Netzwerk_Neu_B1_Ch4_mode-german-example-to-english-example Flashcards
Der Briefträger bringt täglich die Post.
mail carrier
(The mail carrier delivers the mail daily.)
Tips: The word ‘Briefträger’ refers to the person who delivers mail. It is a common profession and an essential part of the postal service. When addressing a female mail carrier, you can use the term ‘Briefträgerin’.
Die Briefträgerin ist sehr zuverlässig und pünktlich.
mail carrier
Der Briefträger bringt täglich die Post.
(The female mail carrier is very reliable and punctual.)
Tips: The word ‘Briefträger’ refers to the person who delivers mail. It is a common profession and an essential part of the postal service. When addressing a female mail carrier, you can use the term ‘Briefträgerin’.
Ich habe dem Briefträger ein Trinkgeld gegeben, weil er immer freundlich ist.
mail carrier
Der Briefträger bringt täglich die Post.
(I gave the mail carrier a tip because he is always friendly.)
Tips: The word ‘Briefträger’ refers to the person who delivers mail. It is a common profession and an essential part of the postal service. When addressing a female mail carrier, you can use the term ‘Briefträgerin’.
Die Chemikerin hat eine wichtige Entdeckung gemacht.
female chemist
(The female chemist made an important discovery.)
Tips: The word ‘Chemikerin’ is the female form of ‘Chemiker’ (chemist). It is used to refer to a woman who works in the field of chemistry. It’s important to note the gender-specific form when addressing or referring to a female chemist.
Ich habe mit der Chemikerin über das Experiment gesprochen.
female chemist
Die Chemikerin hat eine wichtige Entdeckung gemacht.
(I talked to the female chemist about the experiment.)
Tips: The word ‘Chemikerin’ is the female form of ‘Chemiker’ (chemist). It is used to refer to a woman who works in the field of chemistry. It’s important to note the gender-specific form when addressing or referring to a female chemist.
Die Chemikerinnen arbeiten hart in ihren Labors.
female chemist
Die Chemikerin hat eine wichtige Entdeckung gemacht.
(The female chemists work hard in their labs.)
Tips: The word ‘Chemikerin’ is the female form of ‘Chemiker’ (chemist). It is used to refer to a woman who works in the field of chemistry. It’s important to note the gender-specific form when addressing or referring to a female chemist.
Der Elektroingenieur arbeitet an der Entwicklung neuer Technologien.
electrical engineer
(The electrical engineer is working on the development of new technologies.)
Tips: The word Elektroingenieur refers to a professional who specializes in electrical engineering. It’s important to note the gender-specific forms: Elektroingenieur for male and Elektroingenieurin for female. This profession is in high demand due to the advancements in technology and the increasing need for electrical systems in various industries.
Die Elektroingenieurin hat eine innovative Lösung für das Energieproblem gefunden.
electrical engineer
Der Elektroingenieur arbeitet an der Entwicklung neuer Technologien.
(The female electrical engineer has found an innovative solution to the energy problem.)
Tips: The word Elektroingenieur refers to a professional who specializes in electrical engineering. It’s important to note the gender-specific forms: Elektroingenieur for male and Elektroingenieurin for female. This profession is in high demand due to the advancements in technology and the increasing need for electrical systems in various industries.
Die Mechatronikerin arbeitet an der Entwicklung und Wartung von mechatronischen Systemen.
female mechatronics technician
(The female mechatronics technician works on the development and maintenance of mechatronic systems.)
Tips: The word ‘Mechatronikerin’ refers to a female professional in the field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical and electrical engineering with computer science. It’s important to note that the word ‘Mechatroniker’ is the male form of this profession.
Die Mechatronikerinnen müssen präzise und sorgfältig arbeiten.
female mechatronics technician
Die Mechatronikerin arbeitet an der Entwicklung und Wartung von mechatronischen Systemen.
(Female mechatronics technicians need to work precisely and carefully.)
Tips: The word ‘Mechatronikerin’ refers to a female professional in the field of mechatronics, which combines mechanical and electrical engineering with computer science. It’s important to note that the word ‘Mechatroniker’ is the male form of this profession.
Er ist ein echter Profi in seinem Fachgebiet.
(He is a real professional in his field.)
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
Die Profis haben das Projekt termingerecht abgeschlossen.
Er ist ein echter Profi in seinem Fachgebiet.
(The professionals completed the project on time.)
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
Sie ist eine erfahrene Profiin in der Softwareentwicklung.
Er ist ein echter Profi in seinem Fachgebiet.
(She is an experienced professional in software development.)
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
Trotzdem ist er kein Profi im Kochen, aber er versucht es gerne.
Er ist ein echter Profi in seinem Fachgebiet.
(Nevertheless, he is not a professional in cooking, but he enjoys trying.)
Tips: The word Profi is used to refer to someone who is a professional in their field, someone with expertise and experience. It can be used to describe a person’s professional skills or to refer to a group of professionals.
Similar: Experte/Expertin (expert), Fachmann/Fachfrau (specialist)
Der Schreiner hat ein wunderschönes Möbelstück hergestellt.
Tips: The word Schreiner refers to a skilled craftsman who works with wood, creating and repairing wooden furniture and other wooden items. It’s important to note that the female form is Schreinerin.
Similar: Tischler (carpenter)
Die Schreinerin arbeitet mit großer Präzision an dem Schrank.
Der Schreiner hat ein wunderschönes Möbelstück hergestellt.
Tips: The word Schreiner refers to a skilled craftsman who works with wood, creating and repairing wooden furniture and other wooden items. It’s important to note that the female form is Schreinerin.
Similar: Tischler (carpenter)
Ich brauche die Hilfe eines Schreiners, um mein Regal zu reparieren.
Der Schreiner hat ein wunderschönes Möbelstück hergestellt.
Tips: The word Schreiner refers to a skilled craftsman who works with wood, creating and repairing wooden furniture and other wooden items. It’s important to note that the female form is Schreinerin.
Similar: Tischler (carpenter)
Die Spezialistin hat sich auf seltene Krankheiten spezialisiert.
specialist (female)
(The specialist has specialized in rare diseases.)
Tips: The word Spezialistin refers to a female specialist, someone who has expert knowledge in a specific field. It is used to address or describe a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
Die Spezialistinnen arbeiten eng mit den Ärzten zusammen, um die bestmögliche Behandlung zu gewährleisten.
specialist (female)
Die Spezialistin hat sich auf seltene Krankheiten spezialisiert.
(The specialists work closely with the doctors to ensure the best possible treatment.)
Tips: The word Spezialistin refers to a female specialist, someone who has expert knowledge in a specific field. It is used to address or describe a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
Die Meinung der Spezialistin ist sehr gefragt, wenn es um die Entwicklung neuer Technologien geht.
specialist (female)
Die Spezialistin hat sich auf seltene Krankheiten spezialisiert.
(The opinion of the specialist is highly sought after when it comes to the development of new technologies.)
Tips: The word Spezialistin refers to a female specialist, someone who has expert knowledge in a specific field. It is used to address or describe a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular area.
Der Unternehmer gründete vor zehn Jahren sein eigenes Unternehmen.
(The entrepreneur founded his own company ten years ago.)
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
Die Unternehmerin leitet erfolgreich ihr eigenes Geschäft.
Der Unternehmer gründete vor zehn Jahren sein eigenes Unternehmen.
(The female entrepreneur successfully runs her own business.)
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
Viele Unternehmer investieren in innovative Technologien.
Der Unternehmer gründete vor zehn Jahren sein eigenes Unternehmen.
(Many entrepreneurs invest in innovative technologies.)
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
Der Erfolg eines Unternehmers hängt oft von seiner Risikobereitschaft ab.
Der Unternehmer gründete vor zehn Jahren sein eigenes Unternehmen.
(The success of an entrepreneur often depends on his willingness to take risks.)
Tips: The word Unternehmer refers to a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. It is a common term in the business world and is used to describe individuals who are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Similar: Geschäftsmann (businessman), Geschäftsfrau (businesswoman)
Die Rechtsanwältin vertritt ihre Mandanten vor Gericht.
female lawyer
(The female lawyer represents her clients in court.)
Tips: The term ‘Rechtsanwältin’ specifically refers to a female lawyer. It’s important to use the correct article and form when addressing or referring to a female lawyer in German.
Die Rechtsanwältinnen haben eine wichtige Rolle in der Justiz.
female lawyer
Die Rechtsanwältin vertritt ihre Mandanten vor Gericht.
(Female lawyers have an important role in the justice system.)
Tips: The term ‘Rechtsanwältin’ specifically refers to a female lawyer. It’s important to use the correct article and form when addressing or referring to a female lawyer in German.
Die Rechtsanwältin hat im Gerichtssaal brillant argumentiert.
female lawyer
Die Rechtsanwältin vertritt ihre Mandanten vor Gericht.
(The female lawyer brilliantly argued in the courtroom.)
Tips: The term ‘Rechtsanwältin’ specifically refers to a female lawyer. It’s important to use the correct article and form when addressing or referring to a female lawyer in German.
Der Richter verkündete das Urteil im Gerichtssaal.
(The judge announced the verdict in the courtroom.)
Tips: The word Richter refers to a person who presides over a court of law, evaluates evidence, and makes legal decisions. It is a crucial term in legal contexts and discussions about the judicial system.
Similar: Anwalt (lawyer), Gericht (court)
Die Richterin hat eine wichtige Entscheidung getroffen.
Der Richter verkündete das Urteil im Gerichtssaal.
(The female judge made an important decision.)
Tips: The word Richter refers to a person who presides over a court of law, evaluates evidence, and makes legal decisions. It is a crucial term in legal contexts and discussions about the judicial system.
Similar: Anwalt (lawyer), Gericht (court)
Die Richter haben das Gesetz sorgfältig geprüft, bevor sie ihr Urteil gefällt haben.
Der Richter verkündete das Urteil im Gerichtssaal.
(The judges carefully examined the law before making their judgment.)
Tips: The word Richter refers to a person who presides over a court of law, evaluates evidence, and makes legal decisions. It is a crucial term in legal contexts and discussions about the judicial system.
Similar: Anwalt (lawyer), Gericht (court)
Das Gericht hat das Urteil gefällt.
court, dish
(The court has reached a verdict.)
Tips: The noun Gericht has two main meanings. It can refer to a ‘court’ in the legal sense, where legal proceedings take place. It can also mean ‘dish’ in the culinary context, referring to a prepared or cooked food item. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: das Gericht (court), das Essen (food)
In diesem Gericht sind viele leckere Gewürze.
court, dish
Das Gericht hat das Urteil gefällt.
(This dish contains many delicious spices.)
Tips: The noun Gericht has two main meanings. It can refer to a ‘court’ in the legal sense, where legal proceedings take place. It can also mean ‘dish’ in the culinary context, referring to a prepared or cooked food item. Pay attention to the context to understand the intended meaning.
Similar: das Gericht (court), das Essen (food)
Die Gerichtsverhandlung wurde aufgrund neuer Beweise verschoben.
court hearing
(The court hearing was postponed due to new evidence.)
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
In der Gerichtsverhandlung wurden die Zeugenaussagen sorgfältig geprüft.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung wurde aufgrund neuer Beweise verschoben.
(In the court hearing, the witness statements were carefully examined.)
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
Die Gerichtsverhandlung fand trotz der widrigen Umstände statt.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung wurde aufgrund neuer Beweise verschoben.
(The court hearing took place despite the adverse circumstances.)
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
Während der Gerichtsverhandlung sollten alle Beteiligten respektvoll behandelt werden.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung wurde aufgrund neuer Beweise verschoben.
(During the court hearing, all parties involved should be treated with respect.)
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
Die Gerichtsverhandlung zog sich über mehrere Wochen hin.
court hearing
Die Gerichtsverhandlung wurde aufgrund neuer Beweise verschoben.
(The court hearing lasted for several weeks.)
Tips: The term ‘Gerichtsverhandlung’ refers to the formal proceedings in a court of law where evidence is presented, witnesses are examined, and a judgment is made. It is a crucial part of the legal process and is used in legal contexts.
Das Urteil des Gerichts fiel zugunsten des Angeklagten aus.
judgment, verdict
(The court’s judgment was in favor of the defendant.)
Tips: The noun Urteil refers to a judgment or verdict, especially in a legal context. It can also be used in a more general sense to indicate a personal or subjective judgment.
Similar: das Gerichtsurteil (court judgment), die Beurteilung (assessment, evaluation)
Es ist nicht unsere Aufgabe, vorschnelle Urteile zu fällen.
judgment, verdict
Das Urteil des Gerichts fiel zugunsten des Angeklagten aus.
(It is not our task to make hasty judgments.)
Tips: The noun Urteil refers to a judgment or verdict, especially in a legal context. It can also be used in a more general sense to indicate a personal or subjective judgment.
Similar: das Gerichtsurteil (court judgment), die Beurteilung (assessment, evaluation)
Trotz des Urteils seiner Eltern entschied er sich für einen anderen Berufsweg.
judgment, verdict
Das Urteil des Gerichts fiel zugunsten des Angeklagten aus.
(Despite his parents’ verdict, he chose a different career path.)
Tips: The noun Urteil refers to a judgment or verdict, especially in a legal context. It can also be used in a more general sense to indicate a personal or subjective judgment.
Similar: das Gerichtsurteil (court judgment), die Beurteilung (assessment, evaluation)
Das Verbrechen wurde schnell aufgeklärt.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbrechen’ refers to any type of crime or criminal act. It can be used in legal contexts, discussions about societal issues, or in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that ‘Verbrechen’ is a serious term and should be used with appropriate consideration.
Similar: das Delikt (offense), die Straftat (criminal act)
Verbrechen jeglicher Art sind inakzeptabel.
Das Verbrechen wurde schnell aufgeklärt.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbrechen’ refers to any type of crime or criminal act. It can be used in legal contexts, discussions about societal issues, or in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that ‘Verbrechen’ is a serious term and should be used with appropriate consideration.
Similar: das Delikt (offense), die Straftat (criminal act)
Trotzdem begehen manche Menschen Verbrechen aus Verzweiflung.
Das Verbrechen wurde schnell aufgeklärt.
Tips: The noun ‘Verbrechen’ refers to any type of crime or criminal act. It can be used in legal contexts, discussions about societal issues, or in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that ‘Verbrechen’ is a serious term and should be used with appropriate consideration.
Similar: das Delikt (offense), die Straftat (criminal act)
Es ist wichtig, dass wir eine faire Lösung finden.
(It is important that we find a fair solution.)
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
Sie hat fair gehandelt, indem sie die gleichen Regeln für alle angewendet hat.
Es ist wichtig, dass wir eine faire Lösung finden.
(She acted fairly by applying the same rules to everyone.)
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
Er hat fair gespielt und den Gegner respektiert.
Es ist wichtig, dass wir eine faire Lösung finden.
(He played fairly and respected the opponent.)
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
Die Schiedsrichterin hat die Situation fair beurteilt.
Es ist wichtig, dass wir eine faire Lösung finden.
(The referee judged the situation fairly.)
Tips: The adjective fair is used to describe something that is just, equitable, or in accordance with the rules. It can refer to fair treatment, fair play, fair judgment, and fair solutions.
Similar: gerecht (just, equitable), anständig (decent, proper)
Er hat eine gerechte Entscheidung getroffen.
(He made a fair decision.)
Tips: The adjective gerecht is used to describe something that is fair or just. It can be used to talk about decisions, actions, or judgments that are morally right and equitable. It’s an important word in discussions about justice and fairness.
Similar: fair, gerechtfertigt (justified)
Die Richterin ist für ihre gerechten Urteile bekannt.
Er hat eine gerechte Entscheidung getroffen.
(The judge is known for her fair judgments.)
Tips: The adjective gerecht is used to describe something that is fair or just. It can be used to talk about decisions, actions, or judgments that are morally right and equitable. It’s an important word in discussions about justice and fairness.
Similar: fair, gerechtfertigt (justified)
Sie hat gerecht gehandelt, obwohl es schwierig war.
Er hat eine gerechte Entscheidung getroffen.
(She acted fairly, even though it was difficult.)
Tips: The adjective gerecht is used to describe something that is fair or just. It can be used to talk about decisions, actions, or judgments that are morally right and equitable. It’s an important word in discussions about justice and fairness.
Similar: fair, gerechtfertigt (justified)
Die Reporterin berichtete live von der Veranstaltung.
female reporter
(The female reporter reported live from the event.)
Tips: The word ‘Reporterin’ is the female form of ‘Reporter’ and refers to a woman who works in journalism, gathering news and reporting on various events. It is used to specifically address a female journalist.
Gestern habe ich mit der Reporterin über das Interview gesprochen.
female reporter
Die Reporterin berichtete live von der Veranstaltung.
(Yesterday I talked to the female reporter about the interview.)
Tips: The word ‘Reporterin’ is the female form of ‘Reporter’ and refers to a woman who works in journalism, gathering news and reporting on various events. It is used to specifically address a female journalist.
Die Reporterinnen haben wichtige Informationen über die Lage vor Ort gesammelt.
female reporter
Die Reporterin berichtete live von der Veranstaltung.
(The female reporters have collected important information about the situation on site.)
Tips: The word ‘Reporterin’ is the female form of ‘Reporter’ and refers to a woman who works in journalism, gathering news and reporting on various events. It is used to specifically address a female journalist.
Die Reportage über das Leben in der Großstadt war sehr informativ.
(The reportage about urban life was very informative.)
Tips: A Reportage is a journalistic genre that presents a detailed and informative account of an event, situation, or topic. It often involves in-depth research and on-site reporting. The word is commonly used in the context of media and journalism.
In dieser Reportage wird über die aktuelle politische Situation berichtet.
Die Reportage über das Leben in der Großstadt war sehr informativ.
(This reportage covers the current political situation.)
Tips: A Reportage is a journalistic genre that presents a detailed and informative account of an event, situation, or topic. It often involves in-depth research and on-site reporting. The word is commonly used in the context of media and journalism.
Die Reportagen in diesem Magazin sind immer gut recherchiert.
Die Reportage über das Leben in der Großstadt war sehr informativ.
(The reportages in this magazine are always well researched.)
Tips: A Reportage is a journalistic genre that presents a detailed and informative account of an event, situation, or topic. It often involves in-depth research and on-site reporting. The word is commonly used in the context of media and journalism.
Dieser Bereich des Waldes ist für Besucher gesperrt.
area, field, sector
(This area of the forest is closed to visitors.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
Sie arbeitet im Bereich der Informationstechnologie.
area, field, sector
Dieser Bereich des Waldes ist für Besucher gesperrt.
(She works in the field of information technology.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
Im Bereich der Wissenschaft gibt es ständig neue Entwicklungen.
area, field, sector
Dieser Bereich des Waldes ist für Besucher gesperrt.
(In the sector of science, there are constantly new developments.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
Der Bereich des Flughafens, in dem das Rauchen erlaubt ist, ist ausgewiesen.
area, field, sector
Dieser Bereich des Waldes ist für Besucher gesperrt.
(The area of the airport where smoking is allowed is designated.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
In diesem Bereich der Stadt gibt es viele Restaurants.
area, field, sector
Dieser Bereich des Waldes ist für Besucher gesperrt.
(In this area of the city, there are many restaurants.)
Tips: The noun Bereich is used to refer to a specific area, field, or sector. It is a versatile term that can be applied to various contexts, such as work, science, or urban areas. It is commonly used in both formal and informal language.
Similar: Gebiet (area), Feld (field), Sektor (sector)
Die Automobil branche hat in den letzten Jahren viele Veränderungen erlebt.
industry, sector
(The automotive industry has experienced many changes in recent years.)
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
In welcher Branche arbeitest du?
industry, sector
Die Automobil branche hat in den letzten Jahren viele Veränderungen erlebt.
(In which industry do you work?)
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
Trotz der Pandemie hat sich die Technologie-branche gut entwickelt.
industry, sector
Die Automobil branche hat in den letzten Jahren viele Veränderungen erlebt.
(Despite the pandemic, the technology sector has developed well.)
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
Die Branche der erneuerbaren Energien wächst stetig.
industry, sector
Die Automobil branche hat in den letzten Jahren viele Veränderungen erlebt.
(The renewable energy industry is growing steadily.)
Tips: The noun Branche refers to a specific industry or sector. It is commonly used in business and economic contexts to discuss different areas of the economy. It can be combined with adjectives to specify the type of industry, such as Automobilbranche (automotive industry) or Technologiebranche (technology sector).
Die deutsche Industrie ist für ihre Effizienz und Qualität bekannt.
(The German industry is known for its efficiency and quality.)
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
In dieser Industrie gibt es viele Arbeitsplätze.
Die deutsche Industrie ist für ihre Effizienz und Qualität bekannt.
(There are many job opportunities in this industry.)
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
Die Automobil Industrie hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark verändert.
Die deutsche Industrie ist für ihre Effizienz und Qualität bekannt.
(The automotive industry has changed significantly in recent years.)
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
Die chemische Industrie spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Wirtschaft.
Die deutsche Industrie ist für ihre Effizienz und Qualität bekannt.
(The chemical industry plays an important role in the economy.)
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
Trotz der Krise wächst die Industrie weiter.
Die deutsche Industrie ist für ihre Effizienz und Qualität bekannt.
(Despite the crisis, the industry continues to grow.)
Tips: The noun ‘Industrie’ refers to the economic sector involved in the production of goods or related services. It encompasses various fields such as manufacturing, technology, and commerce. It’s a common term used in business, economics, and general discussions about the economy.
Die Landwirtschaft spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Ernährung der Bevölkerung.
(Agriculture plays an important role in the population’s nutrition.)
Tips: The term Landwirtschaft refers to the cultivation of land and breeding of animals for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other goods. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from crop cultivation to animal husbandry. This word is commonly used in discussions related to farming, sustainability, and food production.
Similar: die Landarbeit (farm work), die Feldwirtschaft (field agriculture)
In vielen ländlichen Gebieten ist die Landwirtschaft die Haupterwerbsquelle.
Die Landwirtschaft spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Ernährung der Bevölkerung.
(In many rural areas, agriculture is the main source of income.)
Tips: The term Landwirtschaft refers to the cultivation of land and breeding of animals for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other goods. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from crop cultivation to animal husbandry. This word is commonly used in discussions related to farming, sustainability, and food production.
Similar: die Landarbeit (farm work), die Feldwirtschaft (field agriculture)
Die Landwirtschaften in verschiedenen Ländern haben unterschiedliche Methoden und Technologien.
Die Landwirtschaft spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Ernährung der Bevölkerung.
(The agricultures in different countries have different methods and technologies.)
Tips: The term Landwirtschaft refers to the cultivation of land and breeding of animals for the purpose of producing food, fiber, and other goods. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from crop cultivation to animal husbandry. This word is commonly used in discussions related to farming, sustainability, and food production.
Similar: die Landarbeit (farm work), die Feldwirtschaft (field agriculture)
Die Postboten tragen die Briefe aus.
to deliver, to carry out
(The postal workers deliver the letters.)
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
Sie trug die schwere Kiste alleine aus dem Haus.
to deliver, to carry out
Die Postboten tragen die Briefe aus.
(She carried the heavy box out of the house by herself.)
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
Er hat die Verantwortung für die Veranstaltung ausgetragen.
to deliver, to carry out
Die Postboten tragen die Briefe aus.
(He has carried out the responsibility for the event.)
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
Trotz des Regens trägt der Lieferant die Pakete aus.
to deliver, to carry out
Die Postboten tragen die Briefe aus.
(Despite the rain, the delivery person is carrying out the packages.)
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
Sie hat den Wettkampf erfolgreich ausgetragen.
to deliver, to carry out
Die Postboten tragen die Briefe aus.
(She has successfully carried out the competition.)
Tips: The verb austragen is used to express the action of delivering or carrying out something. It can refer to delivering mail, carrying heavy objects, or fulfilling responsibilities. It’s a regular verb and can be used in various contexts related to completing tasks or duties.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), ausführen (to execute, to perform)
Der Postbote stellt die Pakete vor der Haustür zu.
to deliver, to distribute
(The mailman delivers the packages to the front door.)
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
Gestern stellte die Firma die neuen Produkte zu.
to deliver, to distribute
Der Postbote stellt die Pakete vor der Haustür zu.
(Yesterday the company distributed the new products.)
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
Der Briefträger hat die wichtigen Dokumente zugestellt.
to deliver, to distribute
Der Postbote stellt die Pakete vor der Haustür zu.
(The mail carrier has delivered the important documents.)
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
Die Pizzaboten stellen die Bestellungen schnell zu.
to deliver, to distribute
Der Postbote stellt die Pakete vor der Haustür zu.
(The pizza delivery guys quickly deliver the orders.)
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
Die Zeitung wird täglich zugestellt.
to deliver, to distribute
Der Postbote stellt die Pakete vor der Haustür zu.
(The newspaper is delivered daily.)
Tips: The verb zustellen is used to express the action of delivering or distributing something, such as packages, letters, or products. It is commonly used in the context of postal services, courier services, or general distribution of items.
Similar: ausliefern (to deliver, to distribute), verteilen (to distribute, to spread)
Die Schülerin schreibt die Informationen von der Tafel ab.
to copy, to transcribe
(The student is copying the information from the board.)
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
Er schrieb die Notizen aus dem Buch ab.
to copy, to transcribe
Die Schülerin schreibt die Informationen von der Tafel ab.
(He transcribed the notes from the book.)
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
Sie hat die Hausaufgaben von ihrem Freund abgeschrieben.
to copy, to transcribe
Die Schülerin schreibt die Informationen von der Tafel ab.
(She copied the homework from her friend.)
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
Obwohl er die Antworten abgeschrieben hat, hat er die Prüfung nicht bestanden.
to copy, to transcribe
Die Schülerin schreibt die Informationen von der Tafel ab.
(Even though he copied the answers, he didn’t pass the exam.)
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
Es ist nicht erlaubt, in der Schule abzuschreiben.
to copy, to transcribe
Die Schülerin schreibt die Informationen von der Tafel ab.
(It is not allowed to copy in school.)
Tips: The verb abschreiben is used to express the action of copying or transcribing something from one source to another. It is commonly used in educational contexts, such as copying notes or homework. However, it can also be used in a broader sense, such as copying information from one document to another.
Similar: kopieren (to copy, to duplicate), nachschriften (to transcribe, to take dictation)
Die Fabrik stellt elektronische Geräte her.
to produce, to manufacture
(The factory produces electronic devices.)
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
Er stellte das Kunstwerk her, indem er verschiedene Materialien benutzte.
to produce, to manufacture
Die Fabrik stellt elektronische Geräte her.
(He produced the artwork by using different materials.)
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
Sie hat schon viele Produkte hergestellt und verkauft.
to produce, to manufacture
Die Fabrik stellt elektronische Geräte her.
(She has already produced and sold many products.)
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
Trotz der Schwierigkeiten stellt das Unternehmen weiterhin hochwertige Waren her.
to produce, to manufacture
Die Fabrik stellt elektronische Geräte her.
(Despite the difficulties, the company continues to produce high-quality goods.)
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
Wenn sie Zeit hat, stellt sie gerne Marmelade her.
to produce, to manufacture
Die Fabrik stellt elektronische Geräte her.
(When she has time, she enjoys making jam.)
Tips: The verb herstellen is used to express the action of producing or manufacturing something. It is commonly used in the context of factories, workshops, or individual craftsmanship. It is a regular verb and follows the typical conjugation pattern for regular verbs in German.
Similar: produzieren (to produce), fabrizieren (to fabricate)
In der Zeitung habe ich ein interessantes Inserat für eine Wohnung gefunden.
Tips: The noun Inserat refers to an advertisement, typically found in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms. It can be used in the context of job postings, real estate listings, or classified ads for various products and services.
Similar: Anzeige, Werbung
Das Inserat für das Auto steht schon seit Wochen in der Zeitung.
In der Zeitung habe ich ein interessantes Inserat für eine Wohnung gefunden.
Tips: The noun Inserat refers to an advertisement, typically found in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms. It can be used in the context of job postings, real estate listings, or classified ads for various products and services.
Similar: Anzeige, Werbung
Er hat auf das Inserat geantwortet und wurde zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen.
In der Zeitung habe ich ein interessantes Inserat für eine Wohnung gefunden.
Tips: The noun Inserat refers to an advertisement, typically found in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms. It can be used in the context of job postings, real estate listings, or classified ads for various products and services.
Similar: Anzeige, Werbung
Der Interessent hat sich für das Auto interessiert, aber er hat es nicht gekauft.
interested party, prospective customer
(The prospective customer was interested in the car, but he didn’t buy it.)
Tips: The word Interessent refers to someone who is interested in something, often used in the context of business, sales, or marketing. It can be used to describe a potential customer or a person showing interest in a particular product or service.
Similar: Kunde (customer), Interessentin (female form of Interessent)
Die Firma hat viele Interessenten für ihre neuen Produkte.
interested party, prospective customer
Der Interessent hat sich für das Auto interessiert, aber er hat es nicht gekauft.
(The company has many prospective customers for its new products.)
Tips: The word Interessent refers to someone who is interested in something, often used in the context of business, sales, or marketing. It can be used to describe a potential customer or a person showing interest in a particular product or service.
Similar: Kunde (customer), Interessentin (female form of Interessent)
Die Interessentin hat sich über die verschiedenen Angebote informiert.
interested party, prospective customer
Der Interessent hat sich für das Auto interessiert, aber er hat es nicht gekauft.
(The interested party (female) has informed herself about the different offers.)
Tips: The word Interessent refers to someone who is interested in something, often used in the context of business, sales, or marketing. It can be used to describe a potential customer or a person showing interest in a particular product or service.
Similar: Kunde (customer), Interessentin (female form of Interessent)
Dieses Kleid eignet sich gut für festliche Anlässe.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
(This dress is suitable for festive occasions.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
Der neue Mitarbeiter hat sich gut geeignet für die Position.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Dieses Kleid eignet sich gut für festliche Anlässe.
(The new employee has proven to be suitable for the position.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
Das Auto eignet sich nicht für Geländefahrten.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Dieses Kleid eignet sich gut für festliche Anlässe.
(The car is not suitable for off-road driving.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
Der Raum eignet sich perfekt für Yoga-Kurse.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Dieses Kleid eignet sich gut für festliche Anlässe.
(The room is perfect for yoga classes.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
Das Buch hat sich als sehr informativ geeignet.
to be suitable, to be appropriate
Dieses Kleid eignet sich gut für festliche Anlässe.
(The book has proven to be very informative.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich eignen is used to express the suitability or appropriateness of something for a particular purpose. It is commonly used when describing whether an object, person, or situation is suitable for a specific use or function.
Similar: passen (to fit, to suit), geeignet sein (to be suitable)
Der Stundenlohn in diesem Unternehmen beträgt 15 Euro.
hourly wage
(The hourly wage in this company is 15 euros.)
Tips: The term Stundenlohn refers to the amount of money paid for each hour of work. It is a common concept in the context of employment and labor contracts. When discussing work or negotiating a job, the Stundenlohn is an important factor to consider.
Similar: Monatslohn (monthly salary), Jahresgehalt (annual salary)
Sie arbeitet für einen Stundenlohn von 12 Euro.
hourly wage
Der Stundenlohn in diesem Unternehmen beträgt 15 Euro.
(She works for an hourly wage of 12 euros.)
Tips: The term Stundenlohn refers to the amount of money paid for each hour of work. It is a common concept in the context of employment and labor contracts. When discussing work or negotiating a job, the Stundenlohn is an important factor to consider.
Similar: Monatslohn (monthly salary), Jahresgehalt (annual salary)
Der Stundenlohn variiert je nach Beruf und Erfahrung.
hourly wage
Der Stundenlohn in diesem Unternehmen beträgt 15 Euro.
(The hourly wage varies depending on the profession and experience.)
Tips: The term Stundenlohn refers to the amount of money paid for each hour of work. It is a common concept in the context of employment and labor contracts. When discussing work or negotiating a job, the Stundenlohn is an important factor to consider.
Similar: Monatslohn (monthly salary), Jahresgehalt (annual salary)
Viele Studenten suchen einen Teilzeitjob, um ihr Studium zu finanzieren.
part-time job
(Many students are looking for a part-time job to finance their studies.)
Tips: The term Teilzeitjob refers to a job that is not full-time, typically with reduced working hours. It is a common term in the context of employment and job searches.
Sie hat sich für einen Teilzeitjob entschieden, um mehr Zeit mit ihrer Familie zu verbringen.
part-time job
Viele Studenten suchen einen Teilzeitjob, um ihr Studium zu finanzieren.
(She has opted for a part-time job to spend more time with her family.)
Tips: The term Teilzeitjob refers to a job that is not full-time, typically with reduced working hours. It is a common term in the context of employment and job searches.
Trotzdem kann ein Teilzeitjob auch stressig sein, besonders wenn man mehrere Jobs hat.
part-time job
Viele Studenten suchen einen Teilzeitjob, um ihr Studium zu finanzieren.
(Nevertheless, a part-time job can also be stressful, especially if you have multiple jobs.)
Tips: The term Teilzeitjob refers to a job that is not full-time, typically with reduced working hours. It is a common term in the context of employment and job searches.
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Job ist fließendes Englisch.
requirement, prerequisite
(Fluent English is an important requirement for the job.)
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
Ohne die nötigen Voraussetzungen ist es schwer, das Studium zu beginnen.
requirement, prerequisite
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Job ist fließendes Englisch.
(Without the necessary prerequisites, it is difficult to start the studies.)
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
Die Voraussetzung des Erfolgs ist harte Arbeit und Entschlossenheit.
requirement, prerequisite
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Job ist fließendes Englisch.
(The prerequisite for success is hard work and determination.)
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
Trotz der fehlenden Voraussetzungen hat er es geschafft, die Prüfung zu bestehen.
requirement, prerequisite
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Job ist fließendes Englisch.
(Despite the lack of prerequisites, he managed to pass the exam.)
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
Eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für eine gute Beziehung ist Vertrauen.
requirement, prerequisite
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Job ist fließendes Englisch.
(A fundamental requirement for a good relationship is trust.)
Tips: The noun Voraussetzung is used to refer to a requirement or prerequisite that is necessary for something else to happen or be possible. It is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as job requirements, academic prerequisites, or conditions for success.
Similar: Bedingung (condition), Erfordernis (necessity)
In zukünftigen Generationen werden wir hoffentlich nachhaltiger leben.
(In future generations, hopefully we will live more sustainably.)
Tips: The adjective ‘zukünftig’ is used to refer to something that is related to the future. It can be used to describe future events, plans, or developments. It’s a common word in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: künftig (future, prospective)
Es ist wichtig, zukünftige Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen.
In zukünftigen Generationen werden wir hoffentlich nachhaltiger leben.
(It is important to consider future developments.)
Tips: The adjective ‘zukünftig’ is used to refer to something that is related to the future. It can be used to describe future events, plans, or developments. It’s a common word in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: künftig (future, prospective)
Die zukünftige Planung des Projekts ist noch nicht abgeschlossen.
In zukünftigen Generationen werden wir hoffentlich nachhaltiger leben.
(The future planning of the project is not yet completed.)
Tips: The adjective ‘zukünftig’ is used to refer to something that is related to the future. It can be used to describe future events, plans, or developments. It’s a common word in formal and informal contexts.
Similar: künftig (future, prospective)
Meine Bewerbung für die Stelle als Ingenieur wurde angenommen.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
(My application for the position as an engineer was accepted.)
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
Sie hat ihre Bewerbungen an mehrere Universitäten geschickt.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Meine Bewerbung für die Stelle als Ingenieur wurde angenommen.
(She has sent her applications to several universities.)
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
Die Frist für die Bewerbung endet nächste Woche.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Meine Bewerbung für die Stelle als Ingenieur wurde angenommen.
(The deadline for the application ends next week.)
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
Er hat eine Bewerbung für ein Praktikum bei einer großen Firma geschrieben.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Meine Bewerbung für die Stelle als Ingenieur wurde angenommen.
(He wrote an application for an internship at a big company.)
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
Trotzdem er viele Bewerbungen geschickt hat, hat er noch keine Antwort erhalten.
application (for a job, university, etc.)
Meine Bewerbung für die Stelle als Ingenieur wurde angenommen.
(Despite sending many applications, he has not received any response yet.)
Tips: The noun Bewerbung refers to the act of applying for something, such as a job, university, or program. It is a crucial term when discussing professional or academic pursuits. When writing a Bewerbung, it’s important to be thorough and present oneself in the best possible light.
Die Bewerberin hat eine beeindruckende Berufserfahrung.
female applicant
(The female applicant has an impressive professional experience.)
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
Die Bewerberin wurde zum Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin hat eine beeindruckende Berufserfahrung.
(The female applicant was invited for an interview.)
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
Die Bewerberin hat sich gut auf die Stelle vorbereitet.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin hat eine beeindruckende Berufserfahrung.
(The female applicant has prepared well for the position.)
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
Die Bewerberin hat den Job bekommen, weil sie sehr qualifiziert ist.
female applicant
Die Bewerberin hat eine beeindruckende Berufserfahrung.
(The female applicant got the job because she is very qualified.)
Tips: The word Bewerberin specifically refers to a female applicant. It is commonly used in the context of job applications, interviews, and recruitment processes. The plural form is Bewerberinnen.
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular mit Ihren Personalien aus.
personal details
Tips: The term Personalien refers to personal details or personal information. It is commonly used in administrative contexts, such as filling out forms, registration processes, or official documents.
Die Angabe der Personalien ist für die Registrierung erforderlich.
personal details
Bitte füllen Sie das Formular mit Ihren Personalien aus.
Tips: The term Personalien refers to personal details or personal information. It is commonly used in administrative contexts, such as filling out forms, registration processes, or official documents.
Der Anhang der E-Mail enthält wichtige Dokumente.
attachment, appendix
(The attachment to the email contains important documents.)
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
Im Anhang des Berichts finden Sie detaillierte Informationen.
attachment, appendix
Der Anhang der E-Mail enthält wichtige Dokumente.
(In the appendix of the report, you will find detailed information.)
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
Bitte fügen Sie den Anhang zu Ihrem Bewerbungsschreiben hinzu.
attachment, appendix
Der Anhang der E-Mail enthält wichtige Dokumente.
(Please add the attachment to your cover letter.)
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
Der Anhang des Buches enthält zusätzliche Übungen.
attachment, appendix
Der Anhang der E-Mail enthält wichtige Dokumente.
(The appendix of the book contains additional exercises.)
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
In dem Anhang der Diplomarbeit sind die Quellen aufgeführt.
attachment, appendix
Der Anhang der E-Mail enthält wichtige Dokumente.
(The sources are listed in the appendix of the thesis.)
Tips: The noun Anhang refers to an attachment or an appendix, often in the context of documents or reports. It is commonly used in formal and professional settings, such as in emails, reports, or academic papers.
Die Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten sorgfältig vorbereitet werden, um einen guten Eindruck zu hinterlassen.
job application documents
(The job application documents should be carefully prepared to make a good impression.)
Tips: The term Bewerbungsunterlagen refers to the set of documents that are submitted when applying for a job. This includes the cover letter, CV, certificates, and any other relevant documents. It’s important to keep these documents well-organized and up to date.
In den Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten alle relevanten Zeugnisse und Zertifikate enthalten sein.
job application documents
Die Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten sorgfältig vorbereitet werden, um einen guten Eindruck zu hinterlassen.
(All relevant certificates and diplomas should be included in the job application documents.)
Tips: The term Bewerbungsunterlagen refers to the set of documents that are submitted when applying for a job. This includes the cover letter, CV, certificates, and any other relevant documents. It’s important to keep these documents well-organized and up to date.
Trotzdem erhielt er die Stelle, obwohl seine Bewerbungsunterlagen unvollständig waren.
job application documents
Die Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten sorgfältig vorbereitet werden, um einen guten Eindruck zu hinterlassen.
(Nevertheless, he got the job even though his job application documents were incomplete.)
Tips: The term Bewerbungsunterlagen refers to the set of documents that are submitted when applying for a job. This includes the cover letter, CV, certificates, and any other relevant documents. It’s important to keep these documents well-organized and up to date.
Ich brauche eine Bescheinigung über meine Deutschkenntnisse.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
(I need a certificate of my German language skills.)
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
Die Bescheinigungen müssen bis zum Ende des Monats eingereicht werden.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Ich brauche eine Bescheinigung über meine Deutschkenntnisse.
(The certificates must be submitted by the end of the month.)
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
Die Bescheinigung der Anwesenheit wird vom Arbeitgeber ausgestellt.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Ich brauche eine Bescheinigung über meine Deutschkenntnisse.
(The attestation of attendance is issued by the employer.)
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
Er hat eine Bescheinigung für den verlorenen Reisepass erhalten.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Ich brauche eine Bescheinigung über meine Deutschkenntnisse.
(He received a confirmation for the lost passport.)
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
Die Bescheinigungen der Teilnahme werden per E-Mail verschickt.
certificate, attestation, confirmation
Ich brauche eine Bescheinigung über meine Deutschkenntnisse.
(The confirmations of participation are sent by email.)
Tips: The noun Bescheinigung refers to a document that certifies or confirms something. It is commonly used in formal contexts, such as for academic qualifications, work attendance, or official confirmations. It’s important to note that the plural form is ‘die Bescheinigungen’.
Mein Lebenslauf umfasst meine Ausbildung, Berufserfahrung und Qualifikationen.
curriculum vitae, resume
(My resume includes my education, work experience, and qualifications.)
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
Er hat seinen Lebenslauf an das Unternehmen geschickt, um sich für die Stelle zu bewerben.
curriculum vitae, resume
Mein Lebenslauf umfasst meine Ausbildung, Berufserfahrung und Qualifikationen.
(He sent his curriculum vitae to the company to apply for the position.)
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
In meinem Lebenslauf sind auch meine Sprachkenntnisse aufgeführt.
curriculum vitae, resume
Mein Lebenslauf umfasst meine Ausbildung, Berufserfahrung und Qualifikationen.
(My resume also lists my language skills.)
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
Ein guter Lebenslauf ist entscheidend, um bei der Jobsuche erfolgreich zu sein.
curriculum vitae, resume
Mein Lebenslauf umfasst meine Ausbildung, Berufserfahrung und Qualifikationen.
(A good curriculum vitae is crucial to be successful in job hunting.)
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
Der Lebenslauf sollte übersichtlich und prägnant sein.
curriculum vitae, resume
Mein Lebenslauf umfasst meine Ausbildung, Berufserfahrung und Qualifikationen.
(The resume should be clear and concise.)
Tips: The word Lebenslauf refers to a comprehensive document that outlines a person’s educational and professional background. It is commonly used in the context of job applications and professional profiles. When applying for a job in a German-speaking country, having a well-structured Lebenslauf is essential.
Similar: der Lebenslauf is the most common term for resume or curriculum vitae. There are no closely related words in German for this specific term.
Wir kommen morgen um 10 Uhr in Berlin an.
to arrive
(We will arrive in Berlin tomorrow at 10 o’clock.)
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
Der Zug kam pünktlich an.
to arrive
Wir kommen morgen um 10 Uhr in Berlin an.
(The train arrived on time.)
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
Sie ist gestern Abend angekommen.
to arrive
Wir kommen morgen um 10 Uhr in Berlin an.
(She arrived yesterday evening.)
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
Trotz des Regens kommen wir rechtzeitig an.
to arrive
Wir kommen morgen um 10 Uhr in Berlin an.
(Despite the rain, we arrive on time.)
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
Wenn du um 8 Uhr nicht ankommst, verpassen wir den Film.
to arrive
Wir kommen morgen um 10 Uhr in Berlin an.
(If you don’t arrive at 8 o’clock, we will miss the movie.)
Tips: The verb ankommen is used to indicate the action of arriving at a place. It is a regular verb and is commonly used in everyday conversations. It’s important to note that the verb is often used in combination with prepositions to indicate the destination or the time of arrival.
Similar: eintreffen (to arrive, to reach), gelangen (to reach, to arrive)
Die Studie liefert aussagekräftige Ergebnisse über den Einfluss des Klimawandels.
meaningful, significant
(The study provides meaningful results on the impact of climate change.)
Tips: The adjective aussagekräftig is used to describe something that is meaningful, significant, or provides valuable information or evidence. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and formal contexts.
Similar: bedeutsam (meaningful, significant), signifikant (significant)
Es ist wichtig, aussagekräftige Beweise für die Behauptung zu haben.
meaningful, significant
Die Studie liefert aussagekräftige Ergebnisse über den Einfluss des Klimawandels.
(It is important to have significant evidence for the claim.)
Tips: The adjective aussagekräftig is used to describe something that is meaningful, significant, or provides valuable information or evidence. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and formal contexts.
Similar: bedeutsam (meaningful, significant), signifikant (significant)
Die Zeugenaussage war nicht besonders aussagekräftig.
meaningful, significant
Die Studie liefert aussagekräftige Ergebnisse über den Einfluss des Klimawandels.
(The witness statement was not particularly meaningful.)
Tips: The adjective aussagekräftig is used to describe something that is meaningful, significant, or provides valuable information or evidence. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and formal contexts.
Similar: bedeutsam (meaningful, significant), signifikant (significant)
Dieser Absatz bezieht sich auf die vorherigen Informationen.
to refer to, to relate to
(This paragraph refers to the previous information.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
Sie bezieht sich immer auf ihre Erfahrungen, wenn sie Ratschläge gibt.
to refer to, to relate to
Dieser Absatz bezieht sich auf die vorherigen Informationen.
(She always relates to her experiences when giving advice.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
Er hat sich in seinem Vortrag auf verschiedene Studien bezogen.
to refer to, to relate to
Dieser Absatz bezieht sich auf die vorherigen Informationen.
(He referred to various studies in his presentation.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
Obwohl sie sich auf die Prüfung bezogen hat, war das Ergebnis nicht gut.
to refer to, to relate to
Dieser Absatz bezieht sich auf die vorherigen Informationen.
(Although she prepared for the exam, the result was not good.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
Die Diskussion bezieht sich auf die Zukunft der Technologie.
to refer to, to relate to
Dieser Absatz bezieht sich auf die vorherigen Informationen.
(The discussion is about the future of technology.)
Tips: The reflexive verb sich beziehen is used to express the action of referring to something or relating to a specific topic. It is commonly used in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. When using this verb, it’s important to pay attention to the reflexive pronoun ‘sich’ which indicates that the action is directed back to the subject.
Similar: verweisen (to refer, to point out), sich beziehen auf (to relate to, to refer to)
Die Schachtel enthält Schokolade und Bonbons.
to contain, to include
(The box contains chocolate and candies.)
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
Das Paket enthielt eine Überraschung.
to contain, to include
Die Schachtel enthält Schokolade und Bonbons.
(The package contained a surprise.)
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
Der Bericht hat viele wichtige Informationen enthalten.
to contain, to include
Die Schachtel enthält Schokolade und Bonbons.
(The report has contained a lot of important information.)
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
Die Zutatenliste enthält keine Nüsse.
to contain, to include
Die Schachtel enthält Schokolade und Bonbons.
(The ingredient list does not contain any nuts.)
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
Das Buch enthielt viele spannende Geschichten.
to contain, to include
Die Schachtel enthält Schokolade und Bonbons.
(The book contained many exciting stories.)
Tips: The verb enthalten is used to indicate the presence of something within a particular object or context. It is commonly used to describe the contents of a container, a report, a list, or any other form of compilation. It’s important to note that enthalten is a regular verb, so its conjugation follows the standard patterns.
Sie hat die Fähigkeit, sich schnell an neue Situationen anzupassen.
ability, skill
(She has the ability to adapt quickly to new situations.)
Tips: The noun Fähigkeit refers to the capacity or skill to do something. It is used to describe someone’s ability in a particular area, such as language skills, physical abilities, or mental capacities. It is a common term in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Kompetenz (competence), Talent (talent)
Seine Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Computern sind beeindruckend.
ability, skill
Sie hat die Fähigkeit, sich schnell an neue Situationen anzupassen.
(His skills in using computers are impressive.)
Tips: The noun Fähigkeit refers to the capacity or skill to do something. It is used to describe someone’s ability in a particular area, such as language skills, physical abilities, or mental capacities. It is a common term in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Kompetenz (competence), Talent (talent)
Trotz seiner körperlichen Fähigkeiten war er nicht in der Lage, den Berg zu besteigen.
ability, skill
Sie hat die Fähigkeit, sich schnell an neue Situationen anzupassen.
(Despite his physical abilities, he was unable to climb the mountain.)
Tips: The noun Fähigkeit refers to the capacity or skill to do something. It is used to describe someone’s ability in a particular area, such as language skills, physical abilities, or mental capacities. It is a common term in both formal and informal contexts.
Similar: Kompetenz (competence), Talent (talent)
Ich zähle die Äpfel im Korb.
to count
(I am counting the apples in the basket.)
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
Gestern zählte sie ihr Taschengeld und war überrascht, wie viel sie gespart hatte.
to count
Ich zähle die Äpfel im Korb.
(Yesterday she counted her pocket money and was surprised how much she had saved.)
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
Er hat die Sterne am Himmel gezählt.
to count
Ich zähle die Äpfel im Korb.
(He counted the stars in the sky.)
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)
Obwohl sie langsam zählt, macht sie keine Fehler.
to count
Ich zähle die Äpfel im Korb.
(Even though she counts slowly, she makes no mistakes.)
Tips: The verb zählen is used to express the action of counting. It is a common and straightforward verb used in various contexts, from simple counting to more complex calculations. It is an essential verb to know for everyday conversations and practical situations.
Similar: rechnen (to calculate), auszählen (to tally, to enumerate)