing something. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate the act of perceiving something. It can be used in various contexts, from simple observations to more detailed perceptions.
Similar: feststellen (to ascertain, to determine), erkennen (to recognize, to identify)
I forbid you to open this door!
to forbid, to prohibit
Ich verbiete dir, diese Tür zu öffnen!
Tips: The verb verbieten is used to express the action of forbidding or prohibiting something. It is a strong and formal way of expressing a prohibition. It is commonly used in rules, regulations, and commands.
Similar: untersagen (to prohibit, to forbid), verhindern (to prevent)
She prohibited him from using the car, as he didn’t have a driver’s license.
to forbid, to prohibit
Sie verbot ihm, das Auto zu benutzen, da er keinen Führerschein hatte.
Tips: The verb verbieten is used to express the action of forbidding or prohibiting something. It is a strong and formal way of expressing a prohibition. It is commonly used in rules, regulations, and commands.
Similar: untersagen (to prohibit, to forbid), verhindern (to prevent)
He has forbidden parking in this area.
to forbid, to prohibit
Er hat verboten, in diesem Bereich zu parken.
Tips: The verb verbieten is used to express the action of forbidding or prohibiting something. It is a strong and formal way of expressing a prohibition. It is commonly used in rules, regulations, and commands.
Similar: untersagen (to prohibit, to forbid), verhindern (to prevent)
Despite the prohibition, he smoked.
to forbid, to prohibit
Trotz des Verbots hat er geraucht.
Tips: The verb verbieten is used to express the action of forbidding or prohibiting something. It is a strong and formal way of expressing a prohibition. It is commonly used in rules, regulations, and commands.
Similar: untersagen (to prohibit, to forbid), verhindern (to prevent)
It is forbidden to smoke here.
to forbid, to prohibit
Es ist verboten, hier zu rauchen.
Tips: The verb verbieten is used to express the action of forbidding or prohibiting something. It is a strong and formal way of expressing a prohibition. It is commonly used in rules, regulations, and commands.
Similar: untersagen (to prohibit, to forbid), verhindern (to prevent)
I trust my best friend blindly, she would never disappoint me.
to trust
Ich vertraue meiner besten Freundin blind, sie würde mich nie enttäuschen.
Tips: The verb vertrauen is used to express the action of trusting someone or something. It is commonly used in personal relationships, professional settings, and everyday situations. It’s important to note that vertrauen implies a deep sense of reliance and confidence in the person or thing being trusted.
Similar: glauben (to believe), sich hingeben (to entrust oneself)
He confided the secret to his colleague, but it was still told to others.
to trust
Er vertraute seinem Kollegen das Geheimnis an, aber es wurde trotzdem weitererzählt.
Tips: The verb vertrauen is used to express the action of trusting someone or something. It is commonly used in personal relationships, professional settings, and everyday situations. It’s important to note that vertrauen implies a deep sense of reliance and confidence in the person or thing being trusted.
Similar: glauben (to believe), sich hingeben (to entrust oneself)
She trusted that he would be on time, but he was late.
to trust
Sie hat vertraut, dass er pünktlich sein würde, aber er kam zu spät.
Tips: The verb vertrauen is used to express the action of trusting someone or something. It is commonly used in personal relationships, professional settings, and everyday situations. It’s important to note that vertrauen implies a deep sense of reliance and confidence in the person or thing being trusted.
Similar: glauben (to believe), sich hingeben (to entrust oneself)
Nevertheless, she still trusts him to keep his promise.
to trust
Trotzdem vertraut sie ihm immer noch, dass er sein Versprechen einhalten wird.
Tips: The verb vertrauen is used to express the action of trusting someone or something. It is commonly used in personal relationships, professional settings, and everyday situations. It’s important to note that vertrauen implies a deep sense of reliance and confidence in the person or thing being trusted.
Similar: glauben (to believe), sich hingeben (to entrust oneself)
When in a relationship, trust is very important.
to trust
Wenn man in einer Beziehung ist, ist Vertrauen sehr wichtig.
Tips: The verb vertrauen is used to express the action of trusting someone or something. It is commonly used in personal relationships, professional settings, and everyday situations. It’s important to note that vertrauen implies a deep sense of reliance and confidence in the person or thing being trusted.
Similar: glauben (to believe), sich hingeben (to entrust oneself)
The money is enough for the vacation.
to suffice, to be enough
Das Geld reicht für den Urlaub.
Tips: The verb reichen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or being enough. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate whether something is sufficient for a particular purpose.
The cake was enough for all the guests.
to suffice, to be enough
Der Kuchen hat für alle Gäste gereicht.
Tips: The verb reichen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or being enough. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate whether something is sufficient for a particular purpose.
It was not enough to reach the first place.
to suffice, to be enough
Es hat nicht gereicht, um den ersten Platz zu erreichen.
Tips: The verb reichen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or being enough. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate whether something is sufficient for a particular purpose.
Although he tried hard, it was not enough.
to suffice, to be enough
Obwohl er sich bemüht hat, hat es nicht gereicht.
Tips: The verb reichen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or being enough. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate whether something is sufficient for a particular purpose.
The food is enough for me until dinner.
to suffice, to be enough
Das Essen reicht mir bis zum Abendessen.
Tips: The verb reichen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or being enough. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate whether something is sufficient for a particular purpose.
She is an attentive listener and always asks intelligent questions.
attentive, observant
Sie ist eine aufmerksame Zuhörerin und stellt immer kluge Fragen.
Tips: The adjective aufmerksam is used to describe someone who is attentive, observant, or mindful. It is commonly used to talk about people who pay close attention to details or who are considerate of others’ needs.
Similar: achtsam (mindful), wachsam (vigilant)
The teacher was observant and quickly noticed the mistakes in the exercises.
attentive, observant
Der Lehrer war aufmerksam und hat die Fehler in den Aufgaben schnell bemerkt.
Tips: The adjective aufmerksam is used to describe someone who is attentive, observant, or mindful. It is commonly used to talk about people who pay close attention to details or who are considerate of others’ needs.
Similar: achtsam (mindful), wachsam (vigilant)
The attentive observers were able to detect the changes in the bird’s behavior.
attentive, observant
Die aufmerksamen Beobachter konnten die Veränderungen im Verhalten des Vogels feststellen.
Tips: The adjective aufmerksam is used to describe someone who is attentive, observant, or mindful. It is commonly used to talk about people who pay close attention to details or who are considerate of others’ needs.
Similar: achtsam (mindful), wachsam (vigilant)
She is interested in art and history.
Sie ist interessiert an Kunst und Geschichte.
Tips: The adjective interessiert is used to describe someone’s state of being interested in something. It can be used to express curiosity or enthusiasm about a particular subject or activity.
Similar: begeistert (enthusiastic), neugierig (curious)
He was interested in the job offer.
Er war interessiert an dem Jobangebot.
Tips: The adjective interessiert is used to describe someone’s state of being interested in something. It can be used to express curiosity or enthusiasm about a particular subject or activity.
Similar: begeistert (enthusiastic), neugierig (curious)
The students were interested in the professor’s lecture.
Die Studenten waren interessiert an dem Vortrag des Professors.
Tips: The adjective interessiert is used to describe someone’s state of being interested in something. It can be used to express curiosity or enthusiasm about a particular subject or activity.
Similar: begeistert (enthusiastic), neugierig (curious)
She is interested in new technologies.
Sie ist interessiert an neuen Technologien.
Tips: The adjective interessiert is used to describe someone’s state of being interested in something. It can be used to express curiosity or enthusiasm about a particular subject or activity.
Similar: begeistert (enthusiastic), neugierig (curious)
The children were very interested in the history of the old castle.
Die Kinder waren sehr interessiert an der Geschichte des alten Schlosses.
Tips: The adjective interessiert is used to describe someone’s state of being interested in something. It can be used to express curiosity or enthusiasm about a particular subject or activity.
Similar: begeistert (enthusiastic), neugierig (curious)
His memories of childhood are very vivid.
memory, recollection
Seine Erinnerungen an die Kindheit sind sehr lebhaft.
Tips: The noun Erinnerung refers to the act of remembering or the content of what is remembered. It can be used to describe personal memories, recollections, or even collective memories. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: Gedächtnis (memory, mind), Andenken (souvenir, keepsake)
She has a good recollection of the time when she studied abroad.
memory, recollection
Sie hat eine gute Erinnerung an die Zeit, als sie im Ausland studierte.
Tips: The noun Erinnerung refers to the act of remembering or the content of what is remembered. It can be used to describe personal memories, recollections, or even collective memories. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: Gedächtnis (memory, mind), Andenken (souvenir, keepsake)
Despite his illness, he still has clear memories of his youth.
memory, recollection
Trotz seiner Krankheit hat er immer noch klare Erinnerungen an seine Jugend.
Tips: The noun Erinnerung refers to the act of remembering or the content of what is remembered. It can be used to describe personal memories, recollections, or even collective memories. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: Gedächtnis (memory, mind), Andenken (souvenir, keepsake)
The memories of the vacation in Italy are unforgettable.
memory, recollection
Die Erinnerungen an den Urlaub in Italien sind unvergesslich.
Tips: The noun Erinnerung refers to the act of remembering or the content of what is remembered. It can be used to describe personal memories, recollections, or even collective memories. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: Gedächtnis (memory, mind), Andenken (souvenir, keepsake)
Her memory of the event is impressive.
memory, recollection
Ihre Erinnerung an das Ereignis ist beeindruckend.
Tips: The noun Erinnerung refers to the act of remembering or the content of what is remembered. It can be used to describe personal memories, recollections, or even collective memories. It’s a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: Gedächtnis (memory, mind), Andenken (souvenir, keepsake)
I enjoy reading the magazine about art and culture.
Ich lese gerne das Magazin über Kunst und Kultur.
Tips: The word Magazin refers to a magazine, typically a periodical publication with articles, photographs, and advertisements. It can cover various topics such as fashion, lifestyle, travel, or current events. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Magazine.
You often find interesting articles in the magazines.
In den Magazinen findet man oft interessante Artikel.
Tips: The word Magazin refers to a magazine, typically a periodical publication with articles, photographs, and advertisements. It can cover various topics such as fashion, lifestyle, travel, or current events. It’s important to note that the plural form is die Magazine.
The performance at the theater was excellent.
presentation, performance, idea
Die Vorstellung im Theater war ausgezeichnet.
Tips: The noun Vorstellung has multiple meanings, such as ‘presentation’, ‘performance’, or ‘idea’. It can refer to a theatrical performance, a concept, or an introduction of oneself. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning intended.
Similar: die Idee (idea), die Darbietung (performance)
My idea of a perfect vacation is lying on the beach.
presentation, performance, idea
Meine Vorstellung von einem perfekten Urlaub ist am Strand zu liegen.
Tips: The noun Vorstellung has multiple meanings, such as ‘presentation’, ‘performance’, or ‘idea’. It can refer to a theatrical performance, a concept, or an introduction of oneself. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning intended.
Similar: die Idee (idea), die Darbietung (performance)
He had a clear idea of how the project should proceed.
presentation, performance, idea
Er hatte eine klare Vorstellung davon, wie das Projekt ablaufen sollte.
Tips: The noun Vorstellung has multiple meanings, such as ‘presentation’, ‘performance’, or ‘idea’. It can refer to a theatrical performance, a concept, or an introduction of oneself. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning intended.
Similar: die Idee (idea), die Darbietung (performance)
The movie showings start at 6 p.m.
presentation, performance, idea
Die Vorstellungen des Films beginnen um 18 Uhr.
Tips: The noun Vorstellung has multiple meanings, such as ‘presentation’, ‘performance’, or ‘idea’. It can refer to a theatrical performance, a concept, or an introduction of oneself. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning intended.
Similar: die Idee (idea), die Darbietung (performance)
Despite being nervous, he gave a good performance in his presentation.
presentation, performance, idea
Trotzdem, dass er nervös war, gab er eine gute Vorstellung bei seinem Vortrag.
Tips: The noun Vorstellung has multiple meanings, such as ‘presentation’, ‘performance’, or ‘idea’. It can refer to a theatrical performance, a concept, or an introduction of oneself. Pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning intended.
Similar: die Idee (idea), die Darbietung (performance)
Can you please lend me your debit card? I forgot mine.
debit card
Kannst du mir bitte deine EC-Karte leihen? Ich habe meine vergessen.
Tips: The term EC-Karte is used to refer to a debit card, which is commonly used for cashless payments in Germany. It stands for ‘Elektronische Cash-Karte’ (electronic cash card) and is widely accepted in shops, restaurants, and other establishments.
I prefer to pay with my debit card rather than cash.
debit card
Ich zahle lieber mit meiner EC-Karte als mit Bargeld.
Tips: The term EC-Karte is used to refer to a debit card, which is commonly used for cashless payments in Germany. It stands for ‘Elektronische Cash-Karte’ (electronic cash card) and is widely accepted in shops, restaurants, and other establishments.
Please enter your PIN code to complete the transaction.
PIN code
Bitte geben Sie Ihre Geheimzahl ein, um die Transaktion abzuschließen.
Tips: The term Geheimzahl refers to a personal identification number (PIN code) used for various purposes such as accessing bank accounts, making transactions, or unlocking electronic devices. It is a combination of numbers known only to the authorized user.
The bank card was blocked because the wrong PIN code was entered.
PIN code
Die Bankkarte wurde gesperrt, weil die falsche Geheimzahl eingegeben wurde.
Tips: The term Geheimzahl refers to a personal identification number (PIN code) used for various purposes such as accessing bank accounts, making transactions, or unlocking electronic devices. It is a combination of numbers known only to the authorized user.
I am going to the ATM to withdraw money.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
Ich gehe zum Geldautomaten, um Geld abzuheben.
Tips: The word Geldautomat is used to refer to an ATM or Automated Teller Machine. It’s a common term in German and is used in everyday situations when talking about banking and financial transactions.
The ATM is located next to the bank branch.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
Der Geldautomat befindet sich neben der Bankfiliale.
Tips: The word Geldautomat is used to refer to an ATM or Automated Teller Machine. It’s a common term in German and is used in everyday situations when talking about banking and financial transactions.
At the ATM, you can also make transfers.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
Am Geldautomaten kann man auch Überweisungen tätigen.
Tips: The word Geldautomat is used to refer to an ATM or Automated Teller Machine. It’s a common term in German and is used in everyday situations when talking about banking and financial transactions.
I transferred my salary to my checking account.
checking account
Ich habe mein Gehalt auf mein Girokonto überwiesen.
Tips: The term Girokonto refers to a checking account, which is a standard bank account used for everyday transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and payments. It is important for managing personal finances and is commonly used in Germany.
The checking account allows for cashless payments.
checking account
Das Girokonto ermöglicht es, bargeldlos zu bezahlen.
Tips: The term Girokonto refers to a checking account, which is a standard bank account used for everyday transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and payments. It is important for managing personal finances and is commonly used in Germany.
Despite the low interest rates, the checking account is indispensable for many people.
checking account
Trotz der niedrigen Zinsen ist das Girokonto für viele Menschen unverzichtbar.
Tips: The term Girokonto refers to a checking account, which is a standard bank account used for everyday transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and payments. It is important for managing personal finances and is commonly used in Germany.
The brochures are available for free.
free of charge, for free
Die Broschüren sind gratis erhältlich.
Tips: The adverb gratis is used to indicate that something is provided or available for free. It is commonly used in the context of promotions, offers, or services that do not require payment.
Similar: kostenlos (free of charge), umsonst (for free)
The entrance to the museum is free of charge.
free of charge, for free
Der Eintritt zum Museum ist gratis.
Tips: The adverb gratis is used to indicate that something is provided or available for free. It is commonly used in the context of promotions, offers, or services that do not require payment.
Similar: kostenlos (free of charge), umsonst (for free)
The food is sufficient for all the guests.
to suffice, to be sufficient
Das Essen genügt für alle Gäste.
Tips: The verb genügen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or adequacy. It indicates that something is enough or sufficient for a particular purpose. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
A short explanation was sufficient to understand the problem.
to suffice, to be sufficient
Es genügte eine kurze Erklärung, um das Problem zu verstehen.
Tips: The verb genügen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or adequacy. It indicates that something is enough or sufficient for a particular purpose. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
The space was not sufficient for all the participants.
to suffice, to be sufficient
Der Platz hat nicht genügt für alle Teilnehmer.
Tips: The verb genügen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or adequacy. It indicates that something is enough or sufficient for a particular purpose. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
Although he worked hard, it was not enough to pass the exam.
to suffice, to be sufficient
Obwohl er hart gearbeitet hat, hat es nicht genügt, um die Prüfung zu bestehen.
Tips: The verb genügen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or adequacy. It indicates that something is enough or sufficient for a particular purpose. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
It was enough that he apologized.
to suffice, to be sufficient
Es hat genügt, dass er sich entschuldigt hat.
Tips: The verb genügen is used to express the idea of sufficiency or adequacy. It indicates that something is enough or sufficient for a particular purpose. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts.
It’s worth it to get up early to see the sunrise.
to be worth it, to pay off
Es lohnt sich, früh aufzustehen, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich lohnen is used to express that something is worth it or pays off. It is commonly used to talk about actions or decisions that have positive outcomes or benefits. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is always used with this verb.
Similar: sich rentieren (to be profitable), sich auszahlen (to pay off)
The trip was worth it, the landscape was beautiful.
to be worth it, to pay off
Der Ausflug hat sich gelohnt, die Landschaft war wunderschön.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich lohnen is used to express that something is worth it or pays off. It is commonly used to talk about actions or decisions that have positive outcomes or benefits. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is always used with this verb.
Similar: sich rentieren (to be profitable), sich auszahlen (to pay off)
It paid off to learn German, because now I can work in Germany.
to be worth it, to pay off
Es lohnte sich, Deutsch zu lernen, weil ich jetzt in Deutschland arbeiten kann.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich lohnen is used to express that something is worth it or pays off. It is commonly used to talk about actions or decisions that have positive outcomes or benefits. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is always used with this verb.
Similar: sich rentieren (to be profitable), sich auszahlen (to pay off)
Although it was a lot of work, it was worth it to renovate the house.
to be worth it, to pay off
Obwohl es viel Arbeit war, hat es sich gelohnt, das Haus zu renovieren.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich lohnen is used to express that something is worth it or pays off. It is commonly used to talk about actions or decisions that have positive outcomes or benefits. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is always used with this verb.
Similar: sich rentieren (to be profitable), sich auszahlen (to pay off)
It’s worth it to exercise regularly to stay fit.
to be worth it, to pay off
Es lohnt sich, regelmäßig Sport zu treiben, um fit zu bleiben.
Tips: The reflexive verb sich lohnen is used to express that something is worth it or pays off. It is commonly used to talk about actions or decisions that have positive outcomes or benefits. The reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ is always used with this verb.
Similar: sich rentieren (to be profitable), sich auszahlen (to pay off)
The instructions for assembling the shelf were very helpful.
instruction, guide
Die Anleitung zum Aufbau des Regals war sehr hilfreich.
Tips: The noun Anleitung refers to a set of instructions or a guide that provides information on how to perform a specific task or operate a particular device. It is commonly used in the context of manuals, user guides, and step-by-step directions.
Can you please give me the guide for operating the printer?
instruction, guide
Kannst du mir bitte die Anleitung für die Bedienung des Druckers geben?
Tips: The noun Anleitung refers to a set of instructions or a guide that provides information on how to perform a specific task or operate a particular device. It is commonly used in the context of manuals, user guides, and step-by-step directions.
The instruction manual states that the device should be turned off before cleaning.
instruction, guide
In der Anleitung steht, dass man das Gerät vor dem Reinigen ausschalten soll.
Tips: The noun Anleitung refers to a set of instructions or a guide that provides information on how to perform a specific task or operate a particular device. It is commonly used in the context of manuals, user guides, and step-by-step directions.
The guides for using the software are available online.
instruction, guide
Die Anleitungen für die Verwendung der Software sind online verfügbar.
Tips: The noun Anleitung refers to a set of instructions or a guide that provides information on how to perform a specific task or operate a particular device. It is commonly used in the context of manuals, user guides, and step-by-step directions.
The automatic door opens when someone is in front of it.
Die automatische Tür öffnet sich, wenn jemand davor steht.
Tips: The adjective ‘automatisch’ is used to describe something that operates or happens by itself, without the need for direct human intervention. It is commonly used in the context of technology, machinery, and processes.
Similar: selbstständig (independent, self-sufficient), unbeaufsichtigt (unsupervised)
The automatic transmission shifts the gears automatically.
Das automatische Getriebe schaltet die Gänge selbstständig.
Tips: The adjective ‘automatisch’ is used to describe something that operates or happens by itself, without the need for direct human intervention. It is commonly used in the context of technology, machinery, and processes.
Similar: selbstständig (independent, self-sufficient), unbeaufsichtigt (unsupervised)
The automatic updates keep the system up to date.
Die automatischen Updates halten das System auf dem neuesten Stand.
Tips: The adjective ‘automatisch’ is used to describe something that operates or happens by itself, without the need for direct human intervention. It is commonly used in the context of technology, machinery, and processes.
Similar: selbstständig (independent, self-sufficient), unbeaufsichtigt (unsupervised)
The waiter serves the guests in the restaurant.
to serve, to operate
Der Kellner bedient die Gäste im Restaurant.
Tips: The verb bedienen is used to express the action of serving or operating something. It can refer to serving customers in a restaurant or operating a machine or device. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
Similar: servieren (to serve food or drinks), benutzen (to use)
She operated the machine carefully to avoid causing any damage.
to serve, to operate
Sie bediente die Maschine vorsichtig, um keinen Schaden zu verursachen.
Tips: The verb bedienen is used to express the action of serving or operating something. It can refer to serving customers in a restaurant or operating a machine or device. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
Similar: servieren (to serve food or drinks), benutzen (to use)
He served the customers in a friendly manner and answered their questions.
to serve, to operate
Er hat die Kunden freundlich bedient und ihre Fragen beantwortet.
Tips: The verb bedienen is used to express the action of serving or operating something. It can refer to serving customers in a restaurant or operating a machine or device. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
Similar: servieren (to serve food or drinks), benutzen (to use)
Although she was tired, she still served the customers with a smile.
to serve, to operate
Obwohl sie müde war, bediente sie die Kunden trotzdem mit einem Lächeln.
Tips: The verb bedienen is used to express the action of serving or operating something. It can refer to serving customers in a restaurant or operating a machine or device. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
Similar: servieren (to serve food or drinks), benutzen (to use)
He operates the computer quickly and efficiently.
to serve, to operate
Er bedient den Computer schnell und effizient.
Tips: The verb bedienen is used to express the action of serving or operating something. It can refer to serving customers in a restaurant or operating a machine or device. It’s a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
Similar: servieren (to serve food or drinks), benutzen (to use)
The captain steers the ship through the harbor.
to steer, to control, to navigate
Der Kapitän steuert das Schiff durch den Hafen.
Tips: The verb steuern is used to express the action of steering, controlling, or navigating something, such as a vehicle, a company’s operations, or a process. It can be used in various contexts related to guidance and control.
Similar: lenken (to steer, to guide), kontrollieren (to control, to check)
He skillfully navigated the car through the heavy traffic.
to steer, to control, to navigate
Er steuerte das Auto geschickt durch den dichten Verkehr.
Tips: The verb steuern is used to express the action of steering, controlling, or navigating something, such as a vehicle, a company’s operations, or a process. It can be used in various contexts related to guidance and control.
Similar: lenken (to steer, to guide), kontrollieren (to control, to check)
She steered the boat while he hoisted the sails.
to steer, to control, to navigate
Sie hat das Boot gesteuert, während er die Segel gehisst hat.
Tips: The verb steuern is used to express the action of steering, controlling, or navigating something, such as a vehicle, a company’s operations, or a process. It can be used in various contexts related to guidance and control.
Similar: lenken (to steer, to guide), kontrollieren (to control, to check)
The company controls its production according to market demands.
to steer, to control, to navigate
Die Firma steuert ihre Produktion nach den Marktanforderungen.
Tips: The verb steuern is used to express the action of steering, controlling, or navigating something, such as a vehicle, a company’s operations, or a process. It can be used in various contexts related to guidance and control.
Similar: lenken (to steer, to guide), kontrollieren (to control, to check)
Despite the strong wind, the pilot safely steered the plane to the runway.
to steer, to control, to navigate
Trotz des starken Windes steuerte der Pilot das Flugzeug sicher zur Landebahn.
Tips: The verb steuern is used to express the action of steering, controlling, or navigating something, such as a vehicle, a company’s operations, or a process. It can be used in various contexts related to guidance and control.
Similar: lenken (to steer, to guide), kontrollieren (to control, to check)
We need to adapt to the new rules in order to be successful.
to adapt, to adjust
Wir müssen uns an die neuen Regeln anpassen, um erfolgreich zu sein.
Tips: The verb anpassen is used to express the action of adapting or adjusting to a new situation, environment, or condition. It can refer to physical adjustments as well as mental or emotional adaptation. It is a useful verb for discussing flexibility and resilience.
She adjusted her dress to fit better.
to adapt, to adjust
Sie passte ihr Kleid an, damit es besser passte.
Tips: The verb anpassen is used to express the action of adapting or adjusting to a new situation, environment, or condition. It can refer to physical adjustments as well as mental or emotional adaptation. It is a useful verb for discussing flexibility and resilience.
He has adapted well since he has been living in the new city.
to adapt, to adjust
Er hat sich gut angepasst, seit er in der neuen Stadt lebt.
Tips: The verb anpassen is used to express the action of adapting or adjusting to a new situation, environment, or condition. It can refer to physical adjustments as well as mental or emotional adaptation. It is a useful verb for discussing flexibility and resilience.
Despite the difficulties, she adapts and does not give up.
to adapt, to adjust
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten passt sie sich an und gibt nicht auf.
Tips: The verb anpassen is used to express the action of adapting or adjusting to a new situation, environment, or condition. It can refer to physical adjustments as well as mental or emotional adaptation. It is a useful verb for discussing flexibility and resilience.
It is important to adapt flexibly when working in a new environment.
to adapt, to adjust
Es ist wichtig, sich flexibel anzupassen, wenn man in einem neuen Umfeld arbeitet.
Tips: The verb anpassen is used to express the action of adapting or adjusting to a new situation, environment, or condition. It can refer to physical adjustments as well as mental or emotional adaptation. It is a useful verb for discussing flexibility and resilience.
Please do not touch the painting. It is very delicate.
to touch
Bitte berühren Sie das Gemälde nicht. Es ist sehr empfindlich.
Tips: The verb berühren is used to express the action of physically touching something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, from gentle touches to accidental contact. It is a common verb in German and is essential for describing physical interactions.
Similar: anfassen (to touch, to handle), tasten (to feel, to grope)
He touched her hand gently to comfort her.
to touch
Er berührte sanft ihre Hand, um sie zu trösten.
Tips: The verb berühren is used to express the action of physically touching something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, from gentle touches to accidental contact. It is a common verb in German and is essential for describing physical interactions.
Similar: anfassen (to touch, to handle), tasten (to feel, to grope)
She touched the top of the mountain before turning back.
to touch
Sie hat die Spitze des Berges berührt, bevor sie umkehrte.
Tips: The verb berühren is used to express the action of physically touching something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, from gentle touches to accidental contact. It is a common verb in German and is essential for describing physical interactions.
Similar: anfassen (to touch, to handle), tasten (to feel, to grope)
Although he doesn’t like the cat, he touches her to feed her.
to touch
Obwohl er die Katze nicht mag, berührt er sie, um sie zu füttern.
Tips: The verb berühren is used to express the action of physically touching something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, from gentle touches to accidental contact. It is a common verb in German and is essential for describing physical interactions.
Similar: anfassen (to touch, to handle), tasten (to feel, to grope)
The music touched my heart.
to touch
Die Musik hat mein Herz berührt.
Tips: The verb berühren is used to express the action of physically touching something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, from gentle touches to accidental contact. It is a common verb in German and is essential for describing physical interactions.
Similar: anfassen (to touch, to handle), tasten (to feel, to grope)
I clean the house every Saturday to keep it tidy.
to clean
Ich reinige das Haus jeden Samstag, um es sauber zu halten.
Tips: The verb reinigen is used to express the action of cleaning. It can refer to cleaning various things such as the house, car, or objects. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
She cleaned the car thoroughly before selling it.
to clean
Sie reinigte das Auto gründlich, bevor sie es verkaufte.
Tips: The verb reinigen is used to express the action of cleaning. It can refer to cleaning various things such as the house, car, or objects. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
He cleaned the dishes before putting them in the cupboard.
to clean
Er hat das Geschirr gereinigt, bevor er es in den Schrank gestellt hat.
Tips: The verb reinigen is used to express the action of cleaning. It can refer to cleaning various things such as the house, car, or objects. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Nevertheless, she regularly cleans the bathroom, even though nobody sees it.
to clean
Trotzdem reinigt sie regelmäßig das Badezimmer, obwohl es niemand sieht.
Tips: The verb reinigen is used to express the action of cleaning. It can refer to cleaning various things such as the house, car, or objects. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
If you don’t clean the clothes properly, they can get damaged.
to clean
Wenn du die Kleidung nicht richtig reinigst, kann sie beschädigt werden.
Tips: The verb reinigen is used to express the action of cleaning. It can refer to cleaning various things such as the house, car, or objects. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
He has a technical education.
Er hat eine technische Ausbildung.
Tips: The adjective technisch is used to describe anything related to technology, engineering, or technical aspects. It is commonly used in professional and academic contexts, as well as in everyday conversations when referring to technical matters.
Similar: fachlich (professional, specialized), wissenschaftlich (scientific)
The technical problems were quickly solved.
Die technischen Probleme wurden schnell gelöst.
Tips: The adjective technisch is used to describe anything related to technology, engineering, or technical aspects. It is commonly used in professional and academic contexts, as well as in everyday conversations when referring to technical matters.
Similar: fachlich (professional, specialized), wissenschaftlich (scientific)
She is a technical expert in this field.
Sie ist eine technische Expertin auf diesem Gebiet.
Tips: The adjective technisch is used to describe anything related to technology, engineering, or technical aspects. It is commonly used in professional and academic contexts, as well as in everyday conversations when referring to technical matters.
Similar: fachlich (professional, specialized), wissenschaftlich (scientific)
The company provides technical support for its customers.
Die Firma bietet technische Unterstützung für ihre Kunden.
Tips: The adjective technisch is used to describe anything related to technology, engineering, or technical aspects. It is commonly used in professional and academic contexts, as well as in everyday conversations when referring to technical matters.
Similar: fachlich (professional, specialized), wissenschaftlich (scientific)
Technology has changed our lives in many ways.
Die Technologie hat unser Leben in vielerlei Hinsicht verändert.
Tips: The noun Technologie refers to the entire body of knowledge and techniques used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, from engineering and computer science to biotechnology and environmental technology.
Engineers are constantly working on new technologies.
Ingenieure arbeiten ständig an neuen Technologien.
Tips: The noun Technologie refers to the entire body of knowledge and techniques used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, from engineering and computer science to biotechnology and environmental technology.
The development of technology has led to global networking.
Die Entwicklung der Technologie hat zu einer globalen Vernetzung geführt.
Tips: The noun Technologie refers to the entire body of knowledge and techniques used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, from engineering and computer science to biotechnology and environmental technology.
Despite the advantages of modern technology, there are also challenges.
Trotz der Vorteile der modernen Technologie gibt es auch Herausforderungen.
Tips: The noun Technologie refers to the entire body of knowledge and techniques used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, from engineering and computer science to biotechnology and environmental technology.
The technologies of the future will continue to influence our lives.
Die Technologien der Zukunft werden unser Leben weiter beeinflussen.
Tips: The noun Technologie refers to the entire body of knowledge and techniques used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, from engineering and computer science to biotechnology and environmental technology.
He is a smart man and always has good ideas.
smart, clever, intelligent
Er ist ein kluger Mann und hat immer gute Ideen.
Tips: The adjective ‘klug’ is used to describe someone who is intelligent, clever, or has good ideas. It can be used to compliment someone’s intellect or problem-solving abilities.
Similar: intelligent, clever, scharfsinnig (astute)
She is a smart businesswoman and always makes smart decisions.
smart, clever, intelligent
Sie ist eine kluge Geschäftsfrau und trifft immer kluge Entscheidungen.
Tips: The adjective ‘klug’ is used to describe someone who is intelligent, clever, or has good ideas. It can be used to compliment someone’s intellect or problem-solving abilities.
Similar: intelligent, clever, scharfsinnig (astute)
The students asked smart questions during the lecture.
smart, clever, intelligent
Die Studenten stellten kluge Fragen während des Vortrags.
Tips: The adjective ‘klug’ is used to describe someone who is intelligent, clever, or has good ideas. It can be used to compliment someone’s intellect or problem-solving abilities.
Similar: intelligent, clever, scharfsinnig (astute)
She turns the apartment into a cozy place.
to make into
Sie macht die Wohnung zu einem gemütlichen Ort.
Tips: The expression machen zu is used to convey the action of transforming or turning something into something else. It is often used to describe the process of making something out of ordinary elements into something remarkable or special.
Similar: verwandeln (to transform), umgestalten (to redesign, to reshape)
He turned the old car into a real gem.
to make into
Er machte das alte Auto zu einem echten Schmuckstück.
Tips: The expression machen zu is used to convey the action of transforming or turning something into something else. It is often used to describe the process of making something out of ordinary elements into something remarkable or special.
Similar: verwandeln (to transform), umgestalten (to redesign, to reshape)
She has turned the garden into a blooming paradise.
to make into
Sie hat den Garten zu einem blühenden Paradies gemacht.
Tips: The expression machen zu is used to convey the action of transforming or turning something into something else. It is often used to describe the process of making something out of ordinary elements into something remarkable or special.
Similar: verwandeln (to transform), umgestalten (to redesign, to reshape)
He turns the simplest ingredients into a delicious dish.
to make into
Er macht aus den einfachsten Zutaten ein köstliches Gericht zu.
Tips: The expression machen zu is used to convey the action of transforming or turning something into something else. It is often used to describe the process of making something out of ordinary elements into something remarkable or special.
Similar: verwandeln (to transform), umgestalten (to redesign, to reshape)
She has turned the drab wall into a piece of art.
to make into
Sie hat die triste Wand zu einem Kunstwerk gemacht.
Tips: The expression machen zu is used to convey the action of transforming or turning something into something else. It is often used to describe the process of making something out of ordinary elements into something remarkable or special.
Similar: verwandeln (to transform), umgestalten (to redesign, to reshape)
The alarm system was set before we left the house.
alarm system
Die Alarmanlage wurde scharf gestellt, bevor wir das Haus verlassen haben.
Tips: The term ‘Alarmanlage’ refers to a security system designed to detect intrusion, unauthorized entry, or any form of security breach. It is commonly used in the context of home security, business security, and vehicle security.
The alarm system went off due to a false alarm.
alarm system
Die Alarmanlage hat wegen eines Fehlalarms ausgelöst.
Tips: The term ‘Alarmanlage’ refers to a security system designed to detect intrusion, unauthorized entry, or any form of security breach. It is commonly used in the context of home security, business security, and vehicle security.
It is important to have a reliable alarm system to protect the house.
alarm system
Es ist wichtig, eine zuverlässige Alarmanlage zu haben, um das Haus zu schützen.
Tips: The term ‘Alarmanlage’ refers to a security system designed to detect intrusion, unauthorized entry, or any form of security breach. It is commonly used in the context of home security, business security, and vehicle security.
The break-in into her house has frightened her a lot.
break-in, burglary
Der Einbruch in ihr Haus hat sie sehr verängstigt.
Tips: The noun Einbruch refers to the act of breaking into a building or property with the intent to commit a crime, usually theft. It is commonly used in the context of criminal activities and police reports.
Similar: Diebstahl (theft), Einbruchdiebstahl (burglary)
Despite the alarm, there was a break-in into the store.
break-in, burglary
Trotz des Alarms gab es einen Einbruch in das Geschäft.
Tips: The noun Einbruch refers to the act of breaking into a building or property with the intent to commit a crime, usually theft. It is commonly used in the context of criminal activities and police reports.
Similar: Diebstahl (theft), Einbruchdiebstahl (burglary)
The police are investigating the burglary and looking for clues.
break-in, burglary
Die Polizei untersucht den Einbruch und sucht nach Spuren.
Tips: The noun Einbruch refers to the act of breaking into a building or property with the intent to commit a crime, usually theft. It is commonly used in the context of criminal activities and police reports.
Similar: Diebstahl (theft), Einbruchdiebstahl (burglary)
This is a safe place where one can relax.
safe, secure
Das ist ein sicherer Ort, an dem man sich entspannen kann.
Tips: The adjective sicher is used to describe something as safe, secure, or certain. It can refer to physical safety, emotional security, or the certainty of a fact. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: geborgen (secure, sheltered), fest (firm, secure)
She is sure that she took the right way.
safe, secure
Sie ist sichere, dass sie den richtigen Weg genommen hat.
Tips: The adjective sicher is used to describe something as safe, secure, or certain. It can refer to physical safety, emotional security, or the certainty of a fact. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: geborgen (secure, sheltered), fest (firm, secure)
The children arrived home safely.
safe, secure
Die Kinder sind sicher zu Hause angekommen.
Tips: The adjective sicher is used to describe something as safe, secure, or certain. It can refer to physical safety, emotional security, or the certainty of a fact. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: geborgen (secure, sheltered), fest (firm, secure)
He has solid evidence for his claim.
safe, secure
Er hat sichere Beweise für seine Behauptung.
Tips: The adjective sicher is used to describe something as safe, secure, or certain. It can refer to physical safety, emotional security, or the certainty of a fact. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: geborgen (secure, sheltered), fest (firm, secure)
Nevertheless, she did not feel safe in this environment.
safe, secure
Trotzdem fühlte sie sich nicht sicher in dieser Umgebung.
Tips: The adjective sicher is used to describe something as safe, secure, or certain. It can refer to physical safety, emotional security, or the certainty of a fact. It is a versatile word that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
Similar: geborgen (secure, sheltered), fest (firm, secure)
The new building of the hospital will be completed next year.
new building
Der Neubau des Krankenhauses wird im nächsten Jahr abgeschlossen sein.
Tips: The noun Neubau refers to a newly constructed building or a construction project. It is commonly used in the context of urban development, architecture, and real estate. It can also refer to the process of constructing new buildings in a specific area.
In the city, there are many new buildings that change the cityscape.
new building
In der Stadt gibt es viele Neubauten, die das Stadtbild verändern.
Tips: The noun Neubau refers to a newly constructed building or a construction project. It is commonly used in the context of urban development, architecture, and real estate. It can also refer to the process of constructing new buildings in a specific area.
The front door is frozen shut this morning.
front door
Die Haustür ist heute morgen zugefroren.
Tips: The word Haustür refers to the main entrance door of a building, typically a house or an apartment. It is a common term used in everyday conversation and is essential for describing the entrance to a home or a building.
Please knock on the front door when you arrive.
front door
Klopf bitte an die Haustür, wenn du ankommen.
Tips: The word Haustür refers to the main entrance door of a building, typically a house or an apartment. It is a common term used in everyday conversation and is essential for describing the entrance to a home or a building.
The key was left inside, so I couldn’t open the front door.
front door
Der Schlüssel steckte von innen, deshalb konnte ich die Haustür nicht öffnen.
Tips: The word Haustür refers to the main entrance door of a building, typically a house or an apartment. It is a common term used in everyday conversation and is essential for describing the entrance to a home or a building.
The detective found fingerprints at the crime scene.
Der Detektiv fand Fingerabdrücke am Tatort.
Tips: The word ‘Fingerabdruck’ refers to the unique impression left by the ridges on the skin of a finger. It is commonly used in forensic investigations, security systems, and biometric technology. The plural form is ‘die Fingerabdrücke’.
Every person has unique fingerprints.
Jeder Mensch hat einzigartige Fingerabdrücke.
Tips: The word ‘Fingerabdruck’ refers to the unique impression left by the ridges on the skin of a finger. It is commonly used in forensic investigations, security systems, and biometric technology. The plural form is ‘die Fingerabdrücke’.
The identity of the perpetrator was confirmed by his fingerprints.
Die Identität des Täters wurde durch seine Fingerabdrücke bestätigt.
Tips: The word ‘Fingerabdruck’ refers to the unique impression left by the ridges on the skin of a finger. It is commonly used in forensic investigations, security systems, and biometric technology. The plural form is ‘die Fingerabdrücke’.
Can you record the conversation so we can listen to it later?
to record, to pick up, to include
Kannst du das Gespräch aufnehmen, damit wir es später anhören können?
Tips: The verb aufnehmen has multiple meanings, such as ‘to record’ in the context of audio or video, ‘to pick up’ in the sense of lifting or collecting something, and ‘to include’ in the sense of adding something to a group or list. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: einschließen (to include, to enclose), erfassen (to capture, to grasp)
The rescue helicopter quickly picked up the injured person.
to record, to pick up, to include
Der Rettungshubschrauber nahm den Verletzten schnell auf.
Tips: The verb aufnehmen has multiple meanings, such as ‘to record’ in the context of audio or video, ‘to pick up’ in the sense of lifting or collecting something, and ‘to include’ in the sense of adding something to a group or list. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: einschließen (to include, to enclose), erfassen (to capture, to grasp)
The list has included all the important information.
to record, to pick up, to include
Die Liste hat alle wichtigen Informationen aufgenommen.
Tips: The verb aufnehmen has multiple meanings, such as ‘to record’ in the context of audio or video, ‘to pick up’ in the sense of lifting or collecting something, and ‘to include’ in the sense of adding something to a group or list. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: einschließen (to include, to enclose), erfassen (to capture, to grasp)
Despite the rain, they started the hike.
to record, to pick up, to include
Trotz des Regens nahmen sie die Wanderung auf.
Tips: The verb aufnehmen has multiple meanings, such as ‘to record’ in the context of audio or video, ‘to pick up’ in the sense of lifting or collecting something, and ‘to include’ in the sense of adding something to a group or list. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: einschließen (to include, to enclose), erfassen (to capture, to grasp)
She quickly picked up the new language.
to record, to pick up, to include
Sie hat die neue Sprache schnell aufgenommen.
Tips: The verb aufnehmen has multiple meanings, such as ‘to record’ in the context of audio or video, ‘to pick up’ in the sense of lifting or collecting something, and ‘to include’ in the sense of adding something to a group or list. It’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the specific meaning.
Similar: einschließen (to include, to enclose), erfassen (to capture, to grasp)
They can sing and dance simultaneously.
simultaneously, at the same time
Sie können singen und tanzen gleichzeitig.
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It is a useful word to express simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous, concurrent), parallel (parallel)
He is working on two projects at the same time.
simultaneously, at the same time
Er arbeitet gleichzeitig an zwei Projekten.
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It is a useful word to express simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous, concurrent), parallel (parallel)
They were speaking at the same time and were interrupting each other.
simultaneously, at the same time
Sie sprachen gleichzeitig und störten sich gegenseitig.
Tips: The adverb gleichzeitig is used to indicate that two or more actions or events are happening at the same time. It is a useful word to express simultaneous activities or occurrences.
Similar: zeitgleich (simultaneous, concurrent), parallel (parallel)
My daily routine starts at 7 o’clock in the morning with breakfast.
daily routine
Mein Tagesablauf beginnt um 7 Uhr morgens mit dem Frühstück.
Tips: The term Tagesablauf refers to the sequence of activities and tasks that make up a person’s daily routine. It is a common term used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing schedules, time management, and daily habits.
A student’s daily routine usually includes classes, homework, and leisure activities.
daily routine
Der Tagesablauf eines Schülers beinhaltet normalerweise Unterricht, Hausaufgaben und Freizeitaktivitäten.
Tips: The term Tagesablauf refers to the sequence of activities and tasks that make up a person’s daily routine. It is a common term used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing schedules, time management, and daily habits.
Despite the hectic daily routine, I try to find time for relaxation every day.
daily routine
Trotz des hektischen Tagesablaufs versuche ich, jeden Tag Zeit für Entspannung zu finden.
Tips: The term Tagesablauf refers to the sequence of activities and tasks that make up a person’s daily routine. It is a common term used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing schedules, time management, and daily habits.
The daily routine can vary greatly depending on personal commitments and activities.
daily routine
Der Tagesablauf kann sich je nach den persönlichen Verpflichtungen und Aktivitäten stark unterscheiden.
Tips: The term Tagesablauf refers to the sequence of activities and tasks that make up a person’s daily routine. It is a common term used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing schedules, time management, and daily habits.
A structured daily routine can help to be more productive and reduce stress.
daily routine
Ein strukturierter Tagesablauf kann dazu beitragen, produktiver zu sein und Stress zu reduzieren.
Tips: The term Tagesablauf refers to the sequence of activities and tasks that make up a person’s daily routine. It is a common term used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing schedules, time management, and daily habits.
The advertising on television can sometimes be very creative.
Die Werbung im Fernsehen kann manchmal sehr kreativ sein.
Tips: The noun Werbung refers to advertising in general, including commercials, online ads, and promotional content. It is a common word used in everyday conversations and media contexts.
Similar: Anzeige (advertisement), Reklame (advertising)
Despite the many advertisements on the internet, I rarely click on them.
Trotz der vielen Werbungen im Internet, klicke ich selten darauf.
Tips: The noun Werbung refers to advertising in general, including commercials, online ads, and promotional content. It is a common word used in everyday conversations and media contexts.
Similar: Anzeige (advertisement), Reklame (advertising)
The advertising for the new product was very effective.
Die Werbung für das neue Produkt war sehr effektiv.
Tips: The noun Werbung refers to advertising in general, including commercials, online ads, and promotional content. It is a common word used in everyday conversations and media contexts.
Similar: Anzeige (advertisement), Reklame (advertising)
I enjoy watching the funny commercials at the cinema.
Ich schaue mir gerne die lustigen Werbungen im Kino an.
Tips: The noun Werbung refers to advertising in general, including commercials, online ads, and promotional content. It is a common word used in everyday conversations and media contexts.
Similar: Anzeige (advertisement), Reklame (advertising)
Every Saturday, I come to the market at 10 o’clock.
to come to the market
Jeden Samstag komme ich um 10 Uhr auf den Markt.
Tips: The phrase auf den Markt kommen is used to express the action of arriving or coming to the market. It is a common expression when discussing shopping, buying fresh produce, or visiting local markets.
Similar: zum Markt gehen (to go to the market), den Markt besuchen (to visit the market)
Yesterday, she arrived late at the market, and many products were already sold out.
to come to the market
Gestern kam sie zu spät auf den Markt, und viele Produkte waren schon ausverkauft.
Tips: The phrase auf den Markt kommen is used to express the action of arriving or coming to the market. It is a common expression when discussing shopping, buying fresh produce, or visiting local markets.
Similar: zum Markt gehen (to go to the market), den Markt besuchen (to visit the market)
She came to the market early this morning to buy fresh vegetables.
to come to the market
Sie ist heute Morgen früh auf den Markt gekommen, um frisches Gemüse zu kaufen.
Tips: The phrase auf den Markt kommen is used to express the action of arriving or coming to the market. It is a common expression when discussing shopping, buying fresh produce, or visiting local markets.
Similar: zum Markt gehen (to go to the market), den Markt besuchen (to visit the market)
Despite the rain, many people come to the market to do their shopping.
to come to the market
Obwohl es regnet, kommen viele Leute auf den Markt, um ihre Einkäufe zu erledigen.
Tips: The phrase auf den Markt kommen is used to express the action of arriving or coming to the market. It is a common expression when discussing shopping, buying fresh produce, or visiting local markets.
Similar: zum Markt gehen (to go to the market), den Markt besuchen (to visit the market)
If you want fresh bread, you have to come to the market early.
to come to the market
Wenn du frisches Brot möchtest, musst du früh auf den Markt kommen.
Tips: The phrase auf den Markt kommen is used to express the action of arriving or coming to the market. It is a common expression when discussing shopping, buying fresh produce, or visiting local markets.
Similar: zum Markt gehen (to go to the market), den Markt besuchen (to visit the market)
His behavior in school is exemplary.
behavior, conduct
Sein Verhalten in der Schule ist vorbildlich.
Tips: The noun Verhalten refers to the way someone behaves or conducts themselves. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing personal behavior, animal behavior, or societal conduct. It’s important to note that Verhalten is a neutral term and can be used in formal and informal settings.
Similar: die Haltung (attitude, posture), das Benehmen (behavior, manners)
The behavior of the animals changes depending on the season.
behavior, conduct
Das Verhalten der Tiere ändert sich je nach Jahreszeit.
Tips: The noun Verhalten refers to the way someone behaves or conducts themselves. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing personal behavior, animal behavior, or societal conduct. It’s important to note that Verhalten is a neutral term and can be used in formal and informal settings.
Similar: die Haltung (attitude, posture), das Benehmen (behavior, manners)
Despite her bad behavior, she deserves a second chance.
behavior, conduct
Trotz ihres schlechten Verhaltens hat sie eine zweite Chance verdient.
Tips: The noun Verhalten refers to the way someone behaves or conducts themselves. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing personal behavior, animal behavior, or societal conduct. It’s important to note that Verhalten is a neutral term and can be used in formal and informal settings.
Similar: die Haltung (attitude, posture), das Benehmen (behavior, manners)
The behavior towards older people should be respectful.
behavior, conduct
Das Verhalten gegenüber älteren Menschen sollte respektvoll sein.
Tips: The noun Verhalten refers to the way someone behaves or conducts themselves. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing personal behavior, animal behavior, or societal conduct. It’s important to note that Verhalten is a neutral term and can be used in formal and informal settings.
Similar: die Haltung (attitude, posture), das Benehmen (behavior, manners)
Her conduct was thoughtless and selfish.
behavior, conduct
Ihr Verhalten war rücksichtslos und egoistisch.
Tips: The noun Verhalten refers to the way someone behaves or conducts themselves. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing personal behavior, animal behavior, or societal conduct. It’s important to note that Verhalten is a neutral term and can be used in formal and informal settings.
Similar: die Haltung (attitude, posture), das Benehmen (behavior, manners)
The company’s slogan is: ‘Quality that convinces.’
Der Slogan der Firma lautet: ‘Qualität, die überzeugt.’
Tips: The word ‘Slogan’ is used in German to refer to a distinctive motto or phrase used in advertising or as a representation of a concept. It’s commonly used in marketing and branding contexts.
A good slogan can strengthen a brand’s image.
Ein guter Slogan kann das Image einer Marke stärken.
Tips: The word ‘Slogan’ is used in German to refer to a distinctive motto or phrase used in advertising or as a representation of a concept. It’s commonly used in marketing and branding contexts.
The product’s slogan was concise and easy to remember.
Der Slogan des Produkts war prägnant und leicht zu merken.
Tips: The word ‘Slogan’ is used in German to refer to a distinctive motto or phrase used in advertising or as a representation of a concept. It’s commonly used in marketing and branding contexts.
I will address her at the party tomorrow.
to address, to speak to
Ich spreche sie morgen auf der Party an.
Tips: The verb ansprechen is used to express the action of addressing or speaking to someone about a specific topic. It can be used in formal or informal contexts, and it’s important to pay attention to the prepositions used with this verb, as they can change the meaning.
Similar: anschneiden (to touch upon, to mention), erwähnen (to mention)
He brought up the delicate topic.
to address, to speak to
Er sprach das heikle Thema an.
Tips: The verb ansprechen is used to express the action of addressing or speaking to someone about a specific topic. It can be used in formal or informal contexts, and it’s important to pay attention to the prepositions used with this verb, as they can change the meaning.
Similar: anschneiden (to touch upon, to mention), erwähnen (to mention)
She addressed him about his mistakes.
to address, to speak to
Sie hat ihn auf seine Fehler angesprochen.
Tips: The verb ansprechen is used to express the action of addressing or speaking to someone about a specific topic. It can be used in formal or informal contexts, and it’s important to pay attention to the prepositions used with this verb, as they can change the meaning.
Similar: anschneiden (to touch upon, to mention), erwähnen (to mention)
Nevertheless, he did not address the issue.
to address, to speak to
Trotzdem sprach er das Problem nicht an.
Tips: The verb ansprechen is used to express the action of addressing or speaking to someone about a specific topic. It can be used in formal or informal contexts, and it’s important to pay attention to the prepositions used with this verb, as they can change the meaning.
Similar: anschneiden (to touch upon, to mention), erwähnen (to mention)
If you have a problem, you should address it.
to address, to speak to
Wenn du ein Problem hast, solltest du es ansprechen.
Tips: The verb ansprechen is used to express the action of addressing or speaking to someone about a specific topic. It can be used in formal or informal contexts, and it’s important to pay attention to the prepositions used with this verb, as they can change the meaning.
Similar: anschneiden (to touch upon, to mention), erwähnen (to mention)
In our household, there are many electronic devices.
devices, equipment
In unserem Haushalt gibt es viele elektronische Geräte.
Tips: The word Geräte refers to devices or equipment, and it is used in both professional and everyday contexts. It is important to note that Geräte is a plural noun, so it is always used with plural articles and adjectives.
The equipment needs to be regularly maintained to extend its lifespan.
devices, equipment
Die Geräte müssen regelmäßig gewartet werden, um ihre Lebensdauer zu verlängern.
Tips: The word Geräte refers to devices or equipment, and it is used in both professional and everyday contexts. It is important to note that Geräte is a plural noun, so it is always used with plural articles and adjectives.
The photographer’s equipment was of high quality.
devices, equipment
Die Geräte des Fotografen waren von hoher Qualität.
Tips: The word Geräte refers to devices or equipment, and it is used in both professional and everyday contexts. It is important to note that Geräte is a plural noun, so it is always used with plural articles and adjectives.
Nevertheless, the devices do not always function perfectly.
devices, equipment
Trotzdem funktionieren die Geräte nicht immer einwandfrei.
Tips: The word Geräte refers to devices or equipment, and it is used in both professional and everyday contexts. It is important to note that Geräte is a plural noun, so it is always used with plural articles and adjectives.
If the devices are not being used, they should be turned off.
devices, equipment
Wenn die Geräte nicht benutzt werden, sollten sie ausgeschaltet werden.
Tips: The word Geräte refers to devices or equipment, and it is used in both professional and everyday contexts. It is important to note that Geräte is a plural noun, so it is always used with plural articles and adjectives.
Car accessories include things like car wash systems, spare parts, and interior accessories.
accessories / equipment
Das Autozubehör umfasst Dinge wie Autowaschanlagen, Ersatzteile und Zubehör für den Innenraum.
Tips: The word Zubehör refers to accessories or equipment that accompanies or complements a main device or object. It can be used in various contexts, such as automotive, photography, or technology. It is a common term in everyday German and is essential for describing additional components or add-ons.
There is a wide range of accessories available for the camera, such as lenses, flash units, and tripods.
accessories / equipment
Für die Kamera gibt es zahlreiches Zubehör, wie Objektive, Blitzgeräte und Stative.
Tips: The word Zubehör refers to accessories or equipment that accompanies or complements a main device or object. It can be used in various contexts, such as automotive, photography, or technology. It is a common term in everyday German and is essential for describing additional components or add-ons.
The computer accessories, such as mouse, keyboard, and monitor, are essential for work.
accessories / equipment
Das Zubehör für den Computer, wie Maus, Tastatur und Bildschirm, ist unerlässlich für die Arbeit.
Tips: The word Zubehör refers to accessories or equipment that accompanies or complements a main device or object. It can be used in various contexts, such as automotive, photography, or technology. It is a common term in everyday German and is essential for describing additional components or add-ons.
The vacuum cleaner is an indispensable device for cleaning the house.
vacuum cleaner
Der Staubsauger ist ein unverzichtbares Gerät für die Reinigung des Hauses.
Tips: The word Staubsauger is a compound noun formed by the combination of ‘Staub’ (dust) and ‘saugen’ (to suck). It is used to refer to the household appliance used for cleaning floors by suction. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations and is essential for describing household chores.
Can you please use the vacuum cleaner to vacuum the living room?
vacuum cleaner
Kannst du bitte den Staubsauger benutzen, um das Wohnzimmer zu saugen?
Tips: The word Staubsauger is a compound noun formed by the combination of ‘Staub’ (dust) and ‘saugen’ (to suck). It is used to refer to the household appliance used for cleaning floors by suction. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations and is essential for describing household chores.
The vacuum cleaner has a powerful motor that efficiently sucks up dust and dirt.
vacuum cleaner
Der Staubsauger hat einen leistungsstarken Motor, der effizient Staub und Schmutz aufsaugt.
Tips: The word Staubsauger is a compound noun formed by the combination of ‘Staub’ (dust) and ‘saugen’ (to suck). It is used to refer to the household appliance used for cleaning floors by suction. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations and is essential for describing household chores.
The washing machine is broken, therefore we have to wash the laundry by hand.
washing machine
Die Waschmaschine ist kaputt, deshalb müssen wir die Wäsche von Hand waschen.
Tips: The word Waschmaschine is used to refer to the household appliance used for washing clothes. It is a common word in everyday German and is essential for describing domestic chores and routines.
In the new apartment, there is a modern washing machine.
washing machine
In der neuen Wohnung gibt es eine moderne Waschmaschine.
Tips: The word Waschmaschine is used to refer to the household appliance used for washing clothes. It is a common word in everyday German and is essential for describing domestic chores and routines.
The washing machines are located in the basement of the building.
washing machine
Die Waschmaschinen stehen im Keller des Hauses.
Tips: The word Waschmaschine is used to refer to the household appliance used for washing clothes. It is a common word in everyday German and is essential for describing domestic chores and routines.
I use my headphones to listen to music without disturbing others.
Ich benutze meine Kopfhörer, um Musik zu hören, ohne andere zu stören.
Tips: The word Kopfhörer refers to the device used for listening to audio privately. It is a compound noun, formed by the words ‘Kopf’ (head) and ‘Hörer’ (listener). When using Kopfhörer, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and plural forms, as well as the correct article (‘der’ for singular, ‘die’ for plural).
The new headphones have excellent sound quality.
Die neuen Kopfhörer haben eine ausgezeichnete Klangqualität.
Tips: The word Kopfhörer refers to the device used for listening to audio privately. It is a compound noun, formed by the words ‘Kopf’ (head) and ‘Hörer’ (listener). When using Kopfhörer, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and plural forms, as well as the correct article (‘der’ for singular, ‘die’ for plural).
He forgot his headphones and therefore can’t listen to music.
Er hat seine Kopfhörer vergessen und kann deshalb nicht Musik hören.
Tips: The word Kopfhörer refers to the device used for listening to audio privately. It is a compound noun, formed by the words ‘Kopf’ (head) and ‘Hörer’ (listener). When using Kopfhörer, it’s important to pay attention to the gender and plural forms, as well as the correct article (‘der’ for singular, ‘die’ for plural).
My power bank is very practical when my phone battery is empty.
power bank
Meine Powerbank ist sehr praktisch, wenn mein Handyakku leer ist.
The power bank is a useful device for charging electronic devices on the go.
power bank
Die Powerbank ist ein nützliches Gerät, um elektronische Geräte unterwegs aufzuladen.
The button on my jacket has fallen off.
Der Knopf an meiner Jacke ist abgefallen.
Tips: The word Knopf refers to a button, typically used in the context of clothing, technology, or machinery. It can also be used metaphorically, for example, ‘einen Knopf drücken’ (to push a button) can mean to take a decisive action.
She likes to sew colorful buttons onto her clothes.
Sie näht gerne bunte Knöpfe an ihre Kleidung.
Tips: The word Knopf refers to a button, typically used in the context of clothing, technology, or machinery. It can also be used metaphorically, for example, ‘einen Knopf drücken’ (to push a button) can mean to take a decisive action.
I pressed the red button, but nothing happened.
Ich habe den roten Knopf gedrückt, aber nichts ist passiert.
Tips: The word Knopf refers to a button, typically used in the context of clothing, technology, or machinery. It can also be used metaphorically, for example, ‘einen Knopf drücken’ (to push a button) can mean to take a decisive action.
The button on the remote control is too small.
Der Knopf an der Fernbedienung ist zu klein.
Tips: The word Knopf refers to a button, typically used in the context of clothing, technology, or machinery. It can also be used metaphorically, for example, ‘einen Knopf drücken’ (to push a button) can mean to take a decisive action.
The button on the blouse is made of mother-of-pearl.
Der Knopf an der Bluse ist aus Perlmutt.
Tips: The word Knopf refers to a button, typically used in the context of clothing, technology, or machinery. It can also be used metaphorically, for example, ‘einen Knopf drücken’ (to push a button) can mean to take a decisive action.
The taste of the cake is sweet and delicious.
Der Geschmack des Kuchens ist süß und lecker.
Tips: The noun Geschmack refers to the sense of taste or the flavor of something. It can also be used to describe personal preferences or tastes in a broader sense. It’s a common word used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing food, drinks, or personal preferences.
People’s tastes are different.
Die Geschmäcker der Menschen sind unterschiedlich.
Tips: The noun Geschmack refers to the sense of taste or the flavor of something. It can also be used to describe personal preferences or tastes in a broader sense. It’s a common word used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing food, drinks, or personal preferences.
I like the taste of fresh fruits.
Ich mag den Geschmack von frischen Früchten.
Tips: The noun Geschmack refers to the sense of taste or the flavor of something. It can also be used to describe personal preferences or tastes in a broader sense. It’s a common word used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing food, drinks, or personal preferences.
Nevertheless, everyone has their own taste.
Trotzdem hat jeder seinen eigenen Geschmack.
Tips: The noun Geschmack refers to the sense of taste or the flavor of something. It can also be used to describe personal preferences or tastes in a broader sense. It’s a common word used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing food, drinks, or personal preferences.
The taste of coffee is very intense for some people.
Der Geschmack von Kaffee ist für manche sehr intensiv.
Tips: The noun Geschmack refers to the sense of taste or the flavor of something. It can also be used to describe personal preferences or tastes in a broader sense. It’s a common word used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing food, drinks, or personal preferences.
The monitor displays a sharp image.
Der Monitor zeigt ein scharfes Bild an.
Tips: The word Monitor in German refers to the computer screen or display. It is used in both professional and casual contexts. When talking about monitoring in the sense of surveillance or observation, the word ‘Überwachung’ is used.
The monitors in this office are all from the same brand.
Die Monitore in diesem Büro sind alle von derselben Marke.
Tips: The word Monitor in German refers to the computer screen or display. It is used in both professional and casual contexts. When talking about monitoring in the sense of surveillance or observation, the word ‘Überwachung’ is used.
Can you please switch on the light?
to switch on, to turn on
Kannst du bitte das Licht einschalten?
Tips: The verb einschalten is used when referring to turning on or switching on electronic devices, lights, or any kind of equipment. It’s a separable verb, so when using it in a sentence, the prefix ‘ein-‘ is separated and placed at the end of the sentence in imperative, infinitive, and participle forms.
Similar: anschalten (to switch on, to turn on), aufdrehen (to turn up)
Yesterday she didn’t turn on the heating, that’s why it was cold in the apartment.
to switch on, to turn on
Gestern schaltete sie die Heizung nicht ein, deshalb war es kalt in der Wohnung.
Tips: The verb einschalten is used when referring to turning on or switching on electronic devices, lights, or any kind of equipment. It’s a separable verb, so when using it in a sentence, the prefix ‘ein-‘ is separated and placed at the end of the sentence in imperative, infinitive, and participle forms.
Similar: anschalten (to switch on, to turn on), aufdrehen (to turn up)
He turned on the TV to watch the news.
to switch on, to turn on
Er hat den Fernseher eingeschaltet, um die Nachrichten zu sehen.
Tips: The verb einschalten is used when referring to turning on or switching on electronic devices, lights, or any kind of equipment. It’s a separable verb, so when using it in a sentence, the prefix ‘ein-‘ is separated and placed at the end of the sentence in imperative, infinitive, and participle forms.
Similar: anschalten (to switch on, to turn on), aufdrehen (to turn up)
When it gets dark, I always switch on the outdoor lighting.
to switch on, to turn on
Wenn es dunkel wird, schalte ich immer die Außenbeleuchtung ein.
Tips: The verb einschalten is used when referring to turning on or switching on electronic devices, lights, or any kind of equipment. It’s a separable verb, so when using it in a sentence, the prefix ‘ein-‘ is separated and placed at the end of the sentence in imperative, infinitive, and participle forms.
Similar: anschalten (to switch on, to turn on), aufdrehen (to turn up)
I will install the new software on my computer.
to install
Ich werde die neue Software auf meinem Computer installieren.
Tips: The verb installieren is used when referring to the action of setting up or putting in place a system, equipment, or software. It is commonly used in the context of technology, such as installing apps, programs, or devices.
Similar: einrichten (to set up), aufbauen (to build up)
He installed the new lamp in his room yesterday.
to install
Er installierte gestern die neue Lampe in seinem Zimmer.
Tips: The verb installieren is used when referring to the action of setting up or putting in place a system, equipment, or software. It is commonly used in the context of technology, such as installing apps, programs, or devices.
Similar: einrichten (to set up), aufbauen (to build up)
She has already installed the app on her phone.
to install
Sie hat bereits die App auf ihrem Handy installiert.
Tips: The verb installieren is used when referring to the action of setting up or putting in place a system, equipment, or software. It is commonly used in the context of technology, such as installing apps, programs, or devices.
Similar: einrichten (to set up), aufbauen (to build up)
The company is installing the air conditioning units in the offices.
to install
Die Firma installiert die Klimaanlagen in den Büros.
Tips: The verb installieren is used when referring to the action of setting up or putting in place a system, equipment, or software. It is commonly used in the context of technology, such as installing apps, programs, or devices.
Similar: einrichten (to set up), aufbauen (to build up)
After he read the instructions, he installed the software without any problems.
to install
Nachdem er die Anleitung gelesen hatte, installierte er die Software ohne Probleme.
Tips: The verb installieren is used when referring to the action of setting up or putting in place a system, equipment, or software. It is commonly used in the context of technology, such as installing apps, programs, or devices.
Similar: einrichten (to set up), aufbauen (to build up)
I forgot my charging cable at home.
the charging cable
Ich habe mein Ladekabel zu Hause vergessen.
Tips: The word Ladekabel is used to refer to the cable used for charging electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. It’s a common item in the modern world and frequently used in everyday conversations.
Can you lend me your charging cable? My battery is almost empty.
the charging cable
Kannst du mir dein Ladekabel leihen? Mein Akku ist fast leer.
Tips: The word Ladekabel is used to refer to the cable used for charging electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. It’s a common item in the modern world and frequently used in everyday conversations.
The charging cable for my phone is too short.
the charging cable
Das Ladekabel für mein Handy ist zu kurz.
Tips: The word Ladekabel is used to refer to the cable used for charging electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. It’s a common item in the modern world and frequently used in everyday conversations.
I need a new charging cable for my tablet.
the charging cable
Ich brauche ein neues Ladekabel für mein Tablet.
Tips: The word Ladekabel is used to refer to the cable used for charging electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. It’s a common item in the modern world and frequently used in everyday conversations.
Can you please connect the TV? I don’t understand how the cable works.
to connect, to join, to plug in
Kannst du bitte den Fernseher anschließen? Ich verstehe nicht, wie das Kabel funktioniert.
Tips: The verb anschließen is used when referring to connecting or joining things together, such as plugging in electronic devices or joining a discussion. It can also be used in the context of agreeing or aligning with someone’s opinion.
Similar: verbinden (to connect), beteiligen (to participate)
He plugged in his phone to charge it.
to connect, to join, to plug in
Er schloss sein Handy an, um es aufzuladen.
Tips: The verb anschließen is used when referring to connecting or joining things together, such as plugging in electronic devices or joining a discussion. It can also be used in the context of agreeing or aligning with someone’s opinion.
Similar: verbinden (to connect), beteiligen (to participate)
She connected the laptop to the projector to show the presentation.
to connect, to join, to plug in
Sie hat den Laptop an den Projektor angeschlossen, um die Präsentation zu zeigen.
Tips: The verb anschließen is used when referring to connecting or joining things together, such as plugging in electronic devices or joining a discussion. It can also be used in the context of agreeing or aligning with someone’s opinion.
Similar: verbinden (to connect), beteiligen (to participate)
I join the discussion.
to connect, to join, to plug in
Ich schließe mich der Diskussion an.
Tips: The verb anschließen is used when referring to connecting or joining things together, such as plugging in electronic devices or joining a discussion. It can also be used in the context of agreeing or aligning with someone’s opinion.
Similar: verbinden (to connect), beteiligen (to participate)
Nevertheless, he does not agree with his colleagues’ opinion.
to connect, to join, to plug in
Trotzdem schließt er sich nicht der Meinung seiner Kollegen an.
Tips: The verb anschließen is used when referring to connecting or joining things together, such as plugging in electronic devices or joining a discussion. It can also be used in the context of agreeing or aligning with someone’s opinion.
Similar: verbinden (to connect), beteiligen (to participate)
I charge my phone every evening.
to charge (e.g., a battery), to load (e.g., a prepaid card)
Ich lade mein Handy jeden Abend auf.
Tips: The verb aufladen is commonly used when referring to charging electronic devices, such as phones, cameras, or electric vehicles. It can also be used in the context of loading prepaid cards or accounts with credit. It’s a separable verb, so when used in a sentence, the prefix ‘auf-‘ moves to the end of the sentence in the perfect tense or imperative form.
Similar: laden (to load, to charge), auftanken (to refuel)
He loaded the camera so that he can take many photos tomorrow.
to charge (e.g., a battery), to load (e.g., a prepaid card)
Er lud die Kamera auf, damit er morgen viele Fotos machen kann.
Tips: The verb aufladen is commonly used when referring to charging electronic devices, such as phones, cameras, or electric vehicles. It can also be used in the context of loading prepaid cards or accounts with credit. It’s a separable verb, so when used in a sentence, the prefix ‘auf-‘ moves to the end of the sentence in the perfect tense or imperative form.
Similar: laden (to load, to charge), auftanken (to refuel)
She has loaded the music on her MP3 player.
to charge (e.g., a battery), to load (e.g., a prepaid card)
Sie hat die Musik auf ihrem MP3-Player aufgeladen.
Tips: The verb aufladen is commonly used when referring to charging electronic devices, such as phones, cameras, or electric vehicles. It can also be used in the context of loading prepaid cards or accounts with credit. It’s a separable verb, so when used in a sentence, the prefix ‘auf-‘ moves to the end of the sentence in the perfect tense or imperative form.
Similar: laden (to load, to charge), auftanken (to refuel)
I need to top up my prepaid card so that I can make calls.
to charge (e.g., a battery), to load (e.g., a prepaid card)
Ich muss meine Prepaid-Karte aufladen, damit ich telefonieren kann.
Tips: The verb aufladen is commonly used when referring to charging electronic devices, such as phones, cameras, or electric vehicles. It can also be used in the context of loading prepaid cards or accounts with credit. It’s a separable verb, so when used in a sentence, the prefix ‘auf-‘ moves to the end of the sentence in the perfect tense or imperative form.
Similar: laden (to load, to charge), auftanken (to refuel)
He is charging his electric car to make a long trip tomorrow.
to charge (e.g., a battery), to load (e.g., a prepaid card)
Er lädt sein Elektroauto auf, um morgen eine lange Fahrt zu machen.
Tips: The verb aufladen is commonly used when referring to charging electronic devices, such as phones, cameras, or electric vehicles. It can also be used in the context of loading prepaid cards or accounts with credit. It’s a separable verb, so when used in a sentence, the prefix ‘auf-‘ moves to the end of the sentence in the perfect tense or imperative form.
Similar: laden (to load, to charge), auftanken (to refuel)
Can you please load the trunk? We need to transport the boxes.
to load, to charge
Kannst du bitte den Kofferraum laden? Wir müssen die Kisten transportieren.
Tips: The verb laden is used to express the action of loading or charging something, such as a vehicle, a device, or a battery. It is commonly used in the context of transportation, technology, and energy. Pay attention to the context to understand whether it refers to loading or charging.
Similar: entladen (to unload), aufladen (to recharge)
She charged her phone last night, so it’s fully charged now.
to load, to charge
Sie lud ihr Handy gestern Abend auf, deshalb ist es jetzt vollständig geladen.
Tips: The verb laden is used to express the action of loading or charging something, such as a vehicle, a device, or a battery. It is commonly used in the context of transportation, technology, and energy. Pay attention to the context to understand whether it refers to loading or charging.
Similar: entladen (to unload), aufladen (to recharge)
The waiter loads the drinks onto the tray to bring them to the guests.
to load, to charge
Der Kellner lädt die Getränke auf das Tablett, um sie zu den Gästen zu bringen.
Tips: The verb laden is used to express the action of loading or charging something, such as a vehicle, a device, or a battery. It is commonly used in the context of transportation, technology, and energy. Pay attention to the context to understand whether it refers to loading or charging.
Similar: entladen (to unload), aufladen (to recharge)
He charged the battery before using the flashlight.
to load, to charge
Er hat die Batterie geladen, bevor er die Taschenlampe benutzt hat.
Tips: The verb laden is used to express the action of loading or charging something, such as a vehicle, a device, or a battery. It is commonly used in the context of transportation, technology, and energy. Pay attention to the context to understand whether it refers to loading or charging.
Similar: entladen (to unload), aufladen (to recharge)
I’m loading the photos onto my computer so that I have more storage space on my phone.
to load, to charge
Ich lade die Fotos auf meinen Computer, damit ich mehr Speicherplatz auf meinem Handy habe.
Tips: The verb laden is used to express the action of loading or charging something, such as a vehicle, a device, or a battery. It is commonly used in the context of transportation, technology, and energy. Pay attention to the context to understand whether it refers to loading or charging.
Similar: entladen (to unload), aufladen (to recharge)
She is a frugal woman and only spends her money on necessities.
frugal, thrifty
Sie ist eine sparsame Frau und gibt ihr Geld nur für Notwendiges aus.
Tips: The adjective sparsam is used to describe someone or something that is frugal, economical, or thrifty. It is often used to talk about people who are careful with their money or resources. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing financial habits or environmental consciousness.
Similar: ökonomisch (economic), zurückhaltend (restrained)
He drives a fuel-efficient car that consumes little gasoline.
frugal, thrifty
Er fährt ein sparsames Auto, das wenig Benzin verbraucht.
Tips: The adjective sparsam is used to describe someone or something that is frugal, economical, or thrifty. It is often used to talk about people who are careful with their money or resources. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing financial habits or environmental consciousness.
Similar: ökonomisch (economic), zurückhaltend (restrained)
They live frugally in order to save for their future.
frugal, thrifty
Sie leben sparsam, um für ihre Zukunft zu sparen.
Tips: The adjective sparsam is used to describe someone or something that is frugal, economical, or thrifty. It is often used to talk about people who are careful with their money or resources. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing financial habits or environmental consciousness.
Similar: ökonomisch (economic), zurückhaltend (restrained)
He has been thrifty with his resources and has achieved a lot as a result.
frugal, thrifty
Er hat sparsam mit seinen Ressourcen umgegangen und dadurch viel erreicht.
Tips: The adjective sparsam is used to describe someone or something that is frugal, economical, or thrifty. It is often used to talk about people who are careful with their money or resources. This word is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing financial habits or environmental consciousness.
Similar: ökonomisch (economic), zurückhaltend (restrained)
The silent film from the 1920s still fascinates many people.
mute, silent
Der stumme Film aus den 1920er Jahren fasziniert immer noch viele Menschen.
Tips: The adjective ‘stumm’ is used to describe something or someone that is mute or silent. It can refer to a person, an animal, or an object. It’s important to note that ‘stumm’ specifically refers to the inability to speak or make sounds, rather than just being quiet.
Similar: leise (quiet, softly), schweigsam (reticent, reserved)
She stood there silently and couldn’t say a word due to shock.
mute, silent
Sie stand stumm da und konnte vor Schock kein Wort sagen.
Tips: The adjective ‘stumm’ is used to describe something or someone that is mute or silent. It can refer to a person, an animal, or an object. It’s important to note that ‘stumm’ specifically refers to the inability to speak or make sounds, rather than just being quiet.
Similar: leise (quiet, softly), schweigsam (reticent, reserved)
The silent animals in this forest are fascinating.
mute, silent
Die stummen Tiere in diesem Wald sind faszinierend.
Tips: The adjective ‘stumm’ is used to describe something or someone that is mute or silent. It can refer to a person, an animal, or an object. It’s important to note that ‘stumm’ specifically refers to the inability to speak or make sounds, rather than just being quiet.
Similar: leise (quiet, softly), schweigsam (reticent, reserved)
Can you please switch on the light?
to switch, to turn on/off
Kannst du bitte das Licht schalten?
Tips: The verb schalten is used to express the action of switching or turning on/off something, such as lights, devices, or machinery. It is a common verb in everyday situations and is essential for describing actions related to controlling electrical or mechanical systems.
Similar: umstellen (to rearrange, to reposition), wechseln (to change, to switch)
He turned off the heating before leaving the house.
to switch, to turn on/off
Er schaltete die Heizung aus, bevor er das Haus verließ.
Tips: The verb schalten is used to express the action of switching or turning on/off something, such as lights, devices, or machinery. It is a common verb in everyday situations and is essential for describing actions related to controlling electrical or mechanical systems.
Similar: umstellen (to rearrange, to reposition), wechseln (to change, to switch)
She turned on the radio to listen to the news.
to switch, to turn on/off
Sie hat das Radio geschaltet, um die Nachrichten zu hören.
Tips: The verb schalten is used to express the action of switching or turning on/off something, such as lights, devices, or machinery. It is a common verb in everyday situations and is essential for describing actions related to controlling electrical or mechanical systems.
Similar: umstellen (to rearrange, to reposition), wechseln (to change, to switch)
When you start the car, you have to switch the engine on.
to switch, to turn on/off
Wenn du das Auto startest, musst du den Motor schalten.
Tips: The verb schalten is used to express the action of switching or turning on/off something, such as lights, devices, or machinery. It is a common verb in everyday situations and is essential for describing actions related to controlling electrical or mechanical systems.
Similar: umstellen (to rearrange, to reposition), wechseln (to change, to switch)
He switched on the device, but it still doesn’t work.
to switch, to turn on/off
Er hat das Gerät geschaltet, aber es funktioniert immer noch nicht.
Tips: The verb schalten is used to express the action of switching or turning on/off something, such as lights, devices, or machinery. It is a common verb in everyday situations and is essential for describing actions related to controlling electrical or mechanical systems.
Similar: umstellen (to rearrange, to reposition), wechseln (to change, to switch)
She is purchasing a new car because her old one no longer works.
to purchase, to acquire
Sie schafft an ein neues Auto an, da ihr altes nicht mehr funktioniert.
Tips: The verb anschaffen is used to express the action of purchasing or acquiring something. It is commonly used in the context of obtaining goods or items. It can be used for both personal and professional acquisitions.
Similar: kaufen (to buy), erwerben (to acquire)
He has acquired a new camera in order to take better photos.
to purchase, to acquire
Er hat sich eine neue Kamera angeschafft, um bessere Fotos machen zu können.
Tips: The verb anschaffen is used to express the action of purchasing or acquiring something. It is commonly used in the context of obtaining goods or items. It can be used for both personal and professional acquisitions.
Similar: kaufen (to buy), erwerben (to acquire)
We acquired what we needed for the trip.
to purchase, to acquire
Wir schafften an, was wir für die Reise brauchten.
Tips: The verb anschaffen is used to express the action of purchasing or acquiring something. It is commonly used in the context of obtaining goods or items. It can be used for both personal and professional acquisitions.
Similar: kaufen (to buy), erwerben (to acquire)
Although it was expensive, he purchased the painting because he liked it very much.
to purchase, to acquire
Obwohl es teuer war, schaffte er sich das Gemälde an, weil es ihm sehr gefiel.
Tips: The verb anschaffen is used to express the action of purchasing or acquiring something. It is commonly used in the context of obtaining goods or items. It can be used for both personal and professional acquisitions.
Similar: kaufen (to buy), erwerben (to acquire)
She keeps acquiring new books, even though she still has many unread ones at home.
to purchase, to acquire
Sie schafft sich immer wieder neue Bücher an, obwohl sie noch viele ungelesene zu Hause hat.
Tips: The verb anschaffen is used to express the action of purchasing or acquiring something. It is commonly used in the context of obtaining goods or items. It can be used for both personal and professional acquisitions.
Similar: kaufen (to buy), erwerben (to acquire)
I always have my phone with me when I go out.
to have with you
Ich habe immer mein Handy dabei, wenn ich ausgehe.
Tips: The expression dabei haben is used to indicate that someone has something with them. It is commonly used to talk about carrying or having something on hand for a specific purpose or situation.
Similar: mitbringen (to bring along), bei sich haben (to have on oneself)
He had his umbrella with him when it started to rain.
to have with you
Er hatte seinen Regenschirm dabei, als es anfing zu regnen.
Tips: The expression dabei haben is used to indicate that someone has something with them. It is commonly used to talk about carrying or having something on hand for a specific purpose or situation.
Similar: mitbringen (to bring along), bei sich haben (to have on oneself)
She always has some food with her in case she gets hungry.
to have with you
Sie hat immer etwas zu essen dabei, falls sie hungrig wird.
Tips: The expression dabei haben is used to indicate that someone has something with them. It is commonly used to talk about carrying or having something on hand for a specific purpose or situation.
Similar: mitbringen (to bring along), bei sich haben (to have on oneself)
I have my book with me to read during lunch break.
to have with you
Ich habe mein Buch dabei, um es in der Mittagspause zu lesen.
Tips: The expression dabei haben is used to indicate that someone has something with them. It is commonly used to talk about carrying or having something on hand for a specific purpose or situation.
Similar: mitbringen (to bring along), bei sich haben (to have on oneself)
He has his passport with him to travel abroad.
to have with you
Er hat seinen Pass dabei, um ins Ausland zu reisen.
Tips: The expression dabei haben is used to indicate that someone has something with them. It is commonly used to talk about carrying or having something on hand for a specific purpose or situation.
Similar: mitbringen (to bring along), bei sich haben (to have on oneself)
I am repairing my bike because it has a flat tire.
to repair
Ich repariere mein Fahrrad, weil es einen Platten hat.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, vehicles, or appliances. It is a practical and useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: instand setzen (to fix, to restore), wiederherstellen (to restore, to recover)
He repaired the broken lamp and now it works again.
to repair
Er reparierte die kaputte Lampe und jetzt funktioniert sie wieder.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, vehicles, or appliances. It is a practical and useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: instand setzen (to fix, to restore), wiederherstellen (to restore, to recover)
She repaired the car after it broke down.
to repair
Sie hat das Auto repariert, nachdem es eine Panne hatte.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, vehicles, or appliances. It is a practical and useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: instand setzen (to fix, to restore), wiederherstellen (to restore, to recover)
Although he tried to repair it, the TV still doesn’t work.
to repair
Obwohl er es versucht hat zu reparieren, funktioniert der Fernseher immer noch nicht.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, vehicles, or appliances. It is a practical and useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: instand setzen (to fix, to restore), wiederherstellen (to restore, to recover)
He enjoys repairing old furniture and then sells it on.
to repair
Er repariert gerne alte Möbel und verkauft sie dann weiter.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, vehicles, or appliances. It is a practical and useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: instand setzen (to fix, to restore), wiederherstellen (to restore, to recover)
She is returning the defective product in the store.
to complain, to claim, to return
Sie reklamiert das defekte Produkt im Geschäft.
Tips: The verb reklamieren is used to express the action of complaining, claiming, or returning a product due to a defect or unsatisfactory condition. It is commonly used in the context of customer service, retail, and general dissatisfaction with a product or service.
He complained about the poor service at the restaurant.
to complain, to claim, to return
Er reklamierte über den schlechten Service im Restaurant.
Tips: The verb reklamieren is used to express the action of complaining, claiming, or returning a product due to a defect or unsatisfactory condition. It is commonly used in the context of customer service, retail, and general dissatisfaction with a product or service.
I claimed because the delivery was incomplete.
to complain, to claim, to return
Ich habe reklamiert, weil die Lieferung unvollständig war.
Tips: The verb reklamieren is used to express the action of complaining, claiming, or returning a product due to a defect or unsatisfactory condition. It is commonly used in the context of customer service, retail, and general dissatisfaction with a product or service.
Nevertheless, she complained politely and remained calm.
to complain, to claim, to return
Trotzdem reklamierte sie höflich und blieb ruhig.
Tips: The verb reklamieren is used to express the action of complaining, claiming, or returning a product due to a defect or unsatisfactory condition. It is commonly used in the context of customer service, retail, and general dissatisfaction with a product or service.
If the product is defective, you should return it.
to complain, to claim, to return
Wenn das Produkt defekt ist, sollten Sie es reklamieren.
Tips: The verb reklamieren is used to express the action of complaining, claiming, or returning a product due to a defect or unsatisfactory condition. It is commonly used in the context of customer service, retail, and general dissatisfaction with a product or service.
Can I exchange these pants? They don’t fit me properly.
to exchange (something for something else)
Kann ich diese Hose umtauschen? Sie passt mir nicht richtig.
Tips: The verb umtauschen is used when exchanging one item for another, typically due to a defect, incorrect size, or personal preference. It is commonly used in the context of returning or swapping items at a store.
She exchanged the book because it had a misprint.
to exchange (something for something else)
Sie tauschte das Buch um, weil es einen Druckfehler hatte.
Tips: The verb umtauschen is used when exchanging one item for another, typically due to a defect, incorrect size, or personal preference. It is commonly used in the context of returning or swapping items at a store.
I exchanged the shoes because they were too small.
to exchange (something for something else)
Ich habe die Schuhe umgetauscht, weil sie zu klein waren.
Tips: The verb umtauschen is used when exchanging one item for another, typically due to a defect, incorrect size, or personal preference. It is commonly used in the context of returning or swapping items at a store.
He is exchanging the gift because he doesn’t like it.
to exchange (something for something else)
Er tauscht das Geschenk um, weil es ihm nicht gefällt.
Tips: The verb umtauschen is used when exchanging one item for another, typically due to a defect, incorrect size, or personal preference. It is commonly used in the context of returning or swapping items at a store.
Can you please return my book to me?
to return (something)
Kannst du mir bitte mein Buch zurückgeben?
Tips: The verb zurückgeben is used when returning something to its original owner or place. It is commonly used in everyday situations when asking for the return of an item or when describing the action of giving something back.
Similar: zurückbringen (to bring back), zurückkehren (to return, to go back)
She returned to him the money she had borrowed from him.
to return (something)
Sie gab ihm das Geld zurück, das sie ihm geliehen hatte.
Tips: The verb zurückgeben is used when returning something to its original owner or place. It is commonly used in everyday situations when asking for the return of an item or when describing the action of giving something back.
Similar: zurückbringen (to bring back), zurückkehren (to return, to go back)
I returned the books to the library yesterday.
to return (something)
Ich habe die Bücher gestern in der Bibliothek zurückgegeben.
Tips: The verb zurückgeben is used when returning something to its original owner or place. It is commonly used in everyday situations when asking for the return of an item or when describing the action of giving something back.
Similar: zurückbringen (to bring back), zurückkehren (to return, to go back)
Nevertheless, he does not give up hope.
to return (something)
Trotzdem gibt er die Hoffnung nicht zurück.
Tips: The verb zurückgeben is used when returning something to its original owner or place. It is commonly used in everyday situations when asking for the return of an item or when describing the action of giving something back.
Similar: zurückbringen (to bring back), zurückkehren (to return, to go back)
He will return the book to me after he has read it.
to return (something)
Er gibt mir das Buch zurück, wenn er es gelesen hat.
Tips: The verb zurückgeben is used when returning something to its original owner or place. It is commonly used in everyday situations when asking for the return of an item or when describing the action of giving something back.
Similar: zurückbringen (to bring back), zurückkehren (to return, to go back)
The warranty for the car is two years.
guarantee, warranty
Die Garantie für das Auto beträgt zwei Jahre.
Tips: The noun Garantie refers to a guarantee or warranty, often related to the quality or performance of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of consumer rights and legal agreements. When discussing the duration or terms of a guarantee, it’s important to use the appropriate prepositions and verb forms to convey the intended meaning clearly.
Similar: Zusage (commitment), Versprechen (promise)
The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the product.
guarantee, warranty
Der Hersteller gibt eine Garantie auf das Produkt.
Tips: The noun Garantie refers to a guarantee or warranty, often related to the quality or performance of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of consumer rights and legal agreements. When discussing the duration or terms of a guarantee, it’s important to use the appropriate prepositions and verb forms to convey the intended meaning clearly.
Similar: Zusage (commitment), Versprechen (promise)
Despite the warranty, the device could not be repaired.
guarantee, warranty
Trotz der Garantie war das Gerät nicht mehr zu reparieren.
Tips: The noun Garantie refers to a guarantee or warranty, often related to the quality or performance of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of consumer rights and legal agreements. When discussing the duration or terms of a guarantee, it’s important to use the appropriate prepositions and verb forms to convey the intended meaning clearly.
Similar: Zusage (commitment), Versprechen (promise)
The guarantee is only valid if the product has been used properly.
guarantee, warranty
Die Garantie gilt nur, wenn das Produkt sachgemäß verwendet wurde.
Tips: The noun Garantie refers to a guarantee or warranty, often related to the quality or performance of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of consumer rights and legal agreements. When discussing the duration or terms of a guarantee, it’s important to use the appropriate prepositions and verb forms to convey the intended meaning clearly.
Similar: Zusage (commitment), Versprechen (promise)
She returned the dress because it did not meet the guarantee.
guarantee, warranty
Sie hat das Kleid zurückgegeben, weil es nicht der Garantie entsprach.
Tips: The noun Garantie refers to a guarantee or warranty, often related to the quality or performance of a product or service. It is commonly used in the context of consumer rights and legal agreements. When discussing the duration or terms of a guarantee, it’s important to use the appropriate prepositions and verb forms to convey the intended meaning clearly.
Similar: Zusage (commitment), Versprechen (promise)
Can I please get a receipt for the purchase?
Kann ich bitte eine Quittung für den Einkauf bekommen?
Tips: The word Quittung refers to a written acknowledgment of receiving a payment or item. It is commonly used in everyday situations such as shopping, expenses, or financial transactions. When asking for a receipt in German, you can use the phrase ‘Kann ich bitte eine Quittung bekommen?’
Similar: die Rechnung (the bill), das Ticket (the ticket)
He kept the receipts for the expenses to settle them later.
Er bewahrte die Quittungen für die Ausgaben auf, um sie später abzurechnen.
Tips: The word Quittung refers to a written acknowledgment of receiving a payment or item. It is commonly used in everyday situations such as shopping, expenses, or financial transactions. When asking for a receipt in German, you can use the phrase ‘Kann ich bitte eine Quittung bekommen?’
Similar: die Rechnung (the bill), das Ticket (the ticket)
The receipt was the proof of the completed payment transaction.
Die Quittung war der Beweis für den getätigten Zahlungsvorgang.
Tips: The word Quittung refers to a written acknowledgment of receiving a payment or item. It is commonly used in everyday situations such as shopping, expenses, or financial transactions. When asking for a receipt in German, you can use the phrase ‘Kann ich bitte eine Quittung bekommen?’
Similar: die Rechnung (the bill), das Ticket (the ticket)
Even though he had lost the receipt, he was able to make the complaint.
Trotzdem er die Quittung verloren hatte, konnte er die Reklamation durchführen.
Tips: The word Quittung refers to a written acknowledgment of receiving a payment or item. It is commonly used in everyday situations such as shopping, expenses, or financial transactions. When asking for a receipt in German, you can use the phrase ‘Kann ich bitte eine Quittung bekommen?’
Similar: die Rechnung (the bill), das Ticket (the ticket)
My car is breaking down, I have to take it to the workshop.
to break down, to go bad
Mein Auto geht kaputt, ich muss es in die Werkstatt bringen.
Tips: The verb kaputtgehen is used to describe the action of something breaking down or going bad. It is commonly used to refer to the malfunction or spoilage of objects or appliances. It’s a separable verb, where the prefix ‘kaputt-‘ is separated in the past and perfect tenses.
Similar: zerbrechen (to shatter, to break into pieces), verderben (to spoil, to go bad)
The milk has gone bad, it smells strange.
to break down, to go bad
Die Milch ist kaputtgegangen, sie riecht komisch.
Tips: The verb kaputtgehen is used to describe the action of something breaking down or going bad. It is commonly used to refer to the malfunction or spoilage of objects or appliances. It’s a separable verb, where the prefix ‘kaputt-‘ is separated in the past and perfect tenses.
Similar: zerbrechen (to shatter, to break into pieces), verderben (to spoil, to go bad)
Yesterday the TV broke down, so we had to buy a new one.
to break down, to go bad
Gestern ging der Fernseher kaputt, deshalb mussten wir einen neuen kaufen.
Tips: The verb kaputtgehen is used to describe the action of something breaking down or going bad. It is commonly used to refer to the malfunction or spoilage of objects or appliances. It’s a separable verb, where the prefix ‘kaputt-‘ is separated in the past and perfect tenses.
Similar: zerbrechen (to shatter, to break into pieces), verderben (to spoil, to go bad)
If you use the device incorrectly, it will break down quickly.
to break down, to go bad
Wenn du das Gerät falsch benutzt, geht es schnell kaputt.
Tips: The verb kaputtgehen is used to describe the action of something breaking down or going bad. It is commonly used to refer to the malfunction or spoilage of objects or appliances. It’s a separable verb, where the prefix ‘kaputt-‘ is separated in the past and perfect tenses.
Similar: zerbrechen (to shatter, to break into pieces), verderben (to spoil, to go bad)
I am repairing my bike because it has a flat tire.
to repair
Ich repariere mein Fahrrad, weil es einen Platten hat.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, appliances, or vehicles. It’s a useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: ausbessern (to mend, to touch up), instand setzen (to put in order, to fix)
He repaired the broken lamp and now it works again.
to repair
Er reparierte die kaputte Lampe und jetzt funktioniert sie wieder.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, appliances, or vehicles. It’s a useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: ausbessern (to mend, to touch up), instand setzen (to put in order, to fix)
She repaired the car after it broke down.
to repair
Sie hat das Auto repariert, nachdem es eine Panne hatte.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, appliances, or vehicles. It’s a useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: ausbessern (to mend, to touch up), instand setzen (to put in order, to fix)
Although he tried to repair it, it was beyond repair.
to repair
Obwohl er es versucht hat zu reparieren, war es nicht mehr zu retten.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, appliances, or vehicles. It’s a useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: ausbessern (to mend, to touch up), instand setzen (to put in order, to fix)
He skillfully repairs all electronic devices in his house.
to repair
Er repariert geschickt alle elektronischen Geräte in seinem Haus.
Tips: The verb reparieren is used to express the action of repairing something that is broken or not functioning properly. It is commonly used in the context of fixing objects, appliances, or vehicles. It’s a useful verb to know for everyday situations.
Similar: ausbessern (to mend, to touch up), instand setzen (to put in order, to fix)
I am satisfied with my work.
satisfied, content
Ich bin zufrieden mit meiner Arbeit.
Tips: The adjective zufrieden is used to express satisfaction or contentment. It can be used to describe a person’s state of mind, their feelings about a situation, or their general contentment. It is a common word in everyday German conversations.
Similar: glücklich (happy), erfreut (pleased)
She is content with her new car.
satisfied, content
Sie ist zufrieden mit ihrem neuen Auto.
Tips: The adjective zufrieden is used to express satisfaction or contentment. It can be used to describe a person’s state of mind, their feelings about a situation, or their general contentment. It is a common word in everyday German conversations.
Similar: glücklich (happy), erfreut (pleased)
He smiled contentedly when he saw the result.
satisfied, content
Er hat zufrieden gelächelt, als er das Ergebnis sah.
Tips: The adjective zufrieden is used to express satisfaction or contentment. It can be used to describe a person’s state of mind, their feelings about a situation, or their general contentment. It is a common word in everyday German conversations.
Similar: glücklich (happy), erfreut (pleased)
Nevertheless, he was not satisfied with the service at the restaurant.
satisfied, content
Trotzdem war er nicht zufrieden mit dem Service im Restaurant.
Tips: The adjective zufrieden is used to express satisfaction or contentment. It can be used to describe a person’s state of mind, their feelings about a situation, or their general contentment. It is a common word in everyday German conversations.
Similar: glücklich (happy), erfreut (pleased)
She looked contentedly into the distance.
satisfied, content
Sie hat zufrieden in die Ferne geschaut.
Tips: The adjective zufrieden is used to express satisfaction or contentment. It can be used to describe a person’s state of mind, their feelings about a situation, or their general contentment. It is a common word in everyday German conversations.
Similar: glücklich (happy), erfreut (pleased)
We need to test the new product to check its quality.
to test
Wir müssen das neue Produkt testen, um seine Qualität zu überprüfen.
Tips: The verb testen is used to indicate the action of testing or examining something to check its quality, functionality, or other characteristics. It is commonly used in scientific, technical, and business contexts.
Similar: prüfen (to check, to examine), untersuchen (to investigate, to analyze)
She thoroughly tested the software before presenting it to her clients.
to test
Sie testete die Software gründlich, bevor sie sie ihren Kunden präsentierte.
Tips: The verb testen is used to indicate the action of testing or examining something to check its quality, functionality, or other characteristics. It is commonly used in scientific, technical, and business contexts.
Similar: prüfen (to check, to examine), untersuchen (to investigate, to analyze)
The engineers have tested whether the bridge is strong enough to bear the weight.
to test
Die Ingenieure haben getestet, ob die Brücke stark genug ist, um das Gewicht zu tragen.
Tips: The verb testen is used to indicate the action of testing or examining something to check its quality, functionality, or other characteristics. It is commonly used in scientific, technical, and business contexts.
Similar: prüfen (to check, to examine), untersuchen (to investigate, to analyze)
Nevertheless, the company regularly tests its products to ensure safety.
to test
Trotzdem testet das Unternehmen regelmäßig seine Produkte, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.
Tips: The verb testen is used to indicate the action of testing or examining something to check its quality, functionality, or other characteristics. It is commonly used in scientific, technical, and business contexts.
Similar: prüfen (to check, to examine), untersuchen (to investigate, to analyze)
When we test the new medication, we have to consider all possible side effects.
to test
Wenn wir das neue Medikament testen, müssen wir alle möglichen Nebenwirkungen berücksichtigen.
Tips: The verb testen is used to indicate the action of testing or examining something to check its quality, functionality, or other characteristics. It is commonly used in scientific, technical, and business contexts.
Similar: prüfen (to check, to examine), untersuchen (to investigate, to analyze)
I need your help to solve the problem.
to need
Ich benötige deine Hilfe, um das Problem zu lösen.
Tips: The verb benötigen is used to express the action of needing or requiring something. It is a formal and precise way to convey the idea of necessity. It is commonly used in professional or official contexts.
Similar: brauchen (to need, to require), erfordern (to require, to demand)
He urgently needed medical care after the accident.
to need
Er benötigte dringend medizinische Versorgung nach dem Unfall.
Tips: The verb benötigen is used to express the action of needing or requiring something. It is a formal and precise way to convey the idea of necessity. It is commonly used in professional or official contexts.
Similar: brauchen (to need, to require), erfordern (to require, to demand)
She needed the information to prepare the presentation.
to need
Sie hat die Informationen benötigt, um die Präsentation vorzubereiten.
Tips: The verb benötigen is used to express the action of needing or requiring something. It is a formal and precise way to convey the idea of necessity. It is commonly used in professional or official contexts.
Similar: brauchen (to need, to require), erfordern (to require, to demand)
We need more time to finish the project.
to need
Wir benötigen mehr Zeit, um das Projekt abzuschließen.
Tips: The verb benötigen is used to express the action of needing or requiring something. It is a formal and precise way to convey the idea of necessity. It is commonly used in professional or official contexts.
Similar: brauchen (to need, to require), erfordern (to require, to demand)
If you need anything, let me know.
to need
Wenn du etwas benötigst, lass es mich wissen.
Tips: The verb benötigen is used to express the action of needing or requiring something. It is a formal and precise way to convey the idea of necessity. It is commonly used in professional or official contexts.
Similar: brauchen (to need, to require), erfordern (to require, to demand)